Friday, July 24, 2015

So now Sarah Palin wants you to boycott companies that support Planned Parenthood. You know, because they're evil or something.

Courtesy of Anti-Abortion Barbie's Facebook page:

Time to reconsider patronizing these companies directly supporting Planned Parenthood? Yep. Make your voice heard today, America. 

She does see the logo for ExxonMobil, right?

Is it possible that her hatred of reproductive rights supersedes her idolization of the fossil fuel industry?

Of course the idea to boycott companies supporting Planned Parenthood is certainly not a Palin's, but rather one put forward by conservative media.

No surprise, the woman has not had an original thought since she faked her last pregnancy. (Oh wait, that was the plot from a Desperate Housewives episode. So yeah no original thoughts.)

Fortunately in other, more fact based media outlets the videos are being treated like the hoaxes that we all know them to be.

Courtesy of the New Republic:

Just as there are people who believe the moon landing was faked, there are those who refuse to believe that the full scope of reproductive health care is grounded in medical evidence. As the facts are inconvenient, the only option is to circumvent them by any means possible. These videos are the kind of propaganda that only reinforces those fixed, false beliefs.

Some media outlets have even pointed out that these attacks against Planned Parenthood are no really about abortion, but about contraception.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

Planned Parenthood combines two things that conservatives hate: 1) It provides services that allow low income people to live better lives and improve their economic opportunities.* 2) It promotes the idea that women should be able to have sex on their own terms. 

Allowing women to have sex on their own terms is threatening because it really disrupts the system that keeps men in power over women in personal relationships. It’s not just that it makes it harder to trap a woman with pregnancy, though that is part of it. But it’s more that, as long as unwanted childbearing is a threat hanging over women’s head, it injects a major power imbalance into sexual relationships. The woman has to live with the “consequences” for having sex, but the man can walk away. So that helps keep up cultural norms that make women placating and submissive. But the more that women can have sex on their own terms without fear of unintended childbearing, the more leverage they have in relationships with men. Is he a domineering dick? Well, good thing you didn’t have kids with him! Just walk away. You can experiment, date around more, just generally live your life. 

It also, needless to say, removes a lot of men’s economic power over women. Now that women can complete college and get a career going before having kids, they compete with men on more equal footing.

And hopefully people will pay attention to this fact, because apparently the group  behind these highly edited tapes, says there are many more coming.

But at least we have one presidential candidate speaking out in support of Planned Parenthood.

Hillary Clinton: 

“I think it is unfortunate that Planned Parenthood has been the object of such a concerted attack for so many years,” the Democratic front-runner said at an event in Greenville, South Carolina. “And it’s really an attack against a woman’s right to choose, to make the most personal, difficult decisions that any woman would face, based on her faith and the medical advice that she’s given.”

Good for her. And once she's elected, good for us.


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I think Sarah Palin's hysteria about Planned Parenthood is because Bristol changed her mind about the big "disappointment" that her baby announcement was and said that the pregnancy had been PLANNED. So, instead of addressing her daughter's situation, Sarah decided to make some money by dissing Planned Parenthood.

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      I can guarantee you that Mommie Dearest is not happy with this latest. The original "I screwed up" and disappointed post was real. The second "planned" one was a pile of hooey.

    2. Anonymous4:03 PM

      I think that the "I screwed up" post was Sarah's (through the Brancy entity) "announcement" of Barstool's latest pregnancy. The "planned" was Brissie's "big middle finger" response to mother dearest.

    3. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Yep, 4:03. That's exactly what they were.

  2. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I'm glad to see so many well-known companies that support Planned Parenthood!

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Especially Ben & Jerry's. Now I can eat my ice cream with a little less guilt, knowing that each bite supports Planned Parenthood, a great organization!

    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Hey y'all guess where Barstool "works"? A Dr. Jerkmeoff's office!!! tweet it out everywhere.

    3. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Don't think Bristol has much to brag about when she says that she went to Penrose Academy and went to the skin school (her sister also went there and graduated from their hair school.) She is telling everyone that she works for Dr. Cusack, who is seventy three years old and calls her Suzie. He has seven children, youngest aged 16 and oldest is aged 48 so there must be a trophy wife or wives in there someplace, like Donald Trump's. Some reporters called the office to verify that Bristol worked there and were told that she did not--and that they knew a Bristol who worked for Drs. Jerk-me-off and Dr. Ben Dover. There are multiple blogs about Dr. Cusack and this office, about the rude staff and senile or just confused and poorly educated doctor --with hints that it makes most of its money by selling sexual acts and drugs.

  3. Caroll Thompson2:42 PM

    As a general rule, conservative boycotts do not work. That is because those boycotts are based on lies and false information.

    Birth control is a good thing and most Americans agree. This boycott is going nowhere fast.

    No Sarah Pac filing yet, but the countdown is on. It is due a week from today. Good times...............

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      I doubt it will be filed until the very last minute. That tribe thrives on being late, especially in menstrual cycles.

    2. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Good one!

  4. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Hey, forget about my daughter getting knocked up twice (wink, wink); and my son knocking up a pastor's daughter---let's focus on LIFE, cause we need $ from someone and those Pro-life people might be stupid enough to give us some.

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      And britta is responsible. I noticed she shared an article about free birth control and said people need to educate young people on such matters and how to have healthy relationships. She and track were committed and healthy.

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      She and track were committed and health.

      Yeah, right. They had such a healthy, committed relationship that they broke up before the ink was dry on their marriage certificate. Britta got the kid and Track got the guns.

    3. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Britta was paid by Sarah Palin to take the kid of Bristol.

    4. Anonymous3:40 AM

      I wonder how Britta's father, the pastor, feels about that? Lies and cover ups. Is that a Christian ctivity I wonder?

  5. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Sarah Palin won't be boycotting a damned thing.

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      My thought exactly!

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      yup !

    3. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Let's see.
      CocaCola makes Diet Dr. Pepper.
      Taco Bell is owned by a spinoff Pepsicola company called Yum.
      Verizon and ATT are the primary wireless providers in Alaska.

      Nope, she's not boycotting anyone.

    4. Anonymous8:29 PM

      You can start with Facebook and Twitter. Sarah Palin isn't boycotting shit!

    5. Anonymous2:32 AM

      Correction: An earlier version of this story misidentified the “Minions” movie as being a Pixar film. It has since been amended to reflect that it is not.

    6. Anonymous4:29 AM

      Unilever? The Dutch company? "Unilever makes and sells products under more than 1,000 brand names worldwide. "

      Good luck with that one, $toopid $carah.

  6. Anonymous2:45 PM

    On C4P they give links to these companies that support PP, so that their minions can write scathing letters against PP, and make threats to boycott. We could use those links to make our own sendings of support. It we did that via the C4P links, would that make C4P look like it supports PP?
    Otherwise, I'm still writing support letters to these fine firms.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      And when those vendors "reserve the right to refuse service" will mean lots of rednecks will be getting fussy with no Coca Cola man! Freak out!

  7. Ask Ohio Dan2:49 PM

    Sitting here twitching...

    Almost did a complete link dump on her...

    Changed my mind this time...



    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      What do you mean by 'link dump' and why did you change your mind?

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      No one cares what we needed...butt thanks douche!

    3. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Ohio Dan, 3:21 is probably a Palin or a pee ponder. Disregard it!

    4. Anonymous4:01 PM

      It's the cryptic poster again, always hinting at maybe, possibly, could be, he may or may not reveal dirt on the palins. Meh.

    5. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Almost is only good in horseshoes.
      Does anyone play that anymore?? :-)

    6. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Actually no one cares! Just look at Skarry and the tribes behavior! They got leakage going already! Oopsy baby doesn't mean squat anymore! They lost their power and secrets are low grade! A matter of time will come and expose all the Cray cray chit of the Palin tribe! Be the meantime we got Trump as live entertainment! May be Skarry will harass him enough and he tells everyone of her crap! Go Donald!

    7. Anonymous6:25 PM

      No one cares about Sarah because her lies are old and every one is sick of hearing how stuck she is in her own shit. Oh yeah, boo hoo poor Sarah. Bristol is the star of the Palin family now.

      You really lied big time, Sarah! Telling everyone that Bristol worked for Dr. Michael L.Cusack of Anchorage.

      All the time she was working for Dr. Jack Meoff.

      Sarah knows Bristol wants us to join her and fight human trafficking. She must stop Facebook. There are no comments on Pathos, so how do you join her?

      Bristol leaves her contact as "Work Life" and says
      "Just celebrated six years working for the best people I know! This place is my home, and I love it.
      (Yep, I actually have a job. Shocker!)"

      A great place to work and they would know all about her mission to stop human trafficking and Facebook and Planned Parenthood. They know every other thing about her.

      So try and call her at Dr. Jack Meoff's office.

      He is unlisted. Might be a scam, Some think a back room abortionist. So what is really with this "join me" Bristol is asking people to do?

      If anyone finds Bristol's Dr. Jack Meoff be sure to post the number so we can find out what Bristol is up to in order to stop human trafficking and Facebook and all.

    8. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Ohio Dork needs to grow up and get a life lol

  8. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I'm going to make it a point to patronize these businesses.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Me too!

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Better yet would be a direct donation to Planned Parenthood. They could really use the direct support as they've had their funding cut for years now.

  9. Anonymous2:56 PM

    This piece of shit human excrement called Sarah should have been aborted and the world would be a better place. She supports child molesters, she supports drug addicts, she supports thieves, she supports liars, she supports murderers, rapists and traitors and she has the gall to go after an organization that does amazing good for the community. I so want her to fucking DIE.

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      And yet she ends up yapping incoherently on the internet...gee why isn't she a Donald Trump yet? Art of the Deal is not her forte!

    2. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Yeah money talks bullshit walks! No one wants to he's her bullshit yapping!

    3. Anonymous10:26 PM


    4. Anonymous10:37 PM

      i CANNOT wait for the day i open IM and find out the skank's either headed to a federal prison for a looong time, that or fukin' dead .... bring it !!

  10. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Any bandwagon she can jump on, she will. What does she care? All the services PP provides, she has had but her records are sealed so it can't be proven. Hence, blah bah blah but people know, many MANY people know......

  11. Anonymous3:04 PM

    This is pure and simple a witch hunt based on lies and manipulation and it's disgusting. Planned Parenthood is not evil, it is NECESSARY to so many health issues. It's no surprise that this lying harridan has jumped on the latest outrage bandwagon the right is ginning up. I sure hope that President Obama vetoes the FUCK out of the plan to defund the organization, which is now in the hands of the GOP asshats in Congress that are pushing for this to happen. We can't let them win this fight. It will hurt so many people, men and woman who depend on this resource for so much that ISN'T abortion. Isn't there anyone who can take this woman down forever????

  12. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I am sure I am not the only person who finds it ironic that Sarah Palin, a woman whose family could really benefit from Planned Parenthood's birth control services, is boycotting their corporate supporters. She really is an idiot.

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Sally Heath was alreadyt pregnant when she married Chuck.
      Sarah Palin was already pregnant when she married Todd.
      Bristol's pregnancy was announced at the 2008 Republican Convention, and Sarah promised that Bristol and Levi would be married, LOL. But that didn't work out.
      Bristol got ahead of herself and got pregnant again, and she was supposed to marry Dakota Meyer. Too bad that one didn't work out either. Dakota had an unstable childhood, so you'd think that he would be thrilled to have his own child, kind to to make up for his own childhood. But, Dakota has not acknowledged Bristol's child in any way at all.
      What don't the Heath and Palin families get about family planning?

    2. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Oh it must burn her that SOME PEOPLE are MARRIED before a baby is born!

    3. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Awhile ago Dakota liked a comment that said "just because he isn't saying anything publicly doesn't mean he isn't doing anything ."

      Remember Bristol didn't want to announce that early and she shouldn't have been forced to. Just my opinion.

    4. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Yeah some but these days most aren't.

    5. Anonymous4:52 PM

      I've never gotten the impression Bristol thinks about others lives. Their choices aren't hers

    6. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Oh, please, Alicia. Bristol's blog is all about other people's choices and how wrong they are.

    7. Anonymous8:23 PM

      4:52 You think about Palins' lives 24/7, Alicia Mangelsdorf. Is that all that you do in your sorry stalking life? Have you ever talked to Bristol or Sarah Palin, or are you restricted by a restraining order?

    8. Anonymous8:44 PM


      Of course our choices aren't the same as Bristol's because most of us aren't higher functioning special needs peo

  13. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Why aren't Facebook and Twitter listed??? They both contribute too PP.. are a big hypocrite!!!!!!!!

  14. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Uh, yeah, I guess this imbecile had better not be photographed again wearing her Converse "Chucks."

    1. abbafan3:30 PM

      the fuckin' idiot needs a good ass-kicking with those shoes on my foot! same thing goes for that lazy, lay-about slacker spawn of hers!

  15. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Bristol Palin wants you to join her: "We cannot let Facebook or any other pro-abortion groups silence this story! Planned Parenthood cannot get away with this!
    Please spread the word about Planned Parenthood’s human trafficking and join me in demanding that they be stopped once and for all!"

    You can't leave comments so she left "Work Life" the next day.

    You would be able to contact her there if you are in Anchorage or you can call her to fine out what she wants you to join her and do. What is her plan to stop human trafficking? She needs to be clear.

    Has she already started a boycott against Facebook? I know she was at one time on Facebook.

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Ok you walked into this one...that is why she is pregnant...her boycott worked before she knew it was suppose to work! };-)

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Lol... ! Planned parenthood works !

    3. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Planned parenthood works !

      Unlike Bristol?

    4. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Give Dr Jack Meoff a call! (malia blog for the 411)

    5. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Synd humor 633

    6. Anonymous3:49 AM

      Give the PayMe family credit, they KNOW firsthand how human trafficing works. How many babies has Bristles passed off to relatives to raise? What happens to all her pregnancies?

  16. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Didn't Bristol Palin announce her 'latest' pregnancy/ disappointment, then changed it to a 'PLANNED PARENTHOOD ? Is the Father of Bristol's disappointment/planned parenthood still a secret/unknown? Sarah Palin get your own house in order before you try to advise others how to live. BTW where's your Pimping, part time husband? Have you found a rehab facility for Track Menard yet? Can Tri-g eat a cookie yet, or is the 7 year old still on baby food? We know that Tri-g can talk, 'BULLSHIT' is his favorite word, right, Bristol? Tripp likes to say FAGGOT. What a Mother you are.

  17. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Yeah, good luck with that, bitch! She couldn't lead a wave at an Aces game.

  18. Randall3:36 PM

    This whole deal is a perfect example of how false is the claim that "both sides do it".

    No they don't.

    Democrats, Progressives, Liberals don't do this shit: this lying, deceptively edited shit.

    Their side is known for "rat fucking" (as Donald Segretti called it when doing it for Richard Nixon back in the late 60's) - not our side.

    The Republicans, Conservative, Tea Baggers - play dirty.
    And the other side doesn't.

    If that's not true, then show me the deceptively-edited expose' from the left, please.

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      You will have to excuse Sarah...she just realized she has two holes...both sides!

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM


  19. Anonymous3:38 PM

    She might want to check the conservative organizations who are actively following the story

  20. Anonymous3:38 PM

    OT Bristol and Marina have a new reality TV show on TLC.

    Ice Road Fuckers

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM


    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      They don't but Caitlyn Jenner's starts next week.

    3. Anonymous6:34 PM

      I bet Toad is really envious of Caitlyn.

    4. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Fuck Bruce Jenner and his cash grab from his "transformation". He's just a grifter like the rest of the Kardashians. Can't take him to heart or take him seriously, he's just doing this for the reality show and the money. Suckers! Bruce is playing you all like a fiddle.

    5. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Jenner may be using the fact that he is transgendered to make some cash, but she's not faking being transgendered.

    6. Anonymous8:08 PM

      @6:35 PM Are you jealous? Poor thing.

    7. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Bruce is not transgendered, he's just a dude that got some tits put on his body and is wearing a dress and sporting some nails. He's as much of a dude as any guy you'd meet on the street, he's just doing this for attention; the Kardashians taught him well: how to be an attention whore, with a penis. I feel bad for the guy, he's a joke, and he'll never be able to be the person that we all looked up to after this latest publicity stunt.

  21. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I would like to see people refer to her and her ilk as anti-Choice. Especially when connected to Planned Parenthood which does 97% of its extremely vital work in areas far beyond what she is yapping and yammering about.

    My daughter suffered a major loss in her third trimester when it was discovered the fetus was no longer 'viable'. This two weeks after a checkup that indicated everything was just fine. She was given the choice of a therapeutic 'abortion' or to continue the pregnancy until nature put her into labor. Of course she opted for the termination but it still required permission for a late-term abortion. Ghastly and ghostly to say the very least.

    People like Palin have no humanity or empathy genes so it's not surprising that she opts to do the dirty work for the Koch brothers because it lines her greedy pockets and furthers their devious 'causes'.

    And btw, idiot $arah, my daughter was married. She also took the time to get a college education and is a dedicated RN. Traits and goals that seem foreign in your family. For those and many other reasons, you are not in a position to dispense advice or morality to my family or any other living soul on this planet. You are little more than a souless paid assassin and an embarrassment to this nation.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Well put.

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      I like the anti-choice idea, maybe it will catch on.

  22. Anonymous3:46 PM

    The big question is Was Bristol's pregnancy really planned LOL or was the plan to get Dakota to marry her quickly so he would think that was his baby? Bristol is the one who could benefit from some family planning counseling from anyplace- it doesn't have to be Planned Parenthood. I don't think that Bristol understands the concept of family planning, namely using birth control until you are mature enough to be a parent.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      I think Dakota was infatuated with her. He looked giddy in those pics taken the day he proposed. And he seemed genuinely heartbroken when she called it off. I saw his aunt wrote in late April "you're going to be a great father ." Though I don't think a pregnancy was know about at that time.

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Dakota might not have known about the pregnancy, but Bristol did.

      I don't think we know the true story about who called it off.

      (Alicia, we know it's you. Who else would tell us what Dakota's "aunt wrote in late April"?)

    3. Anonymous6:09 PM

      She also starts sentences with "Though" which is kind of stilted. Dead giveaway.

    4. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Dakota ended up with a woman with a swelling abdomen that wouldn't engage in drinking with him yet was puking her guts out every morning, not due to a hangover. Even a guy as dumb as he is realized this bitch came into the relationship with bun in oven and definitely not his, but haven't we all known that? Her mother knew she was knocked up back in January and arranged a hookup with the MOH, so how's that working out for you Palins?

    5. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Hey 4:49pm, Dakota called it off and sent Bristol and Tripp home to AK on a plane and told them to come and pick their stuff up whenever they had the time. I can't even believe that Bristol went back down to pick up her stuff knowing that Dakota knew that she tried to trick him. She and her cousins are pretty lucky that he didn't assault them or worse, have burned all her stuff before she got down there.

    6. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Um. Th pictures that his aunt wrote that on is still up. Let's not name call

    7. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Giddy? Where did we just hear that word.......?

      Dakota posted ONE solitary picture of Bristol and Tripp after she split and attended his fake wedding reception and then it was back to business for him. How does that "seem genuinely heartbroken"?

      Oh, and Bristol hates you.

    8. Anonymous8:06 PM

      4:49/7:12 PM Alicia Delain Mangelsdorf 1050 Bella Vista #208 St. Augustine, Florida, can we call you at 850-539-1719 to verify your relationship with the Palins? You pretend to know all of their activities and interactions with others. Why are you stalking the Palins?

    9. Anonymous8:53 PM

      8:06. That's really shitty. I thought we were better than that.

    10. Anonymous10:52 PM

      8:06 is a real jerk and a coward. Furthermore, it IS NOT COOL that Gryphen let a comment through with someone's full name, address and telephone number. I hope you get sued.

    11. Anonymous11:13 PM

      8:06 you are a pos. And not someone who should chastise anyone for stalking.

    12. Anonymous12:59 AM

      8:53 We?

    13. Anonymous2:14 AM

      Hell no 8:53!
      Here is Alicia. Cute Kewpie doll, huh??

    14. Anonymous2:22 AM

      Then she can sue google, that is the source, assclowns. The troll has some Palin supporters.who don't want her exposed, I wonder why. Your attack dog did not cover her tracks. Call a Whambulance.

    15. Anonymous12:33 PM

      8:06 Thanks for the research. Maybe she will dial back the multitude of angry Palin comments. Is 8:53 Chucktard Jr.?

    16. Anonymous10:19 PM

      2:14 AM Alicia has used the internet as an attack tool, it is ironic that that same tool exposed her. The stalkers are in a tizzy about being exposed. No more hit and run/drive-by comments incognito for Alicia. Does their 'pos' mean please our Sarah?

  23. Sarah Palin’s Day (please add to the narrative. There’s so much left!)

    Sarah Palin wakes up and drinks the rest of the Starbucks coffee leftover from yesterday, turns on her computer powered by Microsoft software, checks her Facebook page and deletes all negative comments.

    Off to the bathroom, but instead of actually showering she just douses herself with something from Bath & Body works, then makes sure she uses her sunscreen from Avon.

    After a healthy breakfast of Tostitos and Ben & Jerry’s only Republican flavor, Stephen Colbert’s Americone Dream, Sarah sits down to book her ticket to somewhere on Expedia. But just before she goes to check out, her mouse batteries die and she has to replace them with that stash of Energizer batteries Todd left lying around the house. Boy is she glad they’re there!

    Trig has managed to cut his knee out in the airplane hanger so Nurse Sarah washes it off with Bactine and puts a Band-Aid on it.

    After paying her AT & T bill and Bristol’s Verizon bill, she also finds a great Groupon deal for dinner out that night “Won’t that be fun!” so she prints the PDF coupon.

    Sarah heads out to the gym but stops for gas first at the Exxon station. She rocks at her pilates class in her Nike tennis shoes!

    Time for a treat from Taco Bell! She’ll have that crunch wrap with a Coke. “Sorry, No Coke, Pepsi”. “Whatever, just gimme a cola”, paying for it with the SarahPAC American Express card.

    When she gets home, she does a little online banking, transferring money from one Wells Fargo account to another, checks on how her investments at MorganStanley are doing, and checks her email again.

    There she finds messages from the American Cancer Society, the United Way and the March of Dimes, and writes them back “No way I am ever going to support a company that supports Planned Parenthood!”

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      well done.

    2. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Lol! Great job!!

  24. Anonymous3:56 PM

    If Sarah Palin boycotts Facebook (a planned parenthood supporter) how will she get her message out to her minions? Doesn't the entire Palin Tribe wear Converse shoes? What about Johnson and Johnson baby oil and powder? Bristol will freak out. Boycott? Bwahahaha.

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      I guess the fucking dunce will have to start sending smoke signals to her knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing followers.

  25. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Sarah, here's a news flash for ya! Your unwed daughter is knocked up....again! And you have the stones to tell others what to do and think regarding Planned Parenthood?!

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      In spite of Bristol's claim that this pregnancy was planned, she keeps referring to it as a fall that only God can save her from. She has been posting inspiration sayings on her IG to make herself feel better. She called the pregnancy a huge disappointment and that she got ahead of herself. It's too bad that Bristol didn't have the benefit of Planning her own Parenthood.

    2. Anonymous6:30 PM

      None of Bristol's family is there for her.

      Not even Willow. They just treat Bristol and Cletus like they don't exist. Sarah uses that character she invented but nothing about her daughter.

  26. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Planned Parenthood could have helped her daughter avoid a 2nd pregnancy. Birth control works, you brain dead dipshits.

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      2nd pregnancy? Just how many pregnancies HAS Bristol had? Trig? (maybe) Tripp, DWTS baby (where did that baby go?) Cletus, the Huge Disappointment is at least #4.

    2. Balzafiar7:09 PM

      Four, beginning at age 15.

    3. Anonymous7:19 PM

      I have a feeling Bristol has had a few more pregnancies than babies.

    4. Anonymous8:33 PM

      I'd believe four also too. Possibly five.

    5. Anonymous11:31 PM

      I'll raise you to six. Do we have six?

  27. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Sarah must boycott Facebook and Twitter. Show your leadership, Sarah.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      But then Sarah won't be able to run her campaign for President of the United States if she boycotts Facebook. None of the lamestream media will give her air time.

  28. Anonymous4:44 PM

    ....and enter Brancy.. Hly crap, I'm so sick of this sh*t.

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      I refuse to click on a link with butchered baby parts, their lies are disgusting and really sicken.

    2. Anonymous7:12 PM

      I wouldn't read anything Nancy French wrote after that terrible book she wrote for Bristol. She's just another RW parasite. Screw the lot of them.

    3. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Nancy and her husband are hypocrites, bad writers and whores for money. Working for the Palin's with all they know? Then turning around and writing their whiny lies. Screw them.
      They are also both terrible writers.
      Working for Sarah?? What jokes they are. No real Christian would be caught dead doing what they are doing. Are they so desperate for money, stupid or both??

    4. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Whatever these two are trying to do is beyond the ridiculous. No true Christian would do this in a heartbeat. Maybe they're trying to out-Duggar in hopes of media. That ship sailed.....

    5. Anonymous8:33 PM

      hos will ho!

  29. Our Lad4:51 PM

    I find it hilarious that this tarted up nincompoop would have the pubes to rail against an organization whose hotline she and her tugboat daughter should have had tattooed on their uterine walls. This blowzy strumpet has, since she invented her public persona trafficked in the commerce of sexual innuendo and salacious double entendre, it is a hallmark of her presentation. She's a walking talking dirty joke without a punch line, as corrupt a pustule as has raised it's infected head on the American cultural landscape, a miasma of vitriol and misplaced resentment, a fucking sink hole so vile and shit laden she shouldn't be mentioned in reasoned debate.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      I love you and your comment. You nailed it perfectly. Too bad she's so unhinged she can't possibly understand what you're saying and that the glove fits her perfectly.

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      So Lad, tell us how you really feel. :)

    3. Anonymous6:25 PM

      One of the best descriptions of Palin I have ever read. Bravo!

    4. Anonymous6:35 PM

      >>>tarted up nincompoop<<

      Was already laughing at this point!

    5. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Love your comment, Our Lad!

  30. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Just upped my donation to PP.

  31. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Shut your flytrap you brainless shrew.

  32. WalterNeff5:04 PM

    Let me get this straight - Palin will never again suck down a Coca-Cola or PepsiCo product? Yeah, sure.

  33. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I know this has nothing to do with this post. But I am sitting at Sonic right now and sitting at a table is grown man who has Down's syndrome. Eating his meal and playing with who I presume is his bother who is maybe six. He is showing the six year old how to place in order on the screen. It just saddens me that Sarah Palins son will probably never have the skills that this young man has. Had she placed Trigg in therapy at a young age he too would be able to function in society. It is just sad!!

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Trig not Trigg

    2. Anonymous7:53 PM

      What's it to you, Alicia Delain Mangelsdorf? You have zero connection to the Palins. You are an outsider who fawns over Bristol Palin, and you stalk her Facebook accounts.

    3. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Unfortunately it doesn't matter if you spell the name Trig or Trigg, it is way past time to save him.

      His adoptive Mom Sarah was way too worried about grifting to get him the therapies needed for a productive life.

  34. Anonymous5:24 PM

    This is totally off topic, but if anyone read the book The Astronaut's Wives Club by Lily Koppel...she wrote that one of the moon walks really was faked in a sound studio because the feed from the camera was dead..and all of america ..nay the world was watching...and they knew the feed was dead, so they had the sound stage ready in case. And they used it. First time I had ever heard that angle - that NASA admits they faked it for that reason and none other.
    Anyone here read the book?

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      There was a movie about it in the 70's - Capricorn One

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Yes but the Astronauts Wives Club is a non fiction book- about the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo astronaut wives.

    3. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Tin foil hat stuff.

    4. Anonymous6:37 PM

      I hear some people think the President was born in Kenya also too...

    5. Anonymous7:08 PM

      I only watched the telecast for a couple of minutes, the picture was strobing so badly it hurt my eyes. Nobody would do that deliberately because it would defeat the whole purpose.

      FOX is very big on this conspiracy, which shouldn't surprise anyone.

    6. Balzafiar7:12 PM

      I've also heard the George W. Bush is intelligent -- easily disproved.

    7. Anonymous1:45 AM

      Fuck why the meanness??
      A popular book, which is now a TV show, states as fact that a sound stage was used for a moon walk. Ted Koppel's daughter is the auther...I guess my poorly stated point was that the media did not blink...Hello???

  35. Anonymous5:40 PM

    She wants to boycott Coca-Cola and Pepsi? But doesn't she promote buying Big Gulps? What to do, what to do.....!

  36. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Omg I went to crazy land and read the comments. Didn't I see Scara running around with a skinny latte cluched in her claw? Guess I'll be donating extra to PP this year!

  37. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Now, when Palin runs out of steam on this latest rant for
    nothing but attention, what's next. Her claws are flailing
    all around hoping to hook on to something!

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Boycott toilet paper!

  38. Anonymous6:23 PM

    AND we want Palin to go jam a spear thru her heart in her front yard!

  39. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Woohoo, it's finally come out that what we all knew is true, the bun in Barstool's oven ain't from Dakota. I know, not really breaking news, but isn't it nice to know we were all right?

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Does Ak Aftadark have the video released yet?

    2. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Where? Who?

    3. Balzafiar7:13 PM

      So where exactly can we read this breaking news? Has Fox News broken in with a live around-the-clock report on it?

    4. Anonymous9:17 PM

      If Bristol expected to be married and deliver an alleged preemie to be respected as a role model of abstinence and christian woman, she must have been furious to announce she was pregnant.

      I find most people to be understanding and compassionate when young people get pregnant who are not married. When they get pregnant again when single people take a dim view because they did not learn from their first mistake.

      If Dakota Meyer is not the father Bristol will be more harshly judged. Having a child in such circumstances, having pretended to be pure and profited highly must suck for her. Bristol lost her meal ticket as the teen who learned from her first mistake and turned her life around for a cool million.

      They deserved the outcome. I doubt she will ever reveal who the father is.

    5. Anonymous4:09 AM

      I doubt that she even knows who the father is.

    6. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Of course Bristol's "miracle birth" won't happen. Bristol has decid3ed the birth of her next basta will be a welcomed birth from God. Not from this misuse or absence of birth control at all. Bristol apparently has a very special uterus that only gets pregnant when she wants it to.

  40. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Talk about beating a dead horse. Either she is in a manic stage or some dirt is going to come out and this is smoke and mirrors, because we all know Sarah's trademark is projection.

    This would be a perfect time for the truth about Trig to come out.

  41. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Anyone see the new Direct TV ads? Bristol and her Talking Ass.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      No, what are you talking about??

    2. Anonymous10:34 PM

      Thought that was Willow

  42. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I hope Facebook dumps the old hag.

  43. Anita Winecooler7:39 PM

    What's truly funny is that I use/contribute to the services provided by all the companies she mentions. Hey, Crazy Lady, no one gets between me and my Cherry Garcia, No one!!

    Gee, today's officially the start of the Special Olympics, no mention of her son and his ability to someday compete and win a prize in sports? Time for a med change, Sarah, you missed the chance to shake your moneymaker while holding Trig up as a fine example of a future special olympian. Guess it's because a Democrat started the organization.

    Kind of pitiful, ain't it? "If Elected, families with special needs kids will have an advocate in the White House"

    Kind of a shame. But she'll have more, there's several other doctored clips being released.

    1. Anonymous9:05 PM

      I can't really get behind any outrage of any company that supports things that some people don't support. I can't keep up with any of it and I purchase what I purchase regardless of the politics of the company that is selling it. Life is busy, way to busy to pick and choose whom I will do business with. I guess some of you have the time to pick and choose, but I don't. Perhaps when I am retired in another 40 years I can be more aware but not now.

    2. Anonymous10:24 PM

      Bug off, Alicia. You're a bore.

    3. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Sarah never acknowledges any of the Down Syndrome institutions that we all know. She doesn't mention them and she NEVER EVER gives them one single cent.

      They were just grifting fodder for Sarah Palin until one of them told her to go fuck herself LOL

    4. Anonymous1:42 AM

      Yo Mangled-dork at 9:05 When you go to the store, you have brand choices.Where do you shop that you do not have brand choices?
      What exactly is your life so busy with lol??
      Working? Raising kids? Relating with your spouse?? Engaging with your friends??
      You have all the time in the world and you know it. Too much time, obvi.

    5. Anita Winecooler5:18 PM

      How difficult is it to keep a list? When shopping for a product, most times many brands are in the same section. How much time does it take out of anyone's life to chose a product that supports their values?

      Good luck on that "retirement" in forty years. Who has the luxury of time and whatnot to save money, invest it, and set up a retirement plan forty years ahead of time? Folks are busy living vibrant, awesome unchallenged lives.

  44. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Oh close your legs sp! Your daughter too. Oops too late. Sally close your. Legs too..
    Seriously, they all opened their legs first. Hahahaha such fine repub conserveittive women. Hahahahahaha

    1. Anonymous9:47 PM

      Stop with the open leg obsession. It's getting real old.

    2. Anonymous10:22 PM

      You're getting real old. Who let you out of the nuthouse this time?

    3. Anonymous10:31 PM

      Opening their legs is obviously the only way they could trap husbands. Except Bristol's man trap failed.

    4. Anonymous10:35 PM


    5. Anonymous9:10 PM

      @anon at 9:47pm
      too real for you? Sorry, sometimes real is what it is.

  45. Anonymous8:18 PM

    No kidding, she could have made it to the White House being top fog for special ed. But she didn't want the retarded one. And she didn't want to learn.
    "L"oser! Sp, loser sp.

  46. Anonymous8:19 PM


  47. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Bristol Palin Has a Question for Universal Pictures — and It Involves Planned Parenthood

    1. Anonymous5:31 AM

      Boy they are really making the rounds with their dead, murdered, butchered baby parts theme.

  48. Acme Baby Parts, Inc.8:56 PM

    Hey Bristol, it's not too late is it? Cmon let us make you an offer you can't refuse!

  49. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Sain't Sarah is just pissed about Bristol The Sex Pistol's unplanned planned parenthood.

  50. Anonymous10:12 PM

    SARAHDARITY pee pond.
    C'mon, honey, for what you don't live, run.
    We are soooooo into you. LOL

  51. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Really, with all the shotgun weddings (and Bristol's no-weddings) who would believe that there hasn't been an abortion or two among all those loose Heath and Palin women? Fundamentalists quickly lose their objections where their "special" circumstances are concerned.

    I'm not buying it. Every single one of those women had sex when they were single, and all of them barring possibly old Sally had sex with more than one man.

    1. Anonymous10:45 PM

      Take one good long look at that picture of the uber Christian and tell me all she portrays is so the opposite of what it is.

      Haggard, $arah, Hope it was worth it.
      You look like SHIT.

  52. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Off topic but it just still bugs me that this doctor is not questioned about acting as a high risk OB.
    Now she is full time medical director of the place that treats the many sexually abused Alaskan children.
    Too bad her services werent available when creepy Chuckles was diddling Sarah.
    Something is just very very off about CBJ. Kinda creepy. Does she place babies illegally? We know she lies by omission


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