Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Is Levi finally ready to take on the Palins and fight for his son? Looks like it. Update!

From Hollywood Life:

“[Bristol] is trying to give a smokescreen that Levi does not want to see his son,” Levi’s attorney, Rex Butler tells HollyBaby.com exclusively. “He has been more than gracious in requesting to see his son, and he has said on numerous occasions ‘I want to see him’, and she will say ‘I am out of town’.”

Rex went on to say, “[Levi] usually doesn’t know where Tripp is when she takes him out of town.”

As for 20-year-old Bristol’s recent move to Maricopa, AZ., which is a suburb of Phoenix, Levi found out when the rest of the world did. “She never officially asked Levi if it was OK to go ahead and move to Arizona,” Rex says.

It is looking like this is going to be a long court case, too as Levi, 20, is in no way willing to sign over his parental rights to their 2-year-old son! “There will be no consideration whatsoever to sign over parental rights,” Rex explains. “She has done everything she can to disrupt him seeing his son and these matters will be resolved in a normal way, in the courts.”

Well Levi buddy it is about time!

I am amazed that he has not demanded his visitation rights before!  I mean doesn't he know that if you give that Palins an inch they will take a mile?

Hopefully he has notified the courts that Bristol has taken his son out of state without prior notification and is now in violation of the court ruling, which in the eyes of the court makes this a kidnapping.  The judge should demand that she return immediately to Alaska with Tripp or face possible prosecution.

Update: If Levi is going to do anything he needs to move fast.  It appears that Bristol is just about all settled into her new life.  I believe it would be a very good lesson for this young lady to learn that she cannot simply do whatever she wants without considering the rights of her ex-fiancee, and the needs of her young son.

Having to suddenly uproot herself and go back to Alaska to follow the visitation arrangement that were agreed to in court would be a very useful reality check in my opinion.


  1. Levi should ask for full custody and child support from her, with visitation rights for Ms. Palin.

  2. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Great news!

  3. bedebai2:27 PM

    Gryphen,I'm going to take you to task - but nicely, I hope.

    After all the insinuations and outright accusations you have made or quoted others as making about Levi and his dismally wanting attitude towards fatherhood and the best you can do is, "Well Levi buddy it is about time!"

    Be gracious. He's doing what you wanted to see him doing.

  4. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Passive and compliant doesn't work with manipulators. He's going to need to get assertive and he should consider getting a better lawyer. No way any of this should have ever happened.

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Rumors are going around that the Pistol has never moved to Arizona and the she won't. What is the real story?

    Was it Bristol who caused the disturbance at the Club Paris earlier this week? Or was that someone else?

  6. Anonymous2:35 PM

    If anyone else moved their child out of state without permission they would be charged,why isn't she?????They know where she is they can go and get the child.

  7. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Sarah Palin in Texas: Apparantly shewas there. Some people claim that she gave a wonderful speech, etc. Has anyone seen a picture of her at this event? I have not been able to find one. Just wondering.

  8. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I wonder if he read your blog post and realized that he would have to step it up on the PR side to get the word out that he is IN IT FOR THE LONG HAUL! Bristol is her mother's daughter, that's for sure. What a wicked thing to do, just up and move out of the state without a conversation with Levi, the father, as if she is entitled to do whatever she wants, just as her mother has done.

  9. I was talking to Mercede while I was writing this post (That is why there was a mistake in the original post) and she told me she sent Levi my "Becoming Daddy" post.

    Did that have any influence? I have no idea.

  10. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Remember everyone - Levi is young and inexperienced about this. Appears he is going in the right direction now though...those damned Palins will push the law until they are stopped. We've already seen Sarah do stuff and be stopped.

    And, I suspect that Rex knows he's not an expert in child custody and would advise Levi to obtain a good attorney.

    I think all the attorney costs should be billed directly to Bristol - since she has created the f------ mess!

  11. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Despite the heightened level of security concerns, the Lubbock Christian School fundraiser featuring Sarah Palin garnered ample support from area residents and created a unique connection between Alaska and Texas.

    Palin, former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate, addressed about 1,400 people Monday night during LCS’ annual fundraiser at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center.

    Palin said Texas and Alaska are alike because they are “good beacons of freedom” and share similar values and work ethic, said Kristen Vander-Plas, president of the Lubbock Christian University College Republicans.

    She said she was impressed by Palin’s willingness to go forward with her fundraiser appearance with added security despite the recent shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona.

    Many in the audience were LCS alumni, Vander-Plas said, and the audience as a whole was receptive to Palin’s message as was evident in their frequent applause and cheers.

    Some, like Bob Wood, were drawn to the event through sheer curiosity.

    He said he came to hear Palin although he does not always agree with what she says.

    Others were avid Palin fans wanting to see the woman who made a huge splash in American politics in 2008.

    “I believe in Sarah Palin and what she represents for America,” said Linda Hunt of San Angelo, who won free tickets for the event. “Her enthusiasm, her love for America, her honesty and her core values of representing the people and not just special interests.”

    Still, LCS alumni and sponsors said the main purpose of the evening was raising money for the school — having Palin present was an added bonus.

    Kimberly Chitwood of Minnix Commercial Construction said someone as well-recognized as Palin at the annual fundraiser is a rare opportunity to attract people and support for the school.

    “I thought it’d be interesting and we enjoy Sarah Palin,” said Ross Shamburger, who bought tickets for the fundraiser on the first day they were sold. “It’s an exciting, great opportunity for LCS. Hopefully, they’ll raise a lot of money.”

  12. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I kinda-sorta feel sorry for Levi.

    This is how I view him: under-educated, slow-thinking, sheltered to how the world works, easily manipulated, uninspired, & unambitious.

    Being a father at this young age is troubling, but what's worse, is the family in which he found himself in - a bunch of scary & thoughtless shysters & grifters who will eat you alive without nary a thought.

    Imagine the emotional twisted paternal gut Levi must have amongst these people. Who does he trust? He can't even trust himself to make the right or good decisions.

    I think at my advanced age, I might even feel lost amongst the nasty Palins. I might think I wouldn't let them get the best of me, but they are hurricanes wrecking havoc on good people.

    All I can do is wish Levi luck, & wish that he find a different & better attorney; wish him back to school, return Tripp to Alaska, & do the best he can for his son. Fuck Bristol's feelings, at this point.

    Denise (Michigan)

  13. Anonymous2:55 PM

    There should be a DNA test for starters.

  14. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I hope that a police report has been filed against Bristol - for kidnapping....IF she has, indeed, moved to AZ.
    I am going to forward this info to Gloria Allred.

  15. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Way to go Levi!

    It is really scary for ANYONE to have to deal with legal stuff, lawyers, courts, know your rights, etc, much less an 18 to 20 year old.

    These kinds of decisions are not easy, they are scary. And they are never simple, always very complex with lots of extenuating circumstances. I would imagine that in Levi's situation it's it magnified 10 fold (the complexity). Plus, if you are a genuinely nice guy, tending towards keeping the peace, maybe you don't act like a pitbull right away, maybe you do try to do what's right by your son and not instigate lots of tension.

    I wish Levi the best. I'm sure he's been bamboozled by the threats and the promises of all the Palins. And clearly he showed love and respect for Bristol so that probably also made it hard for him to be as tough or mean or demanding as he could have been, or should have been.

    Bristol has teams of legal pros advising her, plus the cut-throat culture of her mother and dad and all those that surrounded her egging her on to be mean and aggressive and to play mean.

    Levi just has a sweet sister and mom who have been terribly used and hurt by the system who clearly do NOT have mean bones in their bodies. His legal team may or may not be as competent as they should be but Levi is the David (and looks like Michelangelo's David, actuallly) against the monster Palin Goliath.

    I know I'd find it very hard to know what the heck to do in this situation.

    Anyway, go Levi! Lots of people are rooting for you.

  16. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Despite the heightened level of security concerns, the Lubbock Christian School fundraiser featuring Sarah Palin garnered ample support from area residents and created a unique connection between Alaska and Texas.

    Palin, former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate, addressed about 1,400 people Monday night during LCS’ annual fundraiser at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center.

    Palin said Texas and Alaska are alike because they are “good beacons of freedom” and share similar values and work ethic, said Kristen Vander-Plas, president of the Lubbock Christian University College Republicans.

    She said she was impressed by Palin’s willingness to go forward with her fundraiser appearance with added security despite the recent shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona.

    Many in the audience were LCS alumni, Vander-Plas said, and the audience as a whole was receptive to Palin’s message as was evident in their frequent applause and cheers.

    Some, like Bob Wood, were drawn to the event through sheer curiosity.

    He said he came to hear Palin although he does not always agree with what she says.

    Others were avid Palin fans wanting to see the woman who made a huge splash in American politics in 2008.

    “I believe in Sarah Palin and what she represents for America,” said Linda Hunt of San Angelo, who won free tickets for the event. “Her enthusiasm, her love for America, her honesty and her core values of representing the people and not just special interests.”

    Still, LCS alumni and sponsors said the main purpose of the evening was raising money for the school — having Palin present was an added bonus.

    Kimberly Chitwood of Minnix Commercial Construction said someone as well-recognized as Palin at the annual fundraiser is a rare opportunity to attract people and support for the school.

    “I thought it’d be interesting and we enjoy Sarah Palin,” said Ross Shamburger, who bought tickets for the fundraiser on the first day they were sold. “It’s an exciting, great opportunity for LCS. Hopefully, they’ll raise a lot of money.”

  17. FloridaDem3:02 PM

    I don't know what "she never officially asked" means. What is officially? If she didn't ask him, then Rex would have said that.

    I find it highly unbelievable that Bristol did not tell Levi, either directly or through a surrogate, that she is moving. Then it was his opportunity to say "hell, no."

    The manner in which both Bristol and Levi have behaved over the past year I suppose proves that maturity does not come with reproduction.

  18. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Everyone is too quick to judge; it's really very likely that anyone outside of Levy and his "attorney" really knows the truth of what goes on behind the scenes. Levi may not be the brightest candle in the pack, but I personally think he seems like a sweet kid who has had very little guidance his life. He may be close with his sister; I am close with mine, too, but it doesn' mean she's in on it all. that is going on with me.

  19. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Just my .02...it could be all this time that Levi has been carefully documenting each time he asked for his visitation and she refused, and thereby allowing Bristol to dig her own hole with the courts once he brought action.

    More time will tell.....

  20. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck3:05 PM

    i would suspect that every day levi and bristol are making decisions that, at their age, are much larger than ones required of similar aged folks. it doesn't surprise me that mistakes aplenty have been made (and will continue to be made).

    however, i am glad to see this custody issue moving in a more equitable direction.

    it is kind of odd to be watching a custody case unfold in the tabloids for someone other than a rock star or a reality tv star....

    oh wait.


  21. Anonymous3:05 PM

    As long as he's still using Rex Butler as his mouthpiece and faux attorney, I don't believe anything coming out of that camp.

    I'll follow the tried and true mantra, "Actions speak louder than (Rex Butler) words"!

  22. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Maybe Levi has finally got the goods on Ms. Abstinence! When you think how Tripp has been exposed to a string of Bristol's men friends and transported around Alaska, CA, Arizona in trucks, RV's etc.

    I imagine Bristol really enjoys the generous child support and money she has made from other enterprises. She has a responsibility to allow Levi visitation.

  23. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I'm going to defend Levi on this...I've been through an ugly, ugly custody battle and can understand his bewilderment. The hardest thing for me to grasp, at the time, was how far a mother was willing to go to use her children. My husband eventually received full custody over twenty years ago, which was really unusual at the time. Being a mother, myself, it never crossed my mind that using children as pawns was something a parent would do. Having a uterus and giving birth doesn't make someone a mother. If you've never been exposed to that it's quite a shocker!

  24. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Comments as to whether Sarah went to Lubbock. The picture that was posted was taken last year.

    As far as security, why was it mentioned that Sarah came after the Arizona shooting and was brave? Sarah holds no elected office and is not in harm's way because no one would harm her. She claims again to be a victim while everyone is laughing at her and Todd's hypocrisy.

    Someone else said that she did not go and that the write-up was just another farce. If she did indeed go then why did she not apologize for her husband being with prostitutes. Is that okay with her?

  25. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Levi can't afford the child support payments or the attorney. That is IN MY OPINION why he appears sluggish on this matter. I hope Bristol goes to jail, where most Palins belong.

  26. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I seriously doubt Bristol is in Arizona, she probably is in hiding with another bambino.

  27. Anonymous3:20 PM

    And btw, rather weird coincidence, but someone linked to Shailey Lawes' brother's business Facebook page, and his logo uses pink flying pigs. What are the odds?

    His activities are described in a generic way, and the postings are silly and nonsensical. They say he writes for the Examiner.

  28. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Typical Palin fashion, inform those closest to you of life-altering events that affect you personally the same way everyone else learns about them - through the press.

    Announcing your run for City Council.
    Announcing your taking on of your mentor in the Mayoral race.
    Announcing your taking on the CBC.
    Announcing the 'pregnancy' of Trig.
    Announcing his birth in God's voice.
    Firing your appointed Top Cop.
    Announcing a half a billion dollar gas line project to no-where.
    Accepting the VP running gig.

    They are wired in a way to discount anyone's input and would rather give birth five more times than go through a candid family and constituent meeting to hash out adult decisions.

    M in BET

  29. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Rex is not a Family Law attorney. He is in over his head.

    That Levi continues to put the fate of his future and family in that characters hands - who has badly mismanaged his career to date - remains a curiosity.

  30. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Go get 'em, Levi! I hope you prevail.
    M from MD

  31. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I would like to point out that a judge cannot order *Bristol* to move back to Alaska. She can go anywhere she wants to. It's *Tripp* that cannot be moved from the state of Alaska, and Levi can ask that he be given primary custody if Bristol does not return him to the state.
    But Levi will need a good family law attorney, not Rex Butler.

    Hope you read this Levi!

  32. Anonymous3:49 PM

    People magazine did an interview recently and she was quoted as saying that she has wanted him to sign away his parental rights. She said that he could still see his son, she wouldn't ask for child support, as long as he signed his rights away.

    Uh... either she's really stupid, or trying to con him. By signing his parental rights away, he would not be obligated to pay child support anymore, and he would have no legal right to visitation (meaning he wouldn't be guaranteed anything and I doubt anyone would trust her word on it).

    Levi needs to ditch Butler (defender of the guilty) and hire a real family attorney and do this right.

  33. It's a good thing for a father to make sure he has a relationship with his child. Children need to know they are loved by BOTH parents. There are far too many children who have grown up without a father, either due to alienation by the mother, or because they had a father who just didn't care. This seriously messes a child's life up.

    Tripp is part of a bizarre family, and he needs some normalcy in his life. If Levi can get his act together, he might be able to provide that normalcy for his son.

    The first thing that needs to be done is for a contempt charge to be brought against Bristol for moving Tripp out of state without either Levi's or the court's permission. It needs to be done immediately, otherwise if too much time passes a judge might be reluctant to order Tripp back to Alaska due to further disruption in this young child's life.

    Good luck to Levi.

  34. Anonymous3:50 PM

    In my state, a parent involved in a custody dispute cannot take a child out of state for any reason without a court order. If said parent does, they are held in contempt. A family member had to get court permission recently for a child to visit out of state FOR THE WEEKEND. Are Alaska laws that different?

  35. Anonymous3:53 PM

    It is so easy to cheer him on when I am not in the fight. Grandma Palin is a force whether or not we like her, and then there is always that Levi has to listen to both of those Palindrones drone.

    With Grampaw seeing prostitutes, this may be the right time to strike because the court will have to look at the family dynamics of both sides. Mercede has been nothing but sheer class and hopefully her blog will reveal what Levi's side is about.

    I have no respect for Rex letting Levi get the visitation that he did in the first place and I hope that anyone getting him as a lawyer thinks and thinks again and runs. Away.

    Good luck, Levi!

  36. London Bridges4:02 PM

    Maybe Bristol didn't move far away. Maybe she only had to be in hiding for a little while!

  37. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Despite the heightened level of security concerns, the Lubbock Christian School fundraiser featuring Sarah Palin garnered ample support from area residents and created a unique connection between Alaska and Texas.

    Palin, former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate, addressed about 1,400 people Monday night during LCS’ annual fundraiser at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center.

    Palin said Texas and Alaska are alike because they are “good beacons of freedom” and share similar values and work ethic, said Kristen Vander-Plas, president of the Lubbock Christian University College Republicans.

    She said she was impressed by Palin’s willingness to go forward with her fundraiser appearance with added security despite the recent shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona.

    Many in the audience were LCS alumni, Vander-Plas said, and the audience as a whole was receptive to Palin’s message as was evident in their frequent applause and cheers.

    Some, like Bob Wood, were drawn to the event through sheer curiosity.

    He said he came to hear Palin although he does not always agree with what she says.

    Others were avid Palin fans wanting to see the woman who made a huge splash in American politics in 2008.

    “I believe in Sarah Palin and what she represents for America,” said Linda Hunt of San Angelo, who won free tickets for the event. “Her enthusiasm, her love for America, her honesty and her core values of representing the people and not just special interests.”

    Still, LCS alumni and sponsors said the main purpose of the evening was raising money for the school — having Palin present was an added bonus.

    Kimberly Chitwood of Minnix Commercial Construction said someone as well-recognized as Palin at the annual fundraiser is a rare opportunity to attract people and support for the school.

    “I thought it’d be interesting and we enjoy Sarah Palin,” said Ross Shamburger, who bought tickets for the fundraiser on the first day they were sold. “It’s an exciting, great opportunity for LCS. Hopefully, they’ll raise a lot of money.”

  38. Team Levi has excellent timing.

  39. Enjay in E MT4:10 PM

    Each state seems to have its own laws regarding parental custodial interference. Some are over 200 miles from residence with permission, some are crossing state lines, some are even "out of the county".

    Most seem to agree that if a parent is moving over X miles, the primary custodial parent HAS to file for permission with the court (and other parent) with a hearing to set new visitation policies. Along with WHO is responsible for travel expenses to & from for said visitation.

    If Bristol did not request a new or change of custody agreement - then she has failed to honor the existing LEGAL custody agreement - and parental interference is in the works. Levi can petition the court to return his son to Alaska and if Bristol fails - I believe this is when parental Kidnapping comes into play.

    It is understood Bristol has sold her condo, basically moved from Anchorage to AZ via a few months in CA. Levi & Bristol may have had a verbal agreement while she was on DWTS. But now that its over - another arrangement needs to be addressed.

    Also, since she no longer has a "home" (other than her parents or boyfriend) for Tripp.... there may be a chance of Levi becoming the Primary Custodial Parent and Bristol having to visit him in AK.

    Wouldn't THAT burn her bunns?

  40. FEDUP!!!4:11 PM

    What happened to her changing Tripp's last name to Palin?

  41. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Levi is now in the one-up position and here's why: The Paylins can no longer claim to be providing a moral and consistent "life" for little Tripp. No, indeed with Tripp's momma toting him ALL over God's green earth to pimp herself for gain in tabloids, on dance shows and what-not. The baby doesn't have any consistency. AND if the baby momma Bristle is shacking up with another man, well, Levi has THAT going for him also too. Finally, Levi can ask for custody of him in order to be shielded from his grandpa Tawd, who apparently has a penchant for prostitutes. Levi needs a legal trust. Can you help him with that Grypen? With all the folks you know up there, surely you can get one started and find that kid a GOOD lawyer.

  42. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Levi, tone down the lipstick.
    Get a new lawyer.
    Get serious.
    Quit acting like a wimp.
    The Palins hate you,get it.

  43. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Good for Levi. I hope he's getting good legal advice.



  44. Aussie Blue Sky4:20 PM

    Where I live it would take several months or longer to get a court hearing, so filing a complaint is not a first best option. If the AK court has a heavy backload, Miss Palin would be sure to take advantage of it.

    She will do what she wants until the court tells her she can't, just like her own gestational carrier.

  45. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I am glad for Levi that Butler is acting as his child advocate.
    Hang in there Levi.

  46. Anonymous4:29 PM

    "I'll follow the tried and true mantra, "Actions speak louder than (Rex Butler) words"!"

    Agreed. Sorry, but I'm skeptical. The appropriate way to have learned about Levi's intention to assert his parental rights is to find that a motion has been filed with the court demanding that Bristol return Tripp to Alaska and comply with the visitation agreement that is in place. Until such legal documents are filed, Levi/Rex's whining to the media about how unfair Bristol is being looks like little more than a PR move and ploy for media attention.

  47. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Sarah Palin in Texas: 2:36 PM

    She gave a speech in Lubbock, yesterday I think.

    No guns allowed at Sarah's speech.

    Good article arguing that the press should keep covering Palin.

  48. Anonymous4:29 PM

    3:18, if Sarah's hypocrisy makes you laugh, don't drink anything while reading this. You'll spew it all over your keyboard.


  49. Anonymous4:34 PM

    "Where I live it would take several months or longer to get a court hearing, so filing a complaint is not a first best option."

    If there's a long wait, then it's all the more important to file any motions sooner rather than later. Once the motion is filed, then Rex can use the media to put on pressure for the parties to settle. Motions can always be withdrawn if a mutually-agreeable settlement has been reached.

  50. Anonymous4:36 PM

    You got to admit Bristol has some very insightful information she could discuss on her radio show. I didn't realize the weather was a lot different in Arizona than it was in Alaska. :)

  51. Anonymous4:47 PM

    He needs another lawyer! I dint know why he doesn't see that. This situation takes a specialist who will not back down. Based on what I've seen of Rex and Tank, I think they have taken advantage of Levi. I think they are opportunists. That doesn't mean they aren't nice or dont care at all, but this isn't their specialty and they watch out for themselves.

    Levi, come on already!! You have rights. And when you don't stand up for it, people dont believe you.

  52. Ferry Fey4:48 PM

    Let me add my voice to the chorus:

    Levi, get a good family lawyer. NOW.

    Document everything, in detail, and make sure your lawyer has copies of every piece of paper, every online posting, Facebook or tweet, every radio and TV mention. IMMEDIATELY.

    Have two copies of each of those for yourself, one of which is away from your home in a secure place.

    My kids are your age, so I have a lot of sympathy for how big a thing this is for you, and how overwhelming it can be.

  53. Anonymous4:49 PM

    What was the disturbance at Club Paris? Can you fill us all in??

  54. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Is Tripp the only one he should be supporting?

    I suspect ongoing cover-ups continue to happen.

  55. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I'm sorry, but Rex's words mean very little. If, in fact, Bristol removed Tripp from AK contrary to a Court-approved custody agreement, Levi should be moving for contempt, or filing an emergency petition to have Tripp returned or some sort of restraining order (whichever is required by AK law). There are legal ways to immediately deal with this issue and that they haven't been done makes me wonder if AK's malpractice laws should also be in play.

    Levi has heard enough times, from enough sources, that he needs a different lawyer. If he truly wants his kid he should act and get one. The good-for-PR statements being issued by Rex are meaningless. But then again, maybe that's the point.

  56. Aussie Blue Sky5:53 PM

    4:34 PM

    "If there's a long wait, then it's all the more important to file any motions sooner rather than later. Once the motion is filed, then Rex can use the media to put on pressure for the parties to settle. Motions can always be withdrawn if a mutually-agreeable settlement has been reached."

    What's important is STAYING in that baby's life, and Levi has NO chance of that if his lawyer starts dragging Miss Palin through the media - she is already an expert at manipulating the media with lies, and she already has the media on HER side. She has the money and the inclination to drag it out for years, because she doesn't love her baby more than she wants to hurt Levi.

    Sure, in two years time Levi might have all the Orders he could want - then he can join the legions of other fathers cuddling their Orders instead of their children and wondering why enforcement is such a joke. Meanwhile, his child is calling another man "Daddy".

  57. WakeUpAmerica6:29 PM

    Republican response? My bullshit-o-meter is on overdrive and overheating.

  58. WakeUpAmerica6:34 PM

    Rep. Paul Ryan - We need to protect the rich and screw the poor. (paraphrasing)

  59. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Twisted as it sounds, Wayne Anthony Ross (WAR) is all about father's rights in family law issues. It would also too grate with Scarah and generally make for excellent theater for the rest of us.

  60. Anonymous7:16 PM

    TMZ denying Todd Palin NE Tripp affair.

  61. Anonymous7:30 PM

    TMZ just posted that The Anchorage Police Department is adamant they have NO information connecting Sarah Palin's husband Todd Palin to an alleged prostitution ring.


    So now it's not true? I guess the Palins do have the POlice in their pockets!

  62. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Was it laid out in the custody agreement that she could not leave the state? It's not always the case if a couple is not married.

    In any event there should be set visitation days and times- which does mean being close enough to facilitate Levi seeing his son.

    The whole thing is strange and I am trying to figure out what is true and what is not. Is Rex Butler believable? Has he really represented this kid as well as he can? Did Levi tell Bristol on the side that it was OK by him if she left the state? Is he paying his child support each month? Has he moved to have it reduced as it's based on the amount of money he was making during his celebrity spike?

    In the end I only hope that Tripp gets to see and know his dad and that Levi does everything he can to make that happen.

  63. For two years, I have been trying to find out the name of the doctor/midwife who delivered Tripp.

    Doesn't anyone know? Levi's mother and sister don't know. Only recently, Mercede said..."he was born at Mat-Su Hospital." Really? A lot of babies are born at Mat-Su. Why wasn't this information furnished when he was born?

    Until someone tells me the name of the doctor who deliverd this "supposed baby Tripp," I'm calling it a..."Scam!"

  64. Bristol will be speaking at Washington University in Missouri next month. Same panel as Dr. Drew. Next stop? Celebrity rehab? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/26/bristol-palin-sex-week-washington-university_n_814153.html

  65. meena1:15 PM

    Last night on inside edition they showed Bristol pipeline boyfriend pic.

  66. meena3:49 PM

    Taking the high rd!


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