Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Bill O'Reilly does not blame himself for being a sexual deviant, he blames God for letting him get caught.

Courtesy of CNN: 

Bill O'Reilly has repeatedly blamed reports of sexual misconduct on a politically motivated media. On Monday, he admitted that he also blames a higher power. 

"You know, am I mad at God? Yeah, I'm mad at him," O'Reilly said on the latest episode of his web series, "No Spin News." "I wish I had more protection. I wish this stuff didn't happen. I can't explain it to you. Yeah, I'm mad at him."

Damn, I have heard about people being completely incapable of self awareness, but to actually blame the God who claim to worship instead of taking responsibility for your actions is a whole new level of denial.

I think in many ways Bill O'Reilly is an emotional doppelganger to Donald Trump.

Two arrogant megalomaniacs completely unable to accept responsibility for their mistakes and determined to shift the blame to anybody else.

Even if they are an imaginary sky god.

P.S. I wonder if O'Reilly also blames God for his talent agency dropping him like a hot potato after learning about that 32 million dollar payout?


  1. Anonymous7:15 AM

    So many of the white, Republican men in the forefront of the media have proven themselves to be so repulsive!

    Especially Trump and O'Reilly! They are proven sexual deviates and a pox upon our nation.

  2. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Bill O'Reilly sucks.

    Undocumented Teen Gets Abortion, After Appeals Court Ruling: Your Texas Roundup

  3. Anonymous7:50 AM


  4. Anonymous8:04 AM

    " blessed by prominent televangelists" ALL PERVERT$!
    "When religious belief relies on a literal reading of scripture as history, suggesting that nothing is a coincidence, that there is a certain grand plan worked out in specific detail—that does correlate with belief in conspiracy theories. It’s a stronger factor than anything else."
    "I refrained from laying out my own guidelines for what is nutty and what is OK. It’s kind of like what Justice Stewart said about obscenity—you know it when you see it."

  5. Anonymous8:07 AM

    This tells ~IT>

  6. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Gee, I thought he would take the "I grew up in a generation that it is ok" path to denial. These freaks must either pay or rape to get attention. That is all they know. As long as predators are enabled it will continue. It is important to teach kids manners and respect for others.

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Not raping isn't "manners" and can't be taught with a class on respect. It's a crime of power and control and minimizing it as impolite is not helpful.

  7. Anonymous8:11 AM

    In the end>Je$u$ will forgive...

  8. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Parents and parenting play a huge part in changing this! We need to open up with our sons and daughters. Love and respect each other!

    Get rid of the 'hate' that Trump (and others) seem to relish spreading and dealing in! They make me sick to my stomach!!

  9. Anonymous8:26 AM

    '$tanding O' for ORGY?
    "“The meeting with Republican Senators yesterday, outside of Flake and Corker, was a love fest with standing ovations and great ideas for USA!” Later, he added: “Jeff Flake, with an 18% approval rating in Arizona, said ‘a lot of my colleagues have spoken out.’ Really, they just gave me a standing O!”
    “Love Fest?”"

  10. Anonymous8:38 AM

    "I wish I had more protection."
    There could be many paragraphs exploring this incredibly vile thought. G*d shoulda protected me from these bitches I was befriending. Fox let me down--all the other guys get away with it, why not me? She sure wasn't worth any thirty-two million dollars! My insurance company screwed me! They're supposed to take care of shit--that's what I paid them for!

    Mostly it's the bitches. They can't take a joke, stupid whores. Every other guy, sure, they're nice to THEM, but not little Billy, no. Women don't like me because they're all stuck up and I bet the other guys are getting'... etc.

    Kinda scary that I can channel what guys like this think given that I'm an old lady who never willingly watched FOX ever. It's just that this is the way of such men, and always has been.

    This new world is so much better--people aren't stuck in such binary, stereotypical roles. Young folk, women, people of every color and community have decided---No More.

    No more rich old white men being able to run the world like they alone own it.

    Reclaiming My Time.

  11. Anonymous8:49 AM

    "Spirituality is Self Awareness"

  12. Anonymous9:21 AM


  13. Anonymous9:35 AM

    He also tried to stand behind his children for protection. It's not the first time either. Billo lost custody of his kids. His daughter said she saw him drag her mother own the stairs by her neck. His son said he did't really know his dad. He was always gone and when he was home he ignored him.So for him to claim he was protecting his kids is complete BS. He is scum.JHC he can't admit this was all his own doing.Read the transcript of one of his phone calls with his assistant.You'll want to take a shower afterwards.He screamed bloody murder that his assistant was going after him for the $. Then the taped phone call came out.

    After this happened a law student was putting up flyers in Bill's neighborhood that Billo was a sexual preditor . Billo tried to get the student kicked out of law school. When the student passed the bar and became a lawyer the evil POS Billo tried to get him disbarred.He tried to get his ex wife excommunicated. He sued her for some BS story after they were divorced. He turned her boyfriend, who is a cop, into internal affairs to try to get him fired. The cop was found not guilty. He is a vindictive horrible person.

  14. Anonymous9:50 AM

    He looks like a man, but, like Trump, isn't. The world has many of these perverse little boys in adult male bodies. They never develop emotionally.

  15. Anonymous10:04 AM

    "The CRIMEa is so BAD you have to cover ~IT~ up"
    " deny everything"
    "The Importance of Journalism"

  16. Bill is a little old but as a teacher I remember an entire generation that couldn’t accept responsibility for their actions. It was never their fault of violating rules, it was MY fault for catching them at it.

    My fault I noticed they came in tardy.
    My fault I caught them chewing gum while asking me a question.
    My fault I caught them vandalizing desks and textbooks.
    My fault I saw them punch a kid.

    Fuck Bill Riley. He is so an example of what is wrong with not only the Republican Party but an entire group of Americans.

    Trump being president just further supports and enables this anti-social behavior.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.