Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Self described conservative and 2nd Amendment advocate uses gun to kill his own children.

Courtesy of The Charlotte Observer: 

Shawn Fuller admitted to shooting his young boys and said he was prepared to kill law enforcement officers, according to a report released Monday by the Iredell County Sheriff’s Department. 

Fuller was on the phone with an unidentified person when he made the confession, the report said. 

But by the time deputies arrived at Fuller’s home in the 100 block of Trent Road in Statesville, a confrontation was no longer a threat. Fuller was already critically injured with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. 

Deputies found him outside his front door. They also found a weapon that had been hidden in the house by Fuller’s wife and likely was used to fire on his sons, according to the report. 

The bodies of Uriah Fuller, 4, and his brother Josiah Fuller, 3, lay inside the house. They suffered multiple gunshot wounds, Sheriff Darren Campbell said in Monday’s report. Fuller is in critical condition at Carolinas Medical Center. 

Fuller was intoxicated, no surprise there, and had turned his backyard into a half assed shooting range where he and his buddies shot at trees, milk jugs, cans, and probably anything else they could find.

Addicting Info located Fuller's Facebook page, and it was no surprise that he was a die hard conservative and defender of the 2nd Amendment:

I think that last one is the one that drives home the real point about owning guns.

People buy them after convincing themselves that they need them to protect their family, but aside from a handful of incidents where somebody scares off a robber or shoots a home invader, the majority of shootings are directed at friends, family, or even at themselves.

Guns are not designed to protect. They are designed to kill.

And in this case they did just that, and took the lives of two small, helpless children.


  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    So his wife brought the gun into the home? Nice mom. I'm sorry yin lost your kids, but you have a husband who drinks, and then thinks it's fun to shoot up the neighborhood, and you STILL thought having guns was not a threat to your kids? Yes, the GOP is brain damaged, at least those who are still alive. Thank you, NRA, ALEC, and the GOP leadership. Now is not the time to talk about gun control...there are more kids to be shot today.

    1. The article says the wife left the house after being assaulted and called 911. So she bought this gun to protect her self. So much for that defense of gun ownership. She was assaulted anyway and that gun she bought to defend herself was used to murder her children.

      I'm thinking this was a divorce situation. She told him she was going to divorce him and take the kids or something similar. I'm also thinking that this self-absorbed asshat decided he'd rather his boys be dead than lose custody to his wife. Junk yard dog syndrome.

      Strict interpretation of the Constitution would not allow anyone to bear arms unless they were serving in the militia. So this moron just swallowed the NRA koolaid and his boys are dead because of it.

    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      I bet he was anti-abortion also,too and a palin supporter....
      Wingnut birthcontrol.
      Those poor children.....

  2. Connie9:50 AM

    I am offended that this POS managed to kill the innocents but when he turned to himself he missed.

    Perhaps I lack compassion today but I hope he lives. I hope every time he looks in the mirror he has to face the truth that he, no one else but himself took the lives children who depended on him. In addition I hope he lives long after everyone he loves is dead. I hope he lives to see society embrace inclusiveness (and dare I hope our first atheist or gay president). I hope he gets to live to see his precious holy book ridiculed for the millenia of hate, death, and destruction it has inspired. Then, when all he professed to be so dear to his heart via his facebook page is crumbled into dust, then he may die.

    Nope, no compassion at all in my heart today because instead of getting what he so richly deserves he will be held up as an icon, a shining example of every post he placed on his social media.

    I'm too weary of the celebration of hate to see if there is a GoFundMe page for this POS. I just don't want to know.

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      I was glad to read that he has not died, for the same reason. I hope he gets to experience what his hatred did, and feels the loss of his sons every single minute of every single day.

      And even though I am an athiest, that sounds like hell on earth, to which he is most deserving.

      R in NC

    2. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Worst. Those sweet little angels and children of this unfit parent probably Love him, and loved him till their death. What humans do to each other?. Who knew about this human? his parenting skills? and his want and qualifications to parent ? Not everyone should breed. And no child deserves a life with unfit parents/parent. Children are born innocent, loving, trusting and pure. From there? what happened to that baby? and why?

    3. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Maybe he willl be paralyzed and vegetative so he can't shoot a gun again.

    4. Anonymous3:36 PM

      And who will pay to keep dear dad alive so that he can look into a mirror?

    5. Anonymous7:00 PM

      336 you have obviously not red the literature regarding lifetime incarceration and the cost of institutionalized killing. As an American I stand for the humane treatment of all members of our society everyone! We are a shining light, supposedly, to the world. An example.

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    This is unfortunately going to be the norm, if people don't wake up.

  4. Anonymous10:17 AM

    This just brings tears to my eyes. Those poor babies, I hope beyond hope that they were not aware of what was about to happen to them by the hands of somebody they most likely loved and trusted.

  5. Anonymous10:24 AM

    If there IS a God, why do these tragedies keep happening? Why is it the innocents suffer for the adults stupidity? Two cute little boys, what a shame. The grandparents must be devastated. .

  6. Anonymous10:30 AM

    All gunned up and no place to go.

  7. Anonymous10:32 AM

    The gun nuts no longer live by, "give me a reason". Now, they create the reason. What is the point of having guns, if you never get to use them?

  8. Anonymous10:37 AM

    He is just another crazy....... and a Palin supporter no doubt.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Have we heard from gov payin yet regarding this tragic sec amend right? Is she on her way for a photo shoot with this brave patriot? Standing proudly with dead game heads and trophies of costly ignorance galore. The entitled are the most entertainment going on thee a fare of momento. sad note...toxic spill...major bad. WHO DID IT? domesstic terrorist? from?

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      I'm sickened.

  9. Anonymous11:10 AM

    "dye" hard......

  10. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I don't know? What does sir trump feel about this? Does he sleep with the nra too? This is true. not all should have a gun for one reason or another. We have thee entitled whom kill big game$$$$. We have the paranoid, suicidal, crazy and dangerous. Then we have the Collector. The Sportsman. And the usa military. And the right to conceal and bear arms in the usa in the bars, court, schools, libraries, churches ....all fun and pun intended......on any given day the sane become the insane. and Im sorry, I missed the memo, red flag, warning, smoke signal and sign they said.

  11. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I hope the 2 yr olds who are being shown guns stand their ground and say to their meddling parents " don't create my life for me." I hate parents like that

  12. Anonymous11:54 AM

    "Exactly what she is doing IMO. Zane2 thinks this is all too early. Who knows. We will all be exhausted when the time comes around & say whatever. They hope. Still thinking of Dukakis & time it takes to be destroyed my false negative campaigning. Republicans have got dirty tricks perfected. Plenty to dig up on Hill & Bill & they will."

    This comment perfectly highlights democrat hypocrisy.

    Do people not recall at least 6 different books illite stating Hilary's lifelong emotional instability and hatred of people? She treats people like shit.

    Bernie 2016

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Would it be too much to ask you for a warning of OT?

    2. Anonymous12:41 PM

      This is a troll, trying to make either Hillary or Bernie, or both look bad.

    3. Anonymous1:35 PM

      The political party that Bernie Sanders wants to nominate him is called the "Democratic Party." Members of the party are "Democrats" and the adjective that describes the party and its members is "democratic." Using "democrat" as an adjective is intended as a pejorative and was coined in the early 1950's by the GOP. Real Democrats do not use it. If, Anon at 11:54 am, you are a Democrat you should know better.

    4. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Love me some Beaglemom!!

  13. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Poor poor innocent babes.
    Jesus weeps.

  14. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Just looking at his Facebook postings makes one realize the world those boys were subjected to and would probably have grown up to parrot, unless their mother had been able to remove them from it. Sadly, at least they are out of the hell this man made for them. Rest in peace.

  15. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Will AIP PALIN devote a Facebook rant to this? Will Brissy blog about it? No. They weren't aborted, so it doesn't fit their PRO-LIFE agenda.

  16. Anonymous2:52 PM

    The boys look as though they have looked evil in the face.What hell had they already gone through,and what on earth was wrong with the mother for keeping them in it?

  17. Anonymous3:53 PM

    i think they need to make big posters with the two boys pictures and put them outside his cell, so that he can see them constantly. Maybe some of them smiling before and some of their bullet riddled little bodies. Make sure the bastardized never ever forgets what he did.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Love that idea. Bombard that human with those images for the rest of his life.

  18. Anita Winecooler5:46 PM

    My only observation has to do with his wife. Her two kids lay dead, her husband's wounded, and she's hiding the gun her husband used in the house. She doesn't run to see if she can help the kids, she, no, she's protecting him by hiding the weapon. Did she call 911? Scream for help? Anything?
    I don't know what's worse, two innocents are dead, their gun loving father's wounded, and mommy's busy re arranging the crime scene.
    Something's got to be done, this shit's gotta stop. Anger management, stricter gun laws, Conflict Resolution skills, Tax bullets more than gas and cigarettes.
    How many senseless deaths have to happen before something gets done?

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Tax! I never even thought about that.

  19. Pimping off tragedy. How low will you go?

    Never mind.

    Pax et bonum

  20. Lest any of us be accused of pimping off of a tragedy, what is the appropriate wait and discuss time?

    Pietate et doctrina tuta libertas


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