Wednesday, January 03, 2018

In new book, Steve Bannon calls Trump Tower meeting "treasonous," and claims Mueller will get Trump by focusing on "money laundering."

Courtesy of The Guardian:  

Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, reportedly based on more than 200 interviews with the president, his inner circle and players in and around the administration, is one of the most eagerly awaited political books of the year. In it, Wolff lifts the lid on a White House lurching from crisis to crisis amid internecine warfare, with even some of Trump’s closest allies expressing contempt for him. 

Bannon, who was chief executive of the Trump campaign in its final three months, then White House chief strategist for seven months before returning to the rightwing Breitbart News, is a central figure in the nasty, cutthroat drama, quoted extensively, often in salty language. 

He is particularly scathing about a June 2016 meeting involving Trump’s son Donald Jr, son-in-law Jared Kushner, then campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at Trump Tower in New York. A trusted intermediary had promised documents that would “incriminate” rival Hillary Clinton but instead of alerting the FBI to a potential assault on American democracy by a foreign power, Trump Jr replied in an email: “I love it.” 

The meeting was revealed by the New York Times in July last year, prompting Trump Jr to say no consequential material was produced. Soon after, Wolff writes, Bannon remarked mockingly: “The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor – with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers. 

“Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.”

Well there goes Junior, right under the bus.

But if you think Bannon is planning to spare is former boss, well you would be mistaken.

Bannon has criticised Trump’s decision to fire Comey. In Wolff’s book, obtained by the Guardian ahead of publication from a bookseller in New England, he suggests White House hopes for a quick end to the Mueller investigation are gravely misplaced. 

“You realise where this is going,” he is quoted as saying. “This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to fucking Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr and Jared Kushner … It’s as plain as a hair on your face.”

Bannon went on to say that he himself had no interactions with any Russians, and does not feel he will need the services of a lawyer at any time soon.

And in the book Bannon is only ONE of the many sources inside the Trump White House that were willing to spill their guts.

And Trump buddies as well. Here is what one of Trump's oldest associates told a friend about the Donald: 

Wolff writes that Thomas Barrack Jr, a billionaire who is one of the president’s oldest associates, allegedly told a friend: “He’s not only crazy, he’s stupid.”

Certainly hard to argue with that assessment.

Here is what New York Magazine reported about this book:

Even though the numbers in a few key states had appeared to be changing to Trump’s advantage, neither Conway nor Trump himself nor his son-in-law, Jared Kushner — the effective head of the campaign — ­wavered in their certainty: Their unexpected adventure would soon be over. Not only would Trump not be president, almost everyone in the campaign agreed, he should probably not be. Conveniently, the former conviction meant nobody had to deal with the latter issue. 

As the campaign came to an end, Trump himself was sanguine. His ultimate goal, after all, had never been to win. “I can be the most famous man in the world,” he had told his aide Sam Nunberg at the outset of the race.


Not only did Trump disregard the potential conflicts of his own business deals and real-estate holdings, he audaciously refused to release his tax returns. Why should he? Once he lost, Trump would be both insanely famous and a martyr to Crooked Hillary. His daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared would be international celebrities. Steve Bannon would become the de facto head of the tea-party movement. Kellyanne Conway would be a cable-news star. Melania Trump, who had been assured by her husband that he wouldn’t become president, could return to inconspicuously lunching. Losing would work out for everybody. Losing was winning. 

In the end perhaps nobody was as surprised by Trump's victory, than Trump himself. (With the possible exception of Hillary Clinton.)

And once he won he had no idea what to do with that victory:  

From the moment of victory, the Trump administration became a looking-glass presidency: Every inverse assumption about how to assemble and run a White House was enacted and compounded, many times over. The decisions that Trump and his top advisers made in those first few months — from the slapdash transition to the disarray in the West Wing — set the stage for the chaos and dysfunction that have persisted throughout his first year in office. This was a real-life version of Mel Brooks’s The Producers, where the mistaken outcome trusted by everyone in Trump’s inner circle — that they would lose the election — wound up exposing them for who they really were.

Is anybody else having and out of body experience right now? Because I am having an out of body experience.

This is what we have all suspected all along, and here it is in black and white from Trump White House sources themselves.

The two articles have way too much information to adequately summarize here, including that the idea of Ivanka becoming the first female president was seriously touted, so I strongly suggest that you read them thoroughly.

Who knew that Wednesday was going to be such a big news day?


  1. Anonymous11:19 AM

    LMAO it's gonna be so hard for the peeponders to pretend this isn't happening...

    I'm so hoping that Bannon will make another movie ROFL

  2. Anonymous11:19 AM

    There Aren’t Enough Vacancies for Trump to Push the Courts to the Right

  3. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Who's Winning The Race For Congress?

    1. A lot can happen in eleven months. Democrats have a talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

  4. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Money laundering, tax evasion, obstruction of justice. And yet nota peep out of our Alaska lawmakers.Lisa?.....Dan?....Don? So much for rule of law.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Alaska has a horrid group in D.C. representing their state. They are just as bad as Trump and have openly kissed his ass every time Trump has requested it! (photo opportunities have been one of their ways)

    2. Anonymous1:06 PM

      July 3, 2009.

    3. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Russia. Ogliarchs. Hidden houses. Banks.
      Just ask grabass Frank Murkowski. Wink!

  5. abbafan11:31 AM

    How's this for a New Year's surprise Gryphen? As you predicted, it was only a matter of time before the vultures turned on themselves! The GOP civil war is now under way! On a side note, I firmly believe that the "Rogue Potus Staff" account on Twitter that disappeared after Bannon was banished by trump, WAS Bannon!! He WAS the leak all along, playing trump and his minions like a cheap fiddle!

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    2. Anonymous12:38 PM

      There was no real rogue potus staff account. That was about as real as cousin.

    3. Anonymous11:02 PM

      I totally agree, and I actually stated that some time after that account became dormant after Bannon got ousted. All of a sudden, all leaks stopped. I actually brought up the probability while he was still in the WH, when we all were wondering who that leaker might be.

  6. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Trump’s Day Gets Even Worse As Adam Schiff Obliterates All Of The President’s Russia Denials

    'Trump condensed:

    My senior policy advisor? I had nothing to do with him.
    My campaign chairman? Only with me for a short time.
    My national security advisor? A liar.
    My foreign policy advisor? He was just a coffee boy.

    Don Jr? Um ... fake news!'

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      The body never lies. But others sure do!

  7. Anonymous11:34 AM

    We must trust the professionals at the Justice Department to ignore the President’s taunts, but it is deeply disturbing that he continues to try to interfere with DOJ’s independence in order to punish his political opponents.

  8. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Based on the statements by Steve Bannon, congressional committees now need to subpoena him to testify on the #TrumpRussia investigation.

  9. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Today President Trump said that Steve Bannon, the man who ran his campaign, served as Chief White House Strategist, and was given top-secret security clearance as aNational Security Council member, is 'INSANE'!!

    Just think about that for a minute...

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Sounds like a true description of Trump, doesn't it? God help us!

    2. Anonymous3:30 PM

      But...but...but I thought he said he had the Best People!

    3. Trump is always guilt of what he accuses others of doing or being.

      So if he's saying Bannon is insane. we know who the insane one really is. Not saying it couldn't be both.

  10. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Trump on James Comey “He was crazy, a real nut job.”

    Trump on Bernie Sanders: “He is nuts. He’s a total nut job.”

    Trump on Steve Bannon: “He lost his mind.”

    PROJECTION: Ascribing to others what we fear in ourselves.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Trump always does that. Everything he says regarding other people (mainly men) can be turned back on himself. Sick, sick idiot!

  11. Anonymous11:38 AM

    YESTERDAY: Donald Trump threatens Nuclear War with North Korea.

    TODAY: Steve Bannon declares Nuclear War on the White House.

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      And, I hope Bannon wins!

  12. Anonymous11:39 AM

    After today's Trump Attack on Steve Bannon, claiming he was merely a "staffer", I'm wondering how long until he claims that Don Jr. was a birth control miscue, and Jared Kushner was merely his daughter's boy-toy.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Or that half breed Russian seed? Bahhh!

  13. Anonymous11:41 AM

    LMAO at Steve Bannon calling Ivanka "Trump's real wife". Truth!

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Their relationship does appear to be pretty sick. I hope there is no incest involved.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      May be he never fathered kids. Fuckem!

  14. Anonymous11:44 AM

    From Kellyanne Conway, six days after the election in 2016:

    "Steve Bannon is... really the general, the field general, in our successful campaign effort – a brilliant tactician and serves president elect Donald Trump very well"

  15. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Watching Steve Bannon and Donald Trump, two objectively awful men, taking turns tearing chunks off of each other reminds me of the parable of what happens when hungry rats are trapped together in the bottom of a barrel.

  16. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Has Mueller interviewed Bannon and if not, why wouldn't he?

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      I'd say if he hadn't interviewed bannon this would certainly expedite that process ( but I'd be pretty certain Mueller already had bannon in his sights )

  17. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Damn !! My opinion of bannon may've ticked up just a notch, but seeings as it couldn't have dropped any further to begin with ...

    ... and even though she's absolutely irrelevant it'd still be fun to have bannon drop a couple of dimes/bombs on $arah ...

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      What. So she can rant and pull in money about Russia? Eyeroll. Bitch needs a job.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Bitch needs to tend to her effed up family and STFU about shit she knows nothing about. PERIOD.

    3. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Yeah. Good luck with that. ∆

    4. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Steve Bannon was/and is behind all of the horrible people now in charge of federal departments and agencies. Bannon's agenda is to destroy the federal government - all of it. Grover Norquist wants to drown the federal government in a bathtub; Bannon wants to blow it to smithereens. I've never understood why either of them hate our basic system of government. But there we have it. These crazy lunatics that modern Republicans adore want to do away with it all.

  18. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Paul Manafort is suing the Justice Department and Robert Mueller

    1. Yeah, good luck with that.

      Countersuing is typical lawyer bullshit.

  19. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Yep,they can't throw each other under the bus fast enough.i wondered why we haven't heard bannon's name come up in all these investigations.

    Ivanka for president, hardly,she is stupider than her father. After daddy goes off to jail no one will touch a trump

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Once any of the Trumps end up in the slammer, their awful name will appear nowhere - to include in NY City. They (city leaders) won't be able to get rid of them fast enough.

  20. Anonymous12:11 PM

    It's on !

  21. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Trump’s DOJ Now Says Trump Doesn’t Speak for Them After His Tweet About Dossier

  22. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Here's What You Need to Know About Manafort's Bombshell Lawsuit Against Mueller, DOJ

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Poor Mr. Mueller!! I hope he continues to investigate in depth and not be swayed by any of these assholes a/k/a Republicans!

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Betcha a buck Mueller's got his sights set on most of those reich wing assholes anyhow ...

      I sense Mueller's extremely focused and isn't really paying attention to the sideshows only excepting him taking their names and numbers ..

  23. Anonymous12:24 PM

    My totally uninformed and unreferenced opinion: Trump is not at all behind anything but the stupid tweets. Everything else- tax, health insurance, judges, tearing apart the fabric of laws that protect us.. it's all Pence working with Ryan and McConnell. The devils triumvirate.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      I wholeheartedly agree 12:24 ..

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      I tend to agree with you!

    3. Anonymous3:44 PM

      The shock-a-minute Trump Circus may be getting the media spotlight, but this cruel and dangerous agenda is what the Republicans have been salivating over for decades.

      They are truly despicable excuses for human beings.

    4. Anonymous11:08 PM


  24. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Trump’s Huma Abedin Tweet is Proof He Really Doesn’t Understand What’s Going On

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      OP?" while there are plenty of non-lawyers thoroughly qualified to hold high office, Donald Trump is not one of them. With every communication, Trump clarifies an obvious tenet: that the enforcement of law against an individual is relative to the behavior of others. Within Trump’s logic, any hint of wrongdoing uncovered by Robert Mueller must be viewed through the lens of Hillary Clinton’s actions. The same principle applies to others as well: Huma Abedin should be jailed because Kristian Saucier was."

  25. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I'll bet that a LOT of what is in this book IS true and that the facts will come out as time moves along against the Trump white house.

    I don't trust Trump and his administrative folks as far as I can throw them. Nor Trump's family include his wife or wives. Why? Because money IS the root of ALL evil!

  26. Anonymous12:46 PM

    SNL?> REALLY?"Next up was CNN chief Jeff Zucker, whose professional success Trump believed he was personally responsible for, but the president was furious that his news network had aired an “unbelievably disgusting” report about a dossier detailing his salacious alleged activity with Russian prostitutes.

    The opposition research compiled by a former British spy claims Trump hired the prostitutes to perform a “golden shower” on a bed at a Moscow hotel where the Obamas had previously slept.

    “Having dispensed with Zucker, the president of the United States went on to speculate on what was involved with a golden shower,” Wolff wrote. “And how this was all just part of a media campaign that would never succeed in driving him from the White House. Because they were sore losers and hated him for winning, they spread total lies, 100 percent made-up things, totally untrue, for instance, the cover that week of Time magazine — which, Trump reminded his listener, he had been on more than anyone in ­history — that showed Steve Bannon, a good guy, saying he was the real president.”"The rambling, out-of-the-blue call from the president of the United States to a casual acquaintance, who’s never identified in the article, lasted for 26 minutes, according to Wolff."

  27. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Oh these freaks are so gross. What a bunch of sleazy low life ugly liars. I hope this gets televised so that our young children can witness what happen to America and what happens to crooks when caught. This is outrageously pathetic to the core. It makes me sick that this trash sits in our house and has caused damage around the world. Those involved in Russia must also be charged. Disgusting humans suck.

  28. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Trump: .....But but Obama....

    Leave President Obama out of it fat boy. You're the one caught with your fingers in the nookie jar.

  29. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I can hardly wait to buy this book! #1 is where I see it and a huge money maker for Bannon.

    You notice how the media and Republicans are talking nice and positively all of a sudden about Trump? Makes me want to give the middle finger to all of them constantly.

    Can hardly wait for the next election! Boy, are they (the 'red' guys and gals) going to pay w/their seats if they are running for reelection. They have, and are, harming our nation.

    1. It's really a shame Priebus and Spicer didn't beat him to it.

  30. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Trump: Load up Air Force One. Time to get out of town and go golfing at Mar A Lago.

  31. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Melania never wanted to be First Lady. Now she's the laughing stock of Slovania.

  32. Anonymous1:25 PM

    HaPpY NeW YeAr Donald Trump 🤡

  33. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Oh, look! The right wing Neanderthals are so desperate they’re eating each other! About time.

  34. Anonymous2:51 PM

    "Shortly after 8pm on Election Night, when the unexpected trend - Trump might actually win - seemed confirmed, Don Jr told a friend that his father, or DJT, as he calls him, looked as if he had seen a ghost. Melania was in tears - and not of joy. There was, in the space of little more than an hour, in Steve Bannon's not unamused observation, a befuddled Trump morphing into a disbelieving Trump and then into a horrified Trump. But still to come was the final transformation: Suddenly, Donald Trump became a man who believed that he deserved to be, and was wholly capable of being, the president of the United States."

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Sounds l survival mode to me. Poorfuk!
      Well dumbdamnfuk don't play games! Ulose!
      How's that working out there bubbalu?

    2. Naw. He just realized how he could make money off of being president.

  35. Anonymous2:52 PM

    "Trump did not enjoy his own inauguration. He was angry that A-level stars had snubbed the event, disgruntled with the accommodations at Blair House, and visibly fighting with his wife, who seemed on the verge of tears. Throughout the day, he wore what some around him had taken to calling his golf face: angry and pissed off, shoulders hunched, arms swinging, brow furled, lips pursed."

  36. Anonymous2:52 PM

    "Trump, in fact, found the White House to be vexing and even a little scary. He retreated to his own bedroom - the first time since the Kennedy White House that a presidential couple had maintained separate rooms. In the first days, he ordered two television screens in addition to the one already there, and a lock on the door, precipitating a brief standoff with the Secret Service, who insisted they have access to the room."

  37. Anonymous2:53 PM

    "Balancing risk against reward, both Jared and Ivanka decided to accept roles in the West Wing over the advice of almost everyone they knew. It was a joint decision by the couple, and, in some sense, a joint job. Between themselves, the two had made an earnest deal: If sometime in the future the opportunity arose, she'd be the one to run for president. The first woman president, Ivanka entertained, would not be Hillary Clinton; it would be Ivanka Trump. Bannon, who had coined the term 'Jarvanka' that was now in ever greater use in the White House, was horrified when the couple's deal was reported to him."

  38. Anonymous3:01 PM


    Comments," Dear Mike Pence and Paul Ryan,
    There is nothing more embarrassing than being the last to find out, trump eff your wives. Suncerely Steve Bannon"

  39. Anonymous3:57 PM

    New York Post:
    Trump’s bizarre hairdo finally explained

    President Trump’s bizarre hairdo is the result of scalp-reduction ­surgery, careful styling held in place by strong hairspray — and too much cheap dye, according to a new book....

  40. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Some of you are commenting that bannon wrote the book,he did not write it,the title of the thread needs a comma because as written it is misleading,
    Wolfe wrote the book.

  41. "Losing is winning."

    Then...winning is losing.

    And we all know who the biggest LOSER is. A total disaster. Worst ever. A fucking moron.

    I only wish Priebus and Spicer had beaten him to it and written their own books. I'll bet they've got plenty to say too.

    If only I could buy stock in popcorn futures.

  42. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Sounds like Bannons a little butthurt after being tossed out of our Whitehouse.

    1. Anonymous11:07 PM

      @6:55, looks like Trump and his tribe of entitled misfits can't handle the truth.

  43. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Let's hope the aide that carries the nuclear football runs the other way if trump tries to get his little fingers on it.
    Maybe he can fend him off with a couple of big macs!


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