Thursday, August 06, 2015

Though the Boy Scouts are now accepting gay scout leaders there is one group that is still banned. Can you guess which one?

Courtesy of Pink News:  

The BSA confirmed this month that it would end a ban on gay adult leaders, after agreeing to lift its ban on gay youth back in 2013. 

However, the organisation – which moved to change its policy after a warning that it could lead to costly legal action – has not shifted to remove another ban. 

The BSA will continue to enforce rules that ban open atheist from serving – meaning you can be open about being attracted to men, but not about not believing in God. 

All members of the Boy Scouts must sign a ‘Declaration of Religious Principles’, which states “The Boy Scouts of America maintain that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing his obligation to God.

You want to talk about oppression? Try being an Atheist. 

However we are learning from the example set by our LGBT brothers and sisters, and someday we will also be able to come out of the closet and practice our critical thinking skills openly without fear of losing our jobs, being ostracized by society, having our families turn their backs on us, or being rejected by the Boy Scouts.




  1. angela4:16 AM

    Who knew?
    I actually had my hairdresser get upset with me last week when I was asked in her shop which church I attended. I said I was an atheist. She later told me I shouldn't have said it because people would fear and hate me now?! I laughed and told her I could take it.

    Are we still only less hated than teabaggers?

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      I was also going to say Who knew?
      We lived in a tiny seacoast town when my boys were little and because of such a tiny population I somehow ended up the scout leader, and I guess I should have read the rule book, heh.

      We had such fun, no one ever even brought up religion. I think parents were just happy someone took on the job.


    2. Leland12:45 PM

      I must say I shared your experience. I was an assistant Scout Master, but still....

      As a matter of fact, one of the annual trips I got them into has been going on now for over thirty years! They still call it the highlight trip of the year!

    3. Anonymous6:50 PM

      That's terrific, Leland! That is more than I can say for my experience. But I did my best, and we had fun learning together. Quite a few fatherless boys in the group, so I felt bad they weren't getting the male role models they needed, but it was me or nothing. I know I had a blast.


  2. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Boo hoo! Now who's being persecuted?

    1. Leland12:58 PM

      Certainly not the xtian taliban!

      And in case you don't know your history, atheists have been the most hated - and persecuted - group for as long as religion has existed in an organized fashion.

      And further, it is still a capital offense punishable by death in a lot of countries. Of course it's not the only instant death charge, but it is one of only a few.

  3. a. j. billings4:26 AM

    There is no group more hated in 'Murica than athiests, in spite of what the 1st amendment clearly states about not establishing a religion.

    We also have Article 6, paragraph 3 that MANDATES NO RELIGIOUS TEST for holding ANY office in the USA, including judges, Congress, or state legislatures.

    The Christian Taliban continues to spread the myth that Article 6 is only referring to Christian sects, and was assuming that all men are "christian" as a context, in clear contradiction to the import of the Constitution!

    1. Leland12:51 PM

      You're right a.j., and what's even worse is they are now pushing the idea that the separation of church and state is not true, not to mention that they believe that I don't have a right to NOT be exposed to their religious drivel. They literally will scream at you for even suggesting such a thing.

      It's one of the reasons I LOVE to rub their feces covered noses in it whenever a town or city is forced to NOT hold specific religious openings to their meetings! Or when a state is forced to remove the ten commandments from their capitol grounds or anything along those lines.

  4. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Some people really don't understand the concept of religious freedom do they. While some will scream bloody murder when they think their own rights are being infringed it doesn't seem to occur to them that there are some people out there who don't want to hear what they have to say. American exceptionalism indeed.

    They should run that Ron Reagan ad more often and not only in the middle of the night.

  5. Anonymous5:43 AM

    The problem with self-proclaimed religious people is that they are sure they have cornered the market on morality. How laughable is that?

    1. Leland12:52 PM

      Especially, SRR, when their own morals are lower than whale shit!

  6. OT:
    It's happened: an Iowa man actually tried to marry his lawnmower

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      After being accused of cheating the lawnmower said "but honey, the grass really WAS greener next door".

    2. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

      Especially over the septic tank.

      The lawnmower was disappointed when he showed her his dipstick.

  7. Randall8:32 AM

    The definition of "faith" is "belief without evidence."
    (Which, coincidentally is also the definition of "delusion", but I digress)

    Belief in that which cannot be proven has led to millennia of ignorance,death and sorrow, and yet we insist on indoctrinating our children into the same ridiculous nonsense.

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Well said.

  8. Anita Winecooler6:27 PM

    The scout pledge is exactly why my son couldn't join in good conscience, and who wants to be part of a group that pledges your right to not believe doesn't exist? Prosecution is an equal opportunity employer, some just don't walk around and whine like the walking wounded.


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