Monday, July 19, 2010

Andrew Sullivan is back and wastes little time in deconstructing Dave Weigel's ridiculous post supporting the idea that Sarah Palin DID give birth to Trig.

From the Daily Dish:
I love Dave Weigel and enjoyed all his posts in my absence and was delighted he took on the Trig question. The aim of the Dish has been to air this debate on all sides in order to get as close as we can to the readily available evidence Sarah Palin insists on keeping from us. Sadly, Dave's posts seemed to me to add nothing empirical to the debate - except an insight into those whose minds are simply closed.

Please do take the time to read ALL of Andrew's post. It does not beat around the bush before debunking the ridiculous argument and completely eviscerating Dave Weigel, as well it should.

It is kind of funny that today is the day that Andrew came back and addressed this because just now as I was driving home from the gym I was pondering the Dave Weigel post myself.

I was very troubled about it the moment that it came out, however since I was busy doing other projects I did not get to take it on myself, instead leaving that job up to the more than capable Litbrit.

But the one thing that really stuck in my craw about the piece, and trust me I choked on a lot of it initially, was the title, "Believing Sarah Palin."

You know personally I am not much of a believer. I am more of a thinker. Somebody who analyzes something from all angles before assigning a definition to it.

The idea that I would CHOOSE to believe something simply because it is convenient, or because everybody else believes it, or perhaps just to fit in, is completely alien to my way of thinking. I simply cannot do that.

I suppose the thing about Weigel's title that I could not digest was the idea that he was essentially declaring his intention to "believe" Sarah Palin rather than to keep an open mind to the possibility that someday new information might be revealed that either proved she DID give birth to Trig, or proved she did NOT.

Isn't that what a REAL journalist would do? I mean despite what you might personally find the most palatable, or the most audience friendly, isn't the truth what all journalists are constantly in search of? How can you find any truth, if you have decided what it is before there is evidence to support it?

Especially when you are dealing with a person who is now famous for her lack of honesty and constant use of misinformation? After all, Geoffrey Dunn's book is called "The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind her Relentless Quest for Power", not exactly a title that is chosen for a book about a person famous for truth telling, now is it?

By the way Dave Weigel also offered a follow up to his pro-Palin post in which he claims that there were many "who told me that Alaskans were well aware of Palin's pregnancy", and he goes on to cite an Alaskan blogger who also confirmed this to him.

My policy is to NEVER question the accuracy of a statement made by one of my friends. However I have interviewed dozens and dozens of people who knew or worked with Sarah Palin, and not ONE of them said they knew she was pregnant until she made her announcement on March 7, 2008. In her book "Going Rogue" Palin says she did not even tell her family until right before she announced it to the media. However I have it on good authority that the first time her family heard about it was AFTER it was announced to the media.

So if even her own family was unaware that she was pregnant, then WHO were these "Alaskans" that "were well aware of Palin's pregnancy?"


  1. Doot Diddy Doot1:06 PM

    OT a tad Gryphen but CNN has a post up at the top of the page that speaks volumes to the lack of integrity our press is now capable of.

    CNN is actually saying Sarah is just like Shakespeare and so many other politicians of our time, she too makes up new words, isn't that wonderful, isn't she great, she's not stupid, it's actually cool to make up words that have no meaning.

    God help us. It is no wonder people are such idiots today. It pays to be a self absorbed, money grubbing, unemployed reality star who goes around showing the whole wide world how much fun it is to live high on the hog off of other people's money while the sorry saps at home barely scraping by hang on your every word and action.

    Sickening. And you guessed it CNN shut down the comments on the article.

  2. Anonymous1:12 PM

    OT I am getting pissed Uncle Gryph!

    If us Alaskans don't get on the ball,
    Scarah's lapdog Guv Parnell is going to get re-elected!

    How are we going to get Hollis French elected for Governor?!

  3. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Hi Grypehn,
    no mom could give birth to a baby and then hold him like this:

    Are her moronic tweets supposed to keep us off of what a crappy "mother" she is to Trig, and how far away she holds him. The last link is the video where she is "reading" to him on the book tour bus.


  4. Way to go, Andrew!

  5. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Yay, Andrew is back.

    Found it interesting to read in his post that Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson is in seclusion from her usual social services and refused to deliver Trig. Has Dr. Enabler had enough?

    Do you think Dr. Cathy will have to give back the award Sarah nominated her for when the truth is exposed? Oh well, at least Dr. Cathy didn't commit insurance fraud. At least, there's that. Or is there?

  6. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I could understand a concerned mother faking a pregnancy in an attempt to spare her unwed pregnant daughter from public ridicule. But, that's not how our delusional Sarah would act.

    No, instead Sarah wanted to save herself from any hint of criticism that she might be an absent parent. Sarah grabbed the opportunity to concoct an insane web of lies to enhance her own reputation. Sarah hid her pregnant daughter from public view. Alaskans were shocked when Sarah announced that she was pregnant and practically ready to pop. Sarah was a sainted victim because she "choose" to continue her Down's Syndrome pregnancy. Once Bristol gave birth to Tri-g, Sarah proceeded to exploit him as her own little political pawn.

    Can you imagine how full of rage Sarah must have been when Bristol had to admit a short while later that Bristol was pregnant again? Man, I would have loved to be a fly on that wall! Sarah, again fearing for her own reputation, orchestrated a lovely fairytale about an upcoming marriage for Bristol/Levi.

    It's obvious that Sarah cares more about herself than anyone or anything. She is not mentally able to deal with reality.

  7. womanwithsardinecan1:31 PM

    OT, but people are having huge fun at Sarah's expense on twitter.
    Check out #shakespalin and

  8. Enjay in E MT1:31 PM

    If former half gov. said the sky was blue - I would want 2 unbiased sources for verification.

    She has shown time after time that ANYTHING she says is suspect to spin, rinse, recycle and flat out lies or just plain uninformed.

    Newsweek writer in last months "Saint Sarah" article also took her words without fact checking.

    Unfortunately, that is how journalists promoted the Bush administration policies. Using talking points instead of investigating.

  9. BAustin1:34 PM

    Very glad Andrew is back!

    I must have missed it before...but CBJ refused to deliver Tripp?!?! WTF? And why? Details please....

  10. wakeUpAmerica1:51 PM

    In answer to your question, Gryphen, as to who were the Alaskans who were well aware of SP's pregnancy, Weigel writes in his column titled "Trig-onometry"

    "...And among the people who told me that Alaskans were well aware of Palin's pregnancy were Shannyn Moore, an award-winning and left-leaning political radio host who has been roundly attacked by Palin fans."

    I thought that was a very odd statement when I read it. I was waiting for a comment from Shannyn about it.

  11. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Yup, wakeupamerica at 1:51 p.m., I have also been waiting for a comment from Shannyn. I'm sure that Weigel didn't lie about his conversation with Shannyn or Shannyn surely would have corrected the record.

    So I am waiting with bated breath for Shannyn to debunk the "conspiracy theory" that Sarah didn't give birth to Trig. Because that is what a real journalist would so, wouldn't she? If there is a false conspiracy theory out there and she has personal knowledge that the theory is false, wouldn't a real journalist want to write about it. Or is Shannyn not a real journalist? Am I missing something?

  12. wakeupamerica- I have the same questions. I thought it was so odd that DW had quoted Shannyn in the way that he did. I, too, was waiting for a comment from Shannyn. I think I was so surprised because Shannyn and AKM had taken the time to be so nice to him when he was stranded in Anchorage. Curious.

  13. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Andrew Sullivan is dribbling out details in his posts. He knows more than he is saying.

    If the game is to worry the Palins into making an error, then Andrew is doing it well.

    Help him out, G.

  14. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Would someone PLEASE stop this nonsense? The moron from Was-hell-a just keeps going on and on....If she gave birth to a child - any child - in the last four years, she needs to prove it with the birth certificate!

  15. Hollis French is NOT the answer to Parnell. French is a puss who has shown he is weak.

  16. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Responsible journalists were sounding the alarm about the costliest (uncovered)fraud in history, namely Bernie Madoff, for years prior to his big lie unravelling. Most people, same as in the Trig situation, simply would not believe it because it was too big to possibly be a lie. Regardless of all the evidence.

  17. nswfm2:38 PM

    I third the Shannyn Moore comments.

    Unless she saw Palin w/o clothes or felt the baby kick, I'm not really buying it.

  18. SME1312:51 PM

    @ANON 2:15

    A birth certificate would still list her and Todd as parents even if they adopted. The only thing that will prove she did or didn't give birth is medical records.

  19. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Gryphen... show Andrew how to break a story.


    Be a hero to many.

  20. Anonymous3:04 PM

    "who told me that Alaskans were well aware of Palin's pregnancy",

    translates to Alaskans were well aware of BRISTOL Palin's pregnancy.

  21. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Don't hold your breaths for Shannon Moore to explain her comment to Wiggle. She and AKM are not going to say a word about the Trig situation. They are afraid of being labeled Trig Truthers.

  22. Thank you, Gryphen. Keep pushing, and eventually, something will give.

    As one of my co-bloggers at Cogitamus wrote to me earlier today: Pressure, pressure, pressure.

    I'm glad Andrew is back, too. Despite his gracious tone, I imagine he was none too pleased with the insulting manner in which Weigel wrote those Trig posts while guest blogging at Andrew's site! Talk about smiting one's own host. Good lord, I'd have been furious.

    Cheers, courage, etc.


  23. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Didn't I read over at Audrey's site that a birth certificate in Alaska says "Certificate of Live Birth" when the listed parents are the biological parents but it gets changed to "Birth Certificate" when it is an adoption. If this is the case, even if Sarah produces a birth certificate saying she is the mother, we could still tell it is an adoption situation.

  24. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Anonymous at 3:13 p.m.

    "Don't hold your breaths for Shannon Moore to explain her comment to Wiggle. She and AKM are not going to say a word about the Trig situation. They are afraid of being labeled Trig Truthers."

    No one is asking Shannyn to be a "Trig Truther." Weigel says Palin gave birth to Palin and the only real evidence he points to in support of that statement is Shannyn Moore. So Shannyn with her inside knowledge would not be Trig Truther. Rather, she would be debunking the Trig Truthers, as she apparently has already done so with Weigel.

    So, I ask again, why is Shannyn holding back? If she knows that Palin gave birth to Trig, why doesn't she write about it and put it to rest? Isn't that what real journalists do?

    All these crazy people on the left believed the conspiracy theory that Palin didn't birth Trig until Shannyn courageously spoke up for the truth. Why is Shannyn merely whispering in Weigel's ear?

  25. To commenters above questioning the Moore quote, Weigel used Moore and anyone else he had contact with in Alaska. He wrote that if he were to write about somebody, he'd write to them first. Well, I wrote to him a week ago, and guess what - he hasn't written back. And I was very nice.

  26. re Shannyn Moore and Trig.

    Shannyn did set the ground rules that she wouldn't entertain "SP isn't Trig's mom" on her blog. However, she did recently have Patrick from Palingates on her radio show, so she has relaxed a little bit recently.

    She has Anne Kilkenney's email up on her blog, and Anne states "She recently gave birth to a Down’s syndrome baby. There is no cover-up involved, here; Trig is her baby."

    I don't know how much of a chance Shannyn would have had to observe Palin during the time she was "pregnant" with Trig. But she's not unique in beleiving SP birthed Trig; Pjil Munger of Progressive Alaska also beleives. I think you can characterize his position as SP tried a fundie abortion.

    So it wouldn't have been hard for Wiegel to find Alaskans who believe SP birthed Trig. The problem is that he did as sloppy a job researching this as every other thing in his SP posts.

  27. Anonymous4:15 PM

    It is obvious from her bath towel appearence as VP candidate and her tendancy to wear sking tight clothes that her family would have noticed if she were growing a huge bulge and inflated breasts.

    If she were pregnant then that would mean that Todd not only slept on the couch but wasn't even get the occasional hug, or lean across to reach something or any of the thousands of ways families see and touch each other.

  28. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Leu2500 at 4:02 p.m. falsely states that Shannyn had Patrick from Palingates on Shannyn's radio show. Since that statement is false, it appears that Leu2500 is a troll. Also sounds dumb as a door knob - must be a Palin.

  29. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Speaking of Leu2500 being a dumb as a doorknob Palin troll, he or she also falsely states that Phil Munger believes Sarah birthed Trig. Since Phil posts here perhaps he can speak up. Here is what he said on his blog:

    "There are few people who could settle this. I don't trust Palin. I do trust Cathy [Baldwin Johnson], though, and can never thank her enough for helping save Alex.

    Although she is under no legal or perhaps even moral obligation to share more about what she knows of the strange circumstances of Trig Palin's appearance on the scene, Cathy could single-handedly cut the Gordian knot on this, and free us from a somewhat suffocating entanglement."

    Sure doesn't sound to me like someone who believes Sarah.

  30. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Dr. Cathy has been put in a world of hurt by Sarah. If Sarah's lies about the amnio, the wild ride etc are true and Dr. Cathy said it was OK to return from Dallas after her water had broken etc. - they Dr. Cathy sounds like a bad Md.
    If Dr. Cathy works around Wasilla she really can't call Sarah a liar as they would breach HIPPA laws.

    The fact that she was not involved with Tripps birth, regardless of who's decision that was, says volumes.
    At a guess Dr. Cathy dumped the Palins a customers.
    Maybe Grypen could find our if Sarah is bad mouthing Cathy and what other Wasillites think of her as a physician.

    My vote Dr. Cathy is in good company under the bus, and probably relieved to be there.

  31. Gryphen, you said, "By the way Dave Weigel also offered a follow up to his pro-Palin post in which he claims that there were many "who told me that Alaskans were well aware of Palin's pregnancy", and he goes on to cite an Alaskan blogger who also confirmed this to him."

    And the actual statement by Weigel was, "...And among the people who told me that Alaskans were well aware of Palin's pregnancy were Shannyn Moore, an award-winning and left-leaning political radio host who has been roundly attacked by Palin fans."

    I might point out that Weigel never said WHICH Palin's pregnancy Alaskans were well aware of.

    And I'm sure Shannyn Moore probably told him outright that "Alaskans were well aware of BRISTOL Palin's pregnancy..." Shannyn Moore might not want to be labelled a Trig Truther, but she knows enough about Bristol Palin to come right out and say what she knows.

  32. Anonymous5:28 PM

    That was do beautiful it brought tears to my eyes.

    I am willing to put down money that when the truth comes out, we will find out that the real reason SP could never show Tri-g's birth certificate is because he was not born on 4/18/2008. I'll donate $100 to SarahPAC if she shows a bc dated 4/18/08.

    And poor CBJ, hands tied by HIPAA and tossed under the bus.

  33. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Look, it's as simple as this.

    Palin is now officially and proudly claiming to "making words up" as if it's a good thing instead of just admitting that she misspoke or mistyped.

    She has a pattern of covering up and not admitting the truth.

    The same can be said for her lies about Trig - and EVERYTHING else she has ever said and done.

    You lie once, you lie some more.

  34. wakeUpAmerica6:00 PM

    Kajo, the context of Weigels remarks was clearly SARAH Palin's pregnancy with Tripp. Now, in my previous statement, I was thinking that it didn't sound like something Shannyn would have said. I was waiting for her to "refudiate" his remark.

  35. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I love Sullivan. Did you see this post?

    From the Daily Mail:

    Mrs Cameron, 38, is said by friends to be 'knackered' as she prepares for the birth of her fourth child. Her fourth child is due in September and although at 36 weeks, most airlines would allow her to fly, she won't be accompanying her husband to the US this week:

    Most airlines allow pregnant women to fly up to and including the 36th week, provided the pregnancy has been straightforward. Mrs Cameron's baby is understood to be due in early September, meaning she could still travel if she wished.

    If she were a real American, she'd not only be flying in a month's time, but experiencing labor on two transcontinental flights! Honestly, these women who actually behave according to the usual rules of human biology, time and space. They really should be refudiated.

  36. emrysa6:30 PM

    "Believing Sarah Palin" is some of the lamest shit I've read in a long time. I'm glad that andrew came back with a knock-down response to that garbage. Litbrit did a great job too, glad they linked to her post.

    sarah palin is a fraud. one interesting thing to me is that I always thought hillary was a fraud, but palin makes her look like a master. funny how the baseline changes.

  37. All sorts of people were "well aware" of Palin's pregnancy - after her March 7th announcement. I'm sure Shannyn was aware of it. Of what use is that for Dave? Did Shannyn actually say that she was up close and personal with Palin and that she sure looked pregnant? I don't think so!

    Shannyn has talked with Patrick over the phone while live on the air. I don't think the earlier poster really meant that Patrick was her guest on the show.

    On the show I watched, Shannyn shredded Palin's account of the birth of Trig. The Incredible Irresponsibility theory of Trig's birth is almost as much fun as the Faked Pregnancy theory, after all, and perhaps is safer for Shannyn. Does she really believe it? I don't know but it does actually help the cause for her to deconstruct the Wild Ride, because that gets people questioning the birth story and Palin's sanity, both.

  38. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Dave Weigel is NOT a journalist, by any stretch of the imagination.

    He is a hurt puppy who was dismissed because of e-mails that got exposed.

    He is a writer, yes, but not a journalist.

  39. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Dr Baldwin would not be in violation of ANY HIPPA laws if she merely states she did NOT deliver Trigg, or she did NOT deliver a child to Sarah Palin on April 19, 2009 or at any time in 2009.

    It is no different than Dr. Baldwin saying she did NOT deliver my baby.

    Such statements do not divulge ANY private information about Sarah Palin. How is anything that Dr Baldwin didn't do related to any medical procedures that involve Sarah Palin?

    The truth will set you free, Dr. B.

  40. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Gryphen, if you want to really knock the socks off of people who are still undecided about Palin's pregnancy claims, then you should lighten the contrast on both of those photos at the top of your post. Palin's belly below the scarf is flat-out flat at a supposedly 7 months pregnancy. Then a mere four weeks later, she looks likes she's ready to deliver twins.
    And then, the flight attendants a few days later said "the state of her pregnancy wasn't obvious." The mysterious case of the waxing and waning belly.

    Good for you and Sullivan for staying on one of the biggest bullsh*t frauds in politics!!

  41. Anonymous12:08 PM

    MSNBC shows sowa before showing our President. Check it out when CM comes on.

  42. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Bombshell McGee Palin and the gang have no where to go but to the Journolist? That is the great bombshell or couldn't she spell distraction?
    My Great JournoList Cameo

    On Journolist, and Dave Weigel
    "But over the years, Journolist grew, and as it grew, its relative exclusivity became more infamous, and its conversations became porous. The leaks never bothered me, though. What I didn't expect was that a member of the list, or someone given access by a member of the list, would trawl through the archives to assemble a dossier of quotes from one particular member and then release them to an interested media outlet to embarrass him. But that's what happened to David Weigel. Private e-mails were twisted into a public story."

    Palin World is gleefully proving what they have for proof.
    "Bombshell media bias revelations here: Mr It's what we all suspected, but there's the proof."
    Rebecca Mansour
    The dribble just goes on and on over nothing...
    @daveweigel Wow, just scanned down "RIght Now", you seem to be getting more and more bitter over conservative successes. So sorry, dude. 10:17 AM Jun 14th
    Don't miss this video, it explains how Sarah's education effects Romney. 3:55 PM Jul 18th

  43. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Dr. Cathy knows what happens if you lay down with wild dogs.
    If she knows anything about an abused or neglected child, she needs to report it. If she is part of a criminal cover up, before or after the fact, she is not required to lie by commission or omission. I think she is derelict of her duties and there must be a way to get her under oath. If she doesn't want to answer about Trig's delivery she can take the fifth.

    Is it true that David Weigel changed Dr. Cathy's letter to boost his Sarah myth? That would be easy to prove and make him more of a bad joke.

  44. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Anon @ 2:30

    Excellent comment. I agree 100%.



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