Wednesday, January 05, 2011

The Crypt Keeper's daughter calls Cenk Uygur "retarded" on Twitter. Look another chance for Sarah Palin to prove she is not a hypocrite!

So Ann "I live off of the blood of young children" Coulter tweeted the following:

Great video: head of GOProud interviewed by retarded person on MSNBC -
17 hours ago via web

Oh no she didn't just use the "R" word knowing how that inflames the anger of Snowdrift Snooki!  Why yes I do believe she did!

So WILL the Grizzled Mama rise up on her hairy hind legs and deliver a Twitter smackdown to Coulter for being such an insensitive bitch?  Or will she ignore it like she did when Rush used the word because in Palin's world conservatives get a free pass and only Democrats are held accountable.

Well here is Sister Sarah's only tweet so far today, so judge for yourselves.

Congrats Spkr Boehner;appreciate ur humble words accepting The People's House leadership.Now action can be taken against out-of-control govt
39 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

I have said it before, but it bears repeating. Sarah Palin is the queen of hypocrisy.


  1. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Ann and Rush are nasty people who have no souls. They sold it a long time ago for cash. Snooki knows she can't go up against them because they will give her a NASTY smack down. That's the thing about bullies like Palin. At heart, they are just cowards.

  2. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Good thing old Ann is a Christian, or else there is
    no telling what she might have called him!

  3. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Everyone should go to Ann Coulter's twitter page and retweet it to @sarahpalinusa

  4. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I cannot stand to see her any more with her ridiculous flag pin!!! Who wears such a thing besides her?

  5. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Sarah Palin insulates herself in her mind to a world where she has no past. She is a sociopath. All of her previous mistakes are "taken out of context".

    The internet is the finest thing ever devised for combatting a sociopath. And best of all, Sarah Palin has not realized it.

    The magical world where Trig "popped out" of Sarah Palin is just a whisk of the keyboard by one of the Republican stooges that scrubbed the computers. Now that's a PAST that will really make Palin sit down and shut ... up.

  6. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:24 PM

    "Congrats Spkr Boehner;appreciate ur humble words accepting The People's House leadership.Now action can be taken against out-of-control govt"

    Translation: "Government by the paste-eaters for the paste-eaters."

    And, instead of working on a constructive way to create jobs for Rill Murikans, the bright shiny new Neocon House will spend precious time over the next two days ceremoniously picking and choosing parts of the Constitution to read aloud. It probably has the same meaning to most of them as My Pet Goat. That's before they try to decimate the Health Care Bill.

    And, SP will be instructed to say nothing about Ann Colt-Face's "retarded" remark.

    BTW, Gryphen, your posts are just getting more and more laugh-out-loud funny in a GOOD way. I think we'll all need a sense of humor/irony over the next two years!

  7. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Since there was no comment by Sarah, I guess it is okay to use the word Retarded in 2011.

    So screw Sarah and her entire retarded homophobic family.

  8. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Let's put up a countdown clock and see how long it takes for Sarah to call out Ann for using the R word. If it's wrong for Emanuel, it's wrong for Coulter. Man up, and show your cojones, Sarah, get touch and call out one of your own. You can't let that insult stand.

  9. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Calling Coulter an insensitive bitch implies that she's a female. I don't think so.

  10. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Ding Dong the witch(Pelosi) is dead. Well, not dead dead but you get the idea.

  11. Anonymous2:55 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Ding Dong the witch(Pelosi) is dead. Well, not dead dead but you get the idea.

    2:41 PM"

    And what have you accomplished in YOUR life?
    Let me guess--you've got a DOUBLE wide!
    You are a brain surgeon AND and a fry cook?
    Way to go, Jethro!

    I'd rather have a Pelosi at my dining table than
    any Palin. Coulter, Malkin, etc, etc.

  12. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Calling Palin the queen of hipocracy won't bother her. She doen't know what it means, and would probably like the fact you likened her to a Queen.

  13. OT but has anyone checked on the Palins?????,0,1297139.story

  14. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Remember when mAnn Coulter was the republican it girl? and how eveyone hated her? and how she has faded into almost obscurity? that is going to happen to Palin, too. also. and soon.

  15. To Anonymous at 2:37 PM

    Rahm did not call a person that word. Rahm said that a certain 'idea' was retarded.

    So what Ann Coulter did is 1000 times worst since she actually said it about an actual person!

    Can't wait to see if this story goes viral :)

    1. Anonymous3:08 AM

      cenk uygur isn't a person

  16. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Ding dong crybaby sissy pants Boehner has a selective memory. Where was all the self-righteous ethics when Bush-yard was prez? Flipping' hypocrite.

  17. Anonymous3:29 PM

    2:41 You're a twit. Twitter's your medium. Go away.

    Thank you Nancy Pelosi for all you accomplished. Hopefully, cry baby Boehner will self destruct along with the quitter from Wasilla.

  18. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Out of control government... Is that what happens when your mayor quadruples town debt to create a hockey rink memorializing the boy she crushed on in jr high?

  19. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Anne Coulter has the blackest heart of anyone I can think of. She is just plain mean. She's going to give the devil a run for his money when she reaches Hades.


  20. Anonymous3:49 PM

    What do you bet that Boehner doesn't even acknowledge Sarah's existance while he is speaker.

  21. imnofred3:56 PM

    Sarah won't say a f/n thing about it. After all, when Rushbo used the "R" word, it was satire. I'm sure she will come up with a similar excuse when she starts to feel the heat.

  22. Lynne3:57 PM

    My reaction to this is not so much about what Ann Coulter said regarding Cenk Uygur or that (of course) Sarah Palin won't call her on it, but that I thought he acted like an asshole...rude, mocking and interrupting. No matter where anyone is on the political spectrum, that behavior really offends me. I have the same reaction to Chris Matthews and cannot stand to watch his show.

  23. Anonymous4:15 PM

    "The Crypt Keeper's Daughter"....oh, Gryph, I'm still laughing!

  24. Anonymous4:20 PM

    O/T but what would have happened if Nancy Pelosi cried in her first act as Speaker? Double standards anyone?

  25. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Boehner voted against repealing DADT. Doesn't that make him one of those republicans who might just have something under his bed according to the Tammy Bruce tweet that Sarah Palin endorsed and passed on?

    Sarah Palin either didn't retweet Bruce (one of her henchman/woman did) or is too stupid to really understand what Bruce meant.

  26. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I guess you already know...Ann Coulter is really a man & she makes Sarah Palin look like Mother Teresa. She eats Sarah Palin's for breakfast.

  27. Gasman4:42 PM

    Anytime Ann Coulter's name comes up, dozens of exceedingly vulgar expletives all come rushing forward in my brain jostling to see which one can emerge first. She is loathsome in the extreme. I have scraped shit off of my shoe which I hold in higher regard than Coulter. She is beneath contempt. Excrement personified.

    Her whole schtick is simply to piss people off. If you notice, when she "debates" people in person, she goes on the attack immediately. She says the most outrageous bullshit imaginable in order to make her opponent so angry that they can't think straight. It's a wonder that nobody has tried to strangle her yet. She usually just hurls her turds from a distance, like her valorous swipe at Uygur today.

    Occasionally, she gets her ass handed to her in a way that is oh, so satisfying to watch:

    Coulter clearly didn't know WTF she was talking about and tried to bluff her way through the interview with CBC's Bob McKeown and he would have none of it. THAT is how real journalists should handle her. Call her out on her bullshit and do not let her off the hook. More interviews of Coulter like than and we'd see a whole lot less of Coulter.

    Makes me want to move to Canada.

  28. Long time lurker first time poster, oh, and a 30 year Alaskan. But all's I've got at the moment is I'm really enjoying the adams apple comparo between horse head coulter and fish lips pay-lin. More later 8)

  29. Anonymous5:16 PM

    O/T Gryphen, I know you have a good imagination. I was just channel surfing & noticed... My Strange Addiction on TLC (Sarah's SPA Channe). First story is a girl who eats cleanser & second is someone addicted to tanning (she is a blonde who is currently darker that Obama). Coming up next is Toddlers & Tiaras. We very foolishly wrote letters & emails to try & get them not to do SPA. HAHA. It's a freak show.

  30. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Ann Coulter has been using the word 'retard' for years. . .long before the arrival of Trig and the ensuing apologias, and long after. It's her favorite word. Palin has never called her on it.


  31. Come on, let the bitch slapping begin. Sarah, you picked on Ms. Obama, now it looks like Coulter is picking on does it feel?

  32. Anonymous5:37 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Hopefully, cry baby Boehner will self destruct along with the quitter from Wasilla.

    3:29 PM"

    That is the most cringe-worthy spectacle I've
    ever seen. He reminds me of the drunk Christmas
    party guest from The Thin Man, the one who
    was crying because he couldn't call his mother,
    because he didn't have any nickels. I wouldn't
    respect a woman who bawled and squalled &
    didn't act professionally in their official capacity.

  33. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Ann Coulter is Sarah Palin's guru, has taught her how to get negative attention because any attention = $$$.

    Ann Coulter is a black hole. Man/woman/demon, I don't know. Saw her once in the Musee d'Orsay in Paris, and felt like a total coward for not going up to her and asking why she is such an angry bitch.

    She actually seemed a bit more human, I have to admit. I think some of her persona is an act. And it sure sells.

  34. Anonymous5:47 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    O/T Gryphen, I know you have a good imagination. I was just channel surfing & noticed... My Strange Addiction on TLC (Sarah's SPA Channe). First story is a girl who eats cleanser & second is someone addicted to tanning (she is a blonde who is currently darker that Obama). Coming up next is Toddlers & Tiaras. We very foolishly wrote letters & emails to try & get them not to do SPA. HAHA. It's a freak show.

    5:16 PM"

    Isn't it a hoot that she ended up on such a
    channel? Why did she end up there
    and not the Travel Channel, History Channel,
    Discovery, or NatGeo? You'd think she'd
    be ashamed--but she has no shame--all she
    sees is the $$$.

  35. meena5:57 PM

    Who Do New Tea Party Members of Congress Think Will Run For President in '12?
    Hear what the new tea party lawmakers think of a Sarah Palin presidential run.

  36. Anonymous5:57 PM

    After Palin gets the orange jumpsuit, can we start on Coulter?


  37. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Yes! I love "retarded homophobic" as the new snow snooki whatever meme. Give me some of that revisionist personal history a la Sarah . What a dork.

  38. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I am so with you 2:55p.m. the trolls are en masse today. Something must have really caused their little minds to flip.

  39. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Waiting at a doctor's office, I glanced through the issue of the latest "Time" magazine with the half-painted picture of a contemptible woman on it.

    I was a very flattering article; I hope John McCain reads it and weeps for the shame and distress he has helped bring on the GOP.

    Do you know how this article tried to explain away her many, many technical glitches - missed flights, last minute cancellations, unreturned phone messages, etc.? It is because she is "a mother of five without a nanny". (Snort!)

    The other thing that jumped out at me were several paragraphs that went on and on about the importance of "living within one's means". I got a funny feeling about that rant from her camp.

    In the backwards and upside down world of that contemptible woman - where it is only others, not herself, that are supposed to do as they are told - I have a strong hunch that she and her associates are burning through money like there is no tomorrow.

  40. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Oh yeah Sarah, Lay off the tanning bed. I have a friend in Anchorage who was just diagnosed with melanoma. She is in absolute agony anticipating treatment. Nobody deserves this. The fake and bake culture in Anchorage is so sad and unfortunately so many teens get caught up in it. Buck up and come out against this practice!

  41. Pursang6:21 PM

    I see Coulter is trying to be relevant again, not that she ever really was but darn it she keeps trying.

  42. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Gasman 4:42
    I love how people march into another country spewing shit and believing themselves to know more than the media/citizens of the Country.

    It's true - the US media sucks at challenging anyone. I'm sure if they tried, they'd shit their pants!

    You have to remember too that Coulter was stopped from giving one of her speeches in Canada last year by way of complaints/protests at the University and she then pulled out as she 'feared' for her safety. No one at the University or government actually said that she could not speak - it was Coulter's choice to pull out. Works for me as it stopped her from speaking!!!

  43. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Sarah doesn't know what her own opinion of the issue is because Sarah's a f___ing retard, a real John Birch Society moron.

  44. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I read that Sarah's lawyer, Van Flein, had to resign his Anchorage practice since he is working for the AZ congressman. This is your chance, Gryphen. Let fly with all of those Splittsville rumors, Trig ain't her kid, Bristol and/or Willow is pregnant again, and let's see who crawls out of the woodwork to issue the threat of a law suit. Be sure to word the post as a rumor and satire.

  45. I just love it that i can again call my truck RETARDED and not go out and do anything about it. In the language of a tune up you understand.

    My truck can wait.

    Sarah your fucking RETARDED. Read a book or two.

  46. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Sarah knows that Boehner will cry if he does not get others to vote his way.Then stamp his feet.

  47. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Sarah Palin is the "most annoying person of 2010"

  48. Anonymous10:26 PM

    When republicans talk about "out of control government" I wonder where they were during the bush years?
    Were they cowered in a cave, only allowed to come out for feedings?

    Honestly, where the hell were they during the bush years?

    We lost more, during the out of control Bush years then any other time.
    We lost our freedoms, our economy and our national pride, sacrificed to the cabal that was Bush/Cheney.

    Yes, ann coulter and sarah palin as 'christians' make me re evaluate that word. The are not 'Christ' like at all.
    They are the 'religious WRONG'.

  49. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I was just looking at the photo gallery of Lisa Murkowski getting sworn in by VP Joe Biden in the Anchorage Daily News online. She is so classy, smart, and beautiful. The images made me happy. I can't even imagine how it would have been with Joe Miller. Or, for that matter, I cannot picture any of the Palin family in that setting. Bush may have been dumb, but his family and upbringing included social manners and education. I also think he actually reads books, and knows the difference between North and South Korea.

  50. Anonymous10:59 PM

    FOX and GOP people have been using the word retarded for about a year without them being corrected by Sarah. So I'm going to assume the word retarded is now acceptable.

  51. Ok. someone please help me here. Why does Ann Coulter always look like she just crawled out of a krypt? I mean it would be tough to find a product for her to promote.

  52. Anonymous3:00 AM

    As a Canadian, I am proud of the fact that the likes of Coulter, Palin, Beck, Limbaugh and their ilk are considered to be nothing but colossal jokes of the lowest kind here and wouldn't be given an ounce of credibility. Not saying that we don't have our share to right-wing loonies, too, but they would never be given the level of legitimacy that they are so readily granted in the U.S.

    How Americans can fall for the unmitigated nonsense that these dangerous devils spew is truly baffling to us.

  53. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:01 AM

    OT, but I always liked Clinton from the TLC show What Not To Wear--here's a bit from an interview with Joy Behar (as seen on HP):

    "KELLY: You know, look, I'll be honest with you. I wasn't thrilled when I heard that Sarah Palin had an eight-hour infomercial, you know, on my network because she basically stands for everything I don't stand for or I'm against. So it's a little bit rough. It's a little -- what bothers me the most about her is her hypocrisy. And you know, I'm trying to be funny here, but I can't even think of a joke."

    Clinton and others on the show then went on to crown The Best Thing Since Jeebus "....The most annoying, maybe most annoying [person] of all time."

    SNAP! Now all we need is the cheesy crossover show in which Stacy and Clinton cheerfully rip Scarah and her tacky duds to shreds. ((evil grin))

  54. Anonymous3:02 AM

    PS--Gryphen, please consider having an open thread for info like the Behar show?

  55. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Sarah is also a re tard.

  56. Did she dare to say 'Now action can be taken...'

    Wonder what she calls the crap the GOP & TeaParty have been doing ((trying to do) to PrezO for the past 2 years...

    His Failure is their goal.
    Watch closely...heading into 2012, the fancy dancing fix'in to start.

  57. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Good grief, Gryphen, put up a new post! That picture of the two witches of Westwick is giving me nightmares!!

  58. Anonymous5:41 AM

    "I guess you already know...Ann Coulter is really a man & she makes Sarah Palin look like Mother Teresa. She eats Sarah Palin's for breakfast."

    So that's why she's so skinny - constant indigestion and regurgitation of poisonous food.

  59. Anonymous6:02 AM

    4:42 pm NOBODY can make Palin look like Mother Teresa. Coulter and Palin mirror each other: repulsive, ridiculous, retarded.

    3:00 am As a Canadian living in the U.S., you express exactly the sentiments of many here. It IS baffling how the lowest of lows (Coulter, Palin, Beck, Limbaugh) are given such a prominent stage.

  60. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Anon @ 2:02.. think you meant to say "Christian". what a disgrace these people are to true Christians

    I am so thankful for your blog Gryphen. My hubs voted for the McCain/Palin ticket and he now kicks himself for it.. he was also hating on Katie Couric over the Palin interview, but after I started telling him all about Palin he has come to his senses.

    The minute that woman opened her mouth and then winked I knew deep down that we should not take her at face value.. I mentioned this to my husband and he was like - women just like to hate other women. Well that comment just pushed me to prove that I was right about Palin.

    It is scary how many others out there have still not opened their eyes to see past the 'pretty (jacked up) face' to see what an awful woman she is.

  61. I find it surprising that anyone with a neck longer than their head would say something disparaging about anyone born "different".

  62. Gasman10:07 AM

    Anon @ 6:21,
    I was quite pleased with the reaction from the students of the University of Ottawa when they let Ann Coulter know that she was not welcome. Her bullshit diva act of fearing for her "safety" was a laughable attempt at saving face. When was the last time you ever heard of any invited guest being injured by CANADIAN students rioting? Canadians are by and large about the most agreeable people on the planet, even when they're pissed off. She simply feared that she would be embarrassed in public.

    I would seriously love to see someone rhetorically eviscerate her in public. I think Olbermann could do so and would probably love the chance. Someone who is smart and isn't fazed by her pissy tactics could probably humiliate her mightily. She really doesn't do well when she's cornered. She has but one arrow in her quiver, and if it doesn't hit its mark, she has no idea what to do.

    I just wish in the above video link that Bob McKeown had asked Coulter how she "could be so fucking arrogant and stupid at the same time?" But, since he's Canadian, that's probably why it didn't happen.

    Not much chance of it happening, but I'd love to be within earshot of that bitch. I'd sure do my best to make her sputter with apoplectic rage.

  63. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Oh come on now Ann was using the word in a comedic way. That is how reta**ed Palin gets away with her stupidity. If all news outlets had a blackout of Palin she would go insane. I also think that the other two re tards would go batshit crazy too.

  64. "Ann and Rush are nasty people who have no souls. They sold it a long time ago for cash. Snooki knows she can't go up against them because they will give her a NASTY smack down. That's the thing about bullies like Palin. At heart, they are just cowards."
    It's because all three, Rush, Coulter, and Palin, are nasty people who have no souls because they sold it a long time ago for cash AND bullies AND cowards. So it's birds of a feather.
    I would also like to know what other two retards the last anonymous was talking about while they were making excuses for Coulter's hate? What other two retards besides Palin? You mean Coulter and Limbaugh?

  65. Why does the last anonymous think St. Ann Coulter is any different. What's funny is she isn't getting the attention she craves any more, so that must make her eating disorder worse. Palin would be a has-been in a few years, too. Pin-up girls don't have a that long of a time in the spotlight.

  66. @anon 3:10. Remember when mAnn Coulter was the republican it girl? and how eveyone hated her? and how she has faded into almost obscurity? that is going to happen to Palin, too. also. and soon.
    You're right.

  67. @anon 3:57 Which other two retards are you talking about? Willow got her vocabulary from Ann Coulter saying the f-word all the time.
    What Coulter said was NOT funny. She's a foul-mouthed pseudo-Christian with a hate streak, just like Palin herself.

  68. @Anon 1:55 Birds of a feather Rush, Ann, and Sarah are. That's why she won't be offended. All three are nasty people who have no souls because they sold it a long time ago for cash, and all three are bullies and cowards.

  69. Gles-Coulter wasn't picking on Palin. She was making a tasteless insult towards a person knowing she wouldn't respond to it. The only different between these two pin-up mean girls and their insults towards people is Ann's politically incorrect without reservation.

  70. Gasman-Olbermann's the only person left I think who would call out Coulter. It would be fun to watch.

  71. Coulter reminds me of one of those gross middle-aged women who think they're hot and hit on younger guys. This one has an adams apple, though.
    Canada really showed her! That was awesome what you guys did!
    Now if Palin tries to come to Canada, do the same thing!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.