Saturday, November 21, 2015

Bill Maher points out that nobody should seriously be considered as a candidate for President if they believe the world will end any day now, or that it actually should have ended decades ago.

Courtesy of Mediaite:

Bill Maher ended his show last night by saying Ben Carson‘s Seventh-day Adventist faith should disqualify him from becoming president (after mocking Carson for his portrait with Jesus). 

He brought up how Seventh-day Adventists believe in the imminent Second Coming of Christ and how the original prediction that it would happen in 1844 didn’t pan out. It was called “The Great Disappointment,” and Maher drew the line politically at a candidate who’s not so sure about “the earth staying.” 

He said the “stupid media” should be asking more “Jesus freaks” running for office if they believe the world is ending and when.

You know I was actually going to write a post on this very subject, but did not get around to it.

This is EXACTLY why I campaign so hard to get religion the fuck out of politics.

Anybody who thinks that, due to some bullshit prophecy in a ancient book, the world is supposed to end on their watch should be kept as far away from the nuclear launch codes as possible.

And if you think I am being histrionic then let me remind you that George W. Bush used the biblical prophecies of "Gog and Magog" to justify HIS invasion of Iraq.

Yeah that's a real thing that happened in the 21st Century and all of us allowed it to fucking happen.

If I had my way I WOULD have a religious test for politicians. And that test would be very simple, if you rely on religious faith to guide your choices in place of your critical thinking skills then you do NOT get to hold any political office in this country.



  1. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I think people who believe they might be raptured at any minute really shouldn't be driving.

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      .....or doing brain surgery alsotoo?

  2. Anonymous5:16 PM


  3. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Anybody who thinks that, due to some bullshit prophecy in a ancient book, the world is supposed to end on their watch should be kept as far away from the nuclear launch codes as possible.
    It's way more than the codes, Gryphen. It's about creating a sustainable world that coexists with other nations, with the environment. It's about educating and research. It's about sustaining life on this planet for the future. That takes intelligent governing.


  4. SallyinMI5:32 PM

    The other disqualifier is if you fail to see every human being as having a right to life. Not every zygote...everyone already here. These rich white guys make me sick with their egos and greed and self-importance. Did you hear Trump today? His crowd was beating up a BLM supporter, and he egged them on. He has called people animals and, breathing people. It's why I will never vote for anyone who supports the death penalty. The GOP wants to play God with women, the poor, minorities, other nations, and so many more that they consider inferior to their awesome selves. It is an accident of birth that they are white, or half-white, and American (or pseudo-American like Pyush, Cruz and Marco.) An 'accident.' God did not place those men in this time to lord it over the rest of us. God did not 'bless' Trump's and Bush's Nazi loving fathers with riches because they supported fascism. Time to send these creeps Dante's way..let me recall, which circle was for liars?

    1. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Thank you SallyInMI.

      Why does it (sadly) seem to be so hard for more of us to understand and speak truth (to power)?


  5. Anonymous5:36 PM

    My fundie cousin who USED to be a big Sarah fan works at a Starbucks near a bookstore where she was signing her books and she told me Palin and her "entourage" came in for coffee and frappuccinos the other day. She said the women seemed kind of drunk and were somewhat disorderly. Why am I not surprised?!

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      It doesn't surprise me one but. Willow drinks more than the rest of the family combined and it is a lot.

    2. Anonymous6:47 AM

      I think they need to alter their sobriety to dil with their 'fans,' I mean, have you seen Palin fans?

  6. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Hugh Hewlett introduces SP on his radio show as Gov of Arkansas! Can't find it to link, but so funny

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      gov of arkansas that is..

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      SP and her gang are summer than a bag full of hammers.

    3. Hugh Hewlett introduces SP on his radio show as Gov of Arkansas!

      You likely meant this: The transcript begins, "HH: So pleased to welcome this hour, Sarah Palin, former governor of [Alaska], former vice-presidential nominee of the Republican Party." Note the square brackets around "Alaska" showing that it has been edited.. I followed the link to the audio, but my browser wouldn't play it, saying that it's corrupt.

    4. Anonymous8:48 PM

      She's not governor of any state now.

    5. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Maybe he meant the governor of the Ark. She is that Bible talker.

    6. Anonymous10:40 PM

      She didn't earn the title governor due to having quit mid way through her term. I know of no one who calls her that and I'm in Alaska. Most in the state find her a huge, huge embarrassment.

    7. Anonymous4:19 AM

      Keep it simple what you call Sarah.
      Failed Politition seems to fit quite well....

    8. Anonymous6:06 AM

      How can she be a failed politician if you don't believe she was ever a politician? Sure AIP and folks set her up in situations that were built on quick sand and fraud. She was a front man, but a politician?

    9. Anonymous6:49 AM

      10:40 I don't think we are enmbarassed by her anymore. She's persona non grata, she doesn't even exist anymore.

  7. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Sometimes it sounds like Carson has a few screws loose. God killed some of his surgical patients- how convenient an excuse. Does Carson think Alzhemer's is genetic?

    "Carson earned several laughs from the crowd throughout the night. One of those moments followed a question about whether his mother is still alive. She was facing life-threatening illness when Carson launched his campaign in the spring.

    Carson said Friday she is alive but battling Alzheimer’s disease. He then added that it’s somewhat of a blessing in disguise, because she would be on a rampage because of his treatment by the media as a Republican presidential candidate."

    Carson continues to have violent fantasies apparently:

    "She’d be out there with a shotgun shooting all these liars who are attacking me,” he said."

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Which liars, Ben? So far everything people have said about you is true. YOU are the liar.
      And about those conjoined twins that made you a superstar....

    2. Anonymous7:02 AM

      They would laugh off God killing off his patients, and his mom shooting truth-tellers. What a room full of sad, ugly people.

  8. Anonymous6:12 PM

    ....and what's teh batshitcrazy lady up to lately?

    "Citing an imminent end of times, former presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann rounded out a recent tour of Israel by urging Jews to convert to Christianity."

  9. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Hey Gryph, I just don't get your attraction to Maher. He thinks his sarcasm will take him anywhere. Anybody can be sarcastic. He tries to play both sides of the fence and in doing so he loses credibility. He has to worry about ratings and it shows. A little too slick for me.

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Maher is a short little jerk, a mean libertarian.

    2. Anonymous9:21 PM

      True, 8:38pm. You nailed it.

    3. Anonymous10:37 PM

      I love the guy and try to not miss his weekly shows. His last one for this season was last night with him returning next January.

      During that time he'll be in Hawaii - which he does every year.

    4. 66gardeners3:44 AM

      Bill Maher is a trailblazer. He may not please everyone, but he never did try to be politically correct. Maher deserves recognition for bringing politics out of the shadows and into everyday conversations. Thank you Bill Maher.

    5. Anonymous7:24 AM

      He's a short mean guy with a Napoleon complex who spreads lies about Muslims and women. Extremely sexist. Yes, I have met him.

    6. Anonymous10:05 AM

      7:24 AM Yea, I've met him too and he's nothing like you are projecting!

      He'd run you around the block with his quick mind, knowledge and fantastic sense of humor! He's very well read too.

      Love his show and the fact he always has diversity on his panels! Good god almighty, he even includes Republicans and Christians!!

    7. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Actually, 10:05, my vocabulary was level was too much for him and he stumbled in retort. Diversity on his panels? Are you crazy? It's mostly men. Do the stats on the number of guests he has. You're welcome. He's not really smart at all. Did you see his interview with Colbert? What a jackass he was, pushing to get all of his talking points in while Colbert could just wing it and be nice.

  10. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Wasn't Hannibal Lechter a brain surgeon just like Uncle Ben?
    Oh well, if nothing else he has a lovely wife.

  11. Anonymous6:55 PM

    John Bel Edwards defeats David Vitter in Louisiana governor’s race

    Democrat John Bel Edwards won the runoff election for Louisiana governor Saturday, defeating the once-heavy favorite, Republican David Vitter, and handing the Democrats their first statewide victory since 2008.

    Edwards, a state lawmaker, will take over the office from term-limited Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal in January.

    Voters' rejection of Vitter was a stunning turn of events for the U.S. senator, who has been a political powerhouse in the state for years and started his campaign nearly two years ago as the race's front-runner.

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      It was the hooker story, and pissing off his fellow Louisiana Republicans. Hey Dipshit Dave- You have to confess to be forgiven. The voters never heard you confess. Just your forgiven bullshit.

    2. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Oh hooray! If it can happen in Louisiana, there is hope for the rest of the nation. Now if Edwards can just reverse Jindal's horrible education policies, among other things.

    3. 66gardeners3:46 AM

      I can't want until republican governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan, gets the boot. He blames everything that is wrong on his watch on O'Malley. What a loser.

  12. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Vitter loses, and pulls a Palin and quits the US Senate too!

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      What a loss! Pervo loser. Good, ultimately will triumph over evil. It just takes too fucking long.

    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Yippee! I can't stand that guy.

  13. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Here's the lesson Sarah Palin learned before David Vitter did: Don't run for public office when you have dirty laundry.


  14. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I hear that some rumors are circulating in certain circles that the Kid is related to Syria…
    But not Assad…go further back…remember ‘I was just a vessel for you’ was the rhetoric…and the Queen’s visit to the Pope then he goes to Isreal…lol…sounds like Kingdom of Heaven indeed…and yes they will do ANYTHING to keep that from coming to pass…and I mean ANYTHING!!! Yeah, keep religion out of politics is right...syndness...

  15. Anonymous7:38 PM

    We should be very afraid of a Trump/Cruz ticket next year. That will be a very fast way to turn the country into a christian theocracy.

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Trump doesn't seem Christian to me...I'd bet he wouldn't take too kindly to Daddy's Cruz' plan to amass the country's wealth for his church.

  16. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Prostitutes over patriots: John Bel Edwards campaign ad slams David Vitter

  17. Anonymous7:42 PM

    That guy on the right looks like the guy from the Bee Gee's.
    Ben Carson you should be ashamed. What an asshole.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Do you think his book title was based on the huge hands Jesus has in the painting?

  18. Gog McGog8:00 PM

    Gog and Magog? I'm not even gonna verify that they exist or that Bush invoked them. But I gotta say Gog McGog sounds like a name.

    1. Anonymous8:33 PM

      He did indeed...not sure who was coaching him that day, but he did say it.

    2. 66gardeners3:49 AM

      In the winter of 2003, when George Bush and Tony Blair were frantically gathering support for their planned invasion, Professor Thomas Römer, an Old Testament expert at the university of Lausanne, was rung up by the Protestant Federation of France. They asked him to supply them with a summary of the legends surrounding Gog and Magog and as the conversation progressed, he realised that this had originally come, from the highest reaches of the French government.

      President Jacques Chirac wanted to know what the hell President Bush had been on about in their last conversation. Bush had then said that when he looked at the Middle East, he saw "Gog and Magog at work" and the biblical prophecies unfolding. But who the hell were Gog and Magog? Neither Chirac nor his office had any idea. But they knew Bush was an evangelical Christian, so they asked the French Federation of Protestants, who in turn asked Professor Römer.

    3. 66gardeners3:51 AM

      Yes, Tricky stuff, the word of the lord., as you say. I will go one step further and say: Confusing the word of the lord. If Bush really believed in such verses, then you cannot condemn Muslims for following their script. ' Kill those who join other gods' it says somewhere. My god there are so many who havr. It is not advisable even to try. Instead love your fellow human beings and do not kill for god or, more importantly oil.
      courtesy of shariff

  19. Anonymous8:42 PM

    The JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES said the world would end in 1944, I never heard of the Seventh-Day Adventists havng said that.

  20. Anonymous1:33 AM

    That story of Bush trying to get Chirac to help "get the middle East ready for the 2nd Coming" was reported several years ago by the Canadian press, and was from an interview Chirac did with a Swiss newspaper reporter. Not surprisingly, the American press ignored the story. BTW, the story Gryph linked to is consistent with and confirms Chirac's account of events. Here's more. No surprise that Bush-43 was twisted - it was his father who declared that atheists could not be considered patriotic Americans.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      These crazies believe by Hastening in end the of times they can control the masses with fear. Sorry kiddies. It doesn't work that way. The One in charge works off his schedule,not yours. And yes,u can believe what you want. I'm only pointing out what these people are doing to control and put fear in the clueless.

  21. Anonymous3:35 PM

    It DOES have that creepy '70's gay novella genre formula vibe, when foreplay is "HI, What you into?" and afterglow is "What's your name, BTW?" Probably illustrated by the same people who do "romance novels"

  22. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I don;'t believe in any religion, but feel there should be full disclosure on each candidate's beliefs because it shows a facet of them that my expose weakness and gullibility. So his church's rapture didn't happen, and it's still a functioning church that calls it "The Great Disappointment". They should have gotten the rights to that one, Bristol used it in her announcement of the impending bundle of joy about to be dropped by a stork down her chimney.


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