Friday, July 10, 2015

Well you knew it was coming, Sarah Palin resurrects her famous Obamacare death panels.

Courtesy of Nurse Wretched's Facebook page:


(Okay who predicted this? I did that's who!)

Politicians just don't get it. Their "Death Panels" still won't die. Last night Obamacare masterminds decided they'll pay healthcare providers for vulnerable patients' "end-of-life” plans. Remember that's the strange, intrusive, unaffordable, and unnecessary scheme that was actually stripped from Obamacare five years ago, once we "found out what's in it." (Actually she means "lied about what's in it.") So now that part of this socialistic healthcare takeover is back, but yesterday's decision isn't the entire point here. 

Be clear, media. Think. Do your homework. Remember when coining “death panel” I focused on the dangers of rationing healthcare services – as it's the inevitable result of any government takeover of healthcare. I was right about this then, and I’m still right about it today. Do your dang homework – you've even admitted I was right, so don't claim I'm "universally discredited" on it. (No they did their "dang" homework and you were universally discredited.") Got it? In fact, even democrats now agree about “death panel" dangers they've found in Obamacare – specifically in the role that unelected, faceless bureaucrats on the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) will play in determining who will get government's limited supply of care, whose care will be covered, and they'll dangerously decide who will be denied. (Okay so here Palin is conflating two separate issues. Yes there is a point past where medical insurance will not pay for procedures deemed hopeless, and in the old days some insurance carriers would make that decision when the survivability of the patient was still quite viable, but the end-of-life plans are to pay physicians for their time helping a person accept that they have come to the end of their lives, IF they ask for that service, and providing support for them and their families in coping with that fact. It is not about cutting off funds, it is about providing funds.)  

Media coverage of my position on this is skewed; as usual they got it wrong.  (Nope, They are, if you'll pardon the pun, dead right.) I'm calling you out, L.A. Times. You underestimate the wisdom of the people with your claim that I'm "discredited." 

(Okay now hear Palin is referring to this article by the LA Times pointing out how she was wrong about the "death panels."  And bizarrely Palin then conducts an interview WITH HERSELF on behalf of the LA Times to answer questions she claims to have received from them.)

Here's my response to one of your colleague's questions last night about the death panels: 

Ms. Reporter - thanks for asking. On the record ("On the record?" How can it be on the record if there is no reporter to put it on the record?)

There's no denying that the ultimate fix for Obamacare's unsustainable, unaffordable promises is rationed care. Rationed care decided upon by a panel of faceless bureaucrats who, rational people like me will argue, will measure a person's worth using disagreeable criteria as they justify doling out limited government-controlled care. That, my friend, is a death panel. 

1. Does this still concern you as possibly leading to death panels or encouraging doctors to deny care to save costs? 

It doesn’t just lead to “death panels” it confirms even further that this “Affordable Care Act” is nothing of the sort, and more importantly it just affords government permission to deny care. (Nope, that is false. And if there were an actual reporter here they would call Palin on this lie.) This decision does not take into consideration the importance of every individual, nor the sanctity of life, as many of us have said for years. Certainly, all patients and families should be advised of options, but we engage in that today and we don't need government bribing any party to do so. (Actually insurance companies have been denying services to patients for years, THAT is why there has been such a outcry for the government to step in and regulate them so that people with preexisting conditions were not denied coverage and people with chronic illnesses were not kicked off of their insurance policies. THAT is what the Affordable Care Act helped to rectify.) See, Obamacare is about unnecessary government intervention and, ultimately, it's all about government control. Government needs to stay the hell out of our "end-of-life" discussions. I'm so angry at democrat and republican politicians who just rolled their eyes when I, and many others, rose up with warnings that each step forward taken by champions of this socialist program would jerk back two steps from every free American and our God-given rights. (There were no "God-given rights" when it came to insurance coverage. There were "insurance company rights" and now with Obamacare people have a whole lot more of them.) Life is not about the almighty dollar and someone's arbitrary decisions about who deserves rationed health care; life is sacred because it's provided by our Creator and in itself deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Speaking of dollars, a bloated bureaucracy and weak-kneed politicians sent millions of Americans into financial distress, unseen in history, with this leftist scheme called Obamacare. (Also not true. In fact some insurance companies even refunded money to customers due to a provision in the Affordable Care Act which forces them to do so if they are not spending 80% of their premiums on actual medical care.)

2. Do you have any concerns about doctors and nurse practitioners being paid or encouraged to have end-of-life planning questions? 

Concerns? More than concerns! For anyone who's had health issues – from welcoming the blessing of a new life, to the frightening and unfortunate aspects of life – answering a government questionnaire that will be judged by faceless bureaucrats just doesn’t cut it. The Hippocratic Oath taken by our care providers is one of the oldest, most sacred binding oaths, and through any iterations it has never condoned the taking of innocent life through lack of care, and certainly not via direct action. If you've recently received care then you know the many intrusive, personal questions that government mandates a provider probe. Be aware that most of these questions are for the benefit of a far-away, bankrupt government, they're not for the benefit of the patient. It is happening in our assisted living facilities, our nursing homes, hospitals, doctors’ offices, and schools, despite many providers who disagree with the mandate but are forced or coerced to provide answers to the death panel of the fed. (Okay now if there had been a REAL reporter conducting this interview, this would be about where she snapped and went "What in the fuck are you babbling about? I can't hand this in to my editors! Their first question to me would why did I conduct an interview with a person who was clearly high on methamphetamines!".)

- Sarah Palin 

Palin then links to this video which she seems to think proves her point.

Yeah how do you like that for seizure inducing editing? (Did she actually have Stephen Colbert on there making her side of the argument? Maybe she should watch his show before including him in her clip.)

Wow first it was crosshairs, and now it's death panels, I feel like I'm trapped in some weird Palin time warp.

So is this what happens when Palin loses her spot on Fox News and TAPP kicks her to the curb? Just endless summer reruns?

I will assume her next post will be one arguing that "Dammit! I was too pregnant!"


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    "Endless summer reruns" ha ha ha. Yep, crosshairs, death panels and another Bristol pregnancy!

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Endless summer reruns, I love it!! And yes Gryph, this is what happens when you lose your spot on Fox News and TAPP kicks you to the curb!! (It's about time you used the correct terminology in regards to the TAPP situation, Palin didn't quit the PPV channel, the TAPP network dumped her boney ass because she wasn't making them any money!!) But I digress, Sarah always falls back on her "greatest hits catalog" because she desperately wants to rewrite history so she can pretend that she was always right the whole time!! The woman lives in a fantasy world, all the drugs that she's consumed have messed up her pea sized brain!

  2. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Dear nitwit Sarah,
    The govmint didn't take over healthcare. It is still in the hands of private insurance companies and you are still a dumbazz c___t.

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Actually healthcare is still in the hands of healthcare providers, the same ones that were providing it before ACA. And the profits are still being reaped by the insurance companies. The decisions about what must be covered, at a minimum, have been set forth in the ACA, and beyond that, the corporations still make the decisions, as always.

  3. Anonymous9:15 AM

    This bitch will not let anything go! NOTHING.
    Politifact's Lie Of The Year 2009.

    Life is not about the almighty dollar, $arah? Really?
    You could have fooled me, you've always got your hand out!

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    It is clear that this ignoramus has never had to take care of someone at the end of his or her life. In recent years, I cared for both of my parents as they approached death. Thank goodness I had medical personnel who explained to me the process and signs of dying so I could make decisions I knew my parents would have wanted.

    I am offended that this foolish woman thinks she has answers. Once she has taken this long, difficult trip with her parents or someone else she loves (but she will probably hire someone else to do it)...then I might listen.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      absolutely agree!

    2. Anonymous10:10 AM

      My condolences. I am going through this right now and it's not fun. Thank goodness my parents are progressive and wanted me to be prepared for this.

    3. Anonymous10:18 AM

      You can surely appreciate the role of health care providers who discuss options and respect physical needs and wishes of patients and their families guidance. It never gets easier to care for people who are dying and be a rock for family members or even comfort them when often they collapse in grief weeping in your arms.

      I can not adequately express the outrage I feel from Palin's set up response #2 as a RN. She leveled some depraved accusations I hope she experiences a horrific form of hell on earth as deserved punishment.

    4. Anonymous11:43 AM

      The question comes to mind:"Is there anyone she loves."

    5. Anonymous4:03 PM

      I'm a Hospice nurse. Every day I see patients and families choosing to spend their last days in their own homes with their family around them. When there's nothing to be done that will cure, the kindest option is to provide a dignified death. Most people want to hear the truth from their doctors and the best time to discuss end of life decisions is in the doctor's office before the difficult decisions need to be made. That's just smart.

      STFU $arah and stay out of private conversations between trained medical professionals and their patients. Just because $omeone takes a lot of drugs, that doesn't make her a doctor.

    6. Anonymous4:56 PM tell her!

  5. Anonymous9:18 AM

    She plagiarized the term "death panels" from Betsey McCaughey.

    1. Of course the Sarahskank stole "death panels" from Betsey. That ignoramous grifter; or any of her "postage", don't have a creative brain cell among them. Her book, "Going Rogue", came from Tina Fey's SNL skit of Sarah. Her fictious "War on Christmas" came from Billo the Clown.
      The Sarahskank steals everything because her lemmings are too stupid to know the difference between their tiny little heads, and her ass.

  6. Why does she refuse to understand this? This is the issue primarily concerned with insurance paying doctors for a 15-minute discussion with the patient about the patient's Living Will options. How does this become a Death Panel? I have a Living Will, and you should have one too, Sarah.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      These conversations have been going on for years and years. Now, doctors will be reimbursed for the time they volunteered before when discussing a patient's wishes.
      That's all that's changed.
      I'm only 66 and am in very good health. But I spent the time to discuss with my doctor what I wanted to happen if, when I was near death, extraordinary measures should be taken or not. I don't want my children to have to make that decision: it would be unfair to them to have to choose life on life-support for Mom, or a peaceful, natural end. They won't be able to ask me -- so I'm making it clear now what I want in the future.
      Note to Sarah: we're all going to die. This way, we have some say over what those last weeks or days will be like. That's life-enhancing.

    2. Anonymous10:10 AM

      I'll betcha that she and Todd have Living Wills! Surely they wouldn't be that stupid in not having them prepared. (They do have the legal folks at their disposal that she is paying for monthly!)

      Remember, she (they) talk out of both sides of their mouths.

      They need to make sure that no one will slip them 'something' when they are hospital bound!

      Can you imagine what it would be like in a hospital setting knowing you had Sarah Palin lying on a bed in front of you? Oh, the thoughts, oh the thoughts!!!!

    3. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Lithium is what I would be thinking!

  7. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Boring. Let's just hope the huffpo doesn't feed her ego by posting this diatribe.

  8. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Sarah is gulping for oxygen. Reality has punched her in the stomach and knocked the wind out of her.

    She's bringing up crosshairs and death panels because both made headlines in the past. Nothing else she's tried has worked. Nothing else is generating any attention. Blood libel or a fake pregnancy are next.

    (Sarah thinks she's still ovulating, because no one told her otherwise.)

  9. Palin is a known liar, ignorant on issues, and someone who continues to give misleading and false information to her dwindling followers. Reading comments at C4Pee it’s obvious her followers are under informed and rely on their strong evangelical Christian beliefs, and their mistaken belief that Sarah is one of them.

    Palin is doing more harm to our country by putting out these false and misleading lies. Luckily the number of followers she has left is so low they no longer have the influence in politics they once had.

    Sarah is fading into history and she knows it. Especially by seeing the dwindling amount of donations going to her Sarah PAC that keeps her alive.

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Can hardly wait to see her financial report provided the public! Her SARAHPAC is dying! She appears to no longer have the financial support of the big boys.

      And, we are one of the few blogs giving her any coverage! She's not making national news anymore (but, she really, really hated it anyway!) and now she is crying for their attention!

      Need I say that she is a confused mess!!!

    2. All it takes is one with a gun. We can only hope none of her acolytes can shoot any straighter than she does.

    3. Sarah1:15 PM

      Please don't wish physical danger or harm to Sarah Palin. This blog is better than that.

      Sarah Palin represents a major problem with our politics and the dangerous intrusion of proud ignorance and fundamentalist Christianity into our public life. Personally, she and her family are lying hypocrites who have a very skewed sense of decency.

      Let's not be so crass as to call for or wish for any physical harm or death upon her or her family. As they say on Wonkette, we only want to harm her "with words."

    4. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Gryph should not allow posts that encourage physical harm to anyone at all. I am disappointed.

    5. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Where is anyone wishes physical danger or harm? I missed that. Link, thank you.

    6. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Well when she has to STOP stalking folks AND vehicular tampering first! 😏

    7. Anonymous5:24 PM

      I'm picking up on the physical harm vibe as well and hope it's being planted by those who want to denigrate this blog, not by IM supporters.

    8. yeah, I'm with 2:03. I don't see a threat - just think something was misread.

  10. Anonymous9:33 AM

    It is good that no one is listening to this ignoramus. No media outlets are reporting on Sarah spouting off her 2009 Lie of the Year in the summer of 2015.

    She is going to have to do more than shout from her Facebook page to get any attention. I am sure all kinds of media outlets would love to book her on a talk or news show, but of course, they will not allow her to have the questions ahead of time.

    Sarah's day is done. She is yesterday's newspaper only good to wrap dead fish in.

  11. Anonymous9:35 AM

    My opinion - Sarah Palin should be done away with - with HER 'death panels' or via crosshairs as she provided Gabby!

    It cannot occur soon enough! I so badly want a world where the words and thoughts of Sarah Palin (the evil and sorry excuse for a woman) are no longer a daily occurrence.

    She is a pox upon this earth!

  12. Anonymous9:37 AM

    But she is perfectly ok with local and state government intrusion with a woman's right to a safe and legal abortion. This woman and her views are irrelevant. If she wants to live in denial - so be it. She'll grift that last penny out her few remaining supporters, then what? She might actually have to declare her Presidential run just to keep her slush fund alive. Then when the going gets tough she can drop out and declare that once again she was a victim. It's a win win

  13. She must think that if she resurrects old stories, she will magically get the same attention and headlines she did back in the day.

    Whoopsies, Palin, you gibbering dolt. Your day is done.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Too many people are getting older, or have older people under their care. Only an ignorant person would insist that older people not receive advice or information related to their malady, and what they prefer their family and health providers to do at various stages of their terminal illness. Think of the large numbers of patients that are "kept alive" because they failed to make their wishes knows, and one of their family members refuse to let go.

  14. Anonymous9:39 AM

    There were a couple of RNs over at the pond the other day completely supporting the doctor/patient counseling for end of life. It's not that it already doesn't take place, it's that the doctor will be paid for it, and family members will have a real office appointment and not have to follow the doc down the passage way to try to get more information from him, under stress. Denying families and patients the opportunity for this type of counseling is simply stupid, flippant, and cruel. She is rewriting the history of her own "death panel" screed, which was focused on this counseling. She never said a word about the medicare-related IPAB, until later on. I don't know why I pay any attention to anything she says, she is ignorant beyond belief.

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      For many years I worked for a law firm and our firm made the forms available to all employees as soon as the state government set their requirement, gave employees extensive information and encouraged everyone to proceed with preparing the directives. That's when we did it (about 20 years ago now) and, when we retired, we asked our attorney to review the forms and update them. Now it's all on file. All done before Sarah Palin came on the scene with her hysteria and lies. And no panel has yet ordered us to die.

  15. Anonymous9:42 AM

    The idea of Sarah Palin telling anyone to "think" and "do your homework" had me giggling so much, I could barely get through the remainder of this particular post!

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      And to think she's a teachers kid?

  16. I realize that Palin doesn't give a crap how many people would die as a result of her hideously ignorant and mean-spirited ideas, but from actual health professionals:

    "... discussions with palliative care physicians who would discuss the patients' aims and goals for the end of life. The group who had those conversations chose to stop their chemotherapy sooner. They had fewer days in the hospital. They were less likely to die in an ICU. They started hospice earlier, and they lived 25 percent longer. And that's largely because, you know, that fourth round of chemotherapy or that last ditch operation is vastly more likely to be causing you harm than it is to be providing you benefits. So over and over again we end up sacrificing people's lives and making them more miserable—which is just bad decision-making all around."

    For more:

    1. Comeonpeople10:54 AM

      His book Being Mortal should be required reading for all clinicians and .... Well... Humans who will die.

    2. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Second that suggestion. It is a fabulously insightful and compassionate book.

    3. @Comeonpeople10:54 AM, You are right. I have read all his books.

    4. Comeonpeople1:17 PM

      Nefer: love love love Checklist Manifesto , also, too!

  17. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Ms Palin appears to be frantically recycling the most bombastic of her facebook posts, to compete with Mr. Trump for headlines.

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      I thought the same thing. As loud-mouthed idiots go, she is being seriously trumped :)

    2. Anonymous11:42 AM

      They are still insisting that Trump is just a stalking horse for the "governor". I guess so she doesn't have to do any work on her own. I wonder when they will dig up the clip in 2008 of her maintaining she was in favor of amnesty.

    3. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Oh didn't you all hear? Donald has a hype girl! Oh that must really really bug Sarah! Whining "why not me Donald"? Because everyone is tired of your yapping Snowflake Snookie!

  18. Anonymous9:48 AM

    First of all, she did NOT "coin" that stupid death panels term; it was some other woman (I forget who; from the northeast) who was using it for months before Sarah picked it up and ran with it. Sarah got all the attention, but she did not "coin" it. I wish whoever did would call her out for the self-aggrandizing lie. But who besides Sarah would want to own that idiocy now?

    1. It was Betsy McCaughey. I don't know what happened to her....

  19. Anonymous9:50 AM

    She hasn't even bothered to research the IPAB, which is by definition related to medicare cost savings.

  20. This dimwit should be censored for this commentary. She does a disservice to her supporters who are “less informed” on this subject and will readily accept whatever she states without researching the facts. All of the statements she made are false. I’ve worked in the healthcare industry for over 40 years and I believe I’m much more an expert than Sarah Palin. There is no bureaucratic panel that makes decisions on who gets care and who does not. Insurance companies have been rationing care for decades via pre-existing conditions disqualifications, lifetime expenditure caps, and not reinsuring high cost patients. The ACA took those “rationing tools” out of their hands and gave power back to the healthcare consumer. Now, physicians can actually take the time (and get paid to do so) for discussing end-of-life care levels before the patient and/or the family is in an emotional state of mind when a health crisis develops. She is a delusional individual who is totally ignorant of this provision, as well as a narcissist who always “thinks she is right” and a total moron.

  21. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Doesn't the Alaska Native Health Care entitlement for roughly 20% of Alaska's citizenry also have rules and regs? I thought that people that receive that federal freebie must receive their health care while in Alaska?

  22. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Shock and awe! Got the idea from georgie retarded bush.

    Yep, little ole me
    , Sarah the money whore.

  23. Our Lad10:04 AM

    All across this great land folks have booed her
    At conventions her own party shooed her
    What I just can't conceive
    And refuse to believe
    Is that once someone actually screwed her

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Nice, laddie! ++++++

    2. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Luv it!

  24. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Well yea know what, Sarah? If at the end of my life I decide that living two more weeks in an unbearably painful and hopeless condition and I wish to enter hospice and get as many pain meds as necessary, I don't want YOU and your fake fundy terrorists telling me or my family that I have to be kept alive no matter what. THAT, you idiot, is what's at stake here. It is about getting family and patient and medical providers all on the same page, so that a Terry Sciavo situation does not happen; ie, the GOVT telling me and my family that I cannot die with dignity.

    Sarah, you are the deluded and sick and unChristian person.

    Healthcare in America is too bureacratic and paperwork-dependent and too expensive, and our lifespans are worse than other countries with socialized medicine. I say we should ALL be covered, and I am a proud socialist. I care about my fellow citizens even if they don't make as much money as I do.

  25. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I despise this woman. Such an ignorant, evil, pathetic, sad person. It amazes me how blind she is to her own stupidity and selfishness. Does she ever for one second think about what she sounds like when to goes off on these tirades? I do not understand people like this that hold so much hate in their heart. Bringing up Crosshairs and Death Panels again. She is just a very sick person. She needs help. Someone from her family needs to step in and tell her how foolish she looks. Just pathetic.

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      She doesn't write these nasty attacks, she is so stupid and illiterate she has to pay someone else to put words together based on the orders she gets from her dark money sources like the Koch Bros.

      She's nothing but a mangy attack dog but she has little choice but to sell her soul as she's not fit or capable of doing any productive real job and couldn't exist on honorable pay anyway.

  26. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Has everyone forgotten about Terri Schiavo? After that circus you'd be crazy not to have a living will, probably notarized by 6 people too.

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      And remember Terry Schiavo when Jeb Bush gets up to talk.

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Anonymous 10:12 and 12:29 Terri Schiavo is one of the reasons I don't want Jeb anywhere near the White House. He inserted himself in the middle of a case that he had no business getting involved with.

    3. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Absolutely right, Anon at 12:54 pm. He also inserted himself in a presidential election that gave the 2000 election to his brother on an illegal but silver platter.

    4. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Looks like those bushes baked beans will BUY another election!

  27. Anonymous10:16 AM

    For dog's sake, does this stupid harridan EVER. SHUT. UP.

  28. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Sarah hates anything that benefits Americans that are not all as 'blessed' as the Heath/Palins. I think they mean 'blessed' as getting by with stealing from others in their unfair unjust lifestyle and business dealings.

    Mini Me must clarify what she means in her 2015-07-08 websta post. Many of Mommy Dearest's sock pups comment the same old platitudes to attempt to boost Mimi's self confidence, other than that, she is cruelly confusing. I doubt it is even Mini's voice in this websta. It sounds like more echoes from Nancy/Sarah. Stuck in some past they are attempting to resurrect to carry on with desperate deflections.

    A few comments:

    Burn the checks you received from the Candies Foundation because you are the biggest hypocrite for preaching about abstinence for the last five years, then you go and have TWO babies out of wedlock. Practice what you preach

    Bristol I'm sure you are truly grateful that you have been blessed with family support that has kept you off of welfare. Many single mothers, who also chose not to have an abortion, are the primary recipients of governmental assistance. I pray every day for these mothers that they may be blessed as you have been.

    parisienne68 @charweb31
    I don't believe this refers to good people who do need such assistance. While I doubt Bristol relies on family money, she clearly has support and has had celebrity-oriented opportunities for which she's expressed gratitude. Life is about choices and knowing your situation. If she didn't have her blessings, I doubt she'd make the same decisions. Though that's not really a call anyone else can make.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Not everyone who gets government assistance would burn a flag.
      How fucking RUDE.
      Leave the insults to the flag burners and leave everyone else out of it!

      "bsmp2" (or Nancy French monitoring bsmp2 accounts)
      The moral of this post is don't be in America if you don't like our country .. (Worked up over a meme!)

      Maybe you should burn those checks you received from preaching about abstinence. Because of yet another baby out of wedlock.

      Btw, Will Ferrell voted for #Obama

    2. Anonymous2:26 PM

      not trapping this new baby daddy

      How can you be so sure? He may not have been trapped, not likely but she did say 'planned'. She may have been the lone planner or there were others.

      I am not ruling out Marian the Russian exotix yet. It is not like they could say anything in public.

      Other same sex couples, married or not, want babies. They will also plan and look for a willing participant. Scandalous people could use someone not willing. There are many ways this situation could have happened.

    3. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Well someone needs to tell Barstool that if "someone" leaves the USA to go home to USSR? Depression v 2.0! And that "someone" will be sure to point right to your "people" as the reason! With evidences to mull over! Smile!

  29. Anonymous10:19 AM

    When is some media person going to call her out on the hypocrisy?

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Forget about grand kids... all her and Todd's kids qualify for federal health care.

  30. Anonymous10:20 AM

    It's insane. Who listens to her anymore? She's not even in a serving capacity to get policies rolling or put on a table. She has no clout, power or qualification to even talk about ACA. She isn't a medical expert, or works for a health care provider, or is appointed to any specialist team that works with patients who are under private insurers, not appointed a board member for an organization that does research on subsidies and how they can help or hurt. She does none of that stuff.

    Also, Sarah Palin shows NO interest in people's well-being. Ever. She is not concerned with people in debt, families with special needs children, or family members who had to sell their homes and move to other locations for expensive treatments, or anxious families that worry about getting into accidents or ill health. She is not concerned about those with pre-existing conditions who don't sleep at night wondering if their healthcare provider will continue paying for their treatments...........she has NONE of these worries, NONE of these diseases, conditions, and even if she did, she and her husband Todd had any number of good health plans, including Native subsidized health care.

    What is it about this woman that thinks she has a voice of reason in this? It's not even a debate. The ACA has gone through and the details are being fine-tuned as we speak. It's so phony to hear her write about this all of a sudden, in between her special interests like fast cars, automobile shows, gun shows, Kentucky Derby, Las Vegas trips. She couldn't care less about the average U.S. citizen's lives. She only cares about herself. She enjoys whining and complaining behind a desk, and that's all she contributes to society.

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Well she THINKS her sex and money and crime SECRETS will carry her further! Butt it won't!

  31. SallyinMI10:34 AM

    You know, Sarah, you should just go away. You, whose kids and grandkids are STILL getting free health care on the tab of Alaskans due to Todd's time bit of native blood. Is this why none of them are married? Heaven forbid they would have to get jobs and find their own healthcare coverage. And by the way, since you understand nothing about the health care marketplace, nor what the ACA even means, shut the f up already. No one is facing death panels...that's what we used to have..they were called insurance companies who decided who got services and who did know, some faceless bureaucrats weighing the pros and cons of covering another heart surgery for an 89 year old, or even just meds for an HIV patient. You are sick. Seriously demented. I think the ACA has mental health coverage, but since you are not on it, can you suffer in silence?

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Native health benefits are not affected by marriage. It is for the person's lifetime.

    2. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Is the Alaskan tribal health care program a state program or a federal one? If it's a federal one, then we're all paying for Todd and his offspring and their offspring. . . .

    3. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Indian Health Service
      The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives

    4. Anonymous2:16 PM

      1:31 PM

      We are paying for Bristol's current pregnancy?

      Including any tests needed for whatever reasons. Like say to check the paternity? Or call it what you want. She may have taken medication we paid for and want to know if baby is alright.

  32. Anonymous10:35 AM

    She's deranged and sociopathic. If they can't commit her for her mental illness do you suppose someone could just have her arrested for deceiving the public and being a menace to society in general?

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Her exposure has wanned to the point that she couldn't be quarantined for being a dangerous pathogen. There was a point were I she she could have been.

    2. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Well, this 'interview' with herself should/could be enough to commit her.
      If there is any psychiatrist in the house, he/she could start the ball rolling. I am quite sure that we at IM will support him/her in doing this!

    3. Anonymous5:14 PM

      API has a "special" room for her!

  33. Anonymous10:45 AM

    That video is disgusting.

    There's nothing worse than a person who falsifies the truth so she can get donations on her PAC. Very few people on this earth could live with that. She doesn't have a conscience.

  34. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Look you retArded fucking twat: insurance companies ate already the problem. They decide what is needed, not doctors. Doctors are leavibg in droves, going to concierge models for the rich so they dont need to beg insurance to pay for cancer nausea meds. This country is in deep deep shit.
    I'd recommend she read the great book : Being Mortal. As a society we need to learn to say when" enough is enough" and let people die with dignity. We will be bankrupted otherwise.
    I hate that stupid bitch.

  35. Olivia10:48 AM

    Too bad she can't understand that slipping quietly into oblivion is a better choice than her rapid and public freefall into insanity. Won't be long before she is dressed in ragbag clothing with wild dirty hair and Nora Desmond makeup accosting people in the street shrieking that she used to be "somebody". Actually, I guess she is already doing that, isn't she?

  36. My mom is 86,has liver and kidney failure.She had this counseling,that consisted of her signing a living will and stating she does not want to be kept "alive" via tubes and pumps,she asked to be let go when the time comes.It really eased her mind.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Good for your mom, mommom. That she has peace of mind is the least that our society could offer.

  37. The desperation this woman is exhibiting is staggering. Attention is clearly as important as oxygen to her, she hasn't been able to get one single, solitary news organization to take notice of her. She has gotten so frantic that she's been reduced to the ludicrous spectacle of interviewing herself!

    1. Yeah, because I don't think the LA Times is really going to get too panicky at being "called out" by that harpy.

      I think we can rest assured her only interview with them will be her imaginary one. Bwahahaha!

    2. Anonymous1:13 PM

      I think Sarah gets it that she is only relevant in MSM or semi-MSM to the bottom gossipy rags as the grandma of another fetus that the unwed mother's risky plan is bringing into the family half sibling bastards.

      Sarah has many things to hide and cover up.

      Her silence on Bristol's recent Baby Daddy Mystery became huge.

      Who was Sarah Palin? Did everyone forget? At all costs deflect from this Baby Daddy Mystery and all the confusing messages being sent in Bristol's name.

      The name Bristol Palin was getting more headlines and attention.

      Sarah Palin needs to bring attention to Sarah Palin and deflect from the monster she created using Bristol Palin.

    3. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Ain't nobody gonna know who dat baby daddy is until we see what color it is when it pops out. Why you think all the obfuscation and non-recognization of this most blessed "christian" event of womb-filling?

    4. Anonymous1:59 PM

      1:29 PM

      I am not so sure. If Bristol wants to know she can test for who dat daddy is. She could have done that at 8 weeks preg.

      The planners and masterminds behind the plots and sub-plots would want to know as much as they can in order to plan their next moves.

      Bristol would have to agree to the tests and they would cost money as a medical expense. She may have insurance that covers that cost or does the socialized medicine cover that? We may be the ones paying for Bristol's baby. Another possibility is one of the possible baby daddy's is rich and is paying expenses. Say like the fun Ted Nugent.

      In any event I think Bristol (who she wants in on her secrets) knows who fathered this baby.

    5. Anonymous5:17 PM

      That is a recent interview? Really? :-\

  38. Anonymous10:49 AM

    At this point, I betcha that Sarah Palin spends most of her days rolled up in a ball in her bed, or even on the floor, then every so often, rears her dirty arthritic fingers to tap out some bs on Facebook. Then she checks Twitter and the Googles her name, then retreats back to the fetus position.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      That is exactly how I see her. Fetal, with brief visits to attempt to look at reality.

      She must be so jealous of Bristol's fetus.

  39. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Poor screech is filling left out and now wants to revisit her sore spots. Sorry sweaty sweetheart,we cant and wont make time for you. Life goes on. If you hate obamacare so much,why not burn your nativecare card?! If you don't understand the healthcare racket...poor've had plenty of time to educate yourself so you could be informed on the issues. Instead,you'd rather make an ass of yourself everytime you open your trap.loops.there's that *trap word again. By the way,how Is little Trap progressing??

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Why doesn't the dumb cluck go to the doctor herself to find out why she's aged 20 years in 8 years and looks like a character from night of the living dead?

    2. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Hey doc, why's my hair fallin' out and I only weigh 95 lbs? Am I pregnant with my daughter's baby AGAIN?

    3. Anonymous5:23 PM


    4. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Wow, she's gaining weight again ! It's that yoyo diet! You better get back on the meth and Red Bull, Sarah, or you'll be bigger than a barn before you know it!

  40. Anonymous11:07 AM

    The Sarah Show has been cancelled in more ways than one. So what would we expect but reruns of the same ol' shit.

  41. All she needs for her pretend interview is Clint Eastwood's empty chair. It would go nicely with her empty mind, a matched set.

  42. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Do you think she really believe what her ghostwriter wrote?

    1. I doubt is she even reads what her ghostwriter writes.

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Agree, Nefer.

      I don't think she reads what she has ghostwriters do for Bristol either.

  43. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Judging from the folks in the Pee Pond, Sarah's fans seem to be people who are retired and should be enjoying their golden years. Instead, she is scaring them with talks of their being singled out by a death panel. The latest announcement about medical insurance covering end-of-life discussions with a doctor is not a death panel. In case you didn't know it, I am sorry to tell you that we are all going to die. We should have some say in the way we go. Do you want to be hooked up to tubes, a living, breathing vegetable costing your family both time, money and emotional toil? Do you want to be able to discuss hospice care with your doctor? These are not death panels. This is what smart people do who want to have a life of dignity. And now medical insurance will cover that discussion with your doctor. The doctor can't tell you what to do, but he/she can offer intelligent choices-- unlike the scare tactics offered by Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      You're right about having the heavy retired folks following. I looked at the year end filing for SarahPac and of the donor forms I glanced at the majority were retired.

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Remember they got kids! When they see how Ma and Pa drained the money from savings to send to MethHead Sarah...oh boy! Talk about lawsuits!

    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      You'll get to see that mid-year FEC filing in 5 short days, 12:57.

  44. Anonymous11:12 AM

    What she and her ilk fail to admit, is that no one under a private insurance plan is exempt from a problem. If a patient is at the mercy of a medical panel who decide if a patient should receive, for instance, chemo and radiation, after surgery, it's that medical panel's decisions to make. It's always been like that and it will continue to be like that. If they agree that the treatments don't require further treatment, they make that decision and the patient can either accept it, or find another opinion. Usually, the patient has to decide whether they can afford to seek that second opinion or not. Some health care providers do not, or did not, before ACA, pay for second opinions and diagnostics. The patient is left to decide if he can afford the extra treatments on his own or not. These decisions for the elderly are the same. Can they afford to pay for extended medical treatments that their health care providers refuse to pay for? Some can and some can't. But, with the ACA, everyone can at least get their doctor to give them 'end-of-life' consultation. Would Sarah refuse them even that?

    These problems have been around forever, with or without the ACA. It comes down to - people get sick; health care is extremely expensive; sometimes life happens and a family's goals are stopped because of sickness or injury. This is the reality. There is nothing to be shocked about, Sarah. For people who claim they are christian, they sure don't have any faith. The majority of Americans live on faith, hope and courage and don't bitch like you do, you, who have safety nets.

  45. Is this Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits? Will it be advertised on late night cable television? "Wait! There's more! Call now and we'll double the number of Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits! We'll include such memorable his as 'Can I call you Joe?', and the plaintive ballad "How Dare They Boo Piper at a Hockey Game!", and everybody's favorite hit, "The Wild Ride or No Texas Fish-pickers for Todd!"

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      You funny Barbara D!!!! This would make a GREAT video!

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      I'd buy it.

  46. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Can't imagine waking up from surgery and looking up to see the nurse bedside with Sarah's face. Ugghh. That would be a horror movie

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      I wonder if Joey had to wake up to Little Sarah, the one they call Pistol?

      I don't recall Pistol once mentioning her boyfriend's serious injury (of Feb 2014?) or that she gave a flying fuc_ for him when he had that accident, or was it? Seriously, what was all that about?

      Sarah was promoting the ATV and climate denier crowd's film by Nov 2014 and Joey rated as a boyfriend.

      For some reason the Palins only seemed to use Joey to promote the snow business that Todd is part of. He was a good father for Tripp and all that family togetherness crap.

      What about Joey when he had a serious life event and injury? His career and income could have be drastically altered. How did he cover his expenses?

      Who paid for Joey's medical expenses and therapy?


    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Maybe Joey shared hos pain meds?

    3. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Maybe Track paid him a visit.

      For being such a social media family it is odd and twisted they never mentioned a boyfriend's 'accident' or Bristol caring for him.

      It will be good to learn the real story behind that plan to have Joey brand play the boyfriend to Ski-doo's Pimp Daddy's elder daughter.

      How do they keep him quiet now? He was once free and able to do his prolific social media business.

    4. Anonymous2:41 PM

      How do they keep him quiet now?

      I don't see Junker shutting down his business on Social Media, even temporary, just because Bristol is pregnant and he could be a father.

      There is much more to it than that for him to quit his business.

      Since the powers that be in Palin Insanity World read here, they will probably have Joey post something inane.

    5. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Joey is quiet for one reason, only, he chosoes not to be involved withn the Plains.

  47. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Jesus camp for adults seeks to impose Christianity on the US by converting 1,000 pastors into politicians

  48. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Duggar STD Scandal! Family Member Accused Of Infecting Woman With Herpes After Wild Sex In Shocking Lawsuit

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      I can't wait for the floodgates to open on Todd Palin and his family of planners.

      dakotameyer0317 may be facing his feelings as a failure.
      2015-07-10, 6:25

      He is still failing.
      Dude can't speak like he appreciates his freedoms.

      He is helping Sarah (Bristol) Palin to deflect.


      Dakota Meyer, can you say Gabby Giffords, Christina-Taylor Green, Dorothy Morris, John Roll, Phyllis Schneck, Dorwan Stoddard, Gabe Zimmerman?

      You asked for the same for Michael Moore and collateral damage. All to sell a book? You had to lie again. When will the lies end? It is all you are now and you must lie more to keep up your fantasies.


    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Until they make that vehicular tampering incident go away! They are in it together! If it gets to court...oh chit!

  49. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I hope she visits Florida soon so someone can Baker Act her stupid and ignorant, not to mention certifiably insane, skank ass.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      I'd "stand my ground" with that bitch at the drop of a hat.

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Naw it's more fun to wrap her in a blanket! If anyone is concerned? It's Sarah Palin and she won't shut up! Oh..need help transporting her to MSRC as they help! Giggle....

  50. Anonymous11:42 AM

    She is getting more and more desperate for attention.... at this rate, I give it another six weeks before TMZ or Radar Online has the 'exclusive' photos of a Palin "wardrobe malfunction" to thrill us with.

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      What, one of the cantaloupes she stuffs in her bra falls out?

  51. FrostyAK11:43 AM

    Sick, drugged out, bat-shit crazy publicity whore. Narcissists will take any kind of attention - positive, negative, or death panel.

  52. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I guess this post is an example of the "free" content she will provide the fans.

  53. Anonymous11:56 AM

    If you think that $arah Payme wrote that post, I have a bridge to no where to sell you

    Palin is a truly despicable and hateful creature. She knows that her family's health care needs are covered,, but she doesn't give a shit if other people die due to lack of money for treatment.

    I have a friend who needed a $130,000 operation, put it off for 12 years, and then she finally got Obamacare, and could get life saving treatment.

    LIFE SAVING that "pro life" enough for grifters like $arah, Trump, Koch's, Cruz, and their ilk?

  54. Anonymous11:59 AM


    Republicans have been using this tactic for years. Sarah Palin had her super PAC buy $64,000 worth of her books in 2010. Mitt Romney landed on the bestseller list by declining speaking fees and forcing universities to buy tens of thousands of copies of his book. Ben Carson’s “bestseller” was fueled by a pro-Carson super PAC buying up $150,000 of his books.

  55. A Superfan In Atlanta12:00 PM


    John Morning was trying to make a point about the Confederate flag and the "persecution" of Christians by asking, "So will liberals now set up concentration camps for Christians? Religious persecution is wrong, ask 6 million Jews."

    He deleted it when he started getting push back.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Did this Morning guy explain how taking down the Confederate flag has anything to do with Christians or with religious persecution (which, for the record, is not happening in the US to Christians).

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      He has to find his mind first! Pause!

  56. Anonymous12:03 PM

    The whole end of life thing is difficult even with a living will in place. My mom was in the hospital for what was going to be her last time. She was ninety and her heart was worn out and pneumonia had set in. She was in and out of a coma and did have an IV for some hydration and pain relief. She woke up briefly and accused me of playing dirty tricks on her because she had the IV tube. Of course, I felt like that daughter who could never please her for one last time.

    There should be a legal potion that can be administered if that is the wishes stated in a living will. Some people do die peacefully in their sleep but most do not. It can be a long and difficult process. I had read about the "realities of death," the processes of the body shutting down...but it is damned hard.

    RJ in BBistan

    1. Caroll Thompson2:19 PM

      Not all deaths are easy. Some are very difficult.

      In Washington and Oregon, if you are terminal, you can choose to leave peacefully under a doctor's care. It should be my right to check out a couple of minutes early, if you will, if things are so difficult that I would rather end it with some nice morphine in the IV.

      But it is nice that everyone on Medicare that wants to consult with someone about the inevitable day that comes to us all, can now do it.

  57. That diatribe was way too long. What a waste of the ghostwriter's time. No one is going to pick it up, and even her drooling fans won't bother reading it. They will know it can be summed up as Obamcare bad, Palin good, and that is all they need to know to comment that Saint Sarah should run for President!.

    My goodness, her shrieking for attention is getting louder and more desperate, isn't it?

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Six comments already by you makes it look like you are needy of attention too, and a life.

    2. Anonymous2:16 PM

      1:40 fuck off troll. Still living in mommy's spare room?

    3. Anonymous2:17 PM

      1:40 PM Will Bristol cover this 'mistake' with her FREE NATIVE HEALTHCARE? Will Sarah and Bristol start a Pregnancy Panel since they both have a history of so many pregnancies? Why did Bristol refrain from announcing her 2010 DWTS Pregnancy? Was she trying to protect Sarah's Christian Family Values Lies? Why did Sarah arrange to pay Britta and Track to claim Kyla Grace as their baby? This was Bristol Palin in 2010 at DWTS and in Arizona:

      Do you Palinbots believe all of the lies told by the Palins? Do you really believe that Track and Britta got married and that Britta gave birth to Kyla Grace? Sarah Palin has a family of robots who do whatever she pays them to do. Money Talks, Bullshit Walks! The Palin house of cards is tumbling.

    4. "Anonymous1:40 PM Six comments already by you makes it look like you are needy of attention too, and a life."
      I like to point and laugh at her, you cretinous dolt. It doesn't take much time at all, leaving plenty of time for a very full life.

      People who write comments sneering at someone else for writing comments are the ones who are "needy of attention too, and a life."

    5. Caroll Thompson4:15 PM

      Yes 1:40, some of us are here until the end. And what is the end? Well, the beginning of the end will be when finally Sarah is exposed as not the biological mother of Trig.

      And then there is my personal favorite, the house in Wasilla that sure looks a lot like that hockey rink in town. Maybe it is just a coincidence that both those building were built at the same time, but Sarah always says there is no such thing as a coincidence.

      Then there is Dar Miller. Oh yeah, there is Dar Miller.

      I am not going anywhere and I know Nefer isn't going away. Our host Gryphen doesn't seem to mind if we hang around awhile. I always call Grypen G because we are such good buddies.

      Deal with it 1:40, as Brancy is so fond of saying.

    6. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Wow, 1:40! You're just a giddy asshole! I'm with Nefer and Carroll; here until the end of "Wild Ride Sarah". Mind if I hang with you, Carroll and Nefer?

  58. Anonymous12:50 PM

    "Wow first it was crosshairs, and now it's death panels, I feel like I'm trapped in some weird Palin time warp."

    Kinda like some boring revival concert act.

    David Cassidy just as you remember him!!!

  59. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Remember how she was when this old dud was sick?

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Sure do. I would have dropped everything.
      She wouldn't even come home.

    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Daddy raped her! Would you go see him?

    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Creepy Chuckles Sr. was busy.

  60. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Naughty Nurse Sarah is trying to deflect attention from her naughty daughter and the MOH kerfuffle of May. I wonder if Sarah's parents have medical directives on file with their doctors and local hospital.

    1. Caroll Thompson2:12 PM

      If they do Beaglemom, I hope they have Sarah's sisters on record to make the decisions. If they are smart, they won't have Sarah or her brother Chuck on that directive.

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Speaking of deflecting attention, Beaglemom, I was wondering if Gryphen could do a daily countdown until Sarah mentions her naughty daughter and the MOH that got away? Rub Sarah's face in it, please, Gryphen? Just keep scratching that scab until it busts wide open! Hi, Sarah! How's it going with teaching Trigger to eat solid foods or is he living with his mom, now?

    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Well naudghty nurse should realxe thta her decions aren't those of a couple planning a pregnancy.

  61. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I couldn't bring myself to read the diatribe.
    But one thing sticks out: since $he is so totally insignificant nowadays that no reporter worth his salt is willing to even hazard an interview with her, $he has to interview herself now.


    $carry: have you ever heard the saying "Karma is a B*tch"?
    She is hitting you in the a$$ now!

  62. Anonymous1:50 PM

    It must be true that she looks like something the dog vomited up if all she's doing is dry humping her Facebook 24/7.

    Does she really think anyone reads her shit?

    Come out in public, Sarah, we wanna see your red straggly hair and empty arse of your pants blowing in the breeze.

    We'd enjoy seeing your pasty white tightened up naked face again too LOL

  63. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Deuteronomy 23:2 King James Version (KJV)

    2 A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.

    tsk tsk, Bristol... have you found a father duck for that baby yet?

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      If it is one of the Duck Dynasty they will not want to go public as being the father.

      She claims she planned this. She may have planned with someone that can afford to keep everything hushed.

      Do you think she has told Sarah yet who the father is? Sarah is afraid to say anything about another bastard in the family.

    2. Anonymous4:22 PM

      I want to know if we, the tax payers are paying for Bristol's babies? If she gets STDs she would need to go to a doctor. Are we paying for all that?

      No way can I believe that Bristol is paying for any medical bills. Neither would Sarah.

      If Bristol is abusing the Indian/Native health care system that is as awful as anyone defrauding the welfare system.

      Americans have a right to know who is a cheat and a fraud. Especially if they are the ones being defrauded.

      Bristol claims this pregnancy was her plan. She would include how the medical will be covered or what a lame plan. So what is the deal?

      It would be acceptable with the Native medical system for a wealthy unwed person who habitually gets knocked up to abuse that system?

      Or has she secured the medical and other expenses to be paid for by someone with great wealth?

      I did know a woman with mental heath issues. She was from a wealthy family. Due to her age and her lack of money, guess who paid for the abuse to the system. Tax payers. She gave birth to 3 babies that I knew. She was going for the 4th one and somehow someone figured out how to stop her. She was a sick person in her way and she had no ability to stop repeating her pattern of behaviors. Being pregnant, having babies, not able to keep them would have gone on until her eggs dried up. She may have been a few years older than Bristol when that pattern was stopped.

      If the Native system is paying these bills for Bristol, they must have figured out by now she is sick like the case I knew of. If not, they need to be aware and get on top of it.

    3. Anonymous5:38 PM

      I want a DNA of this baby! Whose the father?

    4. Anonymous5:56 PM

      According to Indian Health Service those eligible have better options with ACA.

      Behavioral Health

      Serious behavioral health issues such as substance use disorders, mental health disorders, suicide, violence, and behavior-related chronic diseases have a profound impact on the health of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN)individuals, families, and communities

    5. Anonymous6:39 PM

      If Track Menard is using Native Healthcare Services then the Palins have committed fraud.

  64. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Dear Sarah. No one is listening and no one is reading, except political bloggers, poor things. First of all because your followers won't read anything longer than a bumper sticker, and second, because the rest of us have heard it all before and we're bored. No one cares about 2010 reruns. We are all watching the shiny new object, The Donald. You need to come up with some new material or the trickle of money you have coming in is going to come to a complete stop.

  65. Isn't it time for her death panel story to be retold didn't a bunch of people die under her watch?

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Yes - If memory serves me right, 212 died because of her bureaucratic foot dragging. She is beyond evil.

  66. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Will this fucking lunatic ever shut up? Jesus, Sarah, you're reduced to badly written fantasies where you pretend you're capable of answering a question now? Then you pretend you won some kind of real-world debate. It's embarrassing. Hate to break it to you, but Obamacare is here to stay. Piss and moan on facebook all you want, the fact is YOU LOSE. You had plenty of time to make your case and throw your lies out there, and they didn't work. And you still don't acknowledge that even if "death panels" existed, you are doing the same fucking thing you claim they would do. You are judging people unworthy of medical care because they can't afford it, and you are saying they deserve to die from preventable and treatable illnesses simply because they can't afford basic preventative care. How are you any better!? You've lost this fight, just like you lose EVERY fight you take on. Accept it, grow the fuck up, go take care of your kids and grandkids and stop humiliating yourself! If people wanted to hear your stupid opinions anymore, you might still have a job somewhere, but no, everybody has cut you loose. So for god's sake, take a hint, bitch!

  67. Caroll Thompson2:25 PM

    Did Sarah really have an imaginary interview with the LA times? Sounds like Sarah is off in La La Land.

    Everyday, I am checking the FEC website for that Sarah Pac report we are all waiting on. When it shows up, I will break into G's latest post to spread the word and give the link. Good times IMer's; good times.

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Can't wait, this is going to get good. She is grasping at straws..throwing all her shit out there in one last desperate attempt for attention. FUCK OFF SEDITIOUS SARAH YOU CUNT.

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Thanks, Caroll, can't wait! We all have specific dates we can check out....and all those LLCs.

      Good times, indeed!

    3. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Yup and that reason she resigned is watching and waiting! Repo man en route! Pay it back with interest!

  68. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Will the title of Sarah Palin's book be: How To Survive DWTS While Pregnant ? Or will the title be: An AFTADARK Grandchild
    For Sarah ?

  69. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Did she.become a nurse? She'll kill her patients. Haha

  70. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Here's baby daddy?
    You're all chistians, where is baby daddy?

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      They say that Corporations are people. Also, too People are corporations. Just look at Dakota Meyer.

  71. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Sata-oops I mean sarah i thought you posted about your inlaw babay daddy.

  72. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Joey's last meal and the throttle issue was mentioned yesterday here July 9, 2015

    Sure thing. A Palin was reading Gryph's post. Joey again has permission to get back to work on his social media accounts. Just act like all is normal, Joey. Don't mention the elephant in the room. You know what they mean.

    Bristol Palin

  73. PalinsHoax4:46 PM

    She brings back the cross-hairs.
    She brings back the death-panels.
    Will she next bring back the faux-pregnancy-belly?

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      That family has boundary issues, Sarah is Bristol, Bristol is Sarah.

      It is hard to imagine Sarah can get through the next few months without a strap on.

  74. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I was checking the job adds for you . Though you possess many nasty skills . This farm is in need of a fertilizer spreader?
    That be you Sarah the bullshitter. Close enough.

  75. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I notice on P4A, no one commented on "Cross Hairs are Back" hmmm, wonder what that means?

    1. Lord of War5:48 PM

      Gee Skidrow Sarah is trying to threaten "those that have some evil in them"! Yawn! Is that all ya got? See Sarah...some people never take off our fatigues..but we can make them look cute...I am waiting 4 U!

  76. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I hope they have good mental heath coverage.

    Indian Health Service
    The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives



    Bristol has several options for locations.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Behavioral Health

      Serious behavioral health issues such as substance use disorders, mental health disorders, suicide, violence, and behavior-related chronic diseases have a profound impact on the health of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN)individuals, families, and communities

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Anon 5:50 does mental health issues includes a girl laying up with every Tom, Dick, Levi and Dakota just because she wants to be loved?

  77. Anonymous5:45 PM

    The Affordable Care Act and American Indians and Alaska Natives
    For American Indians and Alaska Natives, the ACA will help address health disparities by investing in prevention and wellness and increasing access to affordable health coverage.

    The ACA provides American Indians and Alaska Natives with more choices;

  78. Anonymous6:08 PM

    The comment below by Anonymous 11:51 was in response to a previous comment regarding Sarah Palin posting a picture of Piper wearing a see through striped outfit when she was shooting a handgun - see Sarah Palin’s facebook.

    Anonymous11:51 PM

    @hauksdottir10:01 PM

    So you object to girls wearing bathing suits? Come on! Why do so many posters here seem obsessed with sexualizing the younger Palin kids? It's really not cool, no matter how much you hate Sarah. I hate her too, but the constant sexual comments here that are directed at kids is getting seriously disturbing. I mean really, what the heck do you know about how Piper conducts herself when she's sitting down in a swimsuit? It's plain wrong. No offense, it just is.


    Who says that's a swimsuit under Piper's peek-a-boo look at my see through striped outfit? So are you going to tell us Bristol was wearing a bathing suit under her see-through look at my hoohah camouflaged outfit at the Palin Family Drunken Brawl in Anchorage? Are you going to tell us Bristol was wearing a bathing suit under her white opened up low cut cut blouse she wore in nasty exotic model Marina Lupas's instagram? Enough is enough already defending Sarah Palin and her daughters. It is what it is. Sarah Palin doesn’t care what her daughters wear. Old ass senior citizen Sarah Palin even wears her daughters clothes trying to look like a young and hip senior citizen. Old ass senior citizen Sarah Palin wears false breasts just trying to look young and appealing.These Palins posts these look at me revealing pictures until the public criticizes them then the Palins cry we want our privacy. Several years ago the Palins posted a picture of junior high Piper at DWTS wearing an outfit barely hiding her chest and more befitting an adult. That's the same time old ass senior citizen Sarah Palin was wearing a black outfit at DWTS more befitting a young hoochie mama ready to go clubbing at Aftadark with Marina Lupas and her homies. You think Piper is cute in her see through outfit, just imagine when she starts high school and Sarah lets Piper wear what she wants to wear to school. This family went hog ass wild crazy since Sarah became a multimillionaire. Anonymous11:51 says we are sexualizing the Palin kids, I guess Anonymous11:51 blames us for Bristol's first underage pregnancy? Did underage Willow post she's engaged during her first pregnancy scare? What happened to that one? Did Sarah get that one whited out or was Willow just late?

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Correction, didn't underage Willow post she's engaged and shortly after wasn't it deleted? Wasn't comments posted that underage Willow got engaged because of her first pregnancy scare? 

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Don't blame Sarah because of Bristol's high school pregnancy. You can blame Bristol's high school counselors and teachers because Sarah was busy governing the state of Alaska. Sarah can't be in all places all the time.

    3. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Anon 11:51 if Bristol was wearing a swimsuit under her camouflaged peek-a-boo skirt, how come the rest of the Palins wasn't wearing their swimsuits at the Palin Drunken Brawl?

    4. Anonymous6:27 PM

      6:18 PM Correct.

    5. Anonymous6:32 PM

      11:51 don't blame me for Bristol's high school pregnancy (or ies). I didn't hide her condoms or cramp (birth control) pills. Blame Sarah if Sarah didn't get a strong enough dosage for Bristol.

    6. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Did Sarah get Bristol's vaginal ph level before giving her cramp pills?

    7. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Cramp pills! LOL Birth control pills don't heal cramps, they do restrict period flow.

  79. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Aw guys, The Pee Ponders are distraught, the timer on Sarah's FB contest page has ticked down to zero and....nothing! She didn't jump naked out of a cake to announce her Presidency or NUTHIN.

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Gov Sarah Palin still has time. Don't give up on the governor.

    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Remember Sarah Palin says she won't rule out entering the White House race?

      "Anything is possible. I don't close any doors that perhaps would be open out there, so, no, I wouldn't close that door,"
      -Sarah Palin

      Read em and weep. You can take that to the bank Imorral Minority.

    3. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Oh we haven't given up on "the governor." We know there's time. She almost has to run and will flat on her ass as always! We can't wait!

  80. Anonymous6:38 PM

    She is vile. 'the 'end of life' care coverage is EXACTLY the opposite of what she says it its. Families need this. She is disgusting. She hurt many families with this before. Thank god she has no more influence.

  81. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Sarah Palin hasn't announced her candidacy for 2016 presidency because :

    Sarah is planning Bristol's wedding
    Sarah is out searching for Todd
    Sarah is still waiting for Barack to leave Michelle
    Sarah is still out there searching for Bristol's baby's daddy
    Sarah is in her room crying because Alaska hates her
    Sarah is waiting to see if Bristol's baby is 1/2 African-American


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It just goes directly to their thighs.