Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Sarah Palin and Franklin Graham are all pissy that Target is not going to tell you which toys are for girls and which one are for boys.

Sarah Palin showing off her feminine side.
So last week Target announced that they were no longer going to give store aisles with bedding and toys gender specific labels in response to some criticism on social media.

For instance.

If you are the parent of a girl you also might have been offended by the fact that the girl's toy aisle is all pink and full of dolls and stuffed animals while the boy's toy aisle is full of awesome Lego sets, remote control trucks, and action figures.

I know I was.

Well apparently there are some people who are terrified that taking down signs pointing out where the boy's toys and girl's toys are located in Target will lead to a breakdown in society and rampant homosexuality.

And who would be so ignorant? Why Franklin Graham of course:

And as you know if Franklin Graham is going to get his righteous panties in a bunch over something, that means Sarah Palin totally has to throw her crusty panties in a wad right beside them.

Holy shitballs kids, sure God made the two genders with handy dandy "don't need no fucking science" hocus pocus, but there is no earthly WAY to tell them apart if Target does not label the bedding aisles now is there?

Thanks to Target the entire country will be filled with little boys falling asleep on Barbie bedsheets, and little girls having tea parties with GI Joe's and Ninja Turtle action figures.

And you know what that leads to don't you?

No seriously do you have any idea what that leads to, because I am at a loss.

Less misogyny maybe?

Boys playing with stuffed animals? (They already do, or haven't you seen Ted 2?)

Less frustration for kids not being allowed to shop in the cool toy aisle?

Am I getting warmer?

Look in all seriousness I worked with young kids for most of my life. Their sexuality is in no way tied to the kinds of toys they play with, or which color they prefer. (Plenty of little girls fucking hate pink, but fucking love little boys.)

Little boys playing with dolls, just means they are boys who play with dolls. And little girls who play with Matchbox cars are not necessarily destined to become grease monkeys who love the poonanny.

Personally I applaud Target for moving forward with the times. And they should remember that any decision they make which causes Franklin Graham and Sarah Palin to lose their shit, is undoubtedly the right decision.

After all, that's my criteria for decision making.


  1. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I've also worked with children most of my adult life, and most kids don't care what color theIr toys are or if they are bought at stores with gender neutral isles. Quite a few heterosexual girls enjoy playing with "boy" toys and quite a few boys enjoy playing with traditional girl toys. Go into any preschool and you will see kids playing with ALL the toys. Sarah Palin and Franklin Graham are idiots.

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      How stupid! Both of them should be ashamed when there are kids who don't even HAVE toys because their mom is too busy working her ass off at some cheap diner to feed them b/c congress cut snap! That they care about "labels" shows how fucking clueless and shallow they are!
      "Someone" needs to get a clue and we need to send this to Franklin Graham, about your buddy Palin....
      Right after this article posted or before she got on his private jet!

      December 9, 2013

      This former A list politician/reality star could barely sit still at a recent book signing. So much twitching and that runny nose was out of control. What the world would love is a photo of her using coke. I dare say it would be worth millions.

      Sarah Palin

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    First of all Gryphen, either you feel really, really strongly about this issue or you really, really hate Graham and Palin, or ALL of the above! Strong language.
    Second, when I was growing up and even when my kids were,young, a generic toy aisle, no boys aisle and girls aisle. My children wandered through everything they had to offer, usually at a painstakingly slow pace. They were never confused as to what appealed to them.
    I also remember bedding aisles, where you found what you were looking for among the store's unassigned inventory. So, this is no big deal. Just going back to letting the consumer figure out what they are looking for.
    I am pretty sure that if my local store stops identifying the ladies wear, I will figure out who the bras are meant for.

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      When you get old enough your balls will appreciate a bra. Now go on and get over yourself.

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Think you missed the point 4:49 was making. Perhaps you need to get over yourself?

    3. hauksdottir10:04 PM

      Maybe there will be more bedding in the *rest* of the color palette... not simply blue and pink! A bib, a onesie, or a blankie can be orange or yellow or green or purple and be loved by any child.

      And access to ALL the toys will let kids explore and decide for themselves.

      BTW. I hated dolls and being forced to play "house"... I'd rather play with my horses and make stables and paddocks out of lincoln logs.

    4. Anonymous4:44 AM

      5.51 I am rolling abt now. Just poured that 100% kona coffee with that organic half half on top? and then began reading comments in the comfy of royal crib. And then 5.51 still laughin, thanks for a great start of the day.

    5. Anonymous4:49 AM

      Hey even back in my time. I had a childhood friend. and we were of opposite sex. We enjoyed each others toys. And we had one thing in common. Respect and care of each other and those toys that belonged to us. Other friends did not share that same respect and type of friendship.

    6. A Superfan In Atlanta5:38 AM

      @ Anon 5:51PM

      You provided yet another prime example of having both guns cocked and ready to fire at anything that moves without taking just a few seconds to ponder or find respect in someone else's opinion!

      I completely agree with @Anon 4:49 P. I have had several breakthrough "everything I've ever been taught as a child was total bullshit" moments. For example, My Most Off-Putting Adult Fears & Limitations Projected On To Me As A Kid #37
      Girls get pink easy bake ovens and are forced to take home economics because cooking is considered "women's work". REALITY BITE: I learned that mostly men became chefs.

    7. Anonymous6:25 AM

      hauksdottir, All I wanted as a kid was a baseball glove. My mom kept buying me dolls that sat, unplayed with, on my bed. I used my brother's outgrown glove.

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Much ado about nothing.
    Less Christian conservatives shopping Target? I'm in!
    Those Christian conservatives are sure painting themselves into the proverbial corner, when it comes to just about everything. They will have to go live in caves soon, which is quite fitting for their level of evolvement.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Maybe this will keep the ammosexuals and their manly guns out of Target.

    2. Anonymous9:24 PM

      I keep wondering when people like Franklin Graham are going to get too crazy for my Christian conservative relatives. I KNOW these are not stupid, uneducated people, yet Franklin Graham manufactures outrage over something ridiculous like this, and they fall all over themselves to fall in line.

      Ironically, my sister and I probably received more straight-up brainwashing than anyone else in the extended family, and we're the two who have rejected the entire schtick.

    3. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Anonymous4:57 PM

      Much ado about nothing.
      Less Christian conservatives shopping Target? I'm in!
      Well ya, know FLOTUS shops there so its tainted anyway.... (snark) I agree with you less cons there the better, but this is dumb b/c some moms can't even afford toys for their kids but these selfish cons don't concern themselves WITH THAT! Some Moms can barely feed their kids!
      So Sarah and Franklin all pissy about toy labels...FFS!

  4. My grandson loves purple, plays with My LittlePetshop as well as Army men, Legos, and dragons. At 10, he has shoulder length hair and is able to stand up to people who call him a "girl" as though that in itself is a supreme insult. This is the way we raise young men in our family.

  5. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Those poor Christians. Must be tough, what with Target persecuting them in such a subversive way.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      You got it!

    2. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Yes, can you imagine being so insecure in your sexuality that you are threatened by a lack of signage telling you which "gender-appropriate" toys to buy your child?

  6. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Well, that just goes to show that Christianity stunts the IQ. As an atheist and mother of two girls and grandmother of two girls, I have no trouble finding the appropriate toys, bedding, and clothes. It doesn't take a rocket scientist, but maybe it takes an atheist to know. Here are your signs. STUPID

  7. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Is the real reason why Sarah is mad at Target is because Todd went to Target to buy himself some new underwear and came back home wearing panties?

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      About Todd and the panties-- ever since he bought silk boxer shorts thanks to the Republican National Committee's generous clothing allowance in 2008, he just loves the feeling of silk against his body.

  8. Fucking Otto Katz5:07 PM

    I love you for this fucking post, for your fucking language, for pissing off fucking Sarah Palin, And for fucking understanding. Fucking THANK YOU!

    1. Anita Winecooler6:19 PM

      Amen and Hallelujah

    2. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Fucking A!

    3. Anonymous9:39 PM

      I still fucking hate pink - blue too for that matter

    4. Anonymous4:00 AM

      If it ain't orange, I don't give a fuck

  9. Anonymous5:08 PM

    How did I survive a childhood on white sheets and blankets from the ArmyNavy store?

  10. Fucking Otto Katz5:10 PM

    For those offended by my last post.
    Fuck off.
    I remember jobs offered in the newspaper "Jobs for Men." "Jobs for Women" I remember Reuben Cardona, a supervisor, who had an amazingly hard time finding my eyes when I was 18 to look at whenever he had to talk to me to give me a job to do. This gender thing hits close to home.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      I don't see anyone rushing to reprimand you. But you seem to have a chip on your shoulder that you are daring us to knock off.
      Nice sentiments to strangers who never wronged you.

    2. Otto Katz5:52 PM

      No, I'm not daring any regulars here, we're all cool here. Just any of the trolls.

    3. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Yes we are. Thanks for clarifying.

    4. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Otto, no issues here, I remember the same thing happening. I also remember the men getting paid more for the same job as I had because "they had families" I guess my family didn't count.

    5. Anonymous6:29 AM

      Otto, 7:59: Oh you do bring back memories. Being told women needed to stay home with their kids. Having centerfolds posted in your workspace with your name on them. Snickers, off color jokes- all in a "professional" office. Our daughters and granddaughters better wake up and vote because conservatives would love to take us back to those days.

  11. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Says the woman who owns a pink assault rifle...

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      How funny.

      And I was just wondering what Palin's thoughts are on toy guns. You'd think she'd be happy that now girls will be encouraged to go look at those formerly boys' toys and start aiming and pretend killing customers.

  12. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Guess I will tell my adult military son that he might qualify for a section 8, since he played with Care Bears and My Little Ponies. His wife will be devastated.

  13. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Wow. I admire her restraint. She didn't use this as a SarahPAC fundraiser

    "Donate $50 now to help me force Target into putting the toy signs back up!"

    On the other hand, the night is young

  14. ANYTHING that pisses off Franklin Graham is a good thing.

    And if it also pisses off Sarah Failin', then, it's REALLY, REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Our children are twins -- daughter and son, in their mid-40's now. When they were little kids they swapped toys back and forth, shared everything, paid not attention to color or whatever.

  15. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I'm a social conservative and I honestly don't see why toy aisles need to be labeled. At any rate, girls playing with toy trucks and cars are not going to be asking for gender reassignment surgery. And frankly, I wouldn't mind more boys playing with dolls. If the father of Bristol's baby had played with dolls he might have developed a sense of what paternal obligations are - and he might have offered to marry the mother of his unborn child or at least taken the possible conception of a child more seriously. Not all social change has to be frightening to a conservative. Young girls playing with "boys" toys is far less of threat to society than teenage daughters of famous conservatives giving birth out of wedlock.

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Wow! Bravo! Well said.

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Girls should play with toy trucks and cars. When they grow up, they will be driving car pools.

      And that's a wonderful comment about Bristol's Baby Daddy accepting his responsibilities-- that is-- if Bristol has any idea who the Baby Daddy might be. From the choices we've seen, those guys are so busy showing how macho they are, they could use a little sense of how proud fathers are to have a child and accept some of their parental responsibilities. Well said, 5:34

    3. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Maybe if the baby Daddy for Bristle's latest abstinence baby knew he wasn't the only one "shooting at a hole in one" he would step forward, but with so many men in the running the best thing any man could do is wait for a paternity test.

      #BristleTheHo "WhoDatOtherGuyInthere?

    4. Anonymous8:28 PM

      When they grow up, they will be driving car pools.
      What decade are you living in?

    5. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Well said, 5:34. Stores should just have sections marked "Kids' Clothes" and "Toys" - once people get in there, they will find what they are looking for.

      But it's the way it's been done in the retail world since big box stores took over decades ago. At the time, it was a sincere attempt at being helpful to customers. Times have changed and it's time to change with the times, as the old saying goes.

      Of course, the rabid R's like Franklin and $arah want to "take our country back" to the 1950s. Their vision is still held up by old garter belts.

    6. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Well, you are implying that Bri$$y knows who the baby daddy is! Most men would step up if told they are going to be a daddy.
      She most likely does NOT know and is praying feverishly that the kid will be as white as she is and not any kind of dark shade!

    7. Anonymous6:04 AM

      I agree with most of what you said. But the poor dumb fuck who fathered Bristle's baby probably doesn't know for sure yet. Give him time!

  16. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I guess I haven't been in a toy section for a while. When I saw this article the other day, I thought 'since when do they not only put 'girls toys' in a different aisle from boys toys, but also HAVE TO LABEL the aisles???!!!'
    Have we grown so stupid that we cannot discern just what towys any CHILD would like to play with that we even have to tell parents what gender specific toys are? My dayghter was one who - from early childhood on - despised the color pink, and loved cars and other 'boy toys'. When she was a baby, I got hand-me-down clothes from my parents' neighbors in Switzerland. Those neighbors had had two girls. Guess what color baby clothes I got from them? DARK brown, DARK blue, DARK red! NO pink or other pastel colors! At first I was a bit put off by that, but then I started to think about it, and I really started appreciating it.
    Guess what: my daughter is a very, very feminine young woman who finally has started to wear some pink colored shawls, but she also has been taking survival courses, which included learning all about cars and engines, and how to fix flats and be able to get a tractor out of deep mud! She lives in Europe in a very large city, where she gets spoiled by bar tenders and by chefs because of her knowledge and appreciation of the 'finer things' in life!

    1. Anonymous5:19 AM

      What would Sarah say about Prince George's outfit with red pants and an attached embroidered shirt that he wore to his baby sister's Christening? And those darling sandals he had on - very typical English shoes for toddlers and small children, whether boys or girls. European style for children is usually simple, in practical colors along with splashes of lots of primary colors. Not so much neon pink and purple for girls, fortunately.

  17. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Sarah wants Bristol's numerous babies to follow her rules. Why hasn't Sarah said anything about her grandchild to be, Cletus the Fetus?

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      "Cletus the Fetus" wasn't original or clever the FIRST time I heard it.

    2. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Sarah seems to ignore all of her Grandchildren equally, including the grandchild she claimed as her own.

    3. Anonymous4:05 AM

      Hey 8:30 !

      "Cletus the Fetus"

      How about now?

    4. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Oh hell's bells! Call me twisted, warped, sick, a South Parker, whatever you need to 8:30. Cletus the Fetus still cracks me up. It brings out the 12 year old boy that lives in my head. Kinda like farts.

  18. It's been my understanding that somewhere in early Europe pink or reddish hues were assigned to girl babies as representation of their earthly value, and blues were assigned to boy babies because of their heavenly value and traits. Hhhhmmmm........seems pretty primitive to me. We place primitive value on a lot of words, like dark and light. We screw with kids minds with use of pastels and deeper colors. It would be nice if the human race could develop past some of the pedagogy without so much anxiety, and celebrate broad considerations as maturity.

    1. A. J. Billings6:04 PM

      Interesting comment KitL. IMHO, the human race is in hopelessly bad shape over ll in terms of caring for our environment, health care, feeding the hungry, and education.

      Religion informs and defines life for somewhere north of 60-70% of all of us, and that fact alone dooms us to wars, squirmeshes, poverty, ignorance, and suffering. Especially for women and girls.

      Imagine if all the developed countries in the world were willing to spend just 1/4 of their military budgets to help less privileged nations.

      As a species, we are far from maturity, and if we get a Repub Christian Taliban President who attacks Iran, we might even get WW3.

      I can hear Cheney cheering from here.

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      My glass needs to stay half full during these times. I can't take it anymore.

    3. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Not true according to the above article.

    4. Anonymous12:23 PM

      My grandmother, born 1881, said she was always confused about the pink/blue thing. She said it was the reverse of what she grew up with. The Smithsonian magazine confirms the shift.

  19. Anonymous5:44 PM

    The stone aged believers speak up, kneel down all ye and wallow at the feet of their stupidity and ignorance, oh, and don't forget, send them monies...that's the ticket to heaven, monies.

  20. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I won't know what to think about this until Bristol tells me how I should feel ;-)

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Pretty sure righteous indignation will work.

    2. Cracklin Charlie6:58 PM

      She'll have somethin' up directly.

      Then they can all link to it, and sit back and laugh while they count their pennies.

  21. Anonymous5:47 PM

    How do Sarah and Franklin Graham feel about Bristol paying for mani/pedi's for Tripp? He's been having his fingers and toes done and painted since he was 3 years old. I guess it's okay as long as they used blue nail polish?

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      I liked it when Tripp made a pink bird house or decorate all of the birthday stuff in pink. How sweet.

    2. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Didn't she have eye makeup on him once too? And it seems like he had pink balloons at some Arizona birthday bash. Sarah better have a talk with Bristol. Can't have Tripp getting all feminine on her.

    3. Anonymous8:31 PM

      I bet both Larry Craig and Dennis Hastert like mani/pedis. Can't remember about Jim Bakker but suspect Ted Haggard liked 'em too!.

  22. Anonymous5:49 PM

    It's a progression. Some corporations take longer than others to catch on. Remember the Barbie snafu from 1992?

    Mattel Says It Erred; Teen Talk Barbie Turns Silent on Math
    Published: October 21, 1992

    LOS ANGELES, Oct. 20— A talking Barbie doll criticized by a national women's group for saying "math class is tough" will no longer utter the offending lament, Mattel Inc. has decided.

  23. When I was 8 year old boy, my prize Christmas present was a stuffed. pull-string talking Bugs Bunny doll. However, like any boy after several months with it, I couldn't resist the urge to vivisection to see what made it 'go.' Bugs gave his life to sate my scientific curiosity.

    However, if you want to make the argument that any of my toys 'made' me gay, you'd do better with those phallic-symbol crane trucks I couldn't resist than poor martyred Bugs. - Dave

    1. Cracklin Charlie6:55 PM

      My brother had a Mister Magoo doll. He called it Goomagister, and he carried it around everywhere.

      When he got married, my mom wrapped it up in a present for him. It was missing a button, and one of the feet had almost fallen off. She had saved it twenty years.

    2. Anonymous9:08 PM

      dvlaries/6:00 -- LOL! Crane trucks!

    3. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Love this comment!
      More "power" to you, Dave!

  24. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Holy shit balls, you need to lay of the booze.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Aren't you classy? Not

  25. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Hey Sarah, It looks as if you have been shopping in the boys aisle, wearing that hunting outfit and pretending that you just killed some poor sweet animal. Girls belong in the kitchen, wearing an apron and baking cookies. Don't you believe in each gender acting out their God given roles? Stop crossing over.

  26. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Yeah same one that brought the Kid to the place because the preacher from Palmer Church of God was helping Palin…when it was reported the Kid had the “anointing” the church caught fire…guess you can’t be something you are not…and when your better than the predict…the fall out is deadly…they went after the preachers sister and had guys at MEA jolt her address – hence the term used globally “you have the wrong address” that was classic…and evidently the Kid was standing there with other neighbors when Roger Purcell walked up after a photographer took pics that never were shown…not even an article about it…anyways – not is all what it seems…good thing the Kid has global satellite tracking in place..;)
    Go after her one more time Palin…or a minion…”caught on camera”

    1. Anonymous11:32 PM

      Are these messages being written by some kind of interesting new software that produces trollish posts? It still needs a lot of work, doesn't it?

    2. Anonymous3:54 AM

      @ 6:09 - Who is Roger Purcell?

    3. Anonymous5:53 AM

      Sorry, but these posts sound schizophrenic.

    4. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Yes, this poster does sound as if he/she has a mental problem. The text is all over the place; a word salad if you will. who does that remind me of.

  27. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I'm very confused. What about stores that never labeled their aisles by gender? Is Franklin Graham proposing that Christians only patronize stores that label? Or, perhaps, he's only angry at Target. Because....???

    For Sarah Palin, this provides a nice way to ignore Donald Trump's truce with Fox News and his support for Planned Parenthood.

    1. Cracklin Charlie6:46 PM

      Seems kind of confusing for the store to have two separate aisles for building sets.

      Maybe this is just a move to streamline their product placement.

      Matters not...Target sucks.

    2. Anonymous7:20 PM

      I wrote too soon. Lawrence O'Donnell reported that Trump has again shifted his position and released a 'defund Planned Parenthood' statement.

    3. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Oh great, 7:20 PM.

      Another "I cant hold my chin up" to "planned" moment.

      How stupid do they think we are?

    4. Anonymous9:56 PM

      Trump has again shifted his position

      Didn't this used to be called flip flopping?

  28. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Maybe Sarah should be sober enough when she goes to buy Bristles new abstinence baby a present to find what she wants without a sign.

    Pssst Sarah, there is nothing that will bleach that upcoming baby and make it white.

  29. physicsmom6:14 PM


    When my daughter was little I often shopped for boy clothes at garage sales and discount stores since they were cheaper than the girls' clothes. Now she dresses my new granddaughter in mostly gender neutral (a little pink now and then) or boy clothes. Thrift is important when you're starting out. Who cares how they're labelled? (Oh, yeah: Palin and Graham. Well, f*ck them!)

    Really, Gryph, poonanny??

  30. Anonymous6:21 PM

    It may make money for Sarah & Bristol to post negative stuff all the time but I can't imagine being so negative on almost a daily basis! Palin has been negative for so long that it's hard to ever remember any positive posts from her or Bristol---and they don't get any press for it.

    They just seem to ooze negativity--and what a horrible way to live--stirring the pot, being vile, vindictive, hateful. They are what they post--dark, dreary hateful sourpusses.

    1. Anonymous9:29 PM

      I don't believe I have ever seen a positive post for either Sarah or Bristol. They must be really fun to be around.

  31. Queerty has a great meme for this matter:

  32. Anita Winecooler6:38 PM

    First of all, they're toys and bedding. Let the kids choose what they want, they're only kids once, and these batshit bible thumping bigots need to find a "there" where no "there" exists. My girls played with GI Joes, little green army men, and legos. My son played with dolls, it was a great experience for him, he learned to respect barbie as a person, learned that she had huge boobs and no genitalia whatsoever. Imagine his surprise when he grew up and played with "Real Women".
    My girls shared a "Joey Doll", it was Meathead and Gloria's boy, and he had a "gasp" penis and testicles. And they grew up just fine. When they were older, they saw their first "Billy doll" at a pride event and thought it was a great idea.
    I fully support Target on this one, and I'll continue to shop there now that I know the clientele has been stripped of overzealous nut jobs.
    Something tells me "Reverend black trench coat" doth protest too much re: homosexuality. Just my opinion, but my gaydar goes off just looking at him.

    1. I had my own G. I. JOE when I was little and he hung out with my Francie doll and they went on adventures with my cousin and my young uncle's G. I.Joes all the time, frequently doing battle with my uncle's large stuffed animals: stand ins for Godzilla and Rodan ya know.
      I got a cousin who's all bent out of shape about this by the way.
      M from MD.

    2. Anonymous9:15 PM

      I totally agree, Anita and Aragon. Good for target.
      Clothes! Toys! That's all you need - people will find their way.

      We should all send a note of support to Target.

  33. Anonymous6:39 PM

    As the youngest of three girls growing up in the 60s, I had no opportunity to play with 'boys' toys. I asked for Lincoln Logs every Christmas for years, but never got them.

    When I turned 26, the people in my office remembered me telling the story of my childhood disappointment, and they gave me a box of Lincoln Logs for my birthday. I kept several of them on my desk and played with them often when I had some down time. I was very touched that they had done something so thoughtful, and it was one of the most memorable presents I've ever gotten.

    Now, about that pony I wanted...

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      :) Can't help you with the pony, but I do have several foster horses I would adopt out to you for free. I even have a couple that would be great for a beginning rider or more if you just want a horse grazing on your property.

    2. Anonymous7:46 PM

      I think their gift was sweet!

    3. Anonymous8:47 PM

      I asked for Lincoln Logs! I got plastic red bricks (think pre-Lego) because it was all my parents could afford! What a great present!

    4. Anonymous9:19 PM

      How wonderful you were gifted with the Lincoln Logs!
      I had two daughters 18 months apart. The eldest loved dolls and her Easy Bake Oven. The youngest loved making projects, disliked dolls, and was very young when she got her first chemistry set. There was discord between them when young. The younger one is an engineer and did things like construct a display case for the Easy Bake Oven goods and even rigged up lighting for it. Both are loving mothers and wives but the one who loved dolls prefers to work then stay home 24/7 and the engineer would love to grow veggies and bake bread from scratch tending her family.

      Toys do not dictate growth and development nor sexuality in my experience

    5. Anonymous9:53 PM

      I remember Lincoln Logs. Yes, they were a gift to my brother, but we played with them together. He also got a Lionel Electric Train set. The engine blew "real" smoke. When it comes to electric train sets, four hands are better than two, because it took both of us to set up the tracks. We took turns getting to run the set. As brother and sister, we were expected to play together. It didn't bother me that they were his Lincoln Logs or his Lionel Electric Train. I got to play with them, too.

    6. Anonymous5:05 AM

      We had Lincoln Logs. My parents would never have thought them inappropriate for girls back in the early 1950's. When we visited our male cousins, we loved pushing around their toy cars and spent hours watching the elaborate train sets. This is all such absolute nonsense but we expect nothing else from Sarah Palin.

    7. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Lincoln logs and trains were the best.

  34. Anonymous6:41 PM

    He lost me at "oh really."
    And I consider myself a practicing one.
    Wonder who HIS ghostwriter is. SMDH and RME.

    Best I could reply as opposed to paragraphs on end.

    1. Yeah, Franklin's a little late to this party, ain't he?

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      OP here, thank you.
      I would not cross the street to see him. Spent many a year watching his father's crusades on my parents' BW television.

      $arah and he are snake oil salesmen. They all are.

  35. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Oh my god, they are such idiots! IN THEIR LIFETIME this whole pink and blue thing was put into practice, and they can't even do their homework before they get all outraged:

    ...The march toward gender-specific clothes was neither linear nor rapid. Pink and blue arrived, along with other pastels, as colors for babies in the mid-19th century, yet the two colors were not promoted as gender signifiers until just before World War I—and even then, it took time for popular culture to sort things out.

    For example, a June 1918 article from the trade publication Earnshaw's Infants' Department said, “The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl.” Other sources said blue was flattering for blonds, pink for brunettes; or blue was for blue-eyed babies, pink for brown-eyed babies, according to Paoletti.

    In 1927, Time magazine printed a chart showing sex-appropriate colors for girls and boys according to leading U.S. stores. In Boston, Filene’s told parents to dress boys in pink. So did Best & Co. in New York City, Halle’s in Cleveland and Marshall Field in Chicago.

    Today’s color dictate wasn’t established until the 1940s, as a result of Americans’ preferences as interpreted by manufacturers and retailers. “It could have gone the other way,” Paoletti says.

    So the baby boomers were raised in gender-specific clothing. Boys dressed like their fathers, girls like their mothers. Girls had to wear dresses to school, though unadorned styles and tomboy play clothes were acceptable.

    When the women’s liberation movement arrived in the mid-1960s, with its anti-feminine, anti-fashion message, the unisex look became the rage—but completely reversed from the time of young Franklin Roosevelt. Now young girls were dressing in masculine—or at least unfeminine—styles, devoid of gender hints. Paoletti found that in the 1970s, the Sears, Roebuck catalog pictured no pink toddler clothing for two years.

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Dresses for Boys during the 20th Century

      "Early 20th Century (1900-19)

      Dresses especially made for boys continued to be popular in the early 1900s. It was still common for younger boys to wear them. Fashion magazines were still advising mothers in the early 1900s that, "petticoats for samall boys are to be recommened in every way ... the putting of infants at an early age into woolen knickerbocker suits cannot but be bad for them physically."

    2. Anonymous8:55 AM

      I was going to post this, but you did it first. Thanks.
      There's nothing particularly feminine about pink, and nothing particularly masculine about blue. As for me, I like both colors.

  36. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I know traditionally there have been boy/girl aisles in stores for clothing or toys, but how does Bristle shop for those hidden/thrown away children? Is there an aisles for my Mom hates me and is embarrassed at my conception?

  37. OT: Now this is some bravery:

    1. Anonymous6:06 AM

      I had two friends in school who were among the last to be affected by thalidomide. One was missing an arm and had only 4 fingers on her existing hand, and the other was missing fingers and toes on all four limbs.

      It never stopped either one from doing what they wanted - one played piano and took ballet lessons and the other was on the high school tennis team - but it sure made their lives more challenging.

  38. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Anon 6:42 Thank you for an informative post. I really enjoyed reading it. In the late 1970's, my daughter was a part of a progressive play group. We, mothers decided that toys were not gender specific. The girls played with cars, the boys became adept at undressing Barbie. No one was scarred. Today, these children are in their late 30's, married and are parents in their own right. My grandsons sleep with stuffed animals and sport hero figurines and still love undressing their cousin's Barbie.

  39. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Anon:6:42 I loved your informative post. It was a pleasure to read. In the late 1970's, my daughter was part of a progressive play group. We, mothers decided that toys were not to be gender specific. The girls played with car, the boys became adept at undressing Barbie. Today, these children are in their late 30's are married and parents in their own right. My grandsons sleep with stuffed animals and sports hero figurines and love undressing their cousin's Barbie. Stop with all this gender specific bs.

    1. Anonymous9:09 PM

      I agree the gender specific BS should stop. I also find it annoying when people do the age specific food thing dictating to their children they will not like "adult food" which is anything but grilled cheese, hot dog, chicken nuggets or pizza.

  40. Anonymous7:40 PM

    She is absolutely without an ear for gender issues. Go figure.

    1. Anonymous9:25 PM

      6:42 - thanks for the fascinating post.
      Of course, retailers believed they were providing good service and being helpful to their customers by directing them to gender specific aisles. Times have changed in a good way, imho.

  41. Anonymous9:03 PM

    I read comments on Palin's FB and am surprised the majority are going to boycott Target. Wow, I have been naive about people believing a toy will cause homosexuality or gender confusion.

    I have six grandsons, two of which have a father who is homophobic. That dad believes his sons are ream (manly) boys because they jump on the coffee table and love to thrust swords into the crotch of people coming to their house and love the talk of maiming people. The rest of the family perceives them as prone to violence and ill mannered jumping on the table. One boy takes Hip Hop dance class so he is branded "gay" by the homophobe dad.

    I do not enjoy people who have rigid black and white thinking. There is no God who will send a plague or famine if pink and purple Lego sets are next to Star Wars Legos. No one is going to hell or a flood to punish mankind if action figures are adjacent to dress up clothes.

    I can't believe the extreme reactions people have citing bible verses. In my family we gave toddler boys a baby doll to help prepare them for a new sibling. Gasp! No dads have run off with another man because they also changed diapers either.

    1. Anonymous9:37 PM

      When I was a kid, I wanted to be a boy. I kept my hair short, was thrilled when people called me "Sir," played football at recess, and hated dolls. And crazy but true, I grew up to be a hetero woman. Nonetheless, I've cut my hair very short a few times as an adult, and inevitably, some guy in my life wonders if the haircut is my way of coming out.

    2. Anonymous9:47 PM

      I wonder how many of those comments are bought and paid for. So many of them sound the same, repeating the same old same old.

  42. Anonymous9:04 PM

    off topic

    Bill Cosby allegedly acting like a Duggar!

    1. Anonymous10:51 PM

  43. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Even if I agreed with Franklin Graham, which I don't, his equating of blue and pink with "the creation of two genders" is asinine. I hope my many relatives who hang on this fucking charlatan's every word don't repost this on their Facebook pages. Usually I suffer in silence, but I don't know if I can let this stupidity pass unremarked.

    1. Anonymous4:59 AM

      When I was little my mother did a lot of sewing for my sister and I. The dresses were the same pattern but the colors differed - Joanne got pale pink (more pale peachy in those days) and I got blue. I also eventually got pink when the hand-me-down version fit. Neither of us ever had an gender confusion at all. LOL. Is this the biggest issue Franklin Graham has to worry about? Does he want armed male lunatics attacking the toy departments at Target now?

  44. Anonymous9:41 PM

    My suggestion to Franklin and Sarah, why don't you take all the tax free money you have swindled from your cult members and open your own toy store. Then you can label to your hearts content.

    You can also sell little crosses, nails and little people to crucify. Just like in the Roman times.

  45. Anonymous9:56 PM

    When are we going to bash the Tella-Tubbies just because Tinky Winky carried a purse?

    1. I believe that did happen years ago. Or maybe one of the little tubbies was an unacceptable color?

    2. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Yes, I remember Jerry Falwell stirring folks up that Tinky Winky was gay.

    3. Anonymous6:10 AM

      No, but we should bash the Teletubbies because they're really, really creepy!

  46. They are so ignorant. God didn't make the colors blue and pink to mean a male and a female. Just like his pimping religion it's fake man-made shit.

    Also god forbid that a boy will play with an Easy Bake Oven because we all know cooking is women work. Ask Chef Ramsey.

  47. Anonymous11:33 PM

    I really really wanted slot cars and a train set when I was a kid. But I never asked because I thought that it wasn't allowed because I was a girl. And I'm 100% Hetero, so I don't think it means a thing. I applaud Target. There are probably a lot of 50 year old men out there who wanted an Easy Bake Oven too.............

    Where is the passage in the bible that says that Blue = Male and Pink = Female? I must have totally missed that.

  48. Anonymous1:03 AM

    What a totally ignorant silly thing for Palin & Graham along with their religious rightwingers to attack.

    This reminds me of the time when Jerry Falwell caused a stir when he questioned the sexuality of a character on Teletubbies. I forget which Teletubby he blamed for making people gay but he provoked a lot of laughter in the media as Palin of course always does and deservedly so.

    What an idiot for attention.

    1. Anonymous5:05 AM

      The finale' of the republican circus has begun. And the marching orders are to spread out in all directions on every issue and make up something and show leadership. Well? as we have all witnessed? the circus continues and our sarah is not invited. She is the down and dirty baraccuda and voted most to get along with everyone. Now for some strange pathetic reason she feels compelled to show her manly tough girl side. Like? look at me, I can kill, clean, cook and eat my kill. I am ready for action and to be your president. or is this a continued personal threat to her longtime enemies. Don't mess with my brassy and gifts? Sara likes to kill big game and take pictures of herself making a female azzhole out of herself. She is quite the untramanure and social mixer. A well rounded mix of takers and fakers. and wanna be entitled's. Royal Global pecking order.

  49. Janice A Soderquist2:03 AM

    0T... Per Sarah's new FB page, is she endorsing Cruz now? Old pictures from 2012? No new pictures of his new campaign?
    She is just trying to stay in the action. I doubt Cruz will let her onstage with him anymore like Trump. Oh, she likes to post her sexy photos. She has nothing to offer anyone.
    Another things, this story here about Target, all I can say is Sarah has a lot of time on her hands.
    Sarah cannot get one positive bit of press anywhere. Not one political wants her around them at all. Everything in the press about her or Bristol is so negative and just mocking the Palins.
    So, now she is battling with Target.


  50. Anonymous2:29 AM

    I was a tomboy growing up.I got tools,building blocks and bridles for Xmas. I have 2 grandsons now and I enjoy buying for them what with airhogs,robots,ect. . Now they have pink guns for girls. Rollerblades,skateboards....why even separate the sections?

  51. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Sarah Palin fights like a geriatric.

    1. Anonymous6:05 AM

      Sarah Palin fights like a drunk geriatric.

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Sarah Palin Is a drunk geriatric Bimbo.

  52. Anonymous3:08 AM

    I have a niece who's 5 years old next week. All her life I have deliberately bought her "boy" toys to counteract all the Disney princess bullshit that is snuffing out little girls' imaginations and making them believe they're dependent.

    Suck on that, Sarah, you whiny old crone.

    1. And these days she could have really cool Avengers toys to play with too. I would have loved to have a Captain America doll/action figure when I was a kid.

  53. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Isn't there anywhere a good god fearing christian can shop these days besides hobby lobby?

    Poor saps.

    1. I, as a party of one, will NEVER ever shop at Hobby Lobby. It smells like stuff made in China and revival breath.
      I do not rail against Hobby Lobby to my Liberty University acquaintances, but simply state the fact that Michael's is infinitely superior in inventory and pricing.
      Only then I start making gagging noises.

      Bottom line: try finding a Michael's location in your area.

  54. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Unfreaking believable. Let kids play with whatever toys they want. I'm a female who was a tomboy as a kid, I climbed trees, watched baseball with my grandfather, helped my dad change spark plugs on the truck we had, played with Barbie dolls etc. and turned out just fine.

  55. Anonymous4:54 AM

    I've always simply gagged at the "girl" section of a large toy store - too much garish neon-ish pink for my taste. As a mother and grandmother, I've much preferred the few small toy stores left that have lots of wooden toys, building sets, puzzles, games and usually a separate section with dolls and stuffed animals, more to protect the sometimes expensive toys than to separate them by gender. It's fun to go into such a store with a small child and see what appeals. Little boys tend to shift to the cars and building sets while girls opt for craft sets and dolls. They know what interests them; Sarah Palin doesn't have to worry on that account. Bravo for Target. Now just to get some better quality in the toy sections . . . .

    1. Anonymous6:21 AM

      I hate the pink and GI-Joe aisles too Beaglemom. Even those engineering toys for girls, like Goldie Blox, are those awful Disney princess colors. As an engineer, I'd like to get a good building set that both genders will play with- old fashioned Legos and Lincoln Logs I guess.

      Recently my daughter asked if I could find matching pjs for her little kids (boy and girls) for some photos. Why should that be so difficult? I ended up with some animal motif from the boys' section, the stuff in the girls' section was gruesomely bling-y.

  56. None of this matters at all, Palin. You are still not going to get any attention at all from anyone who matters.

  57. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Sarah Palin it is obvious what's more important to you.

    It is important for you to complain about what Target puts in their aisles.

    It is less important to you to run around following your daughters and pulling up their panties every time the boys pull them down.

    It is less important to you that Bristol is giving birth to bastards.

    It is less important to you that Bristol's best friend is a porno model.

    It is less import to you that your husband shops in Anchorage for prostitutes.

    It is less important to you that Track is a mess.

    It is less important to you to see that Trig receives attention and the help he needs.

    Sarah get the fuck out of Target's aisles and get your ass home where you can keep an eye on your delinquents!

  58. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Posted on Facebook? Who cares. I'll be upset when Graham does it on Fox.

  59. LisaB259510:15 AM

    TBH, I'm not sure why Target felt the need to make the announcement. Why not just do it? If the idea that people are smart enough to decide what's right for themselves and their children, then why say anything about it at all? The signs would vanish and people would still gravitate towards those items that appeal to them. By the time the wingnuts caught on, it would be fait accompli and the sky wouldn't have fallen.

    If the goal is to truly advance gender equality, wouldn't the best way to do that simply be to do that and show what a non-issue it is? But no, gotta get our "aren't we sensitive and amazing so why don't you buy from us?" message out there.

    In my opinion, the best way to tell your marginalized group is now mainstream is when the capitalists start marketing to you.


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