Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Donald Trump defends Planned Parenthood in interview with Sean Hannity. Yeah, that's right.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

While many Republican presidential candidates continue to bash Planned Parenthood for controversial videos revealing its work on aborted fetal tissue research, frontrunner Donald Trump has decided zig where his rivals have zagged. 

In an interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity on Tuesday night, Trump mounted a defense of the women's health provider, noting "they do good things that aren't having to do with abortion." 

"Let's say there is two Planned Parenthoods in a way," Trump said. "You have it as an abortion clinic. Now that's actually a fairly small part of what they do, but it's a brutal part and I'm totally against it and I wouldn't do that." 

Trump reiterated on Fox that he opposes abortion, but thinks Planned Parenthood's other services ought to be given a second look. 

"There are many ways to do that, because I'm totally against the abortion aspect, but I've had many women, I've had many Republican conservative women come up and say Planned Parenthood serves a good function other than the one aspect," he said. "We have to help women."

(Just to be clear Planned Parenthood does NOT use federal money to fund abortions.)

Man I can hardly wait to read Sarah Palin's blistering Facebook screed against Donald Trump for THESE remarks.

Yep, still waiting.

Are those crickets I hear? 

P.S. While you're waiting here is a video from Funny or Die that reveals the "real" problems with Planned Parenthood.


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I can hardly wait for Bristol Palin to defend Ted Nugent! Nancy French's favorite hunter!

    Defending Trump... Nugent: I Like To Look At Her While I'm Loading My Gun "Naked On The Couch"



    Head Hunters.

    ‘The Top Ten Reasons To Love Nuge’.

    Thrumps kinda guy.

    Slaughter of Exotic Wildlife.

    Millionaires on the hunt. Zimbabwe.

    Happiness is killing nature.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_970/trump14f-4-web.jpg

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Thank you for this link @ 12:17. This sorry excuse of a man acutely said this today:

      I'm not a fan of Megyn Kelly, although I often turn on Fox just to look at her. Sometimes when I'm loading my [gun ammunition] magazines, I like to just look at her. And I usually sit naked on the couch dropping hot brass on my stuff."

      How could Palin ever defend talk like this? Nuggent is slime.

    2. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Unless Poopy Pants Nugent is shooting rounds from his couch, he would have no hot brass to drop on his deficient stuff.

    3. Anonymous2:34 PM

      1:51 PM

      Isn't he vile? The vilest of the vile.

      I am almost convinced that Bristol is the illigitimate child of Ted Nugent. How did they get the same nose? I know Sarah is too old for him but maybe he was desparate.

    4. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Speaks volumes about the pig that is Nugent.

    5. Anonymous3:05 PM

      This reads like the journal entry of a potential serial rapist and/or killer.

      I'm not a fan of Kelly either, but she's a woman, a mother and someone's daughter. These vile and disturbing comments can not and should not be tolerated!

  2. Anonymous12:28 PM

    This should be good. Will Sarah have the courage to call him out on this? Probably not.

  3. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Those poor pee ponders. First they bank on AIP PALIN and then the majority have hopped into the Trump limo. Now this. They can't catch a friggin' break. Perhaps Romney will have to ride in on his white horse and save the party..., but lose the election. Sigh.

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Bet Palin didn't see that coming. Bet she thought she owned the Donald

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      I doubt she cares. They are both performers.

  5. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Hi Gryphen! That 'Funny or Die' clip was on autoplay. This one came up. Is this a coincidence? Lol!

  6. Anonymous1:11 PM

    sniveling coward sarah won't say a word, spineless shrew.

  7. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I love how the Donald always has to use the, "many women have come up to me", blah, blah, blah bullshit, to make his point. No one has ever told me of their personal experience at a PP clinic and yet, I support their services. I am sure that sharing personal memories of going to a PP clinic is what all the good conservative women talk to Donnie about. Perhaps they visited a clinic for abnormal bleeding from their whatever's!
    I don't respect a politician who has to have a "Joe the plumber" to guide their way.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      But does he have a binder-full of women's names? If he does, it must be Yoooge -- bigger than Mitt Romney ever imagined such a binder could be!

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Wonder if he spends much time exploring our national parks?

  8. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Hey Donald, since your Republican conservative women friends are being so forthcoming with their personal opinions, why not ask them how many of them have had or know someone who had an abortion? You might be surprised....

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Jenna Bush, for one.

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      I thought it was rumored to be Laura?

    3. Anonymous2:57 PM

      She got rid of a coke baby?

  9. Crystal Sage1:18 PM

    Real Republican women would never admit they go to Planned Parenthood.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Shit oh dear! I'm surrounded by folks that are Republicans and many used Planned Parenthood throughout their earlier years! As have Dems and Independents!

      It assuredly should not be done away with due to the many excellent services they offer to include providing contraception!

  10. Anonymous1:39 PM

    From the side, he really does look like Grumpy Cat.

    Only POOR people go to Planned Parenthood, they'd like you to believe -- the undeserving, lazy poor people who don't work hard enough. Republican women want to believe that they're better than those poors.

  11. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Mrs. Palin's pea-brain mentality cannot hold two competing thoughts for long. She will either explode from the toxic mix or double down on her skreeds. Her "brain" works in mysterious ways.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      I bet will see even more of her inner lizard as the pressure builds on her.

      She isn't a queen or king maker, more like the queen of fakers!

    2. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Mini pea-brain.

    3. Anonymous6:37 PM

      A small town loud mouth who rode the magic carpet from Wasilla to sit as governor.

  12. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Trump is a TeeVee star!
    Tuesday Cable Ratings: Hannity #1 in Demo with Trump Interview

    Where are Scarah and Tawd? Isn't it time they get home and progress Alaska?

    Sen. Bernie Sanders says you are melting and not doing enough.

  13. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Time to do a Cosby on the Donald ... there are bound to be some former galpals of his who have undergone a whiteout.

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Anyone who conceived a little Trippster would probably have kept it for child support or received a big pay off, both requiring a confidentiality contract.

    2. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Trumpster. Apparently, my tablet is a Republican.

  14. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Love his stand on Planned Parenthood (altho I'm pro abortion)! The rest of the clown-car candidates are really, really, really going to be pissed at him even more so!

    This is such a hoot to watch!!

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Too True! Harhar

  15. Anonymous2:44 PM

    $arah will pull the old "I'm too busy to hear everything he says" card or say "Who says we have to agree on everything"

    Despite the fact that destroying Planned Parenthood has been her top priority for weeks.

    Poor hypocritical $arah

  16. Anonymous3:03 PM

    $arah is in a fetal position right about now. You betcha

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Bristol is always in a fetal position.

  17. Anonymous3:11 PM

    The Donald: Binders full of women nope. I little black book, you betcha.

  18. If those of you in Alaska hear the loud equivalent of a plastic bag being popped, that might be the sound of Sarah Palin's head exploding. How in the world can she reconcile this with all of the stupidity she's espoused thus far will take more twists than your average pretzel.
    M from MD

  19. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I bet Donald is ok with abortion when it involves his mistresses............
    I would never vote for this clown, but I do enjoy watching the circus

    1. Anonymous11:49 PM

      Exactly. I call complete bullshit on Donald's hatred for abortion. He's pro-choice all the way and is a pragmatist when it comes to terminating unwanted pregnancy.

  20. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Christian Activists Want 'Sanctuary States' For The 'Preborn' (Video)

  21. Anita Winecooler6:01 PM

    I'm having a blast watching Donald make a mockery of the entire GOP clowncar. I'm sure Sarah breathed a huge sigh of relief when Trump and Fox made amends, it meant she could still "rah rah" for Trump, he said he adores women and may even "choose a woman" as a running mate. Hear that, Sarah?
    He didn't mean you, he means an "arm candy" kind of woman, you know, a real "head turner". Sorry, no more free pizza for you!!!!

  22. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Check out his Amy Schumer birth control video:

  23. Anonymous9:57 PM

    O/T Gosh Jeb has such original ideas, he wants to send the military into Syria to get rid of Assad. Sound familiar?


    Jeb Bush’s attack on Hillary Clinton could backfire

    Jeb’s bid to blame Hillary for the rise of the Islamic State is fraught with peril.

    ......In his speech Tuesday night, Bush called for supporting the Iraqi military with American air power, embedding the few U.S. forces in Iraq with the country’s army and providing more support for Kurdish fighters. His plan to bring stability to Syria goes much further, calling for a U.S.-led international coalition to oust Assad and rebuild the country’s depleted military.

    Beyond that, Bush called for creating safe zones within Syria and instituting a no-fly zone.

    “Our ultimate goal in Syria is to defeat ISIS and to achieve long-term political stability in that country,” Bush said. “Defeating ISIS requires defeating Assad, but we have to make sure that his regime is not replaced by something as bad or worse.”........

    Read more:

    Read more:

  24. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Republican is a doctor, did research on fetal tissue from aborted fetuses, published a paper on this in 1992. Today he is running for president, and rails on Planned Parenthood and fetal tissue research?



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