Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Former Trump adviser appearing on Sinclair owned news outlet claims the real problem with violence in America is all this "black African gun crime against black Africans."

Courtesy of TPM: 

In a round-table discussion on gun violence aired by WJLA — the Washington, D.C. ABC affiliate that was purchased in 2014 by the conservative Sinclair Broadcast Group — Gorka attempted to make a point about the legislative effort to ban so-called bump stocks. The gunman behind the shooting massacre in Las Vegas on Oct. 1 had several bump stocks, which mimic the firing speed of automatic weapons, in his hotel room. 

“The biggest problem we have is not mass shootings, they are the anomaly,” he began. “You do not make legislation out of outliers.”

“Our big issue is black African gun crime against black Africans,” Gorka said. “It is a tragedy. Go to Chicago. Go to — the city’s run by Democrats for 40 years. Black young men are murdering each other by the bushel. This is a social issue. Allow the police to do their jobs and re-build those societies. Legislation will not save lives. 

“I assume what he’s talking about is African-Americans,” one panelist said after Gorka finished. 

“Yes,” the former White House official replied. 

“Well, that’s not what you said,” the panelist responded. “I couldn’t figure out who these African— “ 

“African-Americans,” Gorka said.

I believe that is what we in the business call a "Freudian slip."

This Gorka guy is such in innate racist that he cannot even bring himself to call black folks in this country "Americans."

This is just another example of that Trump TV we all heard about late last year.

Trump cannot get the real media to report on what he wants them to report, so he has helped to create his own version of reality in partnership with this Sinclair broadcasting group.

And millions of Americans are seeing this on their TV screens and believe they are watching trustworthy local news outlets.


  1. Anonymous4:13 AM

    And the SOB is tweeting again.

  2. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Semantics aside... if you look at the numbers, by DOJ, FBI etc... are you saying the statistics don't support that claim?

    1. Leland5:08 AM

      Semantics IS the point! The jackass is trying to sow the seed of hatred - successfully with some people, I'm sorry to say. By using the statistics you cited, he is trying to imply that ALL African-Americans are violent and need to be be expelled. Like almost all flat generalities painting everyone in a group as evil or perfect or whatever, he is essentially lying to those who actually listen to the Liar-In-Chief and absorb - without thinking - everything said or implied.

      There wouldn't have been anywhere near the negative feedback had he said African AMERICANS instead of black Africans, which actually denies their citizenship!

      That is one of the standard techniques of fascism and would-be dictators.

      A lie - related enough - will be accepted as truth. A very old trick.

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      If African-Americans in Chicago are the problem, then why doesn't Illinois have the highest firearm death rate:

  3. Anonymous4:52 AM

    God help us. This Sinclair TV could become the one and only television available to Americans.

    1. Anonymous5:18 AM

      Dish and Direct satellite allowed hacking and garbage channels. Small local cable companies were hacked. Small internet providers were purchased and customers were hacked by bad actors in many states And Sinclair TV? Who owns it? how many channels? Who buys ad space and time? Check it out.

    2. Anonymous6:21 AM

      Sinclair Broadcast Group owns local TV stations all over the country -- not cable but the stations that broadcast CBS, NBC, etc. They are the stations people go to for local news, weather, etc. It is frightening.

      My local CBS affiliate is now owned by them. Sinclair creates these "opinion" pieces that feature Gorka and forces the stations they own to air them during news. It is pure propaganda.

      Here is some info on their scope.

    3. The markets Sinclair reaches are becoming less and less relevant.

      More and more people are moving to streaming services where Sinclair doesn’t and probably will never have any access or influence.

      They’ll get their new on the internet, which is why news services are so important and training people to doubt sources such as Twitter and Facebook is so important.

      Cable’s days are numbered. Newspapers still seem to be around but unless Cable changes dramatically it is going to be replaced by streaming and over-the-air. I have both and haven’t seen one of these Gorka spew fests yet.

  4. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Has Mr. Mueller had a polite word with gorka yet? The creepy gorka character in this lousy russian reality nightmare is full of useful idiot information he blabs constantly.

  5. Anonymous5:26 AM

    It just goes to show you how low the standards are at the Sinclair stations. This guy’s resume has already been proven to be FAKE.

    Of course he fits right in with our FAKE president.

    The panelist should have asked him why he is so concerned about violence in Africa, as though the bigot wasn’t referring to African-Americans.

  6. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Comet is a fun station. Grade b c d and worst old movies. Not sure about the station dorke was on.

  7. Anonymous5:55 AM

    David Smith ceo and son of the founder of Sinclair. Took over as ceo in January 2017

  8. Anonymous5:55 AM

    fisher media?

  9. Anonymous7:19 AM

    OT-“Mr. Davis was a volunteer for me for a brief period of time prior to my founding MILO Inc. I was unhappy with his work and discontinued the relationship. I then experienced his anger firsthand as he threatened me and later went to BuzzFeed making false and inaccurate accusations."
    Headed by prominent GamerGate leader, Ethan Ralph"

  10. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Oh how these guys are itching to say the N word freely ; good ol boys want to go back to the good ol days ;Trump took America back 50 years . 30% of the country gave him full hearted support .

  11. Anonymous8:17 AM

    "Federal study contradicts Trump on climate change, warns the Southeast will be hardest hit
    Climate change is coming for Trump voters"

  12. Anonymous8:23 AM

    From Silicon Valley to Staten Island, Russian troll sites kept online by American companies

  13. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Read Reality:

    "A bold and provocative history of the men who fought to outlaw war and how an often overlooked treaty signed in 1928 was among the most transformative events in modern history."

    "The Internationalists examines with renewed appreciation an international system that has outlawed wars of aggression and brought unprecedented stability to the world map. Accessible and gripping, this book will change the way we view the history of the twentieth century—and how we must work together to protect the global order the internationalists fought to make possible."

  14. Anonymous9:24 AM



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.