Monday, July 13, 2015

You know this is happening behind the scenes.

Yep, today is the day that Scott Walker is expected to officially announce that he too would like to climb into the GOP clown car.

Of course it will be a little anti-climatic since somebody accidentally tweeted that he was running on Friday.

It really makes no difference who jumps into the race these days. Essentially it has now become just a mob of climate denying, Koch sucking, gaffe riddled morons.


  1. Anonymous2:54 AM

    But this one is their anointed one.

    Poor old Sarah Palin is probably trying to make some currency from this, remember that one time she was feted by the out of State crowds bussed into Madison by Kochsuckers Are Us. Geez, that was way back before Deadbart croaked....

    and wouldn't Deadbart by handy to have around now, he could patrol the Mexican border shrieking "stop raping people!" for Trump.... until he croaked.

    1. Olivia5:35 AM

      So of all the Koch suckers in the clown car, Walker is the one they choose to support because he is the most pliable, the most willing to follow their 'guidance', the one who will most willingly comply with every mandate they issue to make this the greatest nation their money can buy. With all the losers the Republicans have to chose from, this Koch choice makes them look unbelievably cynical about who people would want to vote for. Walker is the lowest of the low so far.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Yes, Scotty is the lowest of the low. tRump is but the side show in this circus. Walker will be the device to deliver the coup de gras to the American people for the Kochsuckers if we don't keep on our toes.

  2. Anonymous3:26 AM

    The Koch brothers chose the dumbest candidate since W!! They want one who will mindlessly do their bidding, brain dead and money hungry. Well, they FOUND HIM in Scotty. He is "The Chosen One" that is for sure.

  3. Jump in all the guys you want -- T-Rump is still the poster boy for the GOP, the dinosaur of the political parties.

  4. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Let the games begin. Scott Walker lived for a time, dad a preacher, in Delavan WI. Delavan was at one time home to 26 circus companies.

    The oligarch Koch brothers apparently vetted and chose the best (cheapest?) clown in the car to support. Buying the White House is apparently worth the discount dollars to own America.


  5. As far as I am concerned, Walker is no different than our former president, GWBush.....and really if you look closely, you will see STUPID written across his forehead.

  6. Anonymous4:59 AM

    This includes Sarah..

  7. Anonymous5:13 AM

    But wait...

  8. I still can't believe the people of Wisconsin failed to recall Walker when given the chance. Cheeseheads indeed, that must be the answer. It certainly isn't gray matter between their ears, just pure dairy product.

    I fear the Koch's money. After watching Bush steal two consecutive elections it's clear it can be done. The only hope Democrats have is to turn out enormous numbers of voters, including a lot of first time voters. The Koch's clearly have the monetary advantage and they are completely unscrupulous. Lying, cheating, voting machine manipulation are all tactics they've employed in the past and will do again.

  9. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Scott Walker is a tone deaf maniac STEADILY losing right wing support here in Wisconsin. over 60% of his own party in Wisconsin do NOT support his run for president.
    He's a religious zealot hell-bent on his next election. He governs by sneak attack, surprise, and then stands back and let's the bomb damage his citizens. Horrible man. no wonder he was called "Unfit to Lead" in college.

  10. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Bernadette Gillick, MD, has put her reputation on the line by relating that her roommate in college was impregnated in college by Walker who told her to get an abortion.


    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      please give us facts on this, it could be DYNO MITE
      dag game, I hate our guvner, only in ;sconny would this douchebag have a small chance

    2. I remember around the time of the recall that incident coming out. The mainstream media never touched it. And the mother of the child, who would now be a 27 year old woman, denied Walker was the father. Of course it's very possible she was bribed or threatened into making that statement.

      After the Palin family birth and babies shenanigans I will never take any politician's word on parentage. I want to see laboratory reports, independently certified.

  11. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Karl Rove is to G. W. Bush as Bradley Foundation's Michael Grebe is to Scott Walker.

  12. Anonymous9:17 AM

    One of the callers to Stephanie Miller's show this morning made an interesting comment. Apparently, there was a big billionaire's meeting in Miami last year. Adelson, Kochs, & Trump were in attendance.

    The theory is that Trump's purpose is to destroy Jebbie's chances thereby paving the way for the biggest Kochsucker of all, Walker. It was noted that Trump attacks Bush more than any other Republican candidate, & has yet to mention Scottie.

    Definitely worth considering.

  13. I'll bet the Koch brothers wet themselves with joy.

  14. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

    The carnival barker has the GOP by the short and curlies. He's neck and neck with Exclamation point. Can the Koch bros get Walker traction? Watched his "rollout" and needed a double shot of espresso. He's tossing red meat to the base, screw the working class and poor.
    OT President Obama kept his word!

    and THIS


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