Thursday, August 05, 2010

Mercede weighs in on the Bristol/Levi break up.

As you can imagine Sadie certainly does NOT think that Bristol was the one who "got played" in this little dramedy.  And she also contends that Bristol HAD to have known that Levi was not the father of Lanesia's baby, and only used that as an excuse to end the engagement.

You know Mercede might very well have a point there.

To read the post for yourself, just head on over to Sadie's neck of the internet woods.

By the way here is the poster for the Levi Johnston music video that Bristol claims was "the final straw" in their relationship.

Call me crazy, but if I was given the choice of making a cool music video or getting locked into a relationship with ANY of the Palins I don't think I could get on the plane out of Alaska fast enough!

You can read more over at ExtraTV.

(By the way, I heard this Brittani Senser woman sing and....well let's just say it is a good thing she is that attractive.)


  1. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Oh NO!!!

    Mercede is wearing an ankle monitor... or is she borrowing her moms?

    Levi has been played to the max.

    What will it take for Levi to understand he will NEVER be part of the Palin family or be part of Bristol's life?

  2. Funny. No Sadie is NOT wearing an ankle monitor.

  3. Ankle monitors can't be taken off and borrowed. It sends a signal and the police are sent out.

  4. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Neither Levi or Bristol is emotionally prepared to parent a child appropriately. None of their actions indicate reasonable behavior that is in Tripp's best interest. It is quite sad that a real adult hasn't stepped in to help the middle school children raise Tripp. Their drama, turmoil, and emotional blackmail involving their son is quite sad.

    If this was my grandson, I would do everything in my power to make certain a stable and loving environment was established for Tripp as soon as possible. That also means getting as far away from Sarah as possible.

  5. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I wish Levi would trust us. By us I mean the Anti-Palin blogs. You all have so much on the Palin's. He should befriend us.
    Any good LAWYERS in these groups? I wonder...

  6. Anonymous7:48 AM

    This poster exudes seduction. In good taste and very well done.

  7. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Anon 7:48- I agree. It is well done. Who would have thunk it? No wonder Bristol got jealous, but it is typical of a lot of young women... they tend to get jealous easily.

  8. Anonymous8:44 AM

    And Levi probably signed some contract for getting back with the insecure Bristol so that he can never speak to anyone about what actually happened. "Show up, smile, look good and then take your place under the bus, Boy!"

    I think that since the Palins have zero class that they were also trying to steal the thunder post Chelsea Clinton's wedding-- was this a Palin thang or was it something planned by their handlers? I wish Chelsea was getting more ink for her beautiful wedding.

  9. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Here's my take. Bristol and Levi really wanted to get back together. I thought they looked genuinely happy in the US mag video. Why not make a little money with the announcement. Sarah found out and was pissed (remember the ridiculous quote she gave in response). She hasn't forgiven Levi and never will. Sarah planted the ex-girlfriend pregnancy story to further discredit Levi and cast doubt in Bristol's mind. Bristol is as unforgiving and jealous as her mother and the jealousy ate away at her. Sara convinced her to come back to the compound where she could better control her. There was a quote on one of the morning shows that said she went back on her parents orders.

    As always it works out for Granny Palin. No more loose ends. No Levi and he's completely discredited after the ridiculous apology. He probably didn't get any of the US magazine money either so they can still further screw him with ridiculous child support payments. Bristol's back under Sara's thumb.

    I also think Sara was behind the original break up. Levi and his family have never been good enough in her eyes, and she knew with him in the picture she wouldn't be able to control Bristol as easily.

    I think they both got used.

  10. Anonymous8:53 AM

    "F" all of them! I say Bristol, Sarah, Levi and the rest of the Palin grifters deserve each other.

    May God bless Mercede and her her mother.

  11. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Bristol here is a lesson for you.

    Bristol, see the picture of Mercede?

    See how her knees are together?

    That is how you can prevent getting knocked up for the third time.

  12. womanwithsardinecan9:05 AM

    I wish Sadie wouldn't wear the bumpit do. That hairstyle doesn't actually look good on anybody. Sadie is a pretty girl. Ditch the crappy Wasilla beehive. Now that I've said that, I'll go read Sadie's post.

  13. I think some people may be forgetting what life is probably like in Wasilla, and that Levi has been born and raised a right-winger just like the rest of them. Yes, if he wants to bail out of the Mat-Su Valley forever and live like a celebrity author with a sizable advance in warmer weather, then he could do so, as could any Wasilla resident who wants to tell the real truth. Unless Levi truly wants to bid adios to Alaska, I think we can forget ever reading a tell-all with his name on it.

  14. Anonymous9:33 AM

    "It is quite sad that a real adult hasn't stepped in to help the middle school children raise Tripp. Their drama, turmoil, and emotional blackmail involving their son is quite sad."

    Where would these real adults be? Another crazy part of all this is how glued to Wasilla everyone is. They may not all be part of the same cult but they seem to all be ruled by the same cult. There is evil crazy poison in that Wasilla water and all the killer plastic containers. Meth ingredients in the "one pot" method. A few essential ingredients, including ammonium fertilizer and lithium from household batteries, are placed in a simple soda bottle. The chemicals react, producing not only methamphetamine, but also poisonous fumes that can explode.

    Addiction is not simple and addicts don't necessarily stay with meth. There has been discussions about Lindsay Lohan and these issues of late. That better explains why she looks so good and is not necessarily on meth now. She has graduated to what her doctors give her.

    Real adults are the ones that are no longer in denial. Adults that haven't used alcohol or drugs but only serve as a co-dependent are in as much denial as the addict. Neither can leave Wasilla or the drama.

  15. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Just read at AKWTF that Bristle was seen at the airport. Was Tripp w/her? Is she going into hiding at Aunt Kathy's in Richland or will there be a "white out" abortion? Somebody needs to get pics.

  16. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I bet Bristol got a nice check from SarahPAC for calling it quits. Maybe it was better then the 1.5 million that a reality show was offering.

    Also, is Levi stuck in a contract with Tank & Rex? That would explain a lot.

    ALso I have wondered if Sarah is paying Rex to keep Levi from making any good tell all deals.

    Any thoughts Uncle G?

  17. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Perhaps, by "getting played" Bristol meant there's only room for two media whores in this family- levi should remain in the shadows just like Mr. Mom (Toad).

  18. Anonymous10:23 AM

    W-h-i-t-e T-r-a-s-h!

    What are these kids doing having babies in their teens?? The picture of Bristol pushing the Target cart was truly depressing especially when that image is juxtaposed with Chelsea Clinton's wedding. Chelsea and Barbara and Jenna Bush are examples of fine parenting (no matter what your political leanings are). The Heath-Palins are under-educated, trashy, greedy scum-bags who have no clue on how to raise productive and responsible children.

    Note to Mercede: Move away from that cesspool they call Wassilla and get a good education (take your mom with you) and never look back.

  19. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Still can not access M's page.

    Very nice poster. I have a weary feeling the Levi/Bristol drama has many more chapters.

    The upside of all these squabbles is that the Palins are clearly showing themselves to be severely dysfunctional.

    P.S. Still grinning and doing some happy dancing about Prop 8. Love wins!

  20. Anonymous11:10 AM

    the only way i could give two dead rat's ass's about either levi or bristol is if something they do slaps sarah in the face like a fresh turd.
    i mean that in the sincerest way.

    bill in belize

  21. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Really, why settle for one magazine cover when you can break up and make up and get two?

    Lather rinse repeat. :D

  22. Anonymous12:00 PM

    The Christian singer that hooked Team Levi and allowed that to happen says enough about their direction. HORRIBLE!!!! Betcha Levi is so happy to pass on the 1.5 million and free up his time for a project like that.. j/k

    10:48 AM

    I've never had any problems getting on. She doesn't say much of anything, nothing new. It is more interesting what she doesn't post, comments, also, too.

  23. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Mercede may be the most honest, prettiest and nicest of what addicted to the psycho drama of Wasilla is all about but she will never leave that hell hole. She may or may not get an intervention while there.

  24. Anonymous12:37 PM

    she is a sweet kid but everyone in Alaska needs to lose the bumpits!

  25. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I hear Bristol has a speaking gig in September. WTF??? Haven't the people heard she's been doing Levi and his ex- friend Ben and looks preggers?
    So, why is Bristol flying out of state? Is it to hide another pregnancy, have an abortion, or what? If she has nothing to hide, why is she going into seclusion?

  26. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Gryphen - can you comment on this stupid story about Palin saying that President Obama wasn't vetted? Levi/Bristol is a smokescreen...please help take Palin down, we are so frickking sick of her dissing our President

  27. A suggestion was made on Mercede's blog that she should get some insurance by talking to Joe McGinnis. Good idea, I think.

    She should make sure she is seen driving over there, and having coffee with him on the famous deck too!

    The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; nothing gets a Palin rattled like the truth!

  28. BumpitNoMo!1:51 PM

    ITA on the Bumpit on Sadie. It is very wrong for anyone to wear one who is over the age of 14.

  29. Anonymous2:27 PM

    It's sad that Bristol is leaving the state to hide with her great-aunt, presumably with Tripp, and Levi -yet again - loses any visitation with his son. This has been going on for, what, two years? "Single mom" is a euphemism for a woman whose baby daddy has either disappeared, is unknown, or who simply isn't interested in his child's well-being. Levi is none of these things. Since day one all he and his family have wanted is to get to see and help raise Tripp. Yet the Palins get away with removing him from the state? Isn't that criminal?

    I really wish I were an attorney, because I'd be taking Levi's case on for free at this point and doing everything within my power to get the guy shared custody of his son.

  30. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Vote for the tea party in November.
    I have a Governor's race and a congressional district.

    Go Sarah
    and thanks for all you do

  31. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Now that Bristol and Levi have broken up, I am sure Palin would love for Prince William or Prince Harry to call Bristol---and probably thinks they will.

  32. newmom3:55 PM

    anon 12:48, this should make you happy; the DNC is showing teeth! i love, LOVE that they referred to her as the former half-term gov. (at same politicalticker link you gave)

    In a statement e-mailed to CNN, the DNC turned the tables on Palin, who had faced questions about the vetting process used by the Sen. John McCain's campaign to help select her in 2008.

    "While former half-term governor Palin is certainly an expert in not being vetted, we put our trust in the judgment of the American people who rejected not only the broken policies she and Republicans continue to call for, but also this very kind of childish politics she continues to engage in," DNC national press secretary Hari Sevugan said. "What's been fully vetted and thoroughly rejected by the American people is the failed approach in tone and substance offered by Sarah Palin and her ilk."

  33. newmom3:58 PM

    ps - the related article mentioned re: mccain camp defending the vetting of palin is from SEP 2, 08. we all know how the mccain rilly feels.

  34. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Bristol is going to get an abortion.
    Sarah didn't have 5 pregnancies, she had 6 total (this does not include Trig since she did give birth to him.

  35. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Please ask her to ask her webmaster about this "Fedora Test Page" that comes up for many of us. I'd love to read her blog instead of an error page. Thanks!

  36. Anonymous5:11 PM


    I don't know how wrong but I think it looks very clown like and silly or Silla. It works if you don't want to be taken serious. I'm sorry to refer to Tank but he did try to explain something about Levi. I think it was a trip to LA and they were shopping and working on characters to bring him out. He said something about Levi was about his friends in Alaska (Barber and the hockey pals?). That is who they dress for. Actually that is pretty normal even in the lower48. Not sure what age they grow out of that. I went from a middle school with the big hair and over made up look to one far away that liked the natural beauty, beach community on the west coast. Before Bumpit it was teasing. They've come along way baby!

  37. Queen E8:11 PM

    Prince William is doing his cousin. Prince Harry is not likely to settle down, he is a bit like Levi when it comes to women.



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