Friday, July 16, 2010

More fun with Sarah Palin screen captures.

These are captures from Sarah's last appearance on the Hannity Show.


"Sean, just like you I am fit to be tied that the NAACP is actually going to call the super patriotic, freedom loving, God fearing, creative sign making, Tea Party  movement a bunch of racists.  All the people at those rallies did was make a few hy-larious signs showing Obama as a turban wearing Arab, or a Hitler mustache wearing socialist, or an adorable little monkey.  What is so racist about that?"


"Is my mouthy sagging again? Dammit I must have popped a stitch again!"


"By the by there Sean. Just WHO does that Bill O'Reilly think he is anyway?  Do you know that son-of-a-bitch tried to ask me REAL questions last time I was on his show?  Did he not read my agreement with Fox News?  No frickin hard questions!"


"Did you hear I got that little porn star bastard back under my control? Yep all it took was a carefully planted seed (Thanks Ben) and we had the little prick right back where we wanted him. Hello 2012!"


"Yeah I tole Levi to place his nasty sperm filled nuggets right here before he started his apology to my family. And every time he did not look sorry enough to me, I just gave them a little squeeze.  By the end he was so sorry tears were running down his cheeks."

"I said to Bristol, clear as day, that she needed to remember that pretending NOT to be pregnant is MUCH harder then pretending TOO be pregnant.  I also told her she would be fine so long as she did not allow herself to be photographed or videotaped by the media. Did the little idiot listen?  Hell no!"


"Hey ya know I caught that Rebecca Mansour standing in front of the mirror wearing one of my wigs and a pair of my glasses.  Ya think I should be worried?"

Okay gang you know the drill.  Unshackle your muse and let your imagination run free!


  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    How much medication do they give her to be able to preform that bad?

  2. angela10:29 AM

    #1 Shouldn't have tried to bite Ben, some of him stuck in my dentures.
    #2 No Sean, I haven't had a stroke.
    #3 You know you want me to do it Sean. Cut the feed--nobody will know.
    #4 See--nobody is the wiser.
    #5 And I was this pregnant . . . . .
    #6 Romney will be sorry for dissing me. I'm gonna tell everybody he's a democrat-- like Harry Reid. . . .wait.
    #7 God, I really am dumber than a box of hair.

  3. icstraights10:30 AM

    "I'm on so many pills, I don't care wtf I say!"

  4. 1. You know, Sean, I told those two idiots that no one would believe they were announcing their nupshulls on TV without telling me first, but what can you do; they're idiots!

    2. You know, Bill, sometimes I think it's just a shame that I no longer have that little baggie stashed in my bedside table.

    3. You see! That Al Gore can't keep it in his pants any better than the rest of those godless libruls!

    4. We have a plan, see. We're not gonna be seen on any stage debatin' any librul nincompoopers. We're gonna communicate with real Americans using real American blackberries, tweeters, and internets.

    5. You see, Glenn, when I push them up like this, they look so much bigger!

    6. That socialist Obama just better not get in my way when God opens those doors for me!

    7. When you round up all my real American voters out there, you will see that not a one of them comes from some godless city full of diversity, stimulus programs, and foreign cars, and other people I don't trust to vote for me, the real hockey mom of America.

  5. GO BRISTOL!!!!10:47 AM

    Mommy is a dud.

    LOVE YOU BIG SIS!!!! You and your hunky dunky show the world what Alaska is all about!! I will follow you anywhere!!

  6. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Who ever did her plastic surgery really botched the job.
    She was better looking before.
    But when she opens that mouth with her crap flowing out, she looks uglier and uglier. She could be the best looking person in the world, but her words just destroy her looks.
    She really needs someone to make sure she takes her meds. Why would anyone want to be so reviled?

    mary b

  7. Anonymous11:07 AM

    She's got such a square, masculine jawline.

    Are we sure she wasn't born a dude?

  8. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Bristol & Levi - Real Life in Wassiler...opening shot of Levi on the porch (barefoot no shirt w/ dog and three days growth on face cleaning rifle). Bristol screaming at him from inside the open door (no screen door - it is lying in the year next to a couple broken down snow machines and a pile rusted cans and beer bottles) .... cameras move inside to show Bristol about as big as a house in what appears to be a mumu. Pregnant? Who knows she is too fat to tell. Several small children in diapers with dirty faces crawl around the floor eating bugs. Bristol is threatening to tell Sarah about Levi .... that will show him for sure. Rill life in Wassiler.

  9. Anonymous11:32 AM

    #1 - Looks like the "f" word to me.

    Her lip goes one way, her nose goes another- and her eyes go every whichaway. It's distracting. ;)

  10. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Her face is all mean and squish.
    Her smile is way crooked.
    And her front teeth keep getting bigger.
    Along with that huge bumpit.

  11. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Where the hell is that Tonya body language chick NOW??? Billo sure can't invite her on to analyze any of THESE. My God. She's a seething, fuming, volcano of anger! (Which, funny enough, is exactly how I used to describe John McCain until one of my young children told a McCain supporting neighbor that's what mommy says about McCain. oops! out of the mouths of babes, right?)

    I won't even attempt to top your captions, except to say that #2 looks a great deal like she's about to grab a pipe & do a Popeye "guh, guh, guh...." sound.

    But seriously--about the body language stuff. You have no idea how many google searches I've done looking for a legit person that has analyzed any of her body language since the stupid Oprah show--and there's NOTHING. How can that be possible? I've even searched for how * I * can learn to analzye it & find very little info. WTF?? She's a goldmine of info she doesn't want to divulge but can't help herself. There's got to be SOMEone out there willing to do it.

    Okay, rant over. Going to find ice cream to quell this rise in blood pressure I've had since allowing myself to go ballistic momentarily. Sheesh.

  12. Anonymous11:54 AM

    1. I could be Celine Dion's twin.
    2. I can't feel my lips.
    3. Oh, no, you are NOT getting married!
    4. OK, I'll buy you a BMW.
    5. And new boobs that look like this.
    6. Or, I swear to God, I will kill you both.
    7. Yeah, I shot the squirrel. Don't it make a cool wig?

  13. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Sarah! You can't feel your lip anymore can you?!!

  14. Anonymous12:44 PM

    All great pics and great captions.

    For the set of pics, the album could be named "revenge of the plastic surgeon".

  15. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Photo forensics and Sarah Palin's biggest lie and ethics violation: Readers see the light

    Have you ever known anyone who'd given birth a few times in the past and was now seven months pregnant, Dave? Did she look like the woman at the top of this post? Lighten the contrast on your computer screen so the photo won't be as dark, and you can see where her pink and black scarf ends and the body behind it, dressed in black, begins. There is no seven month pregnancy there.

  16. Props Gryphen. This is LOL hilarious!

    I love the caption, "Pretending to not be pregnant is much harder than pretending to be pregnant."

  17. Anonymous12:57 PM

    The evilness inside the woman is showing on her face...she looks so much worse than she did two years ago. She does have a problem to that one side of her face that is probably the result of the surgery. Nothings workin for ya, Sarah!!

  18. Anonymous1:08 PM

    i thought you might get a big kick out of this. i sure did!!!

  19. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Pic #2
    I don't know why people keep comparing me to Cheney, I look nothing like him.

  20. Anonymous1:30 PM

    My mamma always said if you keep pulling those faces, you'd would end up ulgy..Now I can see she was right..

  21. Anonymous1:47 PM

    "F*ck you, ya big ugly moose! I'm gonna tear holes in you, then I'm gonna grab your balls and SQUEEZE! Then I'm gonna eat you for breakfast, you betcha!"

  22. LisanTX2:00 PM

    Anon. at 11:45 asks for body language experts; well, here are a couple. Although these articles were written during the '08 campaign, they are highly accurate.

    Body language on Sarah: The authors divide the article into three part:

    #1: The Aggressive Confidence Of The Con-Person
    #2: The Exaggerated Folksiness Of The Huckster
    #3: The Metallic Shriek Of The Fear-Monger

    Face reading, which is different from body language: crooked smiles (Sarah and Sean Parnell)

    More face reading on Sarah:

  23. GrainneKathleen2:02 PM

    hey gryphen, here isa tmz post about bristol and levi shopping for reality tv shows. why do they have to be so damn predictable?

  24. Anonymous3:31 PM

    this is one mean looking woman

  25. Anonymous3:31 PM

    (2) Ya see, I can talk from both sides of my mouth.

    (3) Sarah at the sperm bank, "I like to make a deposit".

    (6) Okay Todd, bend over grab your ankles and take it like a man. The Sarah express is coming through.

  26. emrysa4:10 PM

    gryphen, you know how people have commented quite a bit about how "hard" sarah looks now, and how pretty she was during 2008. I was one who couldn't figure out why she looks so different and not as attractive (after all, isn't plastic surgery actually supposed to make you look better?).

    but I think this latest round of screen shots has shown me the light.

    she looked good in 2008 because she wasn't PISSED in 2008. she looked good because she was on a high, "wow 2 years ago I was a nobody stuck in alaska and now, through no work of my own, I am going to be vice president!!" I'm sure we'd all be glowing and looking good if we were in that position, basically grifting through life until we got handed a prime spot.

    since the minute she lost she's been f-ing angrier than a hornet. it's consuming her and it shows in her looks. she never really looks happy - she gets that 10 second fake big smile, and then it all goes to shit when her anger comes back. she can't talk for 5 minutes without getting pissed about something.

    that is one angry bitch, and I believe it explains the difference in her looks from 2 years ago.

  27. #1 Sean, you know, I said f*ck you to Levi, f*ck you to Bristol AND f*ck you to the NAACP. Sometimes, f*ck you is the best a gal can do. Oh wait....that came out wrong.

    #2 If I talk out the side of my mouth, do I sound more intelligent?

    #3 Oh HO BOY HOWDY do I have a doozy of a wig on TOOday! This was is made from REAL mama grizzlies.

    #4 Grrr! Grrr!! Grrrr!!! What? Todd loves it when I GRRR.

    #5 And I said, doc, really, I can't be THIS big, I'm only pretending to be pregnant, it doesn't make any sense.

    #6 Are you talking to me? Are YOOOOU talkin' to ME?!?! That's what I would say to President O'Biden if I ever met him. Again.

    #7 HEY!! In Alaska, we shoot our dinner ok?! Now if you will excuse me, I have Taco Bell waiting and it don't taste good cold.

  28. Anonymous4:43 PM

    She tweeted she was going to "Climb a mountain this week". Yeah right! She's sporting a face full of new Restylane. I don't think it's Botox I think she heads in for refills of Restylane at least once a month.

    She's a hunter, fisherman (lol), snowmobile enthusiast, a runner extraordinaire, now a mountain climber, a jet-setter and she lives in a harsh climate - all of those activities take their toll on a woman's face especially if she's 46+. Yet Sarah shows no wrinkles from weatherizing or from character.

    The woman is so special.

  29. Anonymous5:22 PM

    She looks so mean in those pics!
    M in MD

  30. I know I am a downer, but I don't find stills out of a video fair game. I'm sure we all make strange faces when we talk. If this site wants to be seen as a serious commentator, these kinds of games, while fun, detract.

  31. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I'm sorry to say, her hair actually looks pretty good here for once. However, her face is more tranny this way.

  32. Well gang I hope you enjoy this post because it is going be the last one for awhile. My PC has had a malfunction and I have to take it to my techie buddy and have him work his magic.

    I will try to get back to blogging as soon as possible. I am sure it will be no later than tomorrow evening at the latest.

    Thanks for your patience.

  33. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Emrysa @ 4:10 - you got it. She thought by sheer alignment of planets (wait, we need something less scientificy for Sarah, oh yeah, Door Openin by God)she was going to shimmy right into a world leader position. She thought she had it, she honestly thought she had it.

    She was so confident in Alaska the morning she and Todd walked into the voting booth.

    Her bitter disappointment the night of McCain's concession speech was so obvious. Her eyes were brimming over. Glittering eyes.

    The anger, it does not rest. It melts her calories more than her thigh burning runs. You know, the runs in which she composes her best speechifying?

  34. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Oh how funny it is that your daughter was/is working at the plastic surgeon, er I mean dermatologist's office.

    LOL, where is your lip lady??

  35. Anonymous9:24 PM

    All three pictures says "I'm an Idiot and I'm a proud Tea Party Bigot"

    OT. Gryph can you post this article and this racist "Satire" letter from the leader of the Tea Party.

    Ebony Magazine

    Friday, July 16, 2010
    By DeAngelo Starnes

    Embarrassing Racist Satire of Tea Party Leader Mark Williams.

    These two are a disgusting piece of work.

  36. Anonymous9:27 PM


  37. O/T from David Brooks NYT column on narcissistic personality disorder:

    "His self-love is his most precious possession. It is the holy center of all that is sacred and right. He is hypersensitive about anybody who might splatter or disregard his greatness. If someone treats him slightingly, he perceives that as a deliberate and heinous attack. If someone threatens his reputation, he regards this as an act of blasphemy. He feels justified in punishing the attacker for this moral outrage."

    Reminds me of the 'moral outrage' about the 'desecration of an iconic image.'

    The column was about Mel Gibson, but it seems also an apt description of the divine Ms. Palin.

  38. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Elizabeth@6:02: I agree. Cheap shots should not be what we are about. Let's stick to the issues. like SHE WAS NOT PREGNANT WITH Trig. --Amy1

  39. Anonymous5:03 AM

    She looks positively weird during that interview. She's either on something or so badly agitated that she's having trouble keeping it together. Obviously I don't know for sure, but I do know that this ain't the same person who snarled her way through the election. It isn't just that her clothes, hair and make-up were better then. She had something then that she seems to have lost. A certain sparkle and vivaciousness, perhaps? Maybe that's what gave her such striking looks. Whatever it is, she is no longer that pretty woman. She's a store mannequin.

    Oh, I've got it. We are seeing the iconic manifestation of her fruits.

  40. Anonymous5:11 AM

    I bet it's been ions and ions since she's had a little whatnot in her life.

  41. Anonymous6:22 AM

    OT, could this be the source of Palin's magical cleavage?

  42. She's just not an attractive women. Her face is too sharp and her nose is like a witch's, but she looks even uglier when she speaks.

  43. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Anon@ 5:11 AM whatnot at Sheep Creek Lodge?


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