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Courtesy of Palin's Facebook page. |
How is a child "taken" when it was the mother's decision to terminate the pregnancy?
It almost sounds to me is if Palin is working though her shame over past regrets. My dad used to get really drunk and call me up to do the same.
I think she has just about completely lost it, and this campaign against Planned Parenthood is only dredging up long buried feelings and serving to drive her deeper and deeper into despair.
And her daughter is right there with her, only in her case she seems to be suffering more from a lack of information about biology and sex education than anything else.
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Found on Bristol's Pikore account. |
Now things have become somewhat more convoluted.
As for life ending when the heart stops, has Bristol never taken a CPR class because there are plenty of people walking around today whose hearts have stopped at least once.
I swear these two women are like poster children representing the dangers of excessive religiosity and inadequate education.
Here Bristol has one child that she once identified as a mistake providing cover for the newest pregnancy that she once identified as a disappointment.
Caption: Flying with dad today 🎣🌲🗻
Such a good example for women contemplating what to about an unplanned pregnancy, don't you think?
Somewhat off topic I also recently stumbled across #Palin2016 hashtag on Twitter that has to be seen to be believed.
Can you believe that people are still urging her to run right in the middle of her nervous breakdown?
What never ceases to amaze me is how someone's personal decision to choose whether to have a baby or not, becomes a platform to rob others of the opportunity to make that very same decision.
ReplyDeleteWhat assholes!!!
Just because their decision worked (or didn't work) for them does not give them any right to force their decision on someone else.
This makes me furious!
I am also getting tired of them forcing their so- called morals on the rest of us. Take away birth control, take away abortions, take away heath care.
DeleteBut god forbid we take away their guns.
I can't believe this is 2015 in the USA and every election year we hear the same old crap. I lived in Italy for many years, a country where the Catholic church has weaved its web into the government/politics. Not once did I hear take away abortions/birth control.
As said in a previous thread their sudden obsession with this is just another one of their deflection tactics. Everyone look over there and ignore my ever growing stomach. Remember, I chose life
DeleteNot only that, but also a detraction from the just published 234 pages of the financial report of her PAC!
Delete"I think she has just about completely lost it, and this campaign against Planned Parenthood is only dredging up long buried feelings and serving to drive her deeper and deeper into despair."
Or if her daughter was smart enough to use Birth-control, she wouldn't have four bastard grandchildren...that we know of!
The Palins and their buds are fucking morons! Any of them. All of them. "God's grace" is their comfort for all the ugly things they say and do. How about you all just start thinking for yourselves, live your life, and stop telling the rest of the world how to live theirs?
ReplyDeleteIs that a photo of the King woman?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, if it is ---that woman had too many abortions because
she couldn't manage to take a pill or close her damned legs.
She had enough children to field a football team. She terminated her pregnancies because it made since for her life at the time. But eff everyone else and their choices.
She regrets it now because the deranged witch can grift from the likes of FAUX, regretting it all the way to the bank.
And fuck Sarah Palin---she couldn't give two hard shits about African American children. I am truly sick of this grifting shitbag. She needs to get a lock on her daughter spewing children out like some damned baby fountain and stay the hell away from the world.
Does Bristles regret having SO many babies, then giving them away? How will she explain this to Tripp when he starts asking questions about all the babies, and trial daddies? Holier than thou $carah should find another way to make a living, apart from other people's money. Her coffers are drying up faster than she is!!
ReplyDeleteShe's far from the only single mother. Kids understand dating at an earlier age than you think. The two clearly have a good relationship. Your comment is meddlesome.
DeleteMeddlesome? No, meddlesome if the anti-contraception Palin women telling everyone else how to live their lives. And sorry, but she is the most promiscuous single mother I have ever seen.
DeleteMeddlesome? In what respect, Alicia?
Delete10:56 Isn't there a Paln ass that needs kissing? Time you stop trolling here and get to your knees and kiss kiss, kiss.
Delete@10:56 AM Kids also can see that their Mother is pregnant at an earlier age than you think. Like Tripp saw his Mother at DWTS and in Arizona, and at Disneyland in 2 different years. Your trolling is meddlesome.
Also, remember, Tripp already talked about his 'baby sister' a year or so ago. And Bri$$y immediately 'corrected' and said ' what he meant is his baby siTTer, not baby siSter' (But he repeated about his baby SISTER...) that reminds me of that butterfly baby blanket that she left in the house that was rented out to someone else...
DeleteNot a troll, but 11:59, how in hell does anyone get pregnant from that Disney photo? You can't even see her stomach. And yes, I know she uses Tripp to hide and deflect pregnancy bellies, but that doesn't mean she's doing it here. Is there a blown up version of this photo that I haven't seen?
DeleteIs Bristol Palin attempting to set a record for giving birth to bastard babies? When some of her babies grow up, their question for Bristol will be 'Who is my Daddy, Mommy'? 'Was that me in your belly on DWTS in 2010? Was I born before Tripp? I saw pictures of you from 2006 pregnant and from 2010 pregnant, and at Disneyland pregnant, which one was me, Mommy? Bristol's answer,"don't be a liberal giddy asshole, those pictures were photo shopped, your Daddy is ummmmmmm, I'll tell you later".
ReplyDeleteThe barrage of anti-abortion, anti-Planned Parenthood posts coming from both of the Palins seems to have a couple of ulterior purposes.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin needs a shtick to try to make herself relevant again.
Bristol needs something to pushback against the scathing reception of her two contradictory posts announcing her pregnancy.
Their recent posts fit the bill. Sarah can screech and pat herself on the back about her pro-life creds. She can try to claim the mantle of righteousness from all those baby-hatin' libruls dining on Chianti and fetal tissue when they are not throwing granny to the death panels. After all, no one is paying attention to her political yammerings. It wowed the stunned stupid in 2008, but I don't think it will fly today.
Bristol can try to paint herself not as a hypocritical and promiscuous easy lay, but as a noble protector of life. The issue is then transformed from unwed Bristol is preggers again by... somebody, to Bristol would never abort her baby any more than the Virgin Mary would.
Both of these dipshits have received a ton of bad press in the past year as demonstrated by the plunging SarahPAC revenues. Maybe they received a shit ton of envelopes with letters rather than donations explaining why the donor could no longer in good conscience donate to dear old Sister Saree's Travelin' Salvation Show.
Agreed, Nefer, I think this has waaaay more to do with what's growing inside the promiscuous prima donna than anything. My vote is still bi-racial.
DeleteBut will we ever see this baby? Or will they make it disappear?
DeleteCBJ is helping to find a lily white blond haired blue eyed replacement for Bristol's Aftadark progeny.
DeleteI don't recall seeing such an over done maniac response as is happening with the Palin brand over planning and pregnancy. Poor Bristol is not even functioning, she just gave up her identity.
DeleteI don't think Dakota is a contender and Joey has dropped off the planet, they are not even attempting to put this disappointment on him.
That leaves every other male. Bristol's secret life, bars or her BFF's friends.
I am going with the last one. I have no clue about the bi-racial part but it is possible.
I can believe either CBJ, the French adoption connection or Franklin Graham or the like... I can see some trafficking a part of the Palins.
The part where Bristol Blog wanted people to join her to stop Facebook and Planned Parenthood from human trafficking got me.
So where is all this Bristol stopping human trafficking? Did she quit already? They did put some effort into the Hobby Lobby deal, and she had some half ass book reading deal.
Does she want people to think she cares or is serious about stopping Facebook, Planned Parenthood and human trafficking?
She needs to look real and serious or their entire mess about abortion is going to blow up in their faces. It will anyway, but the Bristol part is only making it worse.
Sarah Palin in some gigantic self sabotaging scheme. This one is like a major breakdown.
This is all Nancy and $arah. What is Bristol going to do about it? All she does is post fish faces and hand out with the exotic tramp.
DeleteLike any SarahPAC money grab. Help us do "what," exactly? What a crock of absolute crap.
That's right, $arahbitch, abortion was just FINE for you....but no one else.
ReplyDeleteAnd far as your hashtag site? Of course you have more intelligence than all of Congress combined. You keep thinking that, airhead. Sheesh.
She thinks her sex secrets are to die for! Be careful now Sarah! Overdose!
DeleteI heard Brissie finally settled on a name. If it's a girl.
ReplyDeletePolly Esther.
I'll miss Cletus.
DeleteIf its a girl how about Cletoris?
DeleteI'm soooo late to the party. But these have me rolling on the floor.
DeleteFlying somewhere? Who will take her place at Dr. Jack's office?
ReplyDeleteWillow, when she gets back from her vaca. Arizona, Cabo or whereev this wk.
DeleteSarah Palin is pro-choice. She wants to make the choice for the pregnant woman. Sarah Palin says her choice is a better one than the one the pregnant woman will make. Sarah Palin has made a massive number of bad choices in her life. With her track record, it's laughable that her choice should take priority.
ReplyDeleteAnd, until and if, the Supreme Court changes, the right to choose abortion is guaranteed. De-funding Planned Parenthood (and other providers for low-income women) will only force more poor women to have babies they do not want or force them to the back alley abortionists. Wealthy women can go to Canada and overseas.
The net will be close to the same number of abortions as now, and a lot more DEAD women (from botched abortions).
For those of us who matured before Roe v. Wade, we had friends who visited back alley abortionists, or tried the knitting needle/open coat hanger route -- with complications, incredible pain from botched abortions. Those with money were always able to go elsewhere to get their abortions; while most resorted to life-threatening means. Desperate women have and will always resort to desperate means in desperate times.
DeleteMy great grandmother died from a home abortion, leaving my grandfather motherless at a very very young age, then abused by a truly deranged stepmother. Very sad. My grandmother tried a DIY home abortion and nearly bled to death. I'm sure my family is no different than many others. These were catholic Italian immigrants who did not want to be cranking out a kid a year last century.
DeleteSame thing happened to my mother. After 6 kids, my father got a neighbor pregnant. My mother wanted to leave, but where could she go with all those kids, and no skills to work. So, she stayed, got pregnant again and a neighbor told her about a pill to solve the "problem" She almost bled to death. Later she got pregnant with me, and was afraid to try that pill again, so here I am. Not exactly welcomed like a bundle of joy. This is why I am all for women not having babies they do not want. Not all of them have Bristle Palin's choices as to which relative to palm them off on, while Momma foots all the bills.
DeleteFlying with dad today......
ReplyDeleteIs she talking about Todd, Levi, or the father of her latest?
This guy?
Did Todd get the right license to fly a passenger?
DeleteI don't think I would want to fly with Junker either.
No, Toad did not change his license. He only got himself the plane from that Xtian group, the Samaritans Purse or whatever they are called. But did not think he needed to update his license.
DeleteWhen Nancy Friday began her research for My Mother/My Self in the early 1970’s no work existed that explored the unique interaction between mother and daughter. Today psychotherapists throughout the world acknowledge that if women are to be able to love without possessing, to find work that fulfills them, and to discover their full sexuality, they must first acknowledge their identity as separate from their mother’s. Nancy Friday’s book played a major role in that acceptance. The greatest gift a good mother can give remains unquestioning love planted deep in the first year of life, so deep and anassailable that the tiny child grown to womanhood is never held back by the fear of losing that love, no matter what her own choice in love, sexuality, or work may be.
ReplyDeleteThrough candid self-disclosure and hundreds of interviews, Friday investigates a generational legacy and reveals the conflicting feelings of anger, hate, and love the daughter’s hold for their mothers–and why they so often “become” that mother themselves. (less)
I don't regret my abortion! I'm glad I had it and I've always been glad I had it. The only thing I regret is I'm too much of a chickenshit to sign my name to this post. But being pro-life to the Sarah Palin crowd has absolutely nothing to do with life.
ReplyDeleteI had an abortion in college. It was a little hard but bringing a child into my life at that point would've been bad
DeleteI had one too - as a teenager! Have absolutely no regrets in having done so and would do it again at that age were it needed.
DeleteContraception truly is the name of the game!
Only difference in having an abortion today is that health care is far better than when I had mine. When I had it done it was illegal.
This College? http://www.zoominfo.com/c/Flagler-College/25905248
I get what you are doing here!
Luv it!
"If we are pronounced dead when our heart stops"? Then there would be many unexplained 'come back to life' events. How stupid are the Palin ghostwriters? Hearts stop and start again, but don't confuse the Palins and their ghostwriters with facts. Bristol is too mentally challenged to grasp anything without help from others. Bristol Palin should be an expert on pregnancies, she has had several since 2006. Where are the babies? Only Sarah and Bristol can tell you. Multiple sealed birth and medical records are more secret than a C.I.A. operation. The Palins have a lot to hide.
ReplyDeleteWhat about patients on ECMO Bris??
DeleteAre they dead?
Look it up.
Does Dick Cheney even have a heart to stop?
DeletePalin was skeert someone was going to blab about her abortions from getting knocked up so she decided to get ahead of the story and front her "Wite-outs" in Going Rogue. One seed was an affair - the other seed was indeed Todd's.
DeleteIt's like Good says come in from the cold. Abort the baby then ask for forgiveness. It's cool. Right Lou Sarah? You had to "travel" for your procedures.
ReplyDeleteIt is my understanding that the brain is the core organ responsible for life, not the heart. People on life support can have a beating heart, but when the brain waves are nonexistent, then a person is considered to no longer be viable. I'm not a medical person, so perhaps someone will correct me if this is not the case.
ReplyDeleteWell, if the brain is the most essential organ for life, Bristol and Sarah would have to be declared dead as there is certainly no sign of intelligent activity in the cavity between their ears.
DeleteThe brain is. Exactly. The heart works independent of the brain but all else in the body is about the brain and spinal cord.
DeleteThank you for the clarification.
DeleteBristol obviously never took a biology class or ever read the news. When her grandfather Chuck had heart surgery, did they stop his heart and have his blood filtered mechanically while they performed the surgery? They don't usually operate on a beating heart, so when they stopped Chuck's heart, was he dead?
ReplyDeleteHow about someone who falls in the water and drowns, and then, it's a miracle,thanks to CPR, he can breathe again. Was he dead? Teri Schiavo was totally brain dead but her heart kept beating. Do you call that life?
The fetal heart that is beating at 6 week is not the four chambered heart that sends blood to the lungs to be oxygenated, then returned to the heart to be pumped throughout the body. That doesn't happen until the baby is born (and gets a slap on the back to get him to start breathing).
Excellent posting!
DeleteWay too literal
DeleteI believe even the Bible identifies life as 'the first breath.' Too bad none of these hateful people can read.
Delete10:52 AM Way to complicated for you, troll. Are you still pissed at being exposed by a comment the other day? It 'sucks' to be caught. Your lies eventually catch up with you. Why pretend to be a Palin insider? Why not befriend them and join the KKKlan? You're not invited? You are too crazy for the Palins? That must sting.
DeleteWay too literal, 10:52 AM??? Snort!
DeleteThat's how it works, darlin.' Deal with it.
Sarah probably was hoping he would die
DeleteIs she flying somewhere to have the latest child? Instead of attacking PP she should be encouraging women NOT to have sex without protection, or to try to TRAP someone into marriage. After all these babies, surely she has to have figured THAT out?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Bristol has any regrets about being an unwed teen mother, missing out on all the fun times that her pals were having.
ReplyDeleteTripp has basically been Bristol's ATM. She doesn't regret anything.
Deletemissing out on all the fun times that her pals were having.
You are funny, sounds like her life is one giant drunken party.
I figured she wanted kids partly because of being a natural nurturer and partly because all her friends had kids. I'm shocked she didn't choose to have her second before now. She's clearly had the chance
Delete"A natural nurturer." Oh, you're funny.
DeleteI know, right? I just can't comprehend why Bristol called this baby Huge Disappointment since she loves babies so much and all her friends are pregnant out of wedlock also too. Just doesn't make sense for a girl who loves babies so much to be so depressed about this little mistake.
I'm a little surprised that this one didn't end up wherever the DWTS baby ended up. Poor girl, can't keep her knees together but also can't seem to snag any of the baby daddies.
She seems so miserable about Huge Disappointment yet disparages Planned Parenthood which helps to AVOID Huge Disappointments with birth control and education. That little gal just ain't got much goin' on upstairs, in fact she's got a little too much goin' on downstairs because the upstairs is empty.
She wanted the first kid for the same reasons any 16-year old girl chooses to have a kid: to piss off her parents, to be a "grown up," to separate herself from her family, to get a boy to love her forever, or to have a living doll who would love her unconditionally.
DeleteChoose any or all of the above.
DeleteWho says Bristol still isn't enjoying the party lifestyle? Joey Junker got on her in February for drinking champagne in an instagram photo...wonder why Joey was so concerned about Bristol having alcohol? I'd also have to say that Bristol lived an entire LIFETIME of partying during "The Brawl"; she did more drinking and fighting that night than normal people do in a lifetime! It's probably best that she lay off the partying, whether pregnant or not, because she seems to get a little out of hand when she gets drunked up and stoned.
Party, booze, dope none of it new or unique to a family with addiction problems.
DeleteNo wonder abstinence failed.
Could she remember anything?
Just because they were only found out once, it doesn't mean there were not thousands of drunken brawls and black outs over the years.
She is Queen of Natural Nurturer of DICKS! Mmmm...pearl necklace! Altoids
DeleteAnonymous10:51 AM, she's already had her second. And her third. This is at least her fourth. Keep up!
ReplyDeleteGotta disagree with the Koch-AK article in one aspect - AFP DID successfully buy the Senate race. Lotsa money dumped for a saturation media campaign that rallied the low-info right wingers and resonated with a lot of low-info fence-sitting non-partisans with conservative leanings. Biggest spending ever in a US Senate race here. Not even counting all the dark money. Money talks.
DeleteIf it's any comfort, the puppet masters didn't even consider Palin as a viable candidate this time around. Not even close. In fact, a Palin candidacy was laughed about.
I so wish we Alaskans would do away with the Permanent Fund Dividend. If we did the Glenn Hwy. would be jammed going south with low info mouth breathers leaving in droves, most of whom relocated up here for that and that alone.
DeletePersonally I'd rather see the PFD earnings go towards >>RESPONSIBLE<< infrastructure ..
They side lined Hollis French for $$$... Buy some time...shift that money...fry those files....oh hurry up already! Lol...
DeleteThe pro-lifers made Sarah, and she made them throw up with her Belmont Girls, fright wigs, and teenager wardrobe.
ReplyDeleteThe pro-lifers made Bristol, and she made them throw up with her $300 sunglasses, $800 heels, and $1500 totes.
Both are drowning in desperation.
Sarah and Bristol told the pro-lifers to kiss their fat asses. Now both are kissing that pro-life ass for forgiveness. Not good enough. The diva wannabes need to get down on their knees and beg.
It's time to shed tears.
The pro-lifers are thirsty.
Expecting a companion photo, same African-American woman holding a sign reading: "I Regret the South Lost".
ReplyDeleteWild Tortoise
Dear Pastor Palin:
ReplyDeleteIt seems you're in the minority among godly people --
Numerous Christian denominations and religious groups agree that the bible does not condemn abortion and that abortion should continue to be legal. These include:
American Baptist Churches-USA
American Ethical Union
American Friends (Quaker) Service Committee
American Jewish Congress
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Episcopal Church
Lutheran Women's Caucus
Moravian Church in America-Northern Province
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Unitarian Universalist Association
United Church of Christ
United Methodist Church
United Synagogue of America
Women's Caucus Church of the Brethren
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Catholics for Free Choice
Evangelicals for Choice
Hard to believe, especially the Baptist.
DeleteThe Bible says that life begins with "the first breath."
ReplyDeleteFetuses don't breathe and cannot breathe. They aren't alive.
Life ends with "the last breath." It says nothing about hearts stopping or starting.
One of the many bibles that been written by many different people of many different religious opinions may say that. But the Christian bible is most certainly not the only bible that people should read. So quoting a single bible at people is rather pointless, annoying, etc.
DeleteJust think about how really annoying it is to have people spout quotes at you from the Book of Moron or the Quran and preface it with "the bible" as if their's was the only bible worth reading.
Clearly 10:22 was referring to the "Bible" that the Palins claim they adore. And they think it's the only one.
DeleteMy father-in-law had a pace maker. When he was dead, his heart continued to beat until the nurse stopped the pace maker.
DeleteBible was wrote by drunks and whores!
DeleteSarah is starting to sound an awful lot like a minister. Is she going to branch off into religion like Huckabee? I'll bet she's already researched how much money she can make if she goes that route. Probably declare her house a church and avoid paying taxes on donations. The Duggars have shown her the way.
ReplyDeleteThat would be a huge mistake. Too many things out there that reflect her not being a true Christian! Makes me laugh even thinking about it. She'd fall flat on her face as she has everything else in her life!
DeleteIt's all part of the roll-out of the "book" of religious platitudes coming out at Christmas.
DeleteFlawed Christians make the best televangelists, dontcha know?
DeleteNot wearing seatbelts in the plane.
ReplyDeleteShe was only posing. She was sick. Why would she fly at all? Todd didn't even have to be there for a picture so I don't get why they are doing that message.
DeleteSo she looks sick when she posed. So what?
Where is Todd?
A donation to Planned Parenthood right now will go a long way. Numbers -- both in dollars and number of donors -- will say a lot.
ReplyDeleteMake a donation in Bri$$y's name...
DeleteAlso, in Sarah's name. Everyone should do it!!!! What a kick!
DeleteDon't forget Nancy French!
DeleteSarah has a lot of respect for the sanctity of life, that is why Trig is still eating baby food at 8-9 years old, he also can speak, read and write and he enjoys being a part of a family that takes him on airplane rides to go fishing with his younger brother.
ReplyDeleteSince when is Two-Toned-Toad licensed to fly multi-passenger planes?
ReplyDeleteHe can fly anyone he likes as long as they aren't paying passengers.
DeleteSince when is he not?
Deletetaud can fly passengers, but not for pay...
part of his deal with the Lodge was that he would upgrade his lic. he didn't hold up his end of the deal
so they gave him the boot....
One thing we know for sure...NO PALIN EVER PAYS!
DeleteWouldn't lack of sex Ed mean one gets pregnant without knowing how and freaking out? There have been numerous cases where parents like this end up killing their young offspring because of intense stress or they think it's the only way out of their predicament. I remember a story a few years ago where a 19 year old drove her kids into a lake.
ReplyDeleteThis is why candies and other organizations discuss contraception and why they invite panelists to talk to teens about real life decisions before shit happens.
I think Sarah is just hopping on the PP bandwagon. Isn't that what she does?
She did once say "the strongest person is one who's lost a child and can get out of bed in the morning." I think just after the campaign. Didn't she have miscarriages? That can be devastating if they happen in the second trimester. When I read that, I've always wondered if that's because she's so clingy to Bristol and piper specifically. Losing a child termination or "gods will" can feel like the same thing. It's still circling around th notion that there was once someone in your belly and then not.
I am prolife to an extent. But in the sense that I want people to think of things beyond instant gratification and make decisions while thinking about the ramifications. I'd hate for someone to be reckless , take The easy route and live forever with regrets. Has any prolifers actually said they want to delegalize abortion?
You have got to be kidding. What do you think this whole move to shut down PP and any other clinics that provide safe and legal abortions is all about? I have news for you...the recklessness takes place long before the choice to have an abortion. Women of my generation have had safe, legal abortions available as a choice. I haven't met one (and I know many) who has regretted that choice. Teen pregnancy is an epidemic in Alaska. Imagine Halloween night seeing kids trick or treating with a baby (or two) on their hips. And most of those babies grow up to do the exact same thing. Being a pregnant teen is not an anomaly up here. It is status quo. And in my opinion that is what is reckless. These girls don't give up their babies for adoption. They keep them and demand custody from each and every baby daddy as well as trying to live on low income jobs because they don't even finish high school. I could go on and on and on. I am sure that some women regret having an abortion but they never say they regret having had the choice.
Delete"Has any prolifers actually said they want to delegalize abortion"
DeleteWell, duh, yes they have.
Congrats on being pro-life. Be sure to back that up will working hard to make sure women only get pregnant when they choose and have the financial, and emotional support to bring a child to term.
And, of course, give a thought to the women and girls made pregnant by rape. Someone made a choice for them. They weren't necessarily "reckless" and they are likely to be poor and desperately in need of the services provided by clinics like Planned Parenthood.
Sorry, you sound kind of addled.
DeleteAlicia, you poor thing, tying yourself up into a little kewpie doll pretzel to support Sarah and Bristol (and Candies).
DeleteA miscarriage can be devastating in the second trimester? You are an ASS and have no idea what you're talking about. Every woman I've known who's miscarried at ANY stage of pregnancy has been devastated.
DeleteFrom what I've seen, there's no comparison between a miscarriage -- losing, through no choice or action of your own, a pregnancy you want -- and abortion. Women of my acquaintance who have chosen abortion are happy with their decision.
135 Sarah
DeleteGrand Old Party is old alright....dying due to brain dead leaders and voters like Palin and her ilk. Now coming to abortion..how hypocritical is it that if a rich white girl like Bristol sleeps around and gets knocked up she gets to write a book but millions of poor black or white girls are lectured on their lack of morals.
ReplyDeleteIn the penultimate edition of the Sarah Palin Fartknocker Report, Presented By Fartknocker, Sarah Palin is pretty sure she’s being silenced by duh, who else, “the left.” Also too, if you need a movie recommendation, Sarah would like to put in a good word for McFarland USA, an inspirational sports story about family, long-distance running, and benevolent white paternalism. Paired together, these two videos are no more incoherent than anything else Palin’s done with her dumb fake television channel whut is on the Internet, so let’s just get to the blockquoting.
ReplyDeleteWell in my lifetime, I’ve never seen a greater attack on free speech.
What!? Where!?
Too often we see people on the left attempting to silence those who disagree with them. Of course, they only want their voice to be the only voice [sic; always sic] that’s heard. Sadly, all too many Americans are jumping on their bandwagon, kinda not knowing what else to do.
Yes, it’s a grand conspiracy between “people on the left” and the sheeple who, perforce, refuse to wake up. You want evidence? Why, it’s all around you. The examples are too numerous to mention, though one of them reportedly represents the single greatest attack on free speech in Sarah Palin’s lifetime. Certainly, Palin will tell us which particular attack was so egregious as to warrant that HuffPo-headline of an opening sentence.
They’re rejecting free speech whenever they get angry or have their feelings hurt.
Dammit, “they,” you’re killing us out here. Why are you thought-criming Sarah Palin’s CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to free speech, “they?”
That’s not democracy, and it’s certainly not tolerance.
Getting shouted down by a big group of people who don’t like your bigoted bullshit—and let’s stop tip-toeing around here; Palin’s evidence-free screed is about bigots being upset that they’re being called bigots just because they’re bigoted—is actually sort of the definition of democracy. Majoritarian rule isn’t as much fun when you’re not in the majority, huh Sarah?
So yeah, here’s the whole video if you want to experience all the comfort of red-hot pokers through your retinas with none of the acrid stench of burning flesh.
Brissie and Sarah are screaming pro life creds to justify their multiple fuck ups.
ReplyDeleteMay be PP will release records of ALL those abortions! All of em!
DeleteWhy are Bristol's eyebrows 3/4 of an inch above her very big (and probably expensive) sunglasses?
ReplyDeleteIs she making one of her silly faces or have the eyebrows been surgically enhanced?
Does she ever smile? It appears she's trying to be Kim Kardashian 2.0, but, first, she's failing at it, and, second, why would anyone want that as a goal?
Wasn't she happy with what God gave her in the first place? He liked the chin she had, that's why he made it that way.
She is trying on scary Halloween masks early this year.
Add "brow lift" to all the other work she's had done.
DeleteSupposedly she is borrowing Willblow's glasses, who said she bought them for $9.99 in NY at some road stand.
DeleteThe weight of the world ..or more like the burden of the world ...rests upon the progressives and those that shun tradition and embrace science.
ReplyDeleteHer Pac numbers are out.
ReplyDeleteLimousine service, private jets and over 4,000 dollars in hotel room fees. Thanks SarahPac! suckers. As always almost 95% went to ..Sarah!
You know we covered this on Saturday.
DeleteDarn G you can't stop someone who really wants to go full retard.
DeleteGryphen, I can't find anything on the political earthquake superpac. I wonder if they have filed?
DeleteTime to let one of the cats out of the bag.
ReplyDeleteWhy the Wild Ride? Just what in the hell was all that overkill about anyway?
Sarah had an abortion in Texas.
Uh, no she did not. Sarah could not get pregnant.
DeleteSo now you're going full retard?
DeleteWho has an abortion and then adopts a baby the next day? Dumbass.
I'm pro-life. Nevertheless, these attention-seeking whores who need to jump on the pro-life bandwagon are only about themselves. They do it for points, likes, awards, attention, do it for clickbait for their blogs, their popularity in the polls, etc.
ReplyDeleteMost pro-lifers are religious and it goes against life, any life, that God created. Now the couple make the decision and when a child is conceived, it is, according to scripture, God that breathes life into that being.
It is up to the mother. She will have to go with her conscience and belief system. If pro-lifers want to criminalize the act, what are they waiting for? Why aren't they storming their Representatives offices and demanding change in laws? They tried and got defeated, and their GOP and Tea Party reps are not going to create waves. If Sarah Palin and her ilk want to change laws, RUN. Do we see Sarah running? No. When she had a voice, a platform, a PAC, and had the power-players at her fingertips, wanting nothing more than supporting her and begging her to run, she chose reality TV stardom, and has the nerve to accuse others in her FB post? She says, "And you can now change society for the better by selflessly serving others instead of serving one's own self".
Where is she in all of this? When did she take the best opportunity she was served and do something selfless with it????? Here she sits doing not one damn thing.
Pro-choice and pro-life are not opposites. Anyone who is not a pathological murderer or depressed beyond help is pro-life. Pro-choice is not anti-life.
DeleteI would bet that Sarah and Bristol have had abortions. Possibly Willow too! Would not surprise any of us one bit!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't care less if Willow has had abortions. If she knows she isn't ready to be a parent, then good for her for choosing responsibly. It's a hell of a lot better than Bristol using one child as a ticket to fame and pumping out a bunch of others she can't even acknowledge or, most recently, refers to as a disappointment.
DeleteAs far as I know, Willow has never spoken publicly against abortion or made a penny telling other people not to have sex. So her personal moral choices are none of our business.
Bristol and Sarah, OTOH.. open season on the hypocrites.
In essence, Sarah is asking women who regret having abortions to send her money so that she can encourage them to advocate for the unborn.
ReplyDeleteJust once, could Brissy take a selfie of Tripp in a vehicle while he's properly restrained? She appears to have her harness on...why is he able to throw himself in her lap? I'd assume that she cannot buckle him in once she's in..so does he have the run of the plane? Or is he flying the thing with Granpa? or maybe he just took his first solo flight? Bristol, you may be able to pop out babies, but you sure have no clue what to do with them once they arrive...just like your mama. "Live and Learn" has never applied to the Palins.
ReplyDeleteIt is possible that the plane isn't flying in that picture. Just like it is possible that the cars aren't moving in the other pictures. Although, I suspect he is never buckled up for safety.
DeleteProbably just props with them
DeleteNow everyone will see how full of BS this woman is. She's drawing sympathy and emotionalism from the christian community, talking about forgiveness to those who regret past abortions. This coming from a woman who doesn't forgive anyone, and holds vendettas and grievances in front of herself forever. She's exploiting christianity again - using God's forgiveness by taunting women to advocate and volunteer and do all the elbow grease work to fight against PP and abortion. She thinks she's the high commander of the righteous who can equip and embolden her little army of warriors to go out and fight. Who appointed her? Her precious gift from God has no one to advocate for him because she keeps him holed up, without a way to talk, eat or socialize with others or exercise his full potential. She keeps her little man far away from glaring media eyes, because she knows real caring people will notice.
ReplyDeletethe Republican Party Freak Show
ReplyDelete...And who can ignore Sarah Palin, the camel girl, the queen of stupid, whose logic lacks logic, whose morals are silhouettes on the curtain of hypocrisy and whose Christian beliefs lie somewhere between the lake of fire and castor oil? She dropped out of republican primary contention in 2012 when even she realized she was too dumb and dim-witted to be president.
O/T but so important...
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Exposes Texas Police For Murdering Sandra Bland
The Anonymous collective is enraged at the failed attempt by Waller County PD and the Texas Trooper Association to mask a blatant act of crime against an innocent woman. And we will not stand as Sandra’s death becomes another hashtag and then a statistic.
hahahahaha... these clueless Palin chicks are so full of projections in all the wrong ways.
ReplyDeleteThink about it... using the hashtag Black Lives Matter? Nothing matters to these Palin chicks but themselves.
Methinks they are felling guilty about BarStool's latest "I'm a Abstinence Goddess" fetus growing inside her re-virgin-ated womb.
So what do their advisers have left to speak on? Birth control is out of the question. Can't have that, if your a born again virgin. And if you have absolutely no culture or clue in your pasty white world, then "Black Lives Matter" is easy to grasp. NO depth of thought necessary for a dumb ass born again virgin . Easy peasy thinks the advisers. Will earn our pay from SarahPAC today. Oh and lets whip up the usual anti = Planned Parenthood for extra fluff .... thinks the advisers.
Just think folks, if the Palin chicks had to write their own stuff... Dipshit Sarah would be praising Jesus extra special, cause Barstool would have had another immaculate conception.
Think about it.... The Quitter has to save face somehow (or the advisers do). In reality, hubby is always at the toddmahal, Track is always drunk and gambling, Willow is lost in hairdye fumes, Piper isn't allowed to talk, another kid can't talk and Barstool told her mom she got preggo from a real honest to god barstool.
In my reality, I use Bristol, as a example to my daughters, of how not to be. I use four words to my girls when we see Bristol...."don't be that clueless"... I let my kids know it ain't glorious or pretty. These Palin chicks are covering up for their own clueless behavior.
DeleteThis is just Palins's way of "making lemonade out of lemons". This is Palin in all her dishonest glory. A true pathological liar. I think her daughter is one too. She thinks the pregnancy is forgotten. Actually, no one cares. This is the problem for those 2. No one cares.
ReplyDeleteThat Is the problem for paymees,getting paid to be Famous! Paymees- always the infamous,never the famous. Get a Job.
DeleteSame rhetoric from Gov Wears a dress!
DeleteI think people are misunderstanding how the government "funds" Planned Parenthood. They're not getting a huge check each year to do with what they will. Their funds come in the form of reimbursements from Medicaid and Title X grants for services that are provided to lower income women at PP facilities. Title X funds are, by law, not allowed to be used to reimburse for abortions and only certain states allow Medicaid reimbursements for abortions. So, even if Obamacare allows for their funds to be used for female reproductive services, unless you have insurance through the ACA and go to Planned Parenthood, those funds are not just going to Planned Parenthood. To "defund" Planned Parenthood, legislation would have to be introduced to prohibit Title X grants to be awarded to women who go to Planned Parenthood. There is currently NO talk, by ANY politician to introduce legislation to prohibit PP from receiving Medicaid funds which is a significantly larger portion of the federal funds PP receives. So, not only would any defunding of PP actually disenfranchise poor women from receiving proper health care, the "defunding" fight wouldn't even remove the largest portion of federal funds PP receives.
ReplyDeleteTitle X funds saved the life of a friend when she was able to get a free breast screening and mammogram and they found her cancer.
DeleteSain't Sarah and Bristol the Sex Pistol are posing like they care about pro-life just so they can get the fools to send them money for vacations. This is the only thing they have going for them because all they know is how to work on their backs and spawn.
ReplyDeleteCheese and Rice, she just continues to vomit all her psychological shit. I used to think PHDs would be granted studying her. However, I've amended my opinion on this as her psychological gives can be figured out by kids taking high school psych - and not even honors or AP level.
Keep talking Sarah :)
10 years from now kids will be reading about her mental issues and how the GOP Allowed it to destroy their party.
DeleteShe is posing but there is no way to know how long ago the picture was taken or what the original purpose.
DeleteGuess the Palins got concerned that folks here keep asking where the Toad was, thus her "Flying with dad today". Hilarious how there's no photo of the toadster though.
ReplyDeleteDo you mean that Bristol is just posing for another photo in Todd's plane?
DeleteYou would think that one of them were smart enough to make it look like Todd was there. Without a certain time stamp it doesn't exactly matter anyway. Cons are cons and they gonna con.
DeleteFrozen ground 2
Deletelol Anyone in abortion industry can get forgiven if they seek the light now...do they need to send $ 19.99 in the next 20 minutes to SarahPAC??
ReplyDeleteBristol looks like she has a parachute on in this photo. Is she afraid she will be dumped out of her dad's plane for her latest embarrassment of her mother??
ReplyDeleteUh nope. I have never regretted my abortion, not even once. Not ever. It was the right thing to do under the circumstances. No I am not in favor of abortion as a method of birth control.
ReplyDeleteAnybody out there able to enlarge the face to see what is in the reflection in Bristol's sunglasses??? I would love to know who is taking the photo? Are they even airborne?
ReplyDeleteDo they have long blond hair?
DeleteHackers Doxxed Planned Parenthood Employees – This Can’t Turn Out Well
Records! Lets see who got an abortion!
DeleteThen there's that little pesky whiteout.
ReplyDeleteAh...the fetid odor of desperation. Getting stronger every day. Poor $arah.
ReplyDeleteSarah's recent FB posts per Planned Parenthood & abortion seems to be more of CYA attempt for Bristol's pregnancy & the fact she didn't have an abortion. Palin/Bristol are silly but I think it is a way to pump Bristol up--and lessen the fact that she's pregnant out of wedlock for the second time. Bristol has enough sense to use birth control & it is hard to imagine she wasn't. Was it a way to catch a husband? Seems so.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that Bristol thought about birth control when she was impaired by wine coolers. Even her own "advice" about "pause before you play" is bs. Bristol was a neglected teen, acting out and happy to piss off Sarah, who already thought that Bristol was pregnant in the summer of 2007.
DeleteMother and Daughter talk about birth control? Ha ha! No way! Sarah took Bristol's cell phone away for a few days as punishment. That'll teach her. No, it didn't. Why would Bristol have unprotected sex?
She probably wanted a someone to love, and someone to love her. Lots of girls were having babies. Maybe Bristol thought that Levi would have to marry, even though they were still kids in school. Maybe Bristol was already pregnant when she hooked up with Dakota, and he escaped at the last minute.Maybe it's the only way that Bristol knows how to get attention, even at the expense of the child (children). Maybe she is still trying to replace the one that Sarah took from her (Trig). Maybe Bristol is too stupid or too drunk to remember to take some birth control, oops, I mean cramp pills. At this point, Bristol should have gotten an IUD, but she already said in the tabloids that she wanted to have more children. She is too immature to be a mother, let alone a wife. Those poor kids.
Oh,I sort of get it...Bristol is to be forgiven for her *mystery babies and white outs. Never mind sarah's,the focus is on bristol.Even tho Cinderella barstools wedding of the century was a Huge,hilarious Fail,it got too late and little Cletus is on his way. Now,the new Big sell is barstool is l of many who Regrets her past and has chosen Life. Enter Cletus...stage right! Are. you "Just Fishing",sarah???????Always a new grift to toss out there to grift off some poor suckers.
ReplyDeleteWon't work anymore! Folks are done with them and have more questions! Will bring investigations...after the dust settles and sex secrets are exposed! Get the striptease over! Then after that crap crawls away? We got the paperwork to review! Crimes and human rights violations are read in the courts will not be good for those that still think Alaska is Las Vegas! Gee didn't we hear the Prez will have another VISIT? Gee Sarah better hope its not....
DeleteWhere oh where is Todd? Doesn't seem like he is anywhere to be found. Did he finally have enough and leave Sarah?
ReplyDeleteOh, and by the way Sarah, the Lame Stream Media is not reporting anything you say or do anymore. So, you are getting your wish to be left alone. However, if you announced your divorce, you could easily get a week of coverage from the tabloid rags.
"I regret my abortion." I bet the fetus doesn't.
ReplyDeleteI don't regret either of mine.
ReplyDeleteI would rather you decide to have an abortion then to decide or be pressured to bring a child into the world and punish the child for existing! Thank you!
DeleteAnti-abortion group claims credit for Planned Parenthood hacking
Planned Parenthood Reportedly Hacked By "Social Justice Warriors"
I thought I remembered reading that Sarah had miscarriages, but they're listed in medical records as "spontaneous abortions" or something similar. Not being smart enough to understand the difference and/or realizing her minions weren't smart enough to understand the difference, she whited out those entries so no one would think she actually had abortions, but that made her records look more suspicious.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone else remember this? If Sarah has had abortions, then she should be hammered for the hypocrite she is. But do we know they weren't miscarriages?
Not a troll, BTW. This is an honest question.
If they Were miscarriages there would be evidence out there already to support it. And,just like trig,she can't and won't produce proof otherwise.
Delete2:40 here again. Maybe that miscarriage explanation came from "Going Rogue" -- I didn't read it, but my mom did, and she told me about more of it than I wanted to hear. I just wondered about miscarriage vs abortion.
Delete3:04 p.m., what kind of evidence?
DeleteNo; the white out excuse began AFTER John McCain's staff reviewed her medical records prior to public release--I'm sure they weren't expecting abortions records from their pro-life candidate.
DeleteIf there were records where "abortion" was wited-out and "miscarriage" was typed over, it was Sarah who did who did the editing.
DeleteShe wrote in her book that the office had typed "abortion" in the procedure section and then edited it to read "miscarriage." Miscarriage is not a procedure and a doctor's office would never use wite-out on a bill.
3:04 here. Evidence.edited records/white outs were what were provided rather than the spontaneous abortion due to ???evidence,as in birth certificate when it comes to trig.
DeleteWere their whiteouts induced?
DeleteI can't be the only one that, when I read that either of these two have posted on Facebook, or Nancy on the fake blog, think exasperatedly, "oh for pete's sake, what NOW?"
ReplyDeleteI really am so sick of their hypocritical, tired rhetoric.
No one cares anymore.
DeleteSarah Palin's first political victory was the hospital fight against abortion. That was decades ago. For some odd reason she believes she can flog this horse back to relevancy.
ReplyDeleteStupid Sarah doesn't care to remember that that first victory was overturned in court.
Bristol Palin is still a slut, no matter how much her mother hates abortion.
And why should we believe that there hasn't been an abortion in Sarah Palin's extended family of women having shotgun weddings proving that they were ALL sexually active outside marriage?
Got to hell, Sarah, you old bore.
Both Sally Heath and Sarah had shotgun marriages. They both were probably careless yet just as happy to let the pregnancy make sure that they would get married. Roe v. Wade became law in 1973, but that doesn't mean that people in small towns had the access to get abortions. Even back then, in Sally's day and in Sarah's day, the talk was "what, she's pregnant and she's not married?" It was considered something shameful. And, I know other women who used a pregnancy to bring their reluctant boy friend to the altar.
DeleteI wonder if Bristol secretly wished that she could have gotten an abortion and just had a "normal" teen aged life. Did she want to get pregnant (and married) even as a teen or was she just as stupid and careless and clever as her mother and grandmother?
Track was born at the end of the 80s, long past the days of stigma. The only problem was you couldn't pretend to be a virgin any more.
DeleteEverybody knows Sarah was doing it in high school, so was everybody else. But Sarah was like 24 when she got pregnant with Track. You're looking at 7-8 years since she lost her virginity. Can you imagine Psycho Sarah in charge of effective birth control? I cannot.
Sarah's lovers that we know about are the one she married, the married one, the one who refused to marry her, the braggart and the basketball player with the lovely manners. That's five just that we know about.
And don't forget Molly's shotgun wedding. Molly was getting around too. And Heather not being a pregnant bride doesn't mean that she wasn't as sexually active as all the other women in her family while she was single.
Sarah should probably shut up because the Heaths and Palins ran out of friends some time ago. I suspect there are secrets to uncover, plenty of them.
U betcha!
DeleteDid the media even mention the few bucks left in Sarah's little piggy bank?
ReplyDeleteNo, because she is nothing to them anymore. A has been, and why the pee pond fellow rah-rah sites are counting the days until she announces. They all know she pretty much has to or she is toast.
DeleteThe Bristol "love" child got a small mention and was ridiculed by commenters.
This tribe is DONE.
Plus, Sarah Palin's Fitness Book!
I think they need to just get some jobs!
Bristol Palin didn't make the RidicuList, but Anderson Cooper still found plenty to laugh at.
Calling her a "genius" at the game of reality TV, the Anderson Live host called Bristol out today for her self-inflicted drama on last night's Dancing With the Stars, when she accused partner Mark Ballas of being "bummed" that he was paired with her this season.
"I'm thinking of starting a job fair for people—I think there's a whole bunch of people who just need to get jobs," Cooper laid into the subject. "Lindsay Lohan, Bristol Palin...I think they need to just get some jobs!"
Please run Sarah! Donald Trump can be your running mate!
ReplyDeleteLove, the pee pond. C.mon, $arah, show us what you've got! You already sent Creepy Chuck Jr. to tell them you're the busiest of everyone in the family. Keep the faith!
DeleteSo, what's it going to be? I can tell you, honestly, that if you throw your dilapidated hat in, you are in for the biggest take down of your life. Try it, your minions are waiting!
Run Scarah Run!!!!!
Bristol didn't choose life, she chose a penis.
ReplyDeleteMore than one.
DeleteForget Kim K, Bristol is starting to look like Michael Jackson!
ReplyDeleteShe is!
DeleteBristol is a scorned woman who no one will marry even if they pay them.
ReplyDeleteI think barstool is still pretending she's "good girl" because she didn't use the pill (because she was trying to trap Dakota), and despite her failed plan, she didn't have an abortion.
ReplyDeleteAny woman seeking health advice or reproductive advice from "The three faces of Evil", Sarah, Bristol and or Nancy needs a check up from the neck up. Freudian slip? "Baby taken"? Proceed former governor, abstinence educator and the guru of all things "christian", Mrs French. Ask any rwnj you happen to see and you'll get the same anti woman/ pro life bullshit.
ReplyDeleteDoes Sally have any regrets for birthing a quitter? Does Sarah have any regrets for her "thin lines of white out"? We already know Bristol's mistake and disappointment.
What wonderful descriptives your two kids will someday learn their mother used in reference to their birth, openly to the world. I can't imagine when she's at wit's end, what words she uses in their presence in private.
The picture of Bristol and Tripp only make the 'Where's Todd" meme that much more significant. This is a weird family. He could be in harms way. Did a can miss the frig and they have a body to dispose of.
For years old Todd was right there by her side.
Shadow gov.
Trig is the one that would miss him.
Where is Todd?
Flying with dad today ????????????
Isn't this interesting?
"Blanche Kalstrom, Todd's mom, blamed one of Sarah's miscarriages to flying on a small plane and told her to never fly pregnant again. (I thought this was very interesting in light of the Wild Ride story.)"