Thursday, July 23, 2015

Source claims Duggars surprised and heartbroken that their reality show was yanked off the air, believe God wants them back on TV.

Courtesy of People Magazine: 

When news broke that the Duggars' hit TLC show 19 Kids and Counting had been officially canceled, no one was more disappointed than the family, a source who has worked closely with them tells PEOPLE in this week's issue. 

 The cancellation came two months after a 2006 police report surfaced revealing that Josh Duggar had been accused at age 14 of molesting five underage girls – including two of his sisters, Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald. (He apologized and said he had "acted inexcusably" after the report became public.) 

The source says the evangelical Christian family, who often discussed their religious faith on their TLC show, is "heartbroken that they've now lost that platform." 

"The Duggars want to return to TV because they truly believe it was part of God's plan for them to spread the word about their faith," the source says. 

"I think Jim Bob and Michelle honestly did expect people to just move on from this," the source adds. "Their thinking is, they put this behind them ages ago, so why wouldn't the rest of the world?" 

Yeah, if sexual molestation was no big deal to them, why should it be a big deal to anybody else? 

I love how when religious people really want to do something that they always claim God is the one that wants it for them. 

"Hey, hey, hey, you can say no to us, but can you really say no to God?"

Yes, yes we can.

The Duggars are a seriously fucked up family and they should NEVER be given another national platform. And if there really WERE a god, they certainly wouldn't.


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Well, the folks at E! News are sure rooting for the Duggars! I'm sure that Pop Duggar wants his television show back; otherwise he might have to get a JOB and support his gigantic family.

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      To get a job he'd first have to get off of his wife.

      Can't see it happening.

    2. Ha!
      Extremely good one!
      Nothing oozes "studmuffin" like Jim Bob.

    3. Anonymous1:44 AM

      Well, now they are free to put their faith in God to work. Will he help them pay the bills for their enormous family? Will he help them put food on the table? TLC did all of that and then some. Now it is time to test their faith.

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Take it up with Bill Cosby, Jim Bob and Michelle.
    Maybe he can sympathize with you.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Geez, what does Bill Cosby have to do with the this? Don't be dragging Bill Cosby into this.

  3. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I'm no believer, but maybe God wants them off teevee because he's unhappy with their corruption of his message. Why is it so impossible for Christian folks like the Duggars to understand god may be telling the. Something they do t want to hear--such as sit down and shut up.

    1. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Sarah hasn't figured it out yet, not Santorum, or HuckaJesus, and Jindal...why should the money loving Duggars? There is no IQ test to be an evangelical Christian, after all.

    2. hedgewytch7:43 AM

      Exactly! Why is it that these folks are always telling you "its God's will!" that they do this or that - but then as God say's "NO!" as seen though the removal of show and public condemnation - they say BUT! GOD wants us to! What a bunch of SPOILED BRATS! God needs to give them a big time out and take all their toys away!

    3. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Hey Buggers, your god has all the answers right?
      Well sometimes the answers are no.
      Move on and get jobs.

    4. Anonymous9:45 AM

      It's just like when Sarah said in 2008 that she was confident God would make sure the right people were elected.

      Guess what, Sarah? Not what you were expecting, huh.....

    5. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Anonymous9:45 AM
      It's just like when Sarah said in 2008 that she was confident God would make sure the right people were elected.
      She was right. God DID make sure the right people were elected. Obama/Biden!

    6. Anonymous1:45 AM


  4. Maple6:32 AM

    Okay, here's a big question: if the god these folks believe in is supposed to be all-powerful and all-knowing, how do the Duggars , along with several Republican nominee aspirants, profess to KNOW what their god wants? Huh?

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Obviously because they're so godlike, and great minds think alike.

    2. Anonymous4:30 PM



  5. Anonymous6:34 AM

    I'm no believer but I can not understand why these Christian folks have such a hard time seeing the hand of god in things like this. God has spoken... He wants your bullshit family off the teevee because you are giving him a bad name.

  6. Anonymous6:38 AM

    god gave new orders." Thou shall go into the workforce and grift no more".

    1. And molest no more, also too.

    2. Anonymous7:44 AM


    3. Anonymous9:29 AM

      god gave new orders

      "Jim Boob Duggar, you shall bend over while on your knees whilst Mshelle jams a cactus up your santorum hole. This shall be broadcast live on the Touching Little Children Channel."

    4. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Just remember, Baby Bush was quoted as saying "God told me to invade Iraq."

      I think it's time to fire our fucking gods.

  7. Nothing ruins the possibility of a god like a story such as this.

    1. hauksdottir11:21 AM

      Yup. If there was a god, Josh's fingers would have burned up the moment he inserted them into his little four-year-old sister's vagina while she was sitting on his lap... and he'd be reeling from the pain even today.

      Josh is a sexual predator. And all the girls need to be removed from the Duggar households and given counseling and support as to their own worth. Women are not helpless sex-slaves, no matter what sort of scripture is used to keep them in bondage.

  8. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Methinks the desired return to television is less about faith sharing and more about money.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Money is their god.

  9. Anonymous6:44 AM

    The excrement is just beginning to hit the air conditioning for these creepy assholes.

  10. Anonymous6:44 AM

    but, but how'm I gonna feed those golldamn 19 babbies?

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Don't gorget the grandkids...none of those kids has a real education, nor a chance to find real employment. I'm sure they were all counting on being kept by TLC for decades to come (unless Ma Duggar's uterus finally quit on her, and she died in childbirth.)

    2. ...and you know they'd want her crashing out in the delivery room on national TV...ratings Gold!

  11. angela6:50 AM

    These overbreeding idiots are so repugnant they probably will get a new show. I'm sure Mark Burnett will come up with something for them on the History Channel or somewhere else non-sensical and inappropriate so they can continue their theocracy grift.

  12. They are not getting a lot of sympathy from the commenters on the People article.

    1. There are now nearly 3,000 comments on that People article and the consensus is clearly that viewers are thoroughly repulsed by the Duggar family. There were hundreds of comments that mentioned that the head of the clan needs to find honest work, and hundreds more that said Josh still needs to be investigated.

      I don't think they've even begun to comprehend how finished they are, they truly thought that since they didn't give a shit about their young daughters being molested nobody else would either! Their attitudes are mind boggling..."So what?" What's a little molesting in the family? They even claimed that they know lots of families that do it. Undoubtedly it's the rest of the sickos in the Quiverful cult.

  13. Randall7:34 AM

    "We really, really like fuckin'," said Jim Bob.
    "Oh yes, very much," agreed Michelle, fumbling at Jim Bob's zipper.
    Then, speaking about Josh, Jim Bob said "I guess the apple don't fall far from the tree, does it! Har har har!"
    "Shut UP, Jim Bob," said Michelle.
    "Fuck YOU, Michelle" said Jim Bob.
    "Ohhh yessss, take me you big ol Christian, you" cooed Michelle, slipping off her pants...
    Then Jim Bob added, "fuck TLC: Cinemax here we come!"

    1. CorningNY9:55 AM

      Thank you for that!

    2. I can see it now. JimBoob and Michelle will enter the Christian Romance Novel market.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:08 PM

      Ha Ha Ha. I love it! The first faux christian soap opera.... when we last left Michelle was getting her toes curled by Jum Bob.......

  14. Anonymous7:36 AM

    So they want to spread the word of God? Let them open their own church. It sounds like a good excuse for not working at a real job. Join the crowd of hucksters and hypocrites.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      They DID register their family as a church, so their income would be tax-exempt.

      Did you really expect any less from them?

    2. They already have. In their living room.

      They solicit donations on their website.

  15. Anonymous7:37 AM

    God put them on TV to sell Hate and Bigotry and racism, yea right! Dem millions of dollars is their God alright!

  16. Anonymous7:46 AM

    These people are tucking dense! They're off the air because God wanted them off the air!

  17. Anonymous8:01 AM

    This show should be on Every where..

    1. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

      That SHOULD go viral. I hope they keep Rachel, Larry O'Donnel, Chris Hayes and others. But they're giving Chuck Todd his own spot? Why?

    2. Anonymous1:51 AM

      Why not? He has just about destroyed Press the Meat, so onto the next disaster. Besides, he is so photogenic!!

  18. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Good move that their show was pulled. I'm sick and tired of the religious crap that is all over the television channels in our world of today.

    It's especially maddening when most of the speakers or leaders of the various shows (i.e. this particular family!) don't live Christian lives!

    They truly are nothing more than whores for money!

  19. I've never believed for one second that the Duggar family, or the Palin's, Huckabee's or any other professional "Christians" believed one single word of their religious talk.

    Snake oil salesmen sell the oil, they don't drink it. It's just a prop for their grift, nothing more. TLC is still floating the trial ballon of the sister's spin-off show. I hope people let sponsors know they want the Duggar family gone, all of them, permanently.

  20. Let this be a lesson unto you Sarah. (Because you read here religiously.)
    Starting with your maybe-to-be plagerised devotional rag, as you try to inch your way to the evangelical pulpit; you WILL be fully exposed all the way back to your losing your underwear as a kid.
    And all the kingdom will hear the ungodly rest!

  21. Anonymous8:24 AM

    TLC will put two of the Duggars on tv again.

    "Now, a source at TLC tells PEOPLE that Jessa Seewald and Jill Dillard will indeed appear in the [child abuse] documentary, which is in the early stages of production."

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Oh, sure: the Duggar girls will shed light on their brother's transgressions and devote themselves to protecting other young girls in similar situations. They are, like their clueless mother, unable to understand the true facts of what Josh did and what their parents did NOT do. Who'd want to see two ever-pregnant wives twisting the truth?

    2. There is no guarantee that documentary will ever air. It may simply be another damage control PR stunt by TLC.

  22. Oh yes, the Duggars know better than us: there really is a God, especially in America, and his full name is Greenbacks Legal Tender.

  23. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I'm sure the Duggars are really upset. Now they have to get actual jobs to support their brood.
    Life is hard.

  24. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Listen up Dugger family! I think your God has spoken and just shut the door on you repugnant public life. Time to Unpitch that tent and get real jobs!

  25. Anonymous9:09 AM

    if they really trusted god, they should understand this is god's will. or is it only god's will when it is what they want? I think it is the latter, which is why those who have run for president citing god told them to and then they lost big time.

  26. Anonymous9:20 AM

    What a pile of verbal doo-doo! Of course they want back on TV: how else would they be able to feed the brood? Ordinarily I would also mention the cost of education but, with the Duggars, this is not much of an issue. So, Michelle will have to write (sic) another book with her hubby and pray to the Almighty that it sells. They are as greedy, phony and dishonest as they come.

  27. Isn't it amazing that whenever these christianist charlatans yammer on about how it's God's will that they do something, whatever the something is always happens to be exactly what they themselves want to do?!

    Gee, what a coincidence. {rolls eyes}

  28. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Yeah, people are dying all over the globe in the crushing grip of poverty, but 'god' has the time to think about the Duggars? I wish 'god' was real so 'he' could smite them.

    I also wish 'hell' was real, 'cos that's where they'd go.

  29. Anonymous9:56 AM

    This situation with the Duggars and their supporters is very difficult for many of us incest survivors. It's the same thing I heard from my family and my born again abuser.

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      I am so sorry. I hope you have a group of supportive friends to rely on.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:54 PM

      This is what people SHOULD be focusing on most. The two victim sisters and babysitter deserve the professional treatment to get through this trauma,They've been put on notice by their parent's statements that they firmly stand behind the male perp Duggar and don't care about the "collateral damage". Thanks for your comment and reminder of what matters most, Anonymous 9:56.

  30. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Perhaps God wanted them to function as moral people within society and they failed, so Duggar God is smiting them. Smite on Big God o' Duggar, Smite on!

  31. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Extreme right wing "Christians" are grifters and charlatans. And not just the famous ones like the Duggars and the Palins. I've done my research and so many of them are caught in money-making schemes that at best are amateurish and at worst illegal and amoral.

    Jennifer K

  32. Pompous ass, holier than thou frauds. Any of 'em, all of 'em.

  33. Anonymous2:22 PM

    MSNBC caned a bunch of anchors, but I heard David Letterman has been hired! He's bringing back stupid pet tricks! Here's one of them!

    Can you say barooo!

    1. Anita Winecooler6:47 PM

      LOL!!!! She's like poultry in motion!! Damn, that video must have given Jim Bob a woodie! Ironic that it's the "Young Men's Christian Association" and she did the robocalls against teh gays!

  34. I talk with God daily. This morning, I asked her about the Duggars. She told me they can go fuck themselves.

    Then she realized maybe she didn't mean that -- we have enough little Duggars as it is.

  35. Anonymous5:23 PM

    The Duggars are heartbroken that their bank accounts have taken a hit. No more TLC sponsored and paid for family vacations for the whole bunch! Oh, boo effin' hoo!

  36. Anonymous5:50 PM

    If there is a place called Hell, it is going to be standing room only with all these fake Christians.


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