Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The Wasilla soap opera continues. Update!

According to People magazine:

"It's over. I broke up with him," Bristol Palin tells PEOPLE exclusively of her second try at an engagement to Levi Johnston, father of her 19-month-old son Tripp.

Palin, 19, says the relationship soured on July 14, the very same day they announced their marriage intentions to the world. Palin says he told her that evening he might have fathered a baby with another teenage girl. (Palin did not name the young woman, but a pregnant former girlfriend of Johnston's has since publicly denied his paternity.)

I have no idea which pregnant "former girlfriend" Bristol is referring to.  Lanesia swears that she and Levi have not been intimate in many years, and it did not appear that Briana Plum was with child, so unless there is a third possibility I am stumped.

In an emotional phone interview with PEOPLE, Palin spoke through tears about feeling heartbroken, humiliated and trapped – while Johnston acted cool. "There's been no remorse," she says, adding that she's seen him only once in the past three weeks.

"The final straw was him flying to Hollywood for what he told me was to see some hunting show but come to find out it was that music video mocking my family," she says. "He's just obsessed with the limelight and I got played."

I have to say that in my opinion is was Levi who was getting played.  Especially IF Bristol really is pregnant with another man's child right now.  Of course her pain did not keep her from talking yet another swipe at Sherry and Mercede.

"I have faith that I'll find it. Through this whole experience I know I need a man who's going to be completely honest with me and someone who loves me and Tripp and wants to be with him all the time. I also want someone who has religious beliefs and a good family."

Can't stop being the mean girl can you Bristol?

Well obviously this called for a response from the Johnston camp.  And it received one, courtesy of TMZ.

According to Levi's manager, Tank Jones, (Hey look! Tank is back! He has been off the grid for so long I kind of I wondered if he was still working with Levi.) Bristol doesn't exactly have her story straight ... and that Levi believes the two broke up over a "misunderstanding" and "misinformation."

Jones tells us Levi is definitely not the father of an unborn illegitimate baby of an ex-girlfriend. He also tells us that Levi did not shoot a music video "mocking" the Palins ... despite what Bristol told People.com. (Really?  Well then what about this?)

As for their 19-month-old son Tripp, Tank tells us Levi will continue to co-parent with Bristol and "take care" of his financial obligations.

Tank also notes that Levi is "not happy" about the split -- and tells us he wouldn't be surprised if the two eventually got back together sometime in the future.

You know I would not put it past these two morons to take another run at this thing, but I can pretty much guarantee the same result.  Some people just simply do NOT belong together.

Meanwhile, we're told Bristol has already moved back into Sarah and Todd Palin's home in Alaska.

Of course WE already knew she was back home in the Palin compound didn't we? That is why it pays to check the blogs instead of waiting for the other media to finally catch up.

Well to sum up, I am not unhappy that Bristol and Levi are not together, NOT because I don't want them to be happy, but because I was pretty sure they were going to break up eventually anyway and it is much easier on Tripp to have it happen now rather than a few years from now.

I am less happy that now it looks like Levi and Bristol are going to be heading back to court to fight over custody rights, since that means it is much less likely that Levi, Mercede, and Sherry will get to see much of the little guy before it is hashed out in court.  If we thought Bristol was a vindictive controlling "rhymes with witch" before, just IMAGINE what she will be like now! If Levi has any hope of EVER getting to spend time with his kid he better get a much better lawyer than Rex Butler.

But I have to say, if it were not for the fact that Tripp would not have access to Sherry and Mercede, I would be all in favor of the state taking Tripp away from BOTH of his parents and putting him someplace where he is treated with compassion, and given love and attention like every child deserves, and NOT treated like a weapon to be used to hurt those who piss his mother off.

Perhaps we should have "Free Tripp Johnston" t-shirts printed up and sold at the Palmer State Fair this year?

Update: Uh oh, Bristol is not finished taking a dump on Levi. She went on TMZ to take another shot at him.


  1. honestyinGov3:20 PM

    Do you think there is space on Mercede's couch for Levi to sleep..?

    Ohhh... that's right...he said They were no longer Members of His Family. There's always your big red pick-up truck... right Levi..? Maybe Ben Barber will let you use his couch.

  2. Anonymous3:24 PM

    "Free Tripp Johnston"

    Isn't it Free Tripp Palin? If they ever catch on to how to co-parent it could be Free Tripp Palin-Johnston.

  3. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I wonder what Track called her this time?..

  4. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I think the words we all need to say are :

    Go the f*ck away freaks! No one gives a damn about your stupid teenage drama! Grow up, get educations and get real jobs like everybody else!

  5. another paylin victimized. Do any of these folks ever accept any responsibility for their actions? date, fuck, get pregnant...lay some blame. quit, lie, cheat, steal, fuck some more. lay some more blame. repeat until $$$ appears.

  6. angela3:38 PM

    Religious beliefs and a good family?

    It's amazing this stupid little girl could actually not fall off her chair laughing when she said that. The Palins are barefoot, ignorant, uneducated, criminal and the antithesis of religious. The also call PEOPLE magazine and whine about their hillbilly ghetto lives out loud.

    I've thrown away bags of trash that had more class than the Palins. An ignorant gutter mouth mother, probable multi-pregnant teen, vandals, excessive drinkers, dropouts . . . . Give me a break.

  7. Anonymous3:39 PM

    How residential.

  8. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Oh, dear. I'm sorry, but I just don't have anymore compassion for those two. If this is so hurtful to Bristol, how could she or would she be able to speak by phone to People and share her personal feelings with them for all the world to read?

    I don't buy it. Not at all. Agreeing to comment about this to a magazine, stating she is hurt and giving intimate details to this magazine about why they broke up, mentioning another possible pregnant ex-girlfriend? Then she states she wants a guy from a christian family? In the same sentence whereby she just exploited this story to further her pocketbook?

    Why doesn't someone teach her not to share personal information for money. Think about how it will affect the little child later in life when he reads about this knowing it was absorbed all over the globe.

    Sorry, but it's hypocritical of her to judge Levi's addiction or obsession to the limelight, while she's selling her sob story to the reporter from People for money.

    And apparently People got a statement from Sarah Palin about this. Say what? Mom had to speak on the subject to a gossip magazine? And that bad Levi loves the limelight? Again, the hypocrisy of this family knows no bounds.

  9. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Everything that the Palins do is scripted, planned and staged. They have made their private family life public for profit. There is a name for people who sell themselves for money.

    If Levi is smart, he will take any money he can make and demand a DNA test to see if he is Tripp's father. The comment that Bristol made that she was sorry to find out that Tripp was Levi's implies that there were some other men (boys) who could be possible fathers. If Levi was the only one, the comment would not make sense. (And, what a nice way to make the kid feel that he was wanted and loved).

    There are some people who did get married right out of high school, and turned into maturing, caring adults who just happened to get married at a young age. Bristol and Levi are not those people. They are not mature; they are not able to form meaningful relationships that last longer than one magazine cycle (a week or a month). They are being driven by the cheap thrill of being celebrities without thinking how they are harming their son, and ruining any chances they might have to work things out.

    Thank goodness that the public got tired of seeing Paris Hilton in the media every day. I am waiting for the day when people will get tired of another mindless, talentless teen who wants publicity (and money) for doing nothing. Bristol's not that pretty. She can't act. And, she is a poor spokesperson for abstinence.
    She is being put out there by Sarah as an effort to sell the Religious Right the bogus image of Palin Family Values.

    Sarah is a fake, and she is using Bristol to bolster the fake image of family. In the same way that Sarah's hair is fake and her face is fake and overly made up, so is this fake family drama. Todd, Sarah, Bristol and the rest of them all need a time out; they all act like children.

  10. Ohhh, take the money and run (thanks to Steve Miller for the lyrics)

  11. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Bristol loves going back and forth between Us and People. Talk about "getting played" -- Bristol's playing the two magazines (just as she's playing the whole world).

  12. Anonymous3:47 PM

    The good news is that Bristol is not pregnant and she will be back at work soon. After her diet takes effect she can do another glam mag. Can't wait to hear more about her life in Wasilla.

  13. emrysa3:47 PM

    why didn't INDEPENDENT bristol move back to HER condo? is she really going to COMMUTE to anchorage from wasilla every day for her JOB? doesn't that commute mean LESS TIME FOR TRIPP?

    what a joke.

  14. Anonymous3:50 PM

    They still have a court date regarding child support and custody scheduled for Sept (if I remember correctly), don't they?

  15. Anonymous3:50 PM

    please she played him, her and her wench a** mammy, did this and now nobody will pay him to talk given that he 's branded himslef a liar and she will go back to charging him at the ying yang for child support, I hope he gets a dna test and that his family forgives him

  16. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Track probably congratulated her decision. Levi is a user and everyone associated with him is one also.

    I am sure that her family is ecstatic that she made that decision.

  17. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Levi: I am so broke, Bristol. No one is calling with offers. If I don't get any money, there is no way I can pay you that $2,000 child support this month.

    Bristol: I have an idea. Let's sell a BS story to one of the gossip rags for $100,000.00 and split the proceeds. As soon as the story is on the front page, we can walk away from each other.

  18. Anonymous3:59 PM

    OMG, Bristol is such a drama queen. Obviously she lies like her mother, and plays the victim like a PRO.

    I am more and more convinced that she played Levi to get him back into the fold, discredit him, and then sent him on his way. Who didn't see this coming a mile away?!

    Did anyone inform Ben Barber that he is about to become a daddy yet???

  19. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Oh, please. All you have to do is check her FB page to know she's back home.

  20. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Pretty handy to have a nice comfy home for raising your kid. Not the usual perk for an unwed teen mom. And the steady income from mag stories doesn't hurt either.

    Bristol has life a lot better than she realizes. She doesn't have to grow up. The helpless minor child in her care is being tormented. But kids have been raised by worse parents... Sarah Palin's kids for example.

  21. Anonymous4:02 PM

    And I hate to break it to you, but the only people who have a say in this are the kid's parents. The relatives might get hurt, but it doesn't matter. They're not the parents.

  22. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Bristol has serious and deep rooted psych problems. It's more than just being a mean girl. She won't be a good parent because she is like Sarah. She's wanted babies for years to fill some kind of emotional hole/emptiness. And she always refers to Tripp as my baby. I'm positive she loves him but her expectations are probably so high of him, and she is so emotionally immature, she is bound to have problems. Look where she learned her parenting skills.

    (ps yes Im in the psych field)

    what I don't get is why Sarah is viewed as the wonderful Christian mother. Chris Matthews is practically giving her the nomination for president. I come from a conservative family. They find Sarah crass, negative, tabloidy and trashy. They also think she's uneducated and narrow minded. They say all their friends do NOT think she is presidential material at all. So why does Matthews and others think she is capable. Besides being so way far too the right (EXTREMIST), her family is a big mess.

  23. Anonymous4:15 PM

    One of the articles said that she moved back in with her mom. What would breaking up with Levi have to do with moving?

    Bristol/SarahPAC bought Bristol's condo long ago. It was just for Bristol and Tripp. Since it wasn't something that belonged to her and Levi jointly (and that they supposedly hadn't been sharing *cough, cough*), why would she move out when she broke up with him?

    That makes no sense -- unless she has something to hide and needs to keep an expanding tummy behind a 14-foot fence for another five or six months or so.

    Gryphen, do you know why she moved?

  24. Anonymous4:29 PM

    They do not need a reality show, they are playing it out in the rags like the old days.(but now it hits the web before it gets into print)

    As for some one who likes the "limelight", Bristol look in the mirror. Immature like her mother.

    Levi has ruined his credibility for any kind of tell all book, so what is next for him? Weekend visitations & hefty child support checks?

    Just another episode of The Wasilla Shores.

    Looking good Uncle G, if I was only ten years older...

  25. Anonymous4:33 PM

    At least now she can continue on with her abstinence. I was beginning to doubt her commitment to the cause..

  26. Anonymous4:33 PM

    This is not surprising at all. Who thinks that they set Levi up to make the statement that he'd told lies about Sarah? Then they started the lie about Lanesia. Now, engagement off, Levi out, but nobody will believe anything he says anymore. So Sarah doesn't have to worry if he tells her real secrets.

    Could they possibly be that calculating and manipulative? They seem too stupid to be...

  27. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Anon at 3:47, actually she is still pregnant, and a diet isn't going to fix that. A "whiteout" episode would fix it, however.

  28. Linda Arizona4:36 PM

    Good grief.

    These kids need to be left alone for at least a year, don't you think? They are manic.

    Bristle's baby(s)need(s) mommy time. Let's hope she has quit her job to stay in the compound in order to care for her brood.

    What a mess. The only good thing coming out of this is a little schadenfreude from the thought of how angry Grifter Granny is!

    Please tell me she didn't get paid by People magazine? Pleeeeze.

  29. Sarah was worried about Joe McGinniss moving next door because he might invade her privacy?

    What privacy? This trash family airs all their dirty laundry for all the world to see... for money. Lots and lots of money.

    Sarah, baby, you will never be president.

  30. Anonymous4:41 PM

    ____ Why doesn't someone teach her not to share personal information for money. ____

    Bristol wasn't sharing personal information. She was deprogrammed and given a script. She was probably crying or emotional because she lost her pretend to be independent lovenest in Anchorage. She has one of the many Palin staff or family that are on her 24/7 like a hawk now that she is forced to stay in hiding at the compound.

    Do teenagers get over men that fast? She is already talking about finding a religious good family guy. She got over the "he played me, he is a jerk" that fast? Isn't there a "I hate men stage?" hmmmm.. I think she has a lousy scriptwriter.

  31. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Bristol: "I so much wanted [him] to be a real part of Tripp's life."

    I hate to break this to you, Sweetie: It's not your decision how much Levi is a part of Tripp's life. That's up to a judge to decide, and for you to sit there, shut up, and listen.

  32. Anonymous4:45 PM

    What's happening to "her" condo? Is it just going to sit vacant while she runs back home to mommy dearest?

    Bristol has played this "I hate you Levi" game before. I hope Levi demands a DNA test for "his" child.

    I don't think much of her whining nor Levi's willingness to play her game.

  33. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Oh for heaven's sake Gryphen, you aren't seriously going to suggest it would be appropriate to take a child away from a legally fit mother just because you don't like her. These are 2 stupid teenagers. Both have a history of doing stupid teenager things. But this is not a family. Bristol for all her faults needs to be supported in being the best mom she can be. This child doesn't need to be flip-flopped around by a baby-daddy that obviously isn't up to the task of parenting as much as he and his PR team want to try to spin it. Sure it would be nice for Tripp to have contact with extended biological family, but if it means he's constantly int he middle of warring factions, then that's not going to be best for him. I am so sick of hearing about parent's rights when it comes to child custody. The law is "best interest of the child", not "best interest of the parents", and you don't split kids up in half to make the parents happy.

  34. CorningNY4:48 PM

    I CAN. NOT. IMAGINE. if this were happening when $arah was vice president. The US would be the laughingstock of the whole world for electing this idiot. THANK YOU, voters, for not allowing this to happen.

  35. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I think Bristol is lying and it is beyond disgusting for her to use Lanesia's pregnancy to exact her revenge on Levi.

    First the National Enquirer runs a story with unnamed sources that paints Lanesia as a dirty whore. Then Bristol leverages that story to paint herself as the poor victim. As Palin says: there are no coincidences.

    First, of course Bristol alluded to Lanesia. The NE story was to convenient. And if there had been yet another girl, we would have heard about her by now.

    Second, Lanesia is what, 8 or 9 months pregnant. Are we really to believe that Levi has been with her in the last few months? Lanesia says she has a long term boyfriend and we haven't heard anyone speaking up to deny it.

    How shameful that the Palin's don't respect that new young family enough not to use them in their nasty media games.

  36. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Exactly, Angela.

  37. It's funny how Bristol thinks that people give a flying crap what she says or even believes her. Ditto Levi.

    Someone should pull these idiots aside and calmly inform that they are talentless hacks with no morals and yes, everyone can see thru their BS.

    Levi - how's that Palin thing working out for ya? I've said it before, I will say it again - blood is thicker than water. Maybe you might show your mother and sister some respect now that the Palins have once again, dumped you.

    Sarah Palin must be pulling what is left of her hair out. Her entire family is tabloid fodder and they are the ones giving the interviews! You see all sorts of salacious rumours about the Obamas but never have ANY Obama family member called a gossip mag for an exclusive. How embarrassing.......=D She deserves it, I hope there's more to come =D

  38. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I, for one, never believed that Levi lied about Palin. I think the only lie he's told was claiming to have lied.

    I hazard there are plenty who feel the same way.

    Levi, dump Tank and Rex. Get a real lawyer and get some justice. Love your kid. Stay away from Bristol, she's damaged goods. Love your kid. Apologize to your family. Love your kid. AND GET YOUR GED.

    Take the steps that show you are growing up and your credibility will be restored.

  39. Anonymous4:56 PM

    You're right, Anon 4:33, at least Britol can fall back on her abstinence.

  40. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Now, she'll have to be re-virginized, AGAIN (or is that "again and again and again and again and ...").

  41. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Demi Moore and Michael Douglas starred in a movie called Disclosure several years ago. Great movie. Douglas' character was accused of a steamy, sexual harassment complaint which consumed all his time and energy. An anonymous friend kept telling Douglas to "solve the problem" rather than focus on the drama and subterfuge of the sexual harassment charges.

    I almost feel like this is the same situation with the Palins. We are constantly focused on the drama and their latest tabloid headline, when we should focus on solving the problem.

  42. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Watch the "Let Me Finish" segment at the end of Hardball to get really scared. He is not supporting Palin because he says "The three scariest words in the English language: President Sarah Palin."

    Then he goes on to explain just how that nightmare could come to pass. I think he has finally realized she is nuts.

  43. Nadira4:59 PM

    Where is this Facebook page of Bristol's I keep hearing about?

  44. Anonymous5:00 PM

    The very sad part of this whole scenario is poor Tripp. How in the world is he receiving constant care and love when there are revolving men in and out of his life and mom has the emotional maturity of a second grader? Bristol is constantly angry, mean, and doesn't seem to have the capacity to parent maturely or in Tripp's best interests. If she had his best interests at heart, she would let him be with people who love him.

  45. Facebook Lurker5:01 PM

    Yup,the Facebook Lurker never lies...who told y'all this two weeks ago?

  46. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I'm sure the wedding will be back on as soon as some lucky magazine comes up with enough cash.

  47. Bristol says she broke up with Levi right after she told the nation they were about to be married. Seems clear she wasn't ever committed to the engagement.

    So there must have been a purpose, whether to extract Levi's apology to destroy his credibility, or to delay the custody hearing where his child support would probably be lowered and more visitation would be established, or just for Bristol to make an easy $100,000.

    Bristol's current life should be irrelevant unless she has custody of Ruffles or TriG. Her Unchristian, hateful treatment of others shows again and again that she is poison. Don't buy the magazines.

  48. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Anon@4:33 PM, surely you jest.

  49. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Right, she didn't know about the video. The whole world knew about the video. The shameless lying is hereditary I guess.

    Someone on another blog said, Bristol, the potential husband might want someone from a good family too.

  50. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I think that calling People and TMZ and InTouch and selling stories about your life and your family, should disqualify you for national office.

    or is it just me?

  51. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Bristol can't play at "independent" living because she has to be where the warden can have her watched every second of the day. She is a loose cannon if she gets out. They can feed her the lies she needs to remember and monitor her meds. I'm telling you that is how it is done.

    Levi didn't write that stupid apology. He allowed his name to be used and may not know what it said. If Bristol doesn't take him back for engagement3 in the next day or so he is doomed to obscurity for life. He can always get sex and work one of those jobs where he is far away from civilization. It is good he likes to hunt animals. He is not man enough to step up and clear Lanesia. She may have been in on the scheme to defraud the Enquirer and end their credibility. Sarah and team may be hillbillies but they are not all dumb. They play those kids pretty good but they are stupid and easy.

  52. I'd say right about now $arah needs a new wig. And a new hand to write on. And some more pills.

    say buh bye to 2012.

  53. Anonymous5:21 PM

    When Nic Cage and Lisa Marie Presley broke up, I cried for a week. When Michael Jackson and um... well... Lisa Marie Presley, again, broke up, I cried for a month. "Is true romance impossible, I sobbed, like the cynics say"?? Now THIS?? Damn it!! I really thought those two crazy Wasilla-billies were gonna make it! Now I'm binge eating mocha mocha choco-fudge brownie ice cream and projectile vomiting almost on the hour!!! Seriously, if two OBVIOUS soul mates like.... - what were their names again? Oh yeah, Pistol and Moishe! Oops, I mean Bristol and Levi - can't even have an engagement that lasts more than... um.. 2 weeks, what hope is there for the less promiscuous and less tabloid TV telegenic among us???? Im really distraught here. Hopefully they will have the opportunity to cash in and work things out before the unblinking cameras of a reality TV show on the All Palin, All The Time Tragi-Comedy Network, TLC.

  54. Anonymous5:25 PM

    cue a "pregnancy" announcement from Mama Palin in 3, 2, 1....

  55. HE played HER?!hahahaha
    Bristol accused him of loving the limelight?!
    Bristol displayed herself on several magazines with Tripp, speaks on behalf on Candies, and posed with Levi on their engagement.
    Bristol is "Media Whore Lite" while accusing Levi of loving the limelight. The Palin's are the skanks of the media.

  56. Anonymous5:31 PM

    1. Why did she move in with Toad and Quitter Granny when there is that nosy book writer next door? He's not going to pay her for any stories.

    2. So if she finds another Daddy for Tripp, does that mean that Levi is written out of the picture all together?

    3. Why has her mother not taught her she does not need a man. Of course SP has always had one, or two.

    4. Nothing is her fault.

    5. And who talks like that "Trust but Verify", well I googled it, and it was a phrase made famous by, drumroll please, Ronald Reagan. Oh that Sarah is so coy.

  57. Anonymous5:35 PM

    There are several possibilities:
    1. Levi and Bristol are putting on these theatrics because their original pitch of a reality show was turned down, not exciting enough. What's the story? Engaged, married, baby, so what? They want drama, I'll give them drama!
    2. Sarah's thirst for revenge out weighs rational decisions and thinking things out. No Levi, no way, no how! Surprise Sarah with an engagement announced (and paid for) in a magazine. Are you kidding? I'll show you who is making the announcements here, and it isn't going to be any unwed teens.
    3. Bristol is so mentally unstable that she cannot sustain a relationship longer than a week or so at a time. Outed by her mother, burdened with a kid while her friends are out there enjoying a good time, having to promote a cause that makes her look like a hypocrite, it would drive anyone crazy, especially for an immature teen aged girl.
    4. Levi is immature and can't commit. He has no GED and no good job prospects. He was a flash in the pan, what can he do to support them when the reality show fizzled?
    5. Do the Palins realize that they are playing this out in front of a next door neighbor who might just write about them in a book? They don't think about how stupid this really looks. Joe doesn't need to look over the fence; they are feeding him more info than he can keep up with.

  58. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Can you still be a Candies rep if you've been re-re-re-virginized? (Levi and everybody before him, re virginized, Ben Barber, re virginized, Levi again, re-virginized.

  59. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Bristol, If you're getting re-virginized again, I've hear of places in the Orient that can create a new hymen. They do it to sell "virgins" over and over to rich businessmen in high classed brothels.

    Just trying to help!

  60. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Nothing says presidential like giving quotes to People magazine about you daughter's teenage on-again, off-again romance with the father of her baby.

    And, people don't need to leave Bristol and Levi alone. THEY need to leave US alone...Sarah, too.

  61. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Wow. To think that it's almost 2 years since John McCain foisted the dipshit from Wasilla on an unsuspecting nation and not only is SHE still an issue, but we're hearing the nitty gritty about her idiot daughter's trashy relationship problems. This country is so doomed.

  62. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Carli at 4:40, you nailed it.

  63. Anonymous6:07 PM

    It does appear that Bristol is BFF with a few staffers at TMZ. Sure makes me wonder if those Target pictures were a plant. Gosh, the new Bristol baby will be born and locked in the Palin Compound basement with all the other missing Trigs!

  64. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Take that Sarah Palin!

    "Speaking on Governor's Island, misty-eyed New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg praised a decision to allow an Islamic center to be built near Ground Zero."

    Mayor Bloomberg Delivers Teary-Eyed Defense Of Ground Zero Islamic Center


  65. Anonymous6:10 PM

    You know how Sarah really doesn't read (or reads everything, but can't name them)? Well, perhaps the reason she (and her daughter) are selling and talking with the tabloids, is because that's what they read! I can see it now. Before she was selected for VP, she read the National Inquirer. That is why she is so comfortable with them.

  66. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Hmmn, the National Enquirer doesn't seem to be backing off its Lanesia story -- i.e., that Levi is a potential baby daddy for Lanesia's baby. Here's the quote that's up at the Enquirer's website:

    "During their first split, Levi reunited with an old girlfriend and now she's pregnant.

    While Bristol did not name the woman, one of Levi's ex-gal pals, has denied he's the father.

    Although Levi has been linked to several women, sources told The ENQUIRER exclusively that he could be the father."

    If Lanesia doesn't sue since she has been portrayed as the whore of Wasilla, I say either (a) Levi is in fact a potential baby daddy for Lanesia's baby; or (b) Lanesia is being paid off by someone.

    As the world turns, in Wasilla, the Meth capital of Alaska . . . where all the men are stupid and all the girls are knocked up by age 20.

  67. Aussie Blue Sky6:11 PM

    Sheesh, and I gave it eight weeks.

    Well, I certainly hope Miss "strong and independent" Two-Bit Tramp will return that very large diamond.

  68. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Think about the lovely wedding that took place last weekend. Chelsea Clinton was the model of a mature young woman all through the years her parents were in the national spotlight. And her engagement and wedding (apparently) resembled a match certainly made in heaven. Proud parents, scenic surroundings, and the best of good manners.

    And then we have Sarah Palin and her proud white-trash family from Wasilla with all the gory details provided by gossip periodicals. The on-again off-again relationship that involved fornication at some forbidden location like the front seat of a pickup truck.

    Are any others as embarrassed by Sarah Palin and her "hillbillies" as I am?

  69. Anonymous6:21 PM

    The whole bunch are low brow uneducated hillbillies. Sarah Palin can't run her own household, much less run a state or a country.

    It's a huge hypocritical joke when Mama Grizzly lashes out that the media won't let her family alone when she and her "chips off the ole block" run to every rag they can to sell their lastest family melodrama.

  70. Anonymous6:23 PM

    4:47 PM said... "The law is "best interest of the child", not "best interest of the parents", and you don't split kids up in half to make the parents happy."

    At one time Levi asked for joint custody. That happens when there is a divorce or the parents were never married. It is not splitting kids up in half to make the parents happy.

    Bristol has not allowed Tripp to bond with Levi. That is a done deal (Tripp is 19 months). Ben Barber may have been with him more. Tripp may have felt like he was split in half when she dumped Ben. Who cares about that? Certainly not Bristol.

    No one wants a child taken from their parents. If there are severe mental heath problems, over medicated or other problems it may be in the best interest of the child not to be with the parent or parents.

    They have been trying to sell that crap about Bristol is a good mom and the best mom she can be like they sell she is a nice girl and the re-re-virgin scam. The "legally fit mother" is highly questionable when it comes to Bristol. She has been supported to try and be the best mom she can be. What did she do? She flunked.
    A chronic habitual liar is hiding a lot more that you won't see. You have no way to be sure she is legal or fit. Her crimes must be investigated. I think it is more apparent that Bristol is scheming and doing great harm to other peoples children with her lies. Her hoax is no better then her mothers. Except she is not pretending to run for a political office yet.

  71. Anonymous6:25 PM

    "Bristol Palin just told TMZ she is "heartbroken" in the wake of her split with her baby daddy Levi Johnston ... explaining, "I so much wanted [him] to be a real part of Tripp's life.""

    Ahh, the Palin trump card is played: If Levi isn't married or about to be married to Bristol, he can't be a "real part of Tripp's life"? Only in SarahLand. "OBEY" or you're under the bus.

    Bristol was jerked back to the compound because of the nationwide gossip about her live-in-boyfriend - whether Ben or Levi living there.

    Sarah: "How can we say you're a virgin if you're not acting like a virgin?"

    Bristol: "But, mommy, it's always worked for you, why not for me? Besides, it's getting crowded around here, what with Track and Willow on short leashes AND then there's that guy next door."

    Sarah: "Shut up Bristol. Take care of your kids and OBEY."

  72. Remember when the "Wide Right Wing" conspiracy set up President Clinton to be impeached???? Then Larry Flynt offered ONE MILLION DOLLARS to anyone who would come forward to expose the infidelity of any seated member of Congress....how many soon left their seats???? Gee makes one wistful for the Larry Flynt school of truth hunting.

  73. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Jeepers. . forget Discovery Channel, the Palin family is in need A&E's Intervention.

    The moral of this ridiculous saga is. . .wear a condom and practice safe sex, at least to keep track of who's baby is who's. Funny, the Candie's ambassador has never even mentioned that.

    But Bristol might take some of her own advice before jumping to get engaged/get unengaged and spill her beans to the next magazine (isn't that craving the limelight???) - Pause. Take some deep breaths before you make your next leap. . .

  74. hannah_bell6:39 PM

    Gryph, I just wanted to make sure you'd seen this astute and observant write-up on Strumpet & Duh:

    (via dlisted.com)
    A few weeks ago, Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston conjured up a wave of eye rolls by declaring their recycled love for each other on the cover of UsWeekly. While Bristol and Levi counted their cash on the table, they said something about how they were getting married soon...blah...barf...blah. But cancel the taxidermy wedding cake topper, because Bristol has run off to People to tell them that the wedding is dead! Bristol has quit Levi, because she says he's more interested in humping the spotlight than humping on her.

    Speaking from her glass house while holding a giant pot, Bristol said, "It's over. I broke up with him. The final straw was him flying to Hollywood for what he told me was to see some hunting show but come to find out it was that music video mocking my family. He's just obsessed with the limelight and I got played.

    Through this whole experience I know I need a man who's going to be completely honest with me and someone who loves me and Tripp and wants to be with him all the time. I also want someone who has religious beliefs and a good family."

    What Bristol is really trying to say is that they expected to get a 6-figure reality show deal out of this charade. But when the only deal that landed in their inbox was for a pack of Pampers per episode from Wasilla Public Access, Bristol said fuckit and bounced.

    And Bristol needs to stop it with this "I got played" shit. The only bitch here that got played is me, because I'm writing about it! You got played too, because you're reading about it. Hell, the only bitches that aren't getting played are Bristol and Levi. All of us should be on the cover of People with the tagline, "WE GOT PLAYED!"

  75. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Although Levi has been linked to several women, sources told The ENQUIRER exclusively that he could be the father."

    You know there are only about 10 people in Wasilla. The Levi/Bristol clique is even smaller. I'm going to look at my friends massive collection of the Levi/Bristol pals camping and parties in Wasilla. See if I can't guess who would get knocked up by Levi.

  76. This sickens me beyond belief, but you know what? Let Bristol keep spouting off publicly like this because in the long run, it will help to KILL her mother's chance at the presidency. This is SOO not "First Family" behavior and it has gone way beyond, "Every family has its problems" as they tried to spin Bristol's pregnancy in the first place. No, not all families have these kinds of issues. We do NOT need nor want to see this Palin family bullshit. I'm sick to death of it.

  77. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Anonymous 6:10, the National Enquirer knows how to cover its tracks. Your quote shows that: "Although Levi has been linked to several women, sources told The ENQUIRER exclusively that he could be the father."

    Besides your two guesses, there's another reason that Lanesia can't sue them. The NE hides behind the statement that they didn't say it themselves -- they were just repeating what "sources" said.

  78. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I want to know why the "lamestream media" will report on Sarah Palin's every moronic Facebook post or tweet and Bristol Palin's insane relationship problems, but GOD FORBID they call Sarah Palin out for any of her bullshit. Such as: Why are you crying that there's a reporter next door who's invading your privacy when you and your trash daughter have the gossip rags on speed dial, ready to share the gory details of your sad lives?!

    What is in People today will be on CNN tomorrow, folks. This is so beyond ridiculous, it's pathetic.

  79. Anonymous7:00 PM

    If I was a real conspiracy theorist, I would say that this whole mysterious pregnant ex-girlfriend of Levi's isn't Lanesia, but a convenient surrogate and imaginary womb for Bristol's newest bundle of joy. When the imaginary ex-girlfriend "gives birth," the imaginary ex-girlfriend will give up all imaginary parental rights to the imaginary baby. Then Bristol and Levi will magically get back together to raise Levi's (and shhhh, Bristol's) newest spawn together with Tripp. What a big heart Bristol has to raise Levi's baby he made with his imaginary ex-girlfriend.

    Now, I know this scenario is laughably outrageous, something out of a soap opera. Of course, the Palins' life IS a soap opera, so, you never know.

  80. Anonymous7:02 PM

    This whole drama was planned and staged by the trailer trash Sarah Palin. After the fake rekindle of their relationship; Bristol convinced Levi to go to the press and tell them he lied about her family. Now Levi is branded a liar and no one in the media will believe him.

    If Levi has some credible damaging evidence on the Palin family, I hope he does, he should tell it anyway, regardless if no one believes him. It may lead to further investigations. Better yet, I suggest he visit Joe McGinnis or Geoffrey Dunn. Expose this family for the trash they are!!

  81. Anonymous7:02 PM

    hannah-bell, I LOVE dlisted. Thanks for posting that. We surely did get played. Or, at least, Us and People did.

  82. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Come on Levi. If nothing else, resolve to have nothing to do with Bristol again. Sure, see your son...but the Palin family is going down.
    God, I can't believe we're talking about these people.
    This Palin family will do everything in it's power to destroy you Levi.
    Get out now and write a book.
    Get good legal council and hit the PALIN'S HARD!

  83. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Re Anonymous at 6:49 p.m., I'm a lawyer and no, you can't hide behind "sources say." Not a defense if, in fact, the statement is libelous.

  84. Anonymous7:20 PM

    The only people who got "played" here is the media. Bristol is crying all the way to the bank.
    Disgusting...so sick of all their lies and stupid drama.

  85. emrysa7:21 PM

    all right gryphen this is what I am now wondering.

    what if this whole "get back together with levi" episode was staged to cover for bristol's latest pregnancy? they can say it's levi's kid and make it look like she hasn't been sleeping around with other guys.

    if so, then I wonder - will levi get a dna test this time?

  86. Anonymous7:24 PM

    There is a big part of this story that I will never understand; why Levi wants to be a Dad at 19 or 20 years old. Why not just step away from the drama and get a paternity test and pay Bristol the child support IF the child is yours and go about your life?

    Why live in a loveless relationship just because there is a child? He should just leave it and get on with his life. Most guys his age would do just that. I don't know a single kid his age that is looking to be married with children.

    Granted, he should get his child support payments adjusted, but let Bristol house it and raise it. As long as he pays his fair share he does not have to be present or even have visitation. There will be other women and other children. This is too messy, get out. (just my opinion; that's what i'd do if I was Levi....)

  87. There are so many good comments here. I just want her and her very sick family to go away.

  88. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Chelsea vs. Bristol
    Class vs. ass

  89. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Wow, did Levi ever get played. They pretended Bristol wanted to marry him and that he could have his son, if only he'd tell the world he lied about Sarah. So he does, and they yank the rug out from under him. You can be damned sure Bristol knew about LG's pregnancy before the "engagement"; it was her ace in the hole, to be brought out and played as the excuse for the breakup.

    If Levi had any sense--which he obviously doesn't--he'd come out and say, "Yes, I said things about Sarah that weren't true: I said she's the birth mother of TriG and she's NOT." And he would spill ALL the other dirt, including the illegal stuff, that he has on her NOW. I know he won't do it because the idiot is STILL hoping for a reconciliation, but it's not gonna happen, Levi. If you want your son you're going to have to fight the devil to get him. Grow some of those cojones Sarah admires.

  90. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Isn't Bristol the pregnant former girlfriend?????

  91. This story is just so bizarre. Bristol screws People Magazine telling them the relationship is over. A few days later, there is a big engagement announcement with rose petals on the bed, no less. at US Weekly for $100,000. Now she is back to People Magazine crying and telling them the engagement is off. What is it with these tabloid magazine's employees who still think that this couple's life is remotely interesting?
    The last straw, Levi told her he was going to see a hunting show in Hollywood. WHAT!! Now, that is believable!You could forgive him for fathering another child but lying about his whereabouts in Hollywood was far more important. Bristol, darling, they have internet connections in Wasilla. If I saw, not that I was interested, that Levi was in negotiations for a music video. It was all over the bloody internet. Since the people in the United States are treated each week to such intellectual and thought provoking fare such as "The Jersey Shore", is this another ruse to get your reality show? You know Week 1: Reconciliation, Week 2- Engagement, Week 3- Break-up, Week 4- to be announced.
    Either you ,two are stupid,manipulative or both, you need to get in touch with reality. Your living the reality show now and no network is paying you. They don't need too. Your family is giving it away for free. it wouldn't be so bad if you weren't hurting innocent people who get in your way.

  92. Anonymous7:36 PM

    The only people who got "played" here is the media. Bristol is crying all the way to the bank.
    Disgusting...so sick of all their lies and stupid drama.

    I don't understand how the media got played? I'm sure they sold equal if not more copies than they would have otherwise regardless of the cover story. Serves the media right if theyre going to feed the public bullshit fluff stories like this. Leave it to the bullshit opinion blogs to discuss people's personal lives.

    Have you ever felt sympathetic or shown respect for any media person/entity? No one's unbiased anymore. MSNBC's purely liberal, FOX is purely conservative, CNN, NBC and ABC are boring and politically correct.

    The next Tim Russert, cmon down. Save us from ourselves.

  93. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Do you suppose the National Enquirer will have paparazzi camped out around the Palin place trying to get the first confirmed shot of the baby belly? I wouldn't put it beyond them.
    M from MD

  94. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Bristol moved out of her condo because Dirk Diggler was always over there taking pictures.

  95. Anonymous8:00 PM

    If you'd like to add your name, see:

    Tell Sarah Palin to Go Back to Alaska" petition at


  96. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Some here are asking why Bristol went back home. I thought I read somewhere where she told a tabloid? that she was taking a few months off with Tripp on an RV. How is that for more confusion in an already confused setting?

    Restless people who can't stay home and develop a comfortable pattern for their kids do their kids no favors. Always have to be on the road; live at parents, then to a condo, move out go back home, barely there, live in an RV. Not a great atmosphere for a little boy sleeping his head on a different pillow every few months, when this male stranger appears in his life - leaves, then another comes in, he's told it's daddy, then he leaves. There's a name for this.

    Neglect. In the sense that it does not allow a child to grow in a secure home with the same people around him. Look, foster kids who go from home to home under the care of new foster parents, take a hard knock on their emotional health by all that constant change. Either someone in their life is leaving, or they are moving away.

  97. Anonymous8:21 PM

    The Harper's article where Tripp was featured looking neglected and Bristol as a self adsorbed narcissist said it all. Why would she surround an innocent child with all that sugar? I get nauseated if I smell too much sugar and I would avoid being around that. A child will get addicted and find comfort for life in an empty poisonous product like that.

    I don't know who planted the TMZ photos but now we know what crap she stocks up on. Pepsi. Gag. Tripp will probably develop diabetes or worse. It is no joke about the ravages of sugar and whatnots.

  98. Earmark Ulu8:24 PM

    "Hunting show...in Hollywood"??

  99. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Just pay child support but have nothing else to do with his son? Can't imagine who might suggest such a thing. Cold.

  100. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Congrats Sarah!! You and your family are nothing more than trailer trash.


  101. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Momma... this is Levi... you are right... the Palins tricked me into apologizing and saying I lied about Sarah and now that I've done it.... Bristol has dumped my white trash azz. Momma ken I come home?

  102. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Anon 7:21, I thought exactly the very same thing.
    It makes a lot of sense! In six months the baby shows up "pre-maturely" and they can declare it was Levis all along. It makes it seem like she slipped just once. And she was really abstinent except for this. Maybe Levi was even paid to make it look like his baby. It's easy to sell to the devoted too.. ...oh those kids, on and off again.

  103. And while the Godless, Un-American Socialist Clintons revel in their very accomplished daughters perfectly pure marriage to her wonderful new husband, setting a horrible example for the rest of the country! (LOL), under that horrible GODLESS Obama administraiton, the angelic, perfect, holier then though GOD FEARING CHRISTIAN family of the Palins, who is probably going to actually attempt to run against a good family man, with a wife much more beautiful then Sarah could ever hope to be, with two adorable children with relatively normal names who act like well brought up young ladies, the irony of it is just so...

    ...delisciously ...sweet

  104. I don't see much difference between Jerry Springer's trashy shows and the Palins making bigger bucks doing the same thing. One difference is the Palin family is far more trashy for they can't stop seeking attention to their low class, constant sexual attention which is senstionalism The Palins keep soliciting the publicity. What a load of crap posturing as "chirstian and a "decent family". Bristol is on the level of Tiger's porn star sex partners and prostitutes out for money.

    Overall, none of this passes the smell test. I smell a set up rank of cold calculation, conniving, pure evil by Bristol Palin and her parents behind this. What sane parent would not tell the kid to stfu..cut the support enabling this?

    I believe Levi took the bait, was set up, traded in his last shred of integrity lured into a trap for pure one sided gain.

    What smells about this is first Bristol talks to People and a few days later she is engaged. she lied to People for she was already engaged. Then on the heels of announcing the engagement she immediately breaks it. then, all this vile slsander comes out..it is so set up..to go down like dominos.;;Levi got set up right before the custody hearing, declare himself as a liar to allegedly get in Sarah's good graces, and destroy his remaining shreds of character alleged sleeping with a young slut of Wasilla. Way to go Bristol..stabbing him in the back...crying on the phone to a major tabloid about your humiliation.

    Gryphen, you nailed it before all of this tawdry trash broke out that Palin is tying up loose ends. levi is boud and gagged ow a branded liar, slutty guy hertbreaker of a seet virgin christian girl from a perfect christain family.

    Truth will come out clearly in time.

  105. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Good family?? Religious beliefs? Let's see if I can explain it to you Bristol.

    Your grandma Sally was pregnant when she married your grandpa Chuck. Pretty shocking because that was at a time when most women were in fact abstinent before marriage. (Come on, just ask Grammy for the wedding date, the date of the birth of her first born and whether Uncle Chuckie was full-term).

    Then your mom Sarah, continuing the family tradition, was pregnant when she married your dad Todd. Some people, in fact, say that Track is your half-brother, and that mommy only married daddy because Track's biological father wouldn't have her, but only a DNA test would tell for sure.

    Then your brother Track had a drug problem and got in trouble for cutting the brakes of a school bus. And your little sister Willow likes to break and enter houses.

    And you, of course, were either so stupid or careless that you got yourself knocked up at least once in high school (but thank God, you are making a bundle off your little "mistake").

    Good family? Religious beliefs? Not where I come from. Please refudiate.

  106. Tommorrow's headline:


    "I'm a single mom and doing it all alone and I quite my gig at the dental office."

  107. In "The Kids Are All Right," NYT columnist Gail Collins extols the virtuous civic contributions - local and global - of First Kids Amy Carter, Jenna and Barbara Bush, and Chelsea Clinton.


    And in just three sentences, two of which are about Chelsea Clinton, she cuts Bristol off at the knees:

    "Before she went off to Columbia to study public health policy, she worked for a New York management consulting firm and a hedge fund where her colleagues unanimously (and off-the-recordly) reported that she was a stupendously hard worker. She recognized early on that when celebrity is thrust on you, the trick is to learn to do something besides being famous.

    (Talking to you, Bristol.)"

  108. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Off the subject: Palin should get a clue:

    NY Mayor's Michael Bloomberg's eloquent speech today on moving forward with the mosque and cultural center "near" - not "at" - the WTC site is a worthwhile read (or video).


  109. Enjay in E MT9:45 PM

    Was nice of them to stay together till the check cleared, wasn't it?

    We should expect an exclusive re-re-engagement before the Christmas holidays, they'll need some spending money for the holiday shopping.

    Just in case MzQuitter is paying attention:
    Howz that loosin' the election thing goin' for ya?

  110. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Re-virgination, then re-engagement, and now I'm Re-puking!

  111. Ratfish11:30 PM

    Yawn. Just REFUDIATE this stuff.


    Huge loss for Palin tonight in Kansas. Todd Tiahrt- a Palin endorsee- was defeated.

  112. I guess I'm a little confused by the fact Bristol's so heartbroken... that she cried all over the phone to a gossip website.

    Do these two kids never have actual conversations? It doesn't seem to take much for Bristol to break things off, just a possibility of difficulty.

    Yeah, that'll make for a long, loving, secure, and stable marriage -- to someone.

    And if Levi *has* possibly gotten someone else pregnant, than he's either got super sperm or a little head that does way more thinking for him than his big head.

  113. Anonymous3:08 AM

    dude really?


  114. Anonymous3:43 AM

    The Palin apples don't fall far from the tree.

  115. Anonymous3:49 AM

    I have checked the Us Magazine web site a few times... no mention whatsoever of Levi and Bristol LOL.

  116. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Sarah is probably mad because Bristol did not wait to get pregnant, what baby will she have to carry around in 2012. Oh, I guess Willow could be the next mommie.

  117. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Sarah was definitely tying up loose ends before announcing her intent to run for president.

    Bristol is pregnant again (probably by Ben, not Levi). Bristol hooks up with Levi, promises him marriage and full-time fatherhood IF he apologizes for the lies he told about her family, especially Sarah. Then Bristol dumps Levi and tells the whole world what a dirtbag he is.

    The plan: Poor Bristol. She thought Levi had changed, but found out he is just as terrible as ever. And he got her pregnant again! But she is strong and, with the help of her loving family, will raise her two children by herself.

    And saying that Levi fathered both children makes Bristol look less slutty and will excuse her abstinence lapse.

  118. Bristol says she feels,"...trapped." She got pregnant on purpose, to make up for the first or second baby she couldn't keep. They WILL announce Bristol's pregnancy and have everyone assume it's a discredited Levi's. A setup from the get-go. No wonder People didn't bitch about being played. Listening to the contributors talk on The Early Show this morning, lets me know the Palin Puppeteer's plan is going along swimmingly.

  119. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Guys, we can analyze this left, right and sideways but the truth is that no matter how Palin is "playing" this, it's not going to work. So this circus side show is "tying up loose ends"? Excuse me while I piss myself laughing.

    This country may be dumbed down but it is not so dumb that its citizens would elect this pathetic excuse for a matriarch into the WH. There is a tiny percentage of people who actually DO want someone "just like me" in the WH. TINY. The majority want someone there who they can look up to and aspire for their families to be like hers. Palin is clearly not that person.

    George W. Bush was "just like us" BUT he is old money, from a political dynasty (and has a fairly stable, non-embarrassing immediate family). Jenna Bush getting caught drinking is NOT equivalent to selling an "I got played" sob story to People, not to mention the Us Mag crap. No, that's Springer stuff. Not Presidential, not even close.

    The media will continue to hold her hand and pretend that this nonsense is news, but that's because she's not actually running yet.

  120. Anonymous5:51 AM

    What a farce this whole thing is. Too bad, so sad. Sarah, you have surely sold yourself to the highest bidder. Money, the ROOT of ALL evil...remember?

  121. Ratfish5:57 AM

    "HE's just obsessed with the limelight?"

    But she isn't- she doesn't get paid to be on magazine covers, trashy TV shows, etc.

    Does she?

  122. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Anon @ 7:28 pm

    "Class vs. ass"
    So succinct. So true.

    Anon @ 7:32 pm

    "Isn't Bristol the pregnant former girlfriend?????"
    Oh, that is such a perfect question. Thanks for asking the obvious (which I overlooked).

  123. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Will she quit on Visalia?

    Bristol Palin, daughter of Sarah Palin, will be the guest speaker at the Tulare-Kings Right to Life's 15th annual "Making a Difference for Life" Fundraising Banquet, 7 p.m. Sept. 28 at Visalia Convention Center, 303 E. Acequia Ave., Visalia, California
    Cost; $65 for individual tickets and $495 for table of eight.

  124. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Bristol is trapped. Can you imagine having Mommy Dearest have staff move you out of your independence symbol after a few months? Nineteen with child, the independence coming out in Harper's Bizarre where she plugged and approved her mother for President. Only drugs can keep her from feeling the humiliation.

    I don't trust anything from the creeps of Wasilly. Not even the Fakebook appearance that she is or will remain at the compound. She could be throwing people off while she hides elsewhere.

    She can always cancel the Visalia "speech" if she is not in shape for that. When is her court date for the best interest of Tripp?
    After seeing the crap she buys at Target I can only imagine how she feeds that child. She needs to dispel the pregnant rumors by talking about her diet and showing us indisputable verification that gut is not Ben Barber's little fetus.

    Moving her out of the condo like she is an idiot child was lame. Did you see that condo? What were they thinking when they set her up in a 3 story place while she is such a "good mother" with a toddler? Don't good mothers look for a place that is more accommodating for a child? Was there a fenced yard where children play? When SarahPac bought that place for her she had in mind a sex shack for her and Ben. I don't see it was ever about Tripp, that poor prop. The HP photo of as a mess his mother didn't have time or care to present well. That says it all about what a good mother she is.

    She was saying she was down with Sarah for prez yet the set her up in a place that would not accommodate the press. I don't think she is only dumb I think she was thinking only about a place for sex and Ben. According to Ben they had been dating since December. By February she was ready to get it on in a bachelorette type place. Not one for a child and not one for a daughter who would be campaigning.

  125. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Doesn't matter which way it went,being set up by the palins or being dumb enough to fall for what Bristol says yet again .It keeps the palin name in the news one way or the other.I grew up in a town much smaller then Wasilla and I know how people are,so I really feel sorry for Mercedes and how some people treat her.Hopefully she can get on the same money train as the palins and Levi seem to me and help herself and her mother out.


    Everybody is looking for Levi's Baby Mama number 3 or what it is. Media wants to clarify the rumors.
    Where are all the photographs of the Lake House wild parties in Wasilla. She would be in those I betcha! If she is not a total fabrication. Not hearing from Nesia and Sadie is dumb struck. If there is another Levi bun in the oven FIND BABY MAMA or prove Bristol lies.

  127. Anonymous7:45 AM

    The saddest thing in all this is now that a 3rd generation of kids in one family is/will be forever tainted by idiotic activity by a "parent" (using the term w/ full sarcasm).

    It's highly likely that in 10-15 years, the 4th screwed up generation will be front and center in their own dramas and idiotic activity.

    May we, the sane who deal with real life in private, be far away from the headline blaring "media" and tucked safely still in our PJ's in the basement.

  128. Got to love Perez Hilton for seeing through Bristol's BS:

    Bitch is as big a fame-whore as effing Levi Johnston!

    Face it, people! She got together with him for the publicity and now she broke up with for the publicity. She's doing interviews all over town, while her baby is probably off somewhere being raised by his YOUNGER AGED uncle.

  129. From Hollywood Life (so much gossip today!):

    Our source, who has created and executive-produced several very highly-rated and well-known reality series in the last decae, reveals that a $1.5 million reality deal was on the table for Bristol and Levi. One stipulation from the producers who made the offer: The couple’s 19-month-old son, Tripp, had to be part of the show.

    Once the offer was made we’re told, however, the couple “completely disappeared.”

    It turns out the former couple was so close to sealing a deal that the reality TV producer sent an advnce producer to Anchorage, Alaska, in order to meet with Bristol and Levi. But as soon as the producer arrived, Bristol and Levi were nowhere to be found. Our source tells us Bristol and Levi “didn’t answer any calls” and it was “completely shocking” when the couple stopped communicating with him.

    Our reality TV executive clears up one thing: Levi had NO interested buyers for a solo reality show, and there have been no takers on his book proposal.

  130. Mama Duck8:46 AM

    Does Levi have any brain cells?
    He was used the first time by the Palins - cleaned up and paraded as Bristol's bethrothed for the RNC, then discarded;
    and now, here he is used again, he'll be the cover story for another Bristol unintentional pregnancy.
    Saddled with another child support payment too, you betcha.

  131. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Too bad Hollywood Life is crap. The executive can't be named and there are no dates. They do not even try to make it look like it happened.

  132. imnofred9:18 AM

    This whole thing reeks of Sarah involvement. She was able to convince Bristol to play nice with Levi, get him to publicly apologize, and then kick him to the curb.

    Levi is obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed. He has been played like a violin. Bristol is a worthless, money grubbing piece of trash, just like mom.

  133. I really want to write Tina Fey to propose a new show about a trashy immoral fornicating family/media whores that pretend they are pure as Jesus himself based on the Palin family members. Hell, maybe she'll write the show and give me money for the concept. Hell...let's all make money off the Palin's!! lol First I need to go to clown school to join that circus!

    Can we hold a bake sale to pay for the numerous paternity tests to determine who is having whom's baby and pregnancy tests too?

    It is so laughable Bristol calling Levi on him "only wantign the limelight". I recall Bristol signing up with the speakers bureau, her 'acting' debut..Hollywood grab (grifting bags), Piper's hair is highlighted, Todd and Scarah doing a relaity show with the Gosselins, the email to Harpers solciting a phot shoot at her condo, the I am not a tease...slut..just sexy Virgin Candie's gig, oops..I got knocked up unwed...boohooo...calling People..waahhhh...Levi's a media...seeker...wow! If I were Levi I'd be trying to get my wits about me from the trash flying that hit the fan.

    I don't perceive the vido Levi is doing as "humiliating" the Palins..it's the truth...a meddlesome parent who now dragged their daughter home making sure she can't do a reality show..only Scarah can!

    I almost puked listsening to MSNBC about "poor " Bristol. The Palin spin I pray boomerangs and hits them in the head. I'd bet money Sarah had her call people to blame Levi. What a crock about a "hunting show" in Hollywood.

    So many people need plastic surgery to remove the treadmarks and get the knives out of their backs.

  134. Anonymous said: I, for one, never believed that Levi lied about Palin. I think the only lie he's told was claiming to have lied.

    I agree. Even if Levi went along with some stupid shit. I still think what he said the first break up was true. Sarah is doing exactly what he said she would do. Make money, write a book, make money, did I mention make money?

    I don't care if she is on People mag every day, I don't buy it, just as long as I never see her in a political office.

  135. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Bristol really has class
    Cant wait to see her in the WH
    in 2013

  136. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Time for Levi to man up and set the record straight with Lanesia and Brianna, if the stories are false. They shouldn't have to be evolved in Bristol's and Levi's BS. Make up with his mom and sister then get a DNA on Tripp, attend night school and get a job then think seriously about that book. Time to grow up Levi! Forget about the Palin's the only one you should care about in that family is Tripp, if he's your son..

    I you continue the way your going I think you are part of the scam!


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