Thursday, July 23, 2015

Man had 1,200 guns and two tons of ammunition. Died anyway.

Courtesy of Mediaite: 

The Los Angeles Police Department is looking into the death of a man whose decomposing body was found in his car just a short drive away from his Pacific Palisades condo. When authorities looked around his house, however, they were astonished to find that the deceased was packing some serious heat. 

The L.A. Times reported that LAPD Cmdr. Andrew Smith was “staggered” to find approximately 1,200 guns and two tons of ammunition inside the man’s house and garage. Officers found that many of the guns still had their packaging and price tags, and the mint-condition pieces ranged from handguns, to shotguns, to sniper rifles. 

“Our truck couldn’t carry it all,” Smith said. “We had to go back and make another trip.”

Here is more from NBC Los Angeles: 

"The boxes of ammunition were out behind the garage and they were just lots of them, piled at least 8-feet tall, and the pile just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger," said a neighbor, who did not want to be identified. 

Police were trying to determine the origin of the guns and whether they were legally being kept at the home.

And even more from the LA Times:

Several neighbors said the man was known only as “Bob” in the local area and described him as a gun fanatic who claimed to have worked covertly for either the FBI or the CIA. His fiancée had lived in the town home on Palisades Drive for years, they said. 

“He'll say crazy things to people like he does night missions swimming to Catalina,” said one neighbor, who declined to give her name, saying she was afraid. “He would come … and tell us he would show us self-defense moves.” 

Gee, I wonder what talk radio programs and cable news programs THIS guy watched?


  1. For some reason, this post made me zone in on Olympia Dukakis 28 years ago in Moonstruck, and her realization of why men, including her philandering husband, chase women: "because they fear death."

    I suppose I belong to that gentler time when how much ass you could notch was your thumbnose to the Reaper. Amassing firepower seems a piss-poor substitute to me.

    1. Anonymous3:59 AM

      Obviously you never had great sex with a hollow point.

  2. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Guy died from a double hernia, caused by carrying too much ammo.

  3. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Frightening to think there are people like this (i.e. gun 'collectors') in every town. This guy should have been on the local police department's radar. Especially with guns and ammo being delivered in such vast quantities. Or did he purchase them locally? He must have kept a gun shop owner very happy.

  4. Catalina is 26 miles off the coast of L.A.
    Some "night swim" -- like doing the English Channel.

    1. hauksdottir12:09 PM

      Night swims to Cuba, or other country, regarded as a threat to American interests would make a passable story, but Catalina? What could possibly be on Catalina to trigger a nut-case's imaginary "missions"? Souvenir postcards from a tourist trap as a signalling device?

      His fiancée needs to be questioned. (Could she live in a house with 1200 guns, and not notice?) Also, we are assuming that those are HIS guns.

      What was his job? Did he write the weaponry off as a business expense? Unexplained absences? Travel? Was he a dealer? Member of a militia? Follower of Glenn Beck or Ron Paul?

      What else did he hoard?

      Of course, there is the matter of his death. Understanding his life might yield clues as to why as well as how. And provide backstory for the film script.

  5. Anonymous6:39 AM

    The obvious explanation is that he was an agent for Bureau 13.

  6. Gun ownership and a perverted, sick obsession with guns are quite different, something I wish gun rights advocates would spend more time talking about.

  7. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Headline is great!

  8. Anonymous8:26 AM

    It's the same phenomenon as all hoarders. These people fill a void in their life with things, clothes, guns and ammo, cats, whatever. Insert the word "cat" for gun and "dog" for ammo and it isn't as scary or funny. Before we spend too much time making fun remember this isn't a gun story, it's a mental illness story.

  9. Someone on Yahoo news said he was a competitive shooter that had won awards or something.

    Still doesn't explain the obsessive acquisition of guns and ammo. Unless he believed all that Obama's coming for your guns crap.

    If he fired a different gun every day it would take him over 3 years to circle through his collection.

    And ammo doesn't last forever. I'm sure a lot of that stuff is already bad.

    Now there is a fight over the guns. Apparently the family signed them over to the police until they found out how much they were worth. Now they want them back and the police refuse.

    I'm wondering if whoever signed them over had the authority to do so. If those guns were in the will, then there may be a court battle. Of course by that time the police will have sold them or melted them down or whatever. The family will see squat.

    All I can say is YAY, 1200 more guns out of circulation.

  10. Anonymous1:01 PM

    There is a lot more both known and still unknown in this story and gryphen's piss poor job of selectively choosing info from various sources is shameful. First of all the man's name is Jeffrey Alan Lash not Bob. I knew that much over 24 hrs ago. I despise guns, hunting and all of that stuff, but come on! I hope people don't use IM as their sole news source. Crap like this post make all liberals look bad.

  11. Anita Winecooler5:34 PM

    I wonder what he died from? How many trigger fingers did this guy have? 1200 guns? What for? And the ammo stored out behind the garage? You'd think, living in a condo, someone would have noticed two tons of ammo and/or called the police. My daughter lives in a condo, and she's bound by the Condo Associations' rules and bylaws, she's not allowed to have window air conditioning units, clothes lines, can't paint the exterior without using approved colors, nor have more than ten guests in her unit, any more and she has to use the clubhouse etc. etc.

  12. They need to give them to RICK, he's gonna need them after the way the season finally of the walking dead ended LOL JK -


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