Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Retrumplican Party. The political advertisement that the GOP desperately does not want you to see.

So essentially the problem is not that Trump might introduce points of view that people will wrongly associate with the Republican party, the problem is that he will underline existing points of view that people will rightly associate with the Republican party.

And this fact is not lost on certain Republican presidential candidates, such as Lindsey Graham who said this just today: 

“As to the Republican Party, if we do not reject this way of thinking clearly without any ambiguity, we will have lost our way. We will have lost the moral authority, in my view, to govern this great nation,” Mr. Grahams said Sunday. “We should reject this demagoguery. If we don’t, we will lose and we will deserve to lose.”

The problem is to reject Trump and his demagoguery is to dismiss the base of the Republican party.

Trump knows this, apparently Lindsey Graham does not. 


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Lindsey's just another idiot. He wants to go back to war w/ Iraq and start war w/ Syria. Doesn't he realize how thin our military is stretched and how tired they are? Not to mention the shameful way we treat our active duty and esp. our Veterans? GD him for saying a word.

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I actually suspect that Lindsey and the other more established republicans know this. The secret is that they want to keep this racial bigotry of the base around because they have learned a long time ago how to play it like a violin (e.g. soft racism). They know how to mildly stoke it (and stroke) to their advantage. Remember the story of the robocalls against McCain in South Carolina in 2000, if I have it correctly? Where the question was posed invoking racism against his adopted child?

    Anyway, Trump's biggest crime is not the bigotry and racism itself, but his overt and direct use of it. Clearly, most rationale people are disgusted by it and the replubican party is associated by guilt since he is a republican candidate. The the real crime to the RNC is more subtle, The reaction to the racism puts a general negative in the public mind and the republicans can no longer use soft racism as a political tool as they have done in the past (i.e since it sounds too close to what Trump is doing)..

  3. Anonymous5:17 PM

    So, tell us, Lindsey Graham, where the h#ll were you when Sarah Palin was allowed to spew her demagoguery during the 2008 election. The GOP tolerated Palin, so they can just suck it up, buttercup and take all the garbage Trump is throwing out.

    And besides that, Lindsey, whining about Trump on a talk show is not effective in shutting down his hate. Each and every false statement of Trump's has to be resoundingly countered. You can start with Trump's "I'm, like, a smart person".

    1. Anonymous10:02 PM

      I'm guessing Miss Lyndsey was as terrified of Psycho Sarah as was POW McCain.

  4. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Let's not forget Don Young and his wetbacks" comment. That's probably going to be popping up again soon.

  5. Anonymous5:49 PM

    The GOP does not have a base, they have a base base. And that is not a typo.

    1. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Al qaeda means 'the base' in Arabic.


  6. Oh Lindsey knows it alright. (And I can't believe I agree with him-- brain bleach please.) But I think he might love the GOP more than he can kowtow to the nuts who are trying to destroy his party. Of course its his and the rest of the GOP's fault anyway for being such pigs the last seven years.

  7. A Superfan In Atlanta6:02 PM

    Chicken meet roost

  8. Anonymous6:05 PM

    The trouble with Trump, in my opinion, is that he has nothing to lose by his crazy talk on immigration. He has lost a lot of business associations in the past three weeks and so he's pulling out all of the stops to win the Presidential nomination for the Republican party. For crying out loud the election is 16 months out and a lot changes in those months! He supposedly is self-funding and he says he has lots of cash but he has yet to release his financial filings with the FEC. And something else he has to face is that the Kochs have already declared their choice of candidate and they have pledged a whole boatload of money to put Scott Walker in the White House. So the Republicans have nothing to worry about with Trump, he's just a pimple on their ass for the time being that needs squeezed.

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      The Donald Trump 'pimple on the ass of the GOP' needs to be lanced or lased off in the best interest of not only the GOP but for America; period.


  9. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Donald Trump's Bullsh*t Speech Wasn't Politics, It Was Worse

  10. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Donald Trump Antes Up On Immigration Stance

    Donald Trump: It's 'Okay' To Call Undocumented Immigrants 'Rapists'

    ...In an expletive-laden interview over soft drinks — Trump sips from a small plastic bottle of Coca-Cola — the celebrity contender said he has no plans to change the way he’s running for the Republican nomination, which combines his trademark showmanship, an outsider-populist credo that resists ideological categorization and incendiary comments that have thrilled conservative activists.

  11. Anonymous6:57 PM

    "Moral authority" ? I think not.

  12. Anonymous7:00 PM

    He is definitely a business man. He knows exactly who will buy his crap. He is a product aimed to please.

  13. Anonymous7:05 PM

    In Op-Ed, Ted Nugent Not Only Defends Donald Trump, He Wants Him To Have A Medal Of Freedom

    1. Anonymous10:01 PM

      Just like Bill Cosby!

  14. Anonymous7:07 PM

    In 47 Seconds, Dubya Explains Why America (And The World) Can’t Afford Another Republican President (VIDEO)

  15. Anonymous7:22 PM

    From the Pond (re Trump thinking he might win)

    Q dreamlover4now • 28 minutes ago
    Yes, that thought crossed my mind too. That's why I'd love to know what she makes of it all. She's very shrewd. It would be fun to know how she thinks about things so complex. ;-)

    'complex'?? hahahaha

    1. Anonymous9:37 PM

      Everything at the Pond is about Trump now. Sarah has no speaking engagements lined up, no Faux News,nothing.

      So they talk about Trump, he is the new Palin they really should call it Conservatives For Trump now. All of them are hanging by a thread predicting that Sarah will get in the race in August and when that does not happen they will keep extending it into impossibility. Dumb suckers.

      Her channel died because there were just are not enough fools to sustain it, cheerleaders only go so far unless they throw their skirts over their heads even then once you have seen it it loses it's value.

      Yuck! to nasty old Sarah who may get botox but is still getting old, damn. that must suck to be her.

    2. Anonymous9:59 PM

      Honey, Sarah doesn't think.

      Sarah just has guttural reactions.

    3. Anonymous5:57 AM

      The patients at crazies4palin love 'em some Trump cause he speaks what they all think about the ailing eagles.

  16. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Germany blamed the Jews and Hitler took advantage of it. Trump is doing the same, playing to angry people who need to blame someone for the situation they are in.

    My sister lives in AZ. Illegals stand on the street coroners in Pheonix and are picked out by people to clean their houses or do yard work because the bottom line is they just want cheap labor. The bottom line is they may bitch about illegals but the almighty dollar rules.And Rump no doubt has or has had a lot of illegals working for him as maids in his hotels or in construction or landscaping. It's prevalent AZ.

  17. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Trump is Sarah Palin v. 3.0 (Mini Me Bristol being the closest to the original).

    This all sounds like a sequel to U.S. Elections 2008, staring Trump instead of Palin.

    Hopefully the Republicans and Americans learned their lesson after the first version.

    A lot of you have said that who needs Sarah when they've got Trump? Yep, that's what I see as well, now that I look at him.

    No wonder Sarah is so bummed. Even Sarah's BFF Ted Nugent is praising the man. Nugent never wanted to nominate Sarah for a big award.

    Too bad, how sad to Sarah Palin. Loyalties have shifted.

  18. Anita Winecooler9:51 PM

    Ahh, like watching sand castles when the tide comes in. How can they put the trump paste back in the tube? He can't help himself, and everyone's scattering like cockroaches when the lights come on.
    When a Democrat steps their foot in poo, they usually clean up the mess themselves, or the party swiftly comes out to distance themselves or admonish the person for his/her poor judgement/choice of words.
    Tnh GOP, not so much. Especially their conservative base, which paved the way for this level of demagoguery and public ego masturbation. He's got to punctuate his bullshit with self adulation.
    No one in the media will ask a simple question like "How are you going to make Mexico pay for a wall you want to build?" What about our border to the north? And the border between Alaska and Canada?

  19. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I'm saving up choice c4creeps endorsements of Trump and I'm going to put them all over the internet when Trump falls, so that nobody will ever be in any doubt about racial bigot Sarah Palin and her racist cult.

    I hope Cletus the Fetus turns out to be anything but white.

  20. Anonymous11:27 PM

    3 Truths About Trump -

  21. Oh, but the GOP will tell you they're not racists.

  22. So Lyndsey, the Confederate Queen, says the republicans will deserve to lose? I never thought I'd see the day I'd agree with Mr. Deep In The Closet over anything, wonders never cease.

  23. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Since Neil Young doesn't want the Trumpet to use his music, here's one he can try ... just change "Duck" to "Trump" and
    its almost perfect ...


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