Wednesday, July 22, 2015

To close out our day here is the last interview that President Obama will give on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Click infectious smile to play video.
Courtesy of Rolling Stone:  

President Barack Obama joined Jon Stewart on The Daily Show for the seventh and final time Tuesday, and the president, with 18 months left in his term, sat down for an episode-long discussion with the host whose two weeks away from ending his own tenure. Obama's first order of business on The Daily Show was alerting the audience that he's issuing an executive order stating that Stewart can't leave the show. However, "it's being challenged in the courts." 

After wondering whether the president was suffering from "Senioritis," Stewart first asked Obama why many of his significant endeavors – universal health care, the Iran nuclear deal – have happened with just one year left in his presidency. 

"There's no doubt that you get better as you go along. It's like any other job," Obama said, acknowledging Stewart's own role as Daily Show host. "But what I do think has happened is a lot of the work we did early starts bearing fruit later. And it just so happened that over the last couple months that people are seeing some of the work that we started way back when I first came in." 

I like the idea that Obama planted the seeds of his most recent victories back when the Republicans were working overtime to block everything he did, and that these things simply skated right past their goalie Mitch McConnell.

I have to say that I thought this was less like an interview, than it was a conversation between two old friends.

And I also take heart with the fact that the President has stated on television, for everybody to hear, that he is working to keep Stewart on the show, and as we have seen fairly recently the man is certainly a force to be reckoned with.

Besides if Jon Snow can be resurrected from the dead, then why can't Jon Stewart?


  1. Anonymous5:22 PM

    We were so lucky to have that smart, dedicated, hard-working man as our President. We were also so lucky to have Jon Stewart reporting the news.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Lol. Lalaland.

    2. Anonymous3:06 AM

      7:02, are you describing your current state of mind?

  2. LOL! Remember how Sarahskank tried to convince people that quitting her job was because she could do more as a citizen than as a "lame duck", or some bullshit like that? That "lame duck" was her. After all these years, she IS that dead fish going with the flow.
    I am forever grateful that because of Sarah, McCain lost.

  3. Anonymous5:28 PM

    You got it right Gryph, like two old friends. John and Barack will be great losses. To think how much good our Prez could have done withe even a little help from the FUCKIN JAGOFF repubs is very frustrating. Please John don't leave at least until Chump is elimatided in one way or another.

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      I loved Stephen Colbert, there is no one else like him covering politics today. Losing Stewart as well definitely marks the end of an era.

      As far as Jon Snow, I never believed he was truly dead, he is too big a part of the story. He is the "ice" in the "Tale of Fire and Ice" so to lose one of the main characters in the story would rather damage the story arc. Jon is a warg, one who can inhabit the body of other creatures, so I think he went into the body of another animal, most likely his dire wolf Ghost when he was attacked. As well, Melisandre, the red witch/priestess, is hanging out at the wall and she can work magic with royal blood and it is often hinted that Jon Snow has Targaryen blood.

  4. Obama bothers no one but the truly ignorant, racist and hateful. For those of us who count ourselves intelligent, and always seek to become more so, he has fostered a steady supply of peace of mind that is priceless. Yes, he might have done much more without being hampered by racists in expensive suits, but he is nevertheless destined to be remembered among the very greats.

  5. Anonymous6:19 PM


  6. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Two GREAT guys!!!

  7. Anita Winecooler6:53 PM

    I loved his "executive order" line. That's gotta leave a mark on the clown car posse'. I'm going to miss both these men, especially President Obama.

  8. Anonymous7:25 PM

    6:02. Well stated.

  9. A night later, I caught a clip of Rubio denouncing Trump as classless and unfit for the presidency, "like the current occupant of The White House."

    Rubio's comment exhibits no self-awareness whatsoever that he
    himself shows an equal amount of classlessness by making such a comment. One can't talk about respect without showing respect.

    1. Rubio is nothing more than a dehydrated nitwit. Add water and he's still a little twerp.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.