Friday, July 10, 2015

Well if this next Presidential election is determined solely by money raised, then we might as well just give it to Jeb Bush now.

Courtesy of HuffPo
Jeb Bush's presidential campaign announced Thursday it had raised a combined $114 million since the former governor of Florida began exploring a run for the White House earlier this year. 

"Jeb is encouraged and grateful for the tremendous early support and enthusiasm his candidacy has generated since he launched his campaign," Woody Johnson, Bush's national finance chairman, said in a statement. "We are confident our campaign will have the resources needed to get Jeb’s conservative record, message and vision for the future out to voters across the country.” 

Bush's campaign said it had raised $11.4 million in the 16 days since the governor announced his candidacy last month. The haul amounts to an average of $700,000 raised per day in the first two weeks of his official campaign. Aides to Bush did not yet disclose how much cash the candidate has on hand, nor did they share the number of donors who contributed to his fundraising total. Presidential candidates are required to report those details and other fundraising information to the FEC by July 15th.

That essentially leaves virtually all of Bush's rivals on the Right in the dust, and even Hillary Clinton so far is only announcing donations of around 45 million. (Though it should be noted that the superPAC backing her, Priorities USA, has not announced their donations as of yet.)

I think it is becoming crystal clear that if politics is now just a numbers game, which is how Republicans want it set up, that the ONLY person who has any shot at beating Jebbie is Hillary. 

And that is sad for a lot of different reasons. 

Personally I am sickened by this whole thing and really, really want somebody to introduce a bill to get all of this money out of politics. And then of course have the pull to get it passed.

I am literally embarrassed for the rest of the world to see how we conduct our so-called "democracy" here in the United States.


  1. But -- Trump is polling SECOND...

    from just now:

    Republicans have yet to come to terms with the reality of what their party has become – and how it became that way. They believe that Trump is an outsider, an alien voice in an otherwise mainstream party. That’s a mistake.

    The man is polling second in national polls among Republican voters. He’s not a fringe figure. He represents the base of the party. Trump is merely mouthing the idiocies conservative Republicans wants to hear. The GOP, you might say, has a demand-side problem, one they are unwilling to face.

    That nearly all of the GOP presidential candidates have been slow to condemn Trump should signal to the RNC that his views are welcomed in the party. These candidates are forced to tread lightly precisely because Trump is so popular, because his nonsense is resonating with Republican voters.

    Republican officials are operating under the assumption that Trump is a passing infatuation; that he’ll somehow fade into political nonexistence. That may well be true. But that won’t solve their problem.

    Trump is a symptom, after all. He exists because Republican voters want him to.

    The GOP can distance themselves from Trump, but they can’t distance themselves from the barren brand of conservatism he represents, a conservatism that now defines their party. Trump, in other words, is the Republican Party. And discarding him won’t change that one bit.

    So I say Trumpet away, Trump! You and your party of the past.
    Show your ugly racist, regressive colors so everybody sees.
    especially the independents.

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      A Bush/Anybody ticket and a Trump independent candidate would be a dream come true

    2. Is this a Trump poll?

      Perhaps the question was who will you vote for: Trump or someone else? In which case Trump would naturally be in second place.

  2. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Sure is sad to learn once you become an adult in America that we are NOT a democracy! Everything 'green' BUYS America - seats in government - corporate heads - boards - lobbyists, etc.

    Our country looks awful to the rest of the world! I feel so sorry for the poor in America as well as the middle class. We are being led like sheep to the slaughter! The Republicans are a horrid party and have created division in everything - they've decreased Food Stamps etc. for the poor. I thought they were supposedly a religious party? They don't believe in caring for the poor and hungry! And, they don't live by the Biblical teachings or, Christian doctrine.

    Voting is suppose to be so important - but, I'm not so sure anymore. This is a senior citizen speaking and I'm watching all of this and want to tell you that fear has set in!

    I'm looking for a revolution to begin at some point within our country. The poor and middle class will eventually say enough is enough!

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      This senior just sent money to the Bernie Sanders campaign-first time I have ever given money to a candidate!

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      You're not the only one!

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    That @ss will never be my president.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Lol. And yet maybe he will.

    2. Anonymous2:41 PM

      A girl can dream! LOL

    3. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Poppy Bush should have spent less time with Jennifer Fitzgerald, more time with his kids. Barbara likely was absent too, at occasions for women in power. These family values republicans are sadly lacking in both.

  4. JEB! is obviously a Kochsucker.

  5. Anonymous1:23 PM

    JEB looks like a big overgrown DS baby ;-)

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      That's cruel. He looks clueless and his lazy eye is not attractive, though.

    2. Anonymous3:06 AM

      3:19 His brother made it into the WH TWICE, with the exact same attributes! Money TALKS loudly.

  6. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I didn't think anyone could look or act more idiotic than W. But Jeb! is doing it. Does anyone really want a president who makes stupid faces and acts like a moron? Didn't W fill that position to a "T" so that we don't need another one?.
    Babs was so right when she said we don't need any more Bushes in the WH (or anywhere else for that matter). She has gone back on that comment, but she was right the first time. And I never agree with a shrub.

    1. Just wait until the political cartoonists are unleashed.

  7. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Campaign finance is one of the pressing issues of our immediate future. Citizens United MUST be overturned if we have any hope of a republic which represents citizens.


    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Bernie agrees. Hillary? what do you think?

  8. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Hey, Jesse. Your headline is incorrect. The last line should be "just give it to JEB! now." You r supposed to forget his last name

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      True dat!
      But a snake is a snake.
      RIP Kenny Stabler, you gave that moniker a good vibe.
      Shrubs, not so much.

  9. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Ot ..timer on scarahs Facebook page has stopped for over an hour now. A big announcement was suppose to be taking place. Not a peep from the grifter. Pee people are getting restless. They also got a fundraising letter from sarahpac asking for money to support the 2nd amendment. Nobody wants to talk about it because Sarah is supposedly emptying her PAC to allow a 2016 run.

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      New e-mail from SarahPAC...


      Dear Peter M,

      Liberal politicians continue to try to chip away at our Second Amendment rights.

      We need your help funding an advertising campaign exposing these liberal lies. We all know the gun control myth. Liberals say it helps, but in reality it fails. Look at Chicago, liberals say gun control is helping, but in reality, this leads to more death because good people can't defend themselves.

      FACT cities with less restrictive gun laws have been proven safer, by a report funded by the Obama Administration.

      Will you chip in just $30 to keep our pro-Second Amendment ad alive that defends our Constitution from the gun grabbers like Obama and Hillary Clinton?



    2. Anonymous2:34 PM

      AmazedOne1 StandProudNow
      15 minutes ago
      We all understood it that same way, SPN. PLUS, Sarah had hinted that there would be a big announcement associated with the end of the timer.

      That hint had many here hoping and praying that it would be an announcement of a run.
      0 Reply

      StandProudNow AmazedOne1
      a minute ago
      I'm not necessarily thinking that today would be her day to announce. However. You don't put up a countdown timer unless something is going on. Something more than just announcing the results. Just my opinion :)

      This is really curious to me. Sarah wouldn't do a count down and them leave people hanging. Something is up.
      0 Reply

      JDCampbell StandProudNow
      18 minutes ago
      0 Reply

      StandProudNow JDCampbell
      16 minutes ago
      The timer has been up for about an hour now...
      Whazz Withzz ZAT?


    3. "StandProudNow AmazedOne1
      4 minutes ago
      I'm not necessarily thinking that today would be her day to announce. However. You don't put up a countdown timer unless something is going on. Something more than just announcing the results. Just my opinion :)

      This is really curious to me. Sarah wouldn't do a count down and them leave people hanging. Something is up."

      I drink their tears.

    4. Anonymous2:40 PM

      I find it hilarious! Especially their infighting.

    5. Anonymous3:15 PM


      Ha! Nom Nom Nom Nom.

    6. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Liz, the Palins are noted for being late. Late to the brawl, $arah late in posting her Facebook about topics days old, Bristol late on her "cycle,,,," LOL

    7. Anonymous4:10 PM

      A SarahPAC ad for 2nd Amendment ad? Where? TV? Radio? Newspapers? Or a meme that I could make within a few minutes and post on Facebook and 4palin web sites for nothing?

      Thirty bucks, huh? Oh BROTHER, the grift, and the paranoid fall for it. And she's publishing a devotional? Sheesh.

    8. LOL, and so true, 3:39.

    9. Anonymous3:11 AM

      Maybe Bristles has gone into labor, so they are counting down until delivery? Maybe the daddy IS "the black guy from Anchorage" and they are trying to cover up? Who won the hockey stick, or the other scam she was running about the $10 bill?

  10. All we have to do--in spite of billions of dollars and gerrymandered districts and vote suppression laws--is to get every Democrat registered and get them to the polls to vote. (And have an army of lawyers standing by to file challenges, LOL.)

    If each of us will just vote AND make sure we help someone else vote, we can elect Democrats.

    Yes, even Bernie Sanders.

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Go Bernie!

    2. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Yes we CAN! Always remember the Rove meltdown on Fox election night as they were flashing Obama had won. We the people CAN.

    3. Anonymous3:12 AM

      Rove honestly thought the "fix" was in. So sad, too bad, KKKKarl.

  11. Anonymous2:55 PM

    You can't just introduce a bill to get money out of politics. Thanks to the Supreme Court, we now need a constitutional amendment-a very much tougher task to get done. We're an oligarchy now, not a democratic republic.

  12. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Charles Gasparino: Jeb Bush Should 'Fess Up' About His Lehman Brothers Ties

    Jeb Bush has raised 114 million dollars so far and everyone is wondering how much of that cash came from his Wall Street boyz. Fox News Business' Charles Gasparino was flummoxed today because Jeb Bush's campaign refused to discuss his time with Lehman Brothers as the global financial markets collapsed.

    Jeb Bush apparently doesn’t want people to know that he worked at Lehman Brothers, the now-defunct investment bank whose collapse led to the broader financial meltdown in 2008.
    That’s the only conclusion I can come to after receiving a series of occasionally bizarre emails from his press people to what I thought was a fairly simple question about Bush’s work before he became a Republican presidential candidate.
    Here’s what we know: In 2008, as Lehman was falling into insolvency because of its bad bet on real estate—among the first of many banks that would do so that year—Bush took part in a firm effort to save the company. Inside Lehman, the process of raising new capital and trying to dispose of all those bad assets on its balance sheet was known as “Project Green.”
    Bush’s piece of this firm-wide effort was termed “Project Verde” (Spanish for Green), and it involved convincing the world’s richest man, Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, to make a potentially life-saving investment into Lehman.
    How do I know this? Not from the Bush people or even from all those tax returns he released last week, but from countless anonymous sources on Wall Street and one source who isn’t: Anton Valukas, a Reagan appointed former U.S. Attorney who went on to become the examiner for the Lehman on

    Gasparino goes to great lengths to explain why he feels that Jeb Bush is trying to skirt his Lehman Brothers ties. He also feels that since Wall Street influenced government after the collapse in 2008 and since Jeb was at the firm that tipped off the biggest collapse in recent memory, understanding his role in all of it is important for the American people to know

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      OK Mainstream journalists -- get cracking!!
      You can't? Oh, and why not -- afraid you will lose your access to JEB!
      You guys are pathetic.

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      YES they are. But I grew up in the Walter Cronkite/ Huntley Brinkley era when journalists actually did their jobs.

    3. Anonymous3:18 AM

      Exactly. I e-mailed Bob Schieffer after one of his ass kissing a gop politician Sunday shows, asked if he remembers the time when he was a REAL journalist. Asked him if he regrets throwing away his reputation for the gop. No reply.

  13. Anonymous3:17 PM

    The more I see of Jeb!, the less I care for him. He reminds me of a guy I knew in college who was from a wealthy and influential family and thought that entitled him to always be the center of attention. Actually, he was very dull and had no sense of humor. He had a way of never really looking you in the eye, clearly uncertain of how he presented. People ignored him if possible. I have read that he was a bully in prep school and I am not really surprised.

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      He comes across as quite juvenile and entitled, PLUS the last name. His family has done enough to this country, no way in double hockeys will I vote for third time's a charm because, quite frankly, it flat out isn't.

  14. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Seriously...seriously.....look at that picture long and hard.

    After eight years of President Obama, THIS is what we've got coming in? I don't THINK so. Get out the vote!

  15. A Superfan In Atlanta8:51 PM

    OR....we could all get off our rusty dusties and VOTE. There are more of us (w/the best intents for the nation) than there are "them" (the 1%).

    It's not that hard. It's basic math.

    We've done it twice now by electing President Obama.
    * NO ONE has an excuse for not getting their ID or whatever else they need ready.
    * NO ONE can say they didn't know the elections were coming up.
    * NO ONE can blame anyone for not getting registered to vote over 1 year away from the election.

    No more excuses!!!! Stop complaining and start getting your shit in order to vote in November 2016.

    1. Anonymous3:24 AM

      EXACTLY. Make voters voices heard, in spite of all the dirty tricks from the gop. Jeb! is no more qualified than his dumbass brother was. I can not think of ONE in the clown car who is worth voting for. Jeb! said "I wanna be RICH" so he is going to do that by scamming taxpayers like his father and brother. W is making big $$$ giving "speeches" Who pays to hear that stupid man speak? People who are even dumber than him, no doubt. Even the very bland Laura, the Killer, makes $50,000 a speech.

  16. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Nice photo of "the smart Bush" Does he do that instead of wonky eyed photos like the PayMe clan? His eyes are a little wonky, as are his brother Geogie's. Jindal was right about one thing, the gop will NEVER attract the SMART people.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Apologies to intelligent elephants, but the Bush "boys" have elephant eyes, small and beady. On the animal they are cute.


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