Saturday, March 12, 2016

During court appearance Cliven Bundy refuses to recognize the authority of the federal government. Oh yeah, he's never getting out of jail.

Courtesy of Oregon Live:  

Jailed Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy refused Thursday to acknowledge federal authority and declined to enter a plea to federal charges that he led an armed standoff against a round-up of cattle two years ago. 

After several minutes of confusion about whether Bundy had a lawyer, U.S. Magistrate Judge Carl Hoffman entered a not guilty plea on Bundy's behalf and scheduled a detention hearing March 17. 

Arguments then will focus on whether the 69-year-old Bundy should remain in custody pending trial on 16 charges, including conspiracy, assault and threatening a federal officer, obstruction and firearms offenses. 

It could be many months before trial. Federal prosecutor Steven Myhre told the judge the case involving 19 defendants would be slow-tracked as "complex."

You gotta love these sovereign citizen types who seem to believe that since they don't believe that federal laws have any validity they can simply pretend that they don't have to obey them.

I wonder how somebody sitting in a jail cell is still able to convince themselves that the Feds have no control over their lives?

Later on the sidewalk outside of the courtroom Bundy's interim attorney had this to say:

"Mr. Bundy feels like he needs to stand up for the rights of all Americans in all states, and for the states to be the owner of public land and not the federal government," Hansen said outside court. "In the West, the government owns most of the land. He thinks that's wrong."

Okay first off Bundy is certainly not standing up for THIS American.

And secondly what a stupid cause to throw your life away over.

This is not a civil rights issue, or even a stand against government intervention. This is a guy pissed off that his cows cannot eat grass and shit on government property.


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I'm sure you saw my comment posts ago that the Oregon contingency gets to wait it out until September, Gryph, no better place for them than the gray bar Hilton!

  2. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Cliven Bundy is too stupid to be out in the community anyway.

    Look at how he got caught, how stupid was that? How stupid was he to think he got away with what he did two years ago? And what mix of ignorance and hubris made him get on that plane and fly right into the the long arms of the law?

    I hope they're all put on a prison farm somewhere remote forever- and made to work for a change.

    1. If they let him out he'll run back to his ranch.

      Then there will be another stand off.

      Of course, that will probably result in a dead Bundy saving the taxpayers the expense of a trial.

      Might not be a bad idea after all.

    2. Anonymous11:48 PM

      I'd like to think we are better than that.

  3. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Todd Palin, Ivy Frye and others are great examples.
    Even young Bristol Palin stood up against the feds and lied in a federal court. I am looking forward to reading Sarah's next praises about the brave Bundy family.

    This is a good example for her to show her son Track how to deal with the law.

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Sarah is going to Florida. She doesn't give a damn about anything but Trump this week. He needs her and she is on her way.

    2. Anonymous6:41 PM

      HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!

      My apologies to Anon 4:34PM. When I read your comment about Sarah going to Florida, I thought, "Yeah, sure she is."


      I just checked her Facebook page and there she is, bags packed, giving up her ice-fishing hole to go to Florida and help elect Donald Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Is it too much to hope an anti-Trump demonstrator will step on her? Maybe pull off her wig?

    3. Of course she's going to Florida to campaign for Trump. How else can she put a family trip to Disney World on the SarahPAC tab?

  4. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Federal land is federal land. Give me a break already; like I decide to set up shop in Yellowstone Park because it's "owed" to me being a tax payer.

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      But, that's the crux of it all, he doesn't pay his taxes!!!

    2. In this case, he doesn't want to pay us, the taxpayer, his grazing fees.

  5. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Cliven Bundy, his whole family and the sovereign citizen/malitia movement are dangerous whackjobs. I had no clue until I started following the Oregon bird refuge takeover.

    Their entitlement mentality is nutso. You should watch some you tubes of what they pull when they get pulled over for speeding or end up in a courtroom.

  6. O/T: "The Fire Breather : The Rise and Rage of Donald Trump" full episode now available:

    A Canadian perspectie.

    He has launched often vitriolic attacks on minorities, Muslims, women and pretty much anyone else he wants – and yet Donald Trump’s popularity just keeps on climbing.He is leading the race to win the Republican nomination and his next victory, he hopes, will be the White House. Bob McKeown joins the campaign trail for a disturbing look at an ugly side of America and why Trump may be winning.

  7. NO bail for this terrorist. You know that he wouldn't show up for future court appearances if he was granted bail.
    Ironic; isn't it, that the Bundyclowns spew their Constitutional Rights, while claiming to be Sovereign citizens?

  8. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Maybe Mr. Bundy should be sent to a STATE mental hospital. He's nuts.

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      It would go against the geneva convention. People in Mental hospitals are sick and deserve our respect and support.

    2. Anonymous3:54 PM

      They still can't break the law though

  9. Anonymous2:40 PM


  10. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Very facetious and horribly judgmental here, but why do they all look stupid without even opening their mouths?

  11. Anonymous2:55 PM

    This is a guy pissed off that his cows cannot eat grass and shit on government property.
    His cows are already doing that, for free because he doesn't pay his grazing fees.

    His real "problem" is he wants the government to give him the land for FREE.

    He and his group are terrorists and should be treated as such. They are lucky Trump is not president because the feds would be able torture them if they wanted.

  12. Anonymous2:59 PM

    It appears Cliven Bundy has not paid grazing fees since 1983. The media continues to create monsters by all the press the perpetrators get, including Trump.

    Civility has left a huge portion of our country. I shudder when I think what my grandchildren are inheriting from us.

  13. My friend on The Daily Coyote explains it this way.

    The ranchers around her pay $1.65 per cow/calf pair per month if they have Federal grazing rights. If they have 100 cows with calves they pay $165 a month to graze them. She doesn't have grazing rights put pays $20 a month for private pastures. So if she has 100 cows with calves she pays $2,000 a month.

    And this bloviating scoflaw doesn't even want to pay that $1.65? PISS on him. And he already owes over a million for the grazing back-fees that he hasn't paid. Take away his grazing rights. (Then take away his cattle and put a lien on for the rest of the money.) Anyone that doesn't want to pay that piddly amount of money to ME the taxpayer that in part owns that land, then he can damned well pay market value to graze his cows on private land. Doesn't matter to me. I buy my beef from The Daily Coyote and keep it in the freezer. I don't eat much so it lasts a long time. It's grass fed and antibiotic free. As close as you can get to organic free range without the Federal stamp.

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      I have to pay more to feed my little kitty cat for a month than they pay to feed a big fat cow. Still, they're not happy with their government-subsidized cattle feed. Waaaaaaaahhh!!!!

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      And . . . the feds (that is, we taxpayers) pay to fight fires on the land, pay for predator control, pay to put in roads, pay for anything that goes on there.

    3. Anonymous9:37 PM

      I'm not from around there so I don't know who to hate or why. I was wondering was that land the Indians at some point? Did they get paid?

  14. "for the states to be the owner of public land and not the federal government"
    Oh, what utter horseshit. They don't believe that the states should control public land any more than they believe the federal government should be able to.

    They believe in each of their individual rights to help themselves to whatever public land they like, and blow any of the rest of us to pieces if we think that we have as much right as they do to lay dibsies on any old piece of public land that takes our fancy.

    They are vandals and thieves, nothing more. Oh, and they're dumber than dirt.

    From that fine movie, Blazing Saddles:
    "You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      LOVE me some Mel Brooks!
      Spot on.

  15. BTW


    Some drunken moron on a snowmobile has intentionally run into the two lead mushers in the Iditarod. No human injuries but they killed one dog (Nash) and injured two more.

    Don't know if this is a set-up of some kind trying to take out the two leads but it stinks.

    Does anyone know where Toad was? And did he have a wager on the race?

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Track is the best kept secret in Wasilla since his assault incident. His punching bag has been cleaned up and she can look like any other college kid and pharmacy tech to the public. As long as she can only post sober looking pictures and say and do the right things, like pretend she doesn't know the Palins.

      There are rumors about rehab and Hawaii vacations. Who knows?

      The last time he was in Hawaii, the rumors were about him being in Iraq and fighting for freedoms. Or he was Black Ops. They may want people to think he is on a mission, top secret. The messy incident at his mother's place was to fool the bad guys so he can go undercover.

      Sarah Palin says on Facebook she’ll be joining Donald Trump on the campaign trail in Florida before Tuesday’s primary.

      Sarah Palin is important for Trump again. He will want her to stand up for the veterans and talk about Track Palin. They can all go to church and dress up real purty. They may have another rally and send money to the veterans. It should be interesting.

      I am not sure when Track is to go to court, or have his case dismissed. There was no mugshot and the whole thing can just disappear.

      The police and the DA screwed up the evidence. Track can afford the best lawyers, I don't expect he will have any problems with the courts. He can get back to his secret missions.

    2. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Drunk native guy, claims to have blacked out and didn't remember any of it but he has quite a court record of drunken malfeasance and abuse.

      Hopefully he'll be locked up for a while after this and no longer the public nuisance he has been for over a decade. Why he's not incarcerated now for his past crimes is quite a mystery.

    3. Jeff said it was intentional and the guy made several passes before aiming for the dogs.

      Nash died in his arms. Two more dogs are out of commission with injuries, at least one with a broken leg. Other may have internal injuries and shock. Jeff is going to continue with only his remaining 11 dogs.

      I don't know if this was a vendetta thing of snowmobilers against the traditional dog sled or this guy was pulling a Tanya Harding and intentionally trying to take out the two lead teams.

      It was particularly vicious and I hope they use the most serious charges they can and then put him away for the longest legally possible since it is not his first infraction.

  16. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Sarah Palin heading to Florida — but apparently not West Boca — for Donald Trump

    Asked if Palin will be joining Trump in West Boca, Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks replied, via email: “No.”

    As of 6 p.m., the only Florida events listed on the Trump campaign schedule are Sunday’s West Boca rally and a Monday rally in Doral.


  17. Anonymous3:13 PM

    You forgot the most important part Gryph, "This is a guy pissed off that his cows cannot eat grass and shit on government property." (FOR FREE)!!!!

  18. The pity is there probably won't be cameras and microphones going in prison the first time Cliven leads off a discussion with, "I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro..."

    So much remedial education waiting for this old guy.

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      You aren't old.
      One of my favorite people here!

  19. Anonymous3:15 PM



    Sarah Palin heading to Florida — but apparently not West Boca — for Donald Trump

    Sarah Palin says on Facebook she’ll be joining Donald Trump on the campaign trail in Florida before Tuesday’s primary.

    But the Trump campaign says Palin will not be attending Trump’s Sunday rally west of Boca Raton at Sunset Cove Amphitheater at Burt Aaronson South County Regional Park.

    Asked if Palin will be joining Trump in West Boca, Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks replied, via email: “No.”

    As of 6 p.m., the only Florida events listed on the Trump campaign schedule are Sunday’s West Boca rally and a Monday rally in Doral.

    BTW Poor Willow has to pack-up her wigs and brushes for nothing.

  20. Anonymous3:18 PM

    If you follow the story completely back to the beginning... decades ago Cliven Bundy utilized the govt. owned land next to his in Nevada to graze his cattle. The govt. didn't mind - in fact they had a reasonable fee schedule set up specifically to accommodate ranchers like Bundy. So all Cliven had to do was pay a small fee and everyone would have been happy.

    But one day Cliven didn't pay the fee. Whether it was because he was short on cash or just stubborn we'll never know - but one year he didn't pay his fee. And still the govt didn't really mind. They said 'no problem' we'll just add a token late fee and you can make it up next time.

    Somewhere along the road Cliven just got used to not paying for the use of the land and when the govt finally (after some three decades of trying to collect their due fees) said 'Ok buddy enough is enough' - pay up or we're confiscating any cattle found on our land - the man now felt completely entitled to the free use of govt. property and the bruh-ha-ha in 2014 began.

    This all reminds me of the time a woman and her two friends racked up several hundreds of dollars of chiropractic services from a nice doctor only to turn around and sue him for malpractice when their bills became due and payable.


  21. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Dakota Meyer Facebook post about welcoming baby Sailor home. Anyone got more details?

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      The comments are very funny as many of them think the girl in the photos is Sailor. That being said, looks like Sailor is headed to KY?

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      I hadn't read the comments there. Guess a four-month-old to them is pretty big! I wonder what's up with Sailor. Must be that she's on her way. Could even be that Sailor's headed to the 48 with Granny Scarah and not just Brissy. Looks like Brissy may have decided to not force Dakota to come up to Alaska but to be a decent person and let his whole side of the family finally meet Sailor. Wonder what else Brissy will be doing while down here--her mom'll find something quasi-political for the two of them to exploit.

    3. Anonymous6:30 PM

      If she's going down there it's just to try to make sure that Dakota doesn't get that DNA sample.

    4. Anonymous10:10 PM

      Now he's changed the wording. Mentions a shower but not Sailor or that she's his daughter or that she's coming home to visit.

  22. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Just another reason I hate snowmobiles, engine culture and people like the Palins and yes, HATE:

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      So sad. Brings tears. What the hell is wrong with some people.

    2. Anonymous3:40 PM

      I hope that guy ends up doing some time. His court record is long and ugly regarding alcohol abuse and violence. Fuck him saying he "blacked out" and didn't know what he did, he's been an habitual offender since 2008.

      I'm a little sad that one of the mushers wasn't carrying and just put him out of his misery.

    3. Anonymous4:30 PM

      That is Alaska. Dogs are lucky if they aren't shot from a helicopter like their ancestors.

  23. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Man, I hope that biatch stays away from Kentucky. It sounds like Dakota is preparing for Sailor to come visit (anyone know anything?) and there will be a party to welcome her. No need for that scabby old granny to hover around, but I bet she tries to control things.

    1. I'll bet she never goes. They may plan and plan but something will "come up" and she will make some lame excuse and the trip will be canceled. Same thing will happen when it is rescheduled. Dakota will end up coming to Alaska and he still won't get the custody the judge outlined. We've seen this song and dance before.

  24. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Off topic but hot off the presses.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Dakota has post about Sailor on his fb

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Bristol as a Christian role model needs to make it clear to all father's in a similar situation that suckling is more important than they are and in most cases the mother's need to suckle, the only way she knows how, is paramount to the best interest of the child.

      No exceptions.

      Bristol Palin is a ground breaker and this needs to be warning to all father's just how important the proper diet is. Share custody, but do not starve a child from the best nourishment on earth.

    3. Anonymous4:33 PM

      This is just laughable. Worship Bristol all you want. Heck, have at her breast.

    4. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Sorry, Anon 4:28, but I'm not in the habit of taking advice on anything from someone who doesn't know how to use a perfectly good apostrophe.

    5. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Likewise 4:58 PM!

    6. That baby has been on the bottle from day one (whenever that was). Let her pull out her dried up tits and prove that she's still breastfeeding. (Only at night? Laughable.)

  25. Anita Winecooler3:36 PM

    He and his ilk are like welfare abusers. They hear a song that says "This land is my land, your land, from California......" and they take it literally.
    Sorry Clive, unless you hold a deed, that land doesn't belong to you. So, does the government get any cut of his profits from milk, leather, pet food and meat?
    Good thing he's cute as a dung beetle, he'll make lots of new friends in prison with similar views. /s

  26. Anonymous3:43 PM

    "This is a guy pissed off that his cows cannot eat grass and shit on government property."
    Actually, he is pissed off that he has to pay a nominal fee for his cattle to eat grass and shit on government property

  27. I don't want or need Bundy to stand up for my rights. He can't even take care of his own.

    1. With rights comes responsibility. Like PAYING YOUR TAXES. This guy has no concept of what the rights of a citizen of this country entail.

      He doesn't speak for me either.

  28. Anonymous4:58 PM

    The people own National Parks, National wildlife Refuses, National historic sites. Natural resources. The west is full of all of it. The west supplies the food of the country. It takes land to do it. It must be protected for future use. The bundy's are simple folk. But interestingly, the one son is the owner and very connected to fleet transportation services. Big contracts with major corps, militias, law enforcement, and trump. It has been rumored that rump sheep has created havoc across the country against many people, many business and those that are opposed to rump tactics. Its very transparent and the classic narcissist squeal like little pigs when caught.

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Do they ever!
      37 year resident of Portland.
      EVERY day on the news.
      Shoot your television? LOL

  29. Is Bundy arguing for the right of all residents of his state to be able to use that land as they see fit?

    1. Not if it will interfere with *his* fake rights to it.

  30. Anonymous6:23 AM

    IRS should pull audits on all of them.
    That would be interesting.

  31. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Does this constitution thumper not realize that it is a FEDERAL document? And that he has violated FEDERAL laws?

    As for bail? Do they routinely set bail for terrorists? Cloven and his gang are domestic terrorists.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.