Tuesday, January 04, 2011

The Daily Show returns! Barack Obama is Luke Skywalker.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Barack Obama Is Luke Skywalker
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

Boy have I missed that!

And there was even a segment that Sarah Palin might enjoy.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
San Francisco's Happy Meal Ban
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

Obviously Aasif Mandvi agrees with the Grizzled Mama that chubby children are happy children. You know there is nothing like gasping for breath while walking up the stairs, or monitoring your blood sugar level due to poor nutrition induced type 2 diabetes to keep a young child occupied and out of trouble.


  1. Olivia6:09 AM

    OT but I just had to post this.

    Question of the day: What's the difference between the Republican Party and the Taliban?

    One group uses radically fanatical religious zealotry, fear and intimidati­on to take away the rights of its countrymen­­, especially women and homosexual­­s. They are determined to create a theocratic totalitari­an government that is run on ancient religious dogma. They believe in enslaving an entire class of people and making them work for poverty-le­vel wages, and that if they don't or can't work they should be left to starve. They are racist, xenophobic­, uneducated­, close-mind­ed bullies who insist that, if it's necessary, their ideology should be forced on an entire nation of infidels — even at gunpoint. They believe that public schools are for teaching their religion. They believe that the only way to insure their future is to continue to amass an arsenal of weapons of mass destructio­n and be prepared to use them against any and all enemies. They believe that the West is destroying the morality of their children. They believe the world will end in a great conflagrat­ion and that only those who are exactly like them will be saved.

    And the other group wears turbans.

  2. Anonymous7:23 AM

    OT but in the news this morning:

    Either Sarah Palin Supports 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Repeal Or She Doesn't Know How To Use The ReTweet Button


  3. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Sarah Palin Is Like P.T. Barnum

    P.T. Barnum was a pretty despicable character


  4. Anonymous7:26 AM

    The Palin-Loving World Of Alaska Dentistry And The 112th Congress

    The fight centered around eight federally-licensed dental therapists, who had been trained for two years and practiced in remote villages populated by Alaska Natives. The ADS argued that the therapists needed to be licensed by the state; proponents of the program argued that the therapists were the only way to get basic dental care to the residents of remote places who were often too poor to travel to a city with a licensed dentist. In 2007, a judge ruled that the program could continue.

    Van Flein represented the group in the failed lawsuit. The group's then-president, David Eichler, drew fire during the court battle when he suggested on an online message board that Native tribes had poor dental health due to ignorance and deserved to die out, statements other members of the ADS, and the ADA, condemned. He later apologized.

    Like Van Flein, Eichler also had a role in Trooper-Gate, the scandal surrounding Palin's firing of the state's public safety commissioner. Van Flein was Palin's lawyer in the ensuing investigation. Eichler was one of five Alaska residents -- represented by former Senate candidate Joe Miller -- who sued the Trooper-Gate investigator in Sept. 2008, saying the probe was a waste of taxpayer money. Eichler and the other plaintiffs dropped the case within a month, once it became apparent they wouldn't win.


  5. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Is Sarah Palin supporting the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell? It's in the tweet

    Bruce was thrilled by Palin’s re-tweet and so she sent out another tweet saying, “I thank @SarahPalinUSA RT my tweet is her first comment on DADT, treatment of gays & attempts to marginalize us–thank you Governor.”

    Former Alaska Governor Palin has not said anymore on the subject, which has left some wondering if her re-tweet was a matter of her misinterpreting Tammy Bruce’s original tweet. The GOProud is a gay Republican organization that believes Palin’s tweet was a legitimate offering of support by her for the repeal of DADT.


  6. Anonymous7:30 AM

    More GOPers Denounce Palin's 2012 Chances

    Conservative commentator George Will, conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer and RedState blogger Erick Erickson are the latest GOPers to denounce former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's chances of becoming president in 2012.


  7. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Sarah Palin embarrassed herself and showed poor taste in mocking Michelle Obama and trivializing the first lady's efforts to reduce childhood obesity by calling her anti-obesity initiative part of a "nanny state" ["Palin not too sweet on Michelle Obama's efforts to battle the nation's bulge," news story, Dec. 30].

    Once again, Ms. Palin showed her lack of basic knowledge on an important issue. The National Institutes of Health has declared childhood obesity an epidemic in the United States. Unless you live in a cave, you could not have missed the news coverage in the past several years on the rise in obesity among American adults and children, and on the dramatic health risks linked to obesity.


  8. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Just a guess on why Will and Krauthammer would have changed their minds about Palin between 2008 and now. Could it be that, while it was clear she was unqualified, it wasn't so clear that she was uninterested?

    It's one thing to consider an unknown for VP - yes, limited political history and a lot of small town baggage - but a reasonably intelligent person with ambition and passion and drive could learn quite a lot if she applied herself. Obama figured it out and he had the added burden of actually being president.

    It's quite another thing to view Palin now - to measure her choices, to see how she's kept to her corner of the world, only interested in celebrity and the adulation of her followers. We don't see her learning anything new or traveling in public policy circles or hobnobbing with people of experience who can give her insight, we don't see her communicating with people whose opinions are different from hers or trying to persuade people who disagree with her. In short, we don't see her doing any of the things which anyone, right or left, would expect from a person with the ambition to be president.

    I don't think there's any doubt that she's a woman of energy and ambition, but she's had 2 years to gain experience and she's chosen not to.


  9. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Both Will and Krauthammer pull no punches when it comes to Palin and their critiques carry weight within the beltway. But just how far those opinions reach outside of Washington is not as clear. Palin remains a divisive figure, both beloved and reviled. And certainly the media can't get enough of her which may be enough to keep her as a contender for 2012.

    As we get closer to the Iowa primaries it will be interesting to watch the conversation around Palin evolve as Republicans sort out just which "branch" of their party will rule. My guess is we'll hear an increasingly nasty tone from the likes of Will and Krauthammer if the Tea Party Republicans find success or, just as likely, stage an insurrection as establishment Republicans balk at a platform of pure financial "austerity". But if the party loyals keep power then the idea of a Palin presidential candidacy will sound like the bad joke it is.


  10. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Has DWTS been tarnished by Bristol Palin's participation?


  11. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Hilarious! Peebots all alglow this morning over possible wedding invite for Sarah:-

    "gardunne63 says:
    January 4, 2011 at 8:22 AM

    ‘Morning to all barbarians!!

    This will get the pundits/web sites buzzing. Cindy Adams is rarely wrong about these things:


    More than the Israel visit, intriguing that our Gov could snag an invite to the April Royal wedding. Wouldn’t surprise me if William detests the Obamas as much as Ms Adams does. (William and Henry have always struck me as “We’ll fight to save the U.K. and the Anglican Church from Islam” capitalist-loving young men.)

    The political world would rotate off its axis if Sarah were to attend William and Kate’s wedding.

    BetseyRoss says:
    January 4, 2011 at 9:05 AM

    Wouldn’t that be a hoot?!!!! Our Sarah at the wedding and not the Obama’s. Well, it could work. She could plan her trip to see Lady Thatcher around the wedding festivities. I love the Brits and I love weddings. Heck, maybe I could go!"

    Can you just picture Sarah hobnobbing with all those English aristocrats?

  12. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The part where Jon Stewart nerd slams Palin is hilarious!

  13. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Guess whose "books" are NOT on any of Amazon's Top Picks for 2010. Not in the top 10, not even in the top 100.

  14. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I am sorry, there is no way the Royal family would be anywhere near this woman. Think of them what you will, but they do have intelligence and a certain amount of class on their side!


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