Saturday, January 01, 2011

Let's take a little tour of Bristol's new digs shall we?

I was fortunate enough to have a fan of the blog living in Arizona offer to take a drive out to Maricopa and take a look at the place that Bristol just purchased.  This time I will say very little and simply allow the pictures to speak for themselves.

The entrance to Cobblestone Farms, Bristol's new subdivision.

Here are a few pictures of the front of  house from different angles.

A small park about 200 yards from the house where a little boy might play.

A few pictures of the surrounding area.

The closest elementary school. If Tripp attends public school in the area this is where he would be going.

Here is a little of the e-mail from the source who sent me the photos.  Like I said they are residents of Arizona.

I had to navigate a maze of vacant and foreclosed homes to finally reach my goal and when I did, to my surprise there was no one standing guard or in front of the pretty modest looking two-story home. There was nothing, no one. It is a cute little neighborhood. Once you’re in it, it is like any other Phoenix suburb. We saw no store or gas station but there are newer homes and little parks.

I took offense to your characterization as Maricopa as the “armpit of the country”, but that was before I took this drive! I passed some homes that really looked like they belonged in a turn of the century border town, and I expected to see Clint Eastwood in some sort of poncho engaged in a gunfight. Seriously though I have lived in Phoenix my whole life and only seen similar neighborhoods like those that surround the town of Maricopa when we vacation in Mexico. The last thing I saw on my way out of town was a cemetery that looked like something out of a horror movie. With a low and often broken chicken wire fence surrounding it and hundreds of graves with broken crosses.

Here is a picture of the graveyard described above.

This time I will refrain from providing any colorful descriptions concerning my sentiments about moving this child to Maricopa, however I encourage all of you to provide your feedback.

Now that you have seen the place in all of its glory what do you think?


  1. Tyroanee2:57 PM

    Umm wow, now I know why so many flock to sunny AZ... but on a brighter note, I can't think of a better place for Sarah Palin to live, suits the burn in hell scenario embedded in my mind.

  2. Anonymous3:06 PM

    It would trouble me that even seemingly normal people would go out of their way to troll my purchased home. But we are talking about the Palin's, talentless and a drain on the communities they touch, who encourage public consumption of their uselessness.

    They don't just encourage it, they hunt for it and shove it down our throats. Except in the last week, Sarah's fingers have been still. . .have you noticed how it slows the news cycle?

    I welcome it. Hate that they are even a topic of national proportions.

    Looking forward to the new Discovery Bush Pilot series, a real reality exposure of rugged Alaskan living with gorgeous, hard working village folks! Redemption for TLC's parent company!

    Happy New Year!

  3. Anonymous3:08 PM

    If Bristol is trying to raise her child (ren) far away from suffocating Sarah, then Bristol's on the right track.

  4. majii3:08 PM

    For me, two words describe the area: desolate and depressing. I guess I feel this way because I've been an urban dweller all of my life, and it would be very difficult for me to adapt to a place like this.

  5. The desert itself is beautiful, but the signs of human habitation are grim, bleak, desolate. The neglected cemetery is beyond depressing. Also, anyone acclimatized to Alaska's weather will have trouble adjusting to an arid climate with hellacious summers.

  6. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Her house itself in the little neighborhood is nice...but the surrounding area is the pits!

  7. Anonymous3:09 PM

    It really strikes me as a place to hide out, not a place to live on any full-time basis. The photo you have posted of the backyard is brutal - if the rest of the family comes down to escape Alaska cold, they will probably invest in putting in a pool. There's no way you could spend time in that back yard otherwise, and the front is not meant for lingering.

    Forget the college rumors entirely. It will be easy for Bristol to stay here and keep a much lower profile. She can eliminate photographer access, and if she is pregnant that's going to be critical. Why else would she buy this house in this out of the way location? There are plenty of house bargains in Arizona that are not nearly as grim.

    I think this probably is the Palin's idea of a best-case-scenario for minimizing the damage while $arah continues to work the cash machine this winter and spring. If Bristol has speaking engagements booked for March, then she isn't pregnant. I don't think with her weight gain she can continue to hide it even into February.

    Prediction: by the time Tripp is ready for school, he will be no where near that stone fortress in the photo. Bristol will have moved on.

  8. Anonymous3:10 PM

    The house does not look that bad up close, but the surrounding area is pityful!

    OT I loved this headline over at Crooks and Liars: Brian Williams claims the media quit covering the BP oil spil because the public lost interest in the story.

    I think that will happen to Sarah sooner or later. Like many people say she will destroy herself.

    Bristol really looked preggo in many of those pics.

  9. Anonymous3:12 PM

    They definitely have some ulterior motive for buying a home there. I lived in the desert for 37 years, but at least there was something to do where I was (Las Vegas!!)...Now, keep in mind, there are some breathtaking parts of Arizona (Sedona comes to mind), but this is NOT a place someone would haphazardly plunk down $180,000 and expect to begin a cheery new life. As for schools for Tripp....fuggedaboutit!! Nope, there's something fishy in Maricopa County, and it ain't Alaskan salmon!

  10. My gosh, that whole area looks depressing. The house itself isn't bad, but otherwise...

    Seriously, there are many lovely places in AZ. Why on earth pick a place that is so awful? Poor little Tripp. As fair as that child is, one can hope Bristol has enough sense to slather him in sunscreen any time he's outside.

  11. Chenagrrl3:13 PM

    If I were Bristol, I would be antsy in that house, always needing to be on the go. That, as I have learned, is not a good sign for me.
    The forlorn look to the surroundings wouldn't help unless I got into Hash House Harriers, again. Watch for snakes.

  12. abo gato3:17 PM

    It's a ruse. She's never gonna live in that house.

  13. Anonymous3:17 PM

    "Now" what do I think?

    Same as since the beginning - Maricopa's a boonie trash town & you were wrong to dis the entire state as if AZ as a whole can be represented by one of its (yeah, there isn't an apostrophe in the possessive "its") worst small towns.

  14. scarlet/oregon3:29 PM

    I agree with 'abo' at's all a ruse and keeping us busy focused on the wrong thing.

    The Palins have ulterior motives for everything they do.

  15. Anonymous3:34 PM

    It looks like the perfect place to film a reality show, the interiors can be fixed up, the camera crews can take over the block without too much resistance ($), and there are no peers and friends from her past that know just a little too much about the real BP. I really doubt she will live there- just a staged set.

  16. Anonymous3:40 PM

    There are much worse places in the United States, but I don't think that it serves any useful purpose to degrade people and insult their homes. Many people would be thrilled to be handed a house as nice as Bristol's. And, they wouldn't mind that it is surrounded by desolate desert, few stores and few other attractions. Many people in that part of Arizona live in a simple adobe house with no air conditioning, probably no running water, and few amenities like a garage or a gravel yard. They would change places with Bristol in a heart beat.

    The problem with this place and Bristol is that it is a distraction, a fake, it's not Bristol's house. Oh, her name may be on the deed, so if something actually happens to the house, she would be liable. Bristol made hundreds of thousands of dollars dancing with stars. She also lived in a cool, modern condo in Anchorage, and she could have found a similar place in the middle Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, or Tempe.

    Everything that we have heard about Bristol is that she craves the company of friends. She has been photographed out clubbing or eating a frozen yogurt. I can't imagine her living out there all alone and being happy with the choice. If that's Bristol's house, then Sarah has banished her to the farthest place from Wasilla (almost).

    People may claim to see a big truck with Tripp license plates at a nearby Arby's, but it's a fake out. Bristol is in some swell condo in Scottsdale, lounging by the side of the pool while someone takes care of Tripp. She's not going to be living in Maricopa. At best, she's make a guest appearance.

  17. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Still do not think Bristole the pregnant pistole is going to live there in that house. It is simply a big distraction for the media, let's see if Joe the teabagger ends up there or the lawyer, Van Flein. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if this money for the house was just funnelled into a purchase and it could be rented out.

  18. Molly3:48 PM

    Well, the house seems nice enough. Plenty of square footage, cute little park up the street....

    ...yet, it appears as if the subdivision is plunked down in the middle of nowhere.

    So, the question is: Why does B want to live in the middle of nowhere??

    Is there a church nearby? (Seeing as how "Christian" B is)

    Is there a grocery store nearby? A Target, a Kohl's a WALMART?

    A daycare center?

    A hospital where she can deliver a baby in a few months?

  19. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I just don't buy the idea that Bristol plans to live there.

    Where is she, anyway? Are they all up in AK?

    Sightings and photos, that's what we need....

  20. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Remember, we all said if she kinda disappears for 2 or 3 months, we would know we were on to something.

  21. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Old rule of thumb when speculating on real estate-don't spend more than you can afford to lose, and love it if you are stuck with it.

    If these pics are from the area- then all the negative comments about the area were too kind.

    Dogs? Dogs running loose? Mean dogs? That's what you see in areas like this.

  22. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Bristol went on DWTS for the cash and the celebrity. If she wants to shed the celebrity, this Arizona location will do the job.

    Bristol's children (and they'll be plenty of them) will endure life with the daughter of a sociopath. Their mental hell will destroy the advantages of any scenic/healthy environment anyway, so I don't think AZ will be any worse for the kids than say, Manhattan.

    BTW, I've been in some pretty dismal looking towns in Texas also. It's not an AZ exclusive.

  23. hauksdottir3:58 PM

    Actually, for burn-in-hell locations, there are a few hotter towns in the Death Valley area. However, Bakersfield outdoes them for sheer repellence: the air reeks of burning oil and refinery grit, added to miserable heat and interminable flatland. Hmm... I wonder if Sarah could be enticed by a realtor to buy in "a refined area"? ;^)

    Of, course, living in California, I'd prefer that the entire family and all their associates blight another State. It is a great pity that Todd insulted Texas. Otherwise, Governor Good-Hair could surely find a suitable location for them, complete with their own oil rig.

    So, Arizona it is: hot, flat, windy, a park that lacks playfulness and a jail for a school, with a whole lot of empty. Empty heads and empty houses. Home.

    One thing I am remembering, though. Rick Santorum. The Pennsylvania residence was a shell, suitable for gaining advantages (like $38,000/year free tuition paid for by the REAL area residents) and maintaining eligibility for office; the Virginia residence was where they actually lived.

    Each Palin that lives in Alaska gets an equal share of oil money each year. They get free medical care through Indian Health. Medical expenses for babies and small children are astronomical. It is difficult to think of this grifting family walking away from thousands of dollars in free money and all that medical care to establish residency elsewhere.

    Unless they are going to play Santorum's little game of fraud.

    Or something even more corrupt.

  24. It's just the desert. It's dry and hot and way too many people live there for the small water resources that are present in that environment. The large desert dwelling population along the banks of the Colorado river have sucked up it's water before it even reaches the sea. The Colorado River Delta used to be a major rest stop for migrating birds but a thirsty human population has stolen all of the water.

    Just like Alaska isn't for everyone, neither is this austere barren and hot place.

  25. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I think something is amiss.

  26. If this sort of attention helps discourage Governor/2 Sarah "Grisly Mama" Palin from maintaining a high public profile, Im all for it. Afterall, she quit as governor because of excessive media attention and public scrutiny of her affairs. However, the very instant she sits down and shuts up, I dont want to hear another word about her, about anyone in her family or about anyone who knows anyone who knows anyone in her family. I want my peaceful pre-palin world back.

    ps, it was warmer in Chicago than in Phoenix today. Crazy world, aint it?

  27. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I think that March is a safe time for speaking engagements. Late Feb/ early March will be the first we see her.

  28. "If Bristol has speaking engagements booked for March, then she isn't pregnant. I don't think with her weight gain she can continue to hide it even into February."

    Correction: She knows she WON'T be pregnant by the time mid-March rolls around.

    Evidently she got pregnant in early June 2010 and will be induced at 37 weeks -- and squished that poor fetus within an inch of his life with the corsets she wore on DWTS.

    On Mommy Dearest's advice/command, no doubt.

  29. Anonymous4:11 PM

    They should try cleaning the lens and focusing the camera and get the exposure right. It wouldn't look so bleak.

  30. Jackie4:12 PM

    No one's mentioned that they do have a Harrah's Casino in Maricopa. Also miles of stinky cows which when the wind blows from the wrong direction makes it stink for miles all over town. Not pasture cows - crowded dairy or meat market.

  31. Mark In Everett4:14 PM

    abo gato @3:17 agreed! Gryphen, don't you get the sense something isn't right with this? I think it's a big distraction. Perhaps from all the slams Caribou Barbie has gotten from her own side lately. The TLC travesty is tanking, the book isn't selling very well, Joe Miller has been beaten by Lisa - ouch! Sarah's 15 mins are running up. In any case I don't think that house is where Bristol and her baby will be living. Maybe she bought it for someone else - a boyfriend?

  32. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I'm going with b.s. on any Palin ever living in that house.
    Although, I do like the idea of Bristol getting far, far away from her crazy mother as it's her only chance to lead a sane life.

  33. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I might actually watch an episode of Bristol's Reality Show to see how the college girls and unwed mother are navigating around the desert. She could be like Sarah and have her own television studio in her house.

    It will be interesting when they release the next pressers on this Bristol saga.

    If Bristol wasn't home, it must be because she was on her way to Arby's, alone in her Tripp truck.

  34. Anonymous4:21 PM

    It really is a pretty nice house.

    But you can't piss rainbows when you are living in hell. What a depressing region! And I mean *financially*. That house is worth LESS than mine -- and mine's in Austin that's 30 years old!

    And yes, it's the desert. I've been to Arizona -- and many places I've been are quite beautiful in their deserty-way. But this??

    Ummm... no. I still think it's a "homestead" for Sarah's political (ahem) future.

    ::double-fuckin' eye roll... Palinstyle::

  35. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Let's see how much genuine interest in Ak-Chin Indian Community will be generated.

    The commenters don't seem to understand the beauty of the Sonoran Desert must be seen on a different scale, sort of like Bethel tundra in western AK (both the Sonoran and the tundra have belly-flowers, an entire intricate and lovely landscape, best appreciated on one's belly).

    On the other hand, the development is fairly typical of late 20th century style-- denude and walls, with silly names (cobblestone?). It is designed to isolate.

    What should be appreciated is that there seem to be few public water wasters, unlike Phoenix itself.

  36. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I agree with Jude: "The desert itself is beautiful, but the signs of human habitation are grim, bleak, desolate."

    It is the quality of the human population that makes an area inhabitable, inhospitable, and a drain on the spirit.

    No small wonder, really, that any Palin would be attracted to this - they of the "cement slab."

  37. Janet in Texas4:34 PM

    Not to offend anyone in Arizona but I had the misfortune to date a guy from Tucson, AZ a few years ago and spent one week there and couldn't wait to get back to Houston, TX. OMG. The drive from Phoenix to Tucson was like a drive on the Moon. Nothing but dirt and ugly brown dirty mountains. No trees, green grass, or flowers. (This was late in June.) I never dreamed I would think of Houston as "pretty" but after Tucson, it is GORGEOUS ! And that horrifying place that Bristol has chosen, Lord have mercy. She IS sick.

  38. Anonymous4:35 PM

    There's a lot not to like about SP, and even BP, although I give her a quasi-pass - diminished responsiblity. I know she's an adult now, but I'm not sure how I would do under her circumstances. ACtually, if we actually KNEW about SP's background I might have compassion for her too - right after I kept her crazy ideas off the radar screen and her hate speech silenced (as best can be done without violating other cherished values).

    But from what I know, there is nothing illegal, immoral, or unethical about the place Bristol is alleging moving to. There might be something illegal, immortal or unethical about moving/keeping a child away from a loving, involved father, but that's a different issue. I hear more complaining, scorning about the place Bristol chose, than her move away from Levi.

    I don't get why people are so delighted to learn that Bristol picked a place they consider so awful (particularly since it's not even clear she is really going to move there. I'll believe it when I see it). IT looks like a lot of places where nice people make a nice life.

    Heck, from what I've heard, if someone said they were moving to Wasilla, there could be all kinds of cackling about drugs, and teen-age pregnancies, etc. Maybe people who stay there should be scorned. (I suspect there are lots of nice people with nice lives in WAsilla however).

    I think Bristol's house is a red herring and non-issue. (now, whether she is really moving there, if her mom's money paid for it, if it's part of a larger story, that might be interesting. But the house is a house and it looks like a normal house to me.)


  39. Anonymous4:36 PM

    It looks like the arid SW US as opposed to the frozen NW US mud flats, a sweltering SE US swamp or a frozen NE US barren.

    Or a trash lined NY street when the satiation workers go on strike or a wheat field in Kansas, or a California mud slide in , or, or,


  40. Anonymous4:38 PM

    they are going to use it as a home for poor unwed mothers.

  41. Anonymous4:49 PM

    My guess, is that Bristol will live in the house for a short time and then sell it for a nice profit. Someone in the flock will pay to have the house owned by Bristol.

  42. Anonymous4:59 PM

    bristol's not going to live here; sarah thinks she can establish Arizona residency with this house.

  43. Anonymous5:01 PM

    This is terrific. What a great job Blog Fan. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

    Bristol has the real estate genius of the Paoletti family with her on this deal. They may see themselves as Bugsy Segal, the dude that developed the Flamingo in Las Vegas. It was a hell hole when he arrived and everyone thought his vision stunk. They may have plans to re-do the whole town for their show. Just sayin'

    If she was to hide out here why did they allow the address and info out? I still think it is a decoy of some kind. They may plan on trading it off in a future deal. This cements the fact that it is not a place someone with options would pick to raise their children. Bristol isn't an independent, hard working unwed mother that went out on her own and picked this area, house. That is a fact. They can end that meme and go on to the next one.

    Does anyone think that Bristol or Levi would want Tripp in a public school? They probably agree on some of the cult members to program him. I'm thinking they don't give a hoot about schools.

    I am intrigued with Bristol's boyfriends and their families. It is fascinating that no media has gone with the Bristol wants a Paoletti baby in 2011 story. What was that about? Was Gino hired for the reality show or not? A real celebrity romance would be all over the entertainment news and there would be pictures of her trips to Arby's or for cheese cake.

    I was taken back with the "bazooka" comment. Is that how the Wasilla boys talked about Bristol? How long did she date that dude? Coincidence that his father was a close, dear WBC friend and Teabagger/CULTIST? Is there a pattern with that? Levi may not have been from the right cult family, he may not be Teabagger enough and that would be trouble for Sarah all along. What does Bristol do that isn't family related, Teabag and cultist?

  44. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Have relatives there & have been there many, many times....Bristol is not going to live in this house. The Palins must need a tax loss or are moving in someone they want dead. There are many nice areas in one would buy this house for a single woman with a young child. Dumb decoy.

  45. aj weishar5:08 PM

    Todd is on his way down to build a 14 foot wall around it.

  46. Anonymous5:08 PM

    She bought it for $44/sq. foot which is quite amazing. She should be able to turn a nice profit on that. You can't buy anything close to that in most of the country.

  47. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I'm sorry, but I don't believe for one minute Princess LardButt will live in this house.

    PigStool and her Whiskey Tango family are low-classers who have developed champagne tastes, though they have cheap beer and MD 20/20 personalities.

  48. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Ah, yes, just another "modest" Phoenix home.

    A person needs to see the grander homes to understand.

    As a resident of the southwest - I used to live in Tempe a suberb of Phoenix - I know that the setting of the subdivision is really important. This one looks like a very new development.

    As for the school - LOL - as is a Palin needs an education Let alone attend the devil PUBlic school.

  49. Anonymous5:18 PM

    She is not going to live there. It may be an investment, it may be a hidey-hole for Track, it may be something that her new BF talked her into. But she is not going to live there.

  50. Anonymous5:20 PM

    There is no way Bristol is going to live there. This is some sort of mis-direction play. No doubt.

  51. Anonymous5:23 PM

    BIngo! A ruse indeed!

    What Palin would have a kid outside of Alaska - they would run the risk of procusing a birth certificate to get the pfd.

    But then owning property in AZ is grounds for running for office in AZ. Anyone to a title search to see who's name is on the title?

    Not like S$carah would seriously run for any office, but then there is Toad.

  52. womanwithsardinecan5:29 PM

    As I mentioned before, I had never been that close to Maricopa until a few days ago. The person who mentioned the cows is right on. Miles and miles of feedlots. Do you have any idea how bad those smell? Perhaps the only thing worse is Hickman's Chicken Farms, or a slaughterhouse. As for Sonoran desert, i don't think Maricopa area qualifies. i didn't see a single saguaro or other typical Sonoran desert plant. I saw flat, dusty, scrub brush, cotton, feedlots. That is not the lovely Sonoran desert that I adore and visit every single year. And yes, the subdivision looks fine as far as Arizona subdivisions go (they pretty much all look the same). But it is a terribly depressed area with pretty much nothing to offer. Not a great place to raise a kid or two.

  53. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Maybe it's just because I've always lived in the Texas heat and humidity, and because we replaced all the windows on our home a couple of summers back with wonderful, new, energy-efficient windows.

    But, the FIRST thing I thought when I saw those windows on that house is that they appear to have full southern exposure and nothing on them to keep out the 110-120 degree Arizona desert heat. They look like builder grade quality. And, trying to cool any home in that desert with windows like that is just nuts. I bet there's no way the a.c. can cool the house down in the summertime...

  54. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I'm snickering thinking of the many Palinbots who are already scraping together their pennies and searching the Internet real estate listings in order to follow their beloved's lead and to buy a home near Bristol. It serves them right that it's in such a desolate spot (and yes, there are many nice areas in AZ).

  55. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Gryphen, has Mercede at least talked to Levi to tell him that he can direct his attorney (notice that I purposely did NOT say "wait for his attorney to suggest it," but stated "tell his attorney to act") to file papers to STOP Bristol from taking Tripp out of state? At that same time, Levi's atty can ask the court for a reduction of Levi's child support, since he probably did not make as much in 2010 from media gigs as he did at first.

  56. Anonymous5:59 PM

    If she has speaking engagements booked in March, she is most likely scheduled to deliver in February!

  57. I really don't see how a young person would intentionally purchase a home in this location. A retiree maybe. I assume Alaska is pretty lush compared to gravel beds instead of grass. I wonder if the arid environment might be doctor advised due to a health issue. But why not a gated community with the advantages of community services, etc.

    Something weird here for sure.

  58. the problem child6:14 PM

    The place itself is bleak, and the home is ugly. But I bet beautiful people still live there. I wonder what Bill from Wasilla would think of this place.

  59. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Personally, I think she got some bad advice on investing in real estate, most likely from her "boyfriend."

  60. Ratfish6:32 PM

    Now you've really gone and done it.

    The twitter quitter is going to ship the Wasilla fence down to Arizona and make Todd put it up in front of Bristol's house.

    And RAM will write some anti-media tirades blasting bloggers and other lame media types.

  61. Anonymous6:49 PM


    I was thinking about how much Sarah Palin hates Levi, but Sarah should send Levi a Thank You card. If it wasn’t for the fact Levi was banging her daughter, Bristol would not be able to buy that house. Bristol would just be another underage uneducated Alaskan sex tramp if Levi did not get her pregnant. Now Willow needs to find somebody to get her pregnant. I wonder if Levi believes in double dipping?

  62. I don't know anything about Arizona except for some trips to visit a friend who lives in Tucson. I have a sister who lives in a depressed area near McAllen, Texas that looks just like the photos of Maricopa posted here.

    Those rather desolate desert areas away from the towns are so beautiful it breaks your heart. The area around the mission San Xavier del Bac in Arizona is breathtakingly beautiful and crushingly poor. Near McAllen, there are places so ancient and so beautiful it's hard to stay away in spite of the danger there now.

    Stick fences, compound gates made of random metal objects, dusty yards full of sheep and mesquite and grapefruit trees--these things are lovely to see even though they are inspired by poverty and necessity as well as a thousand-year heritage. Many people who live in these circumstances are doing ok in spite of the crime and corruption which permeate their lives.

    That corruption is made evident in real estate developments like the one Bristol Palin has signed her name to. Rather than devote attention to relieving the effects of extreme local poverty, towns and counties grant easements and tax abatements to real estate developers for reasons so complicated
    they can't be outlined here.

    Don't jump to conclusions by what you see in the photos. Those dusty desert compounds are often sites of rich family lives that are not available in "Copperhead Heights."

  63. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I admit right off that I'm not a hot weather/desert person, but I just can't imagine going from living in Alaska to living in that area. Yes, there's an open, almost barren feeling to the tundra, but the part of Alaska where she grew up is close to mountains and forests and lots of shades of GREEN.

    I, too, smell something a little fishy about this whole situation. It will be interesting to see what develops as time goes on...

  64. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Looks like an investment scam to me. Tax break, anyone?

  65. Anonymous7:16 PM

    What a dump.

  66. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I guess that we're looking at the set of Bristol's new reality show, if only she can convince someone that she is TV reality show material. Sarah talks about security and stalkers, and yet they make the address of Bristol's house public information. No way. Bristol is really living someplace else.

  67. FEDUP!!!8:17 PM

    WHERE IS BRI$TOL??? Where is the whole fandamily?

    On another note: Everybody comments on how desolate the area is, and I agree. However - nobody so far has commented on the fact that Natives live close-by - in a forced encampment ("reservation"), and they HAVE to make a living there, whether they want to or not! THAT kind of environment is what we deem 'right' and proper for our First People...

  68. The lead, front page story for the LA Times website now (Saturday, Jan 1 @ approx. 9:30 pm) is "Arizona town buzzing over Palin's purchase",0,7953891.story

    Also, Andrew Sullivan's blog linked to a story last week from another site (Gawker media) that speculated that Bristol Palin is establishing residency to run for congress in the new congressional district that Arizona was awarded with the 2010 census.

    Finally, I have lived in Southern California my entire life, and when my family went on vacation, we almost always traveled east through Arizona (from San Diego eastern suburbs). I enjoy this site, but I'm offended by how judgmental some commenters are about rural desert areas. Please keep in mind that visitors unaccustomed to places like Houston TX aren't thrilled by the flatness & humidity (I've been there in July, and had a hard time coping with 100 degrees with 90% humidity). The desert is different, and rural areas there must rely on ranching for their livlihood. If you drink milk, eat cheese or hamburgers, is it really right to complain about the smell of ranches/dairies? Phoenix is unfortunately situated in one of the less spectacular portions of Arizona, which offers wonderful mountains to the south (Douglas, Sierra Vista), amazing saguaros in Tucson, etc.

  69. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Looks like the typical American slum to me, and let's face it, America really has become a third world country now. In both infrastructure and attitude. So face it Alaskans, once you have made a few bucks and are able to get the hell out of Alaska where people go for a short time to make big money. You're not going to be able to do much better than this.

    And you still didn't make your point Gryphen.

  70. Snowing in Alaska8:41 PM

    It's perfect! Only one thing left to do - tear down the house and drag in her trailer. She's never seen a real cow in her life, but figures their shit is a bit less malodorous than the bullshit she's been surrounded by since birth.

  71. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Something is rotten in Denmark.

  72. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Maybe Sarah and her family are planting a flag in Maricopa. Soon, all the faithful will follow and buy up all that devalued real estate. They'll make themselves a little city, kind of like Colorado City. They'll be isolated, but they'll all be close to their queen -- or maybe they'll start calling her The Prophet. And then, once they've taken over the town, they'll name it Palinville!

  73. I'm more interested in what's going on with Sarah & Todd.

    Sarah's facebook Christmas note included a New Year's greeting so there's nothing obviously wrong with her silence over this holiday week.

    However, her astrology chart shows a lot of stressful energy and coming relationship shifts (might not completely play out for a little over a year) while Todd's shows lots of 'playful' (ahem) activity. Sarah could be in burn-out mode but it will likely get better before it gets worse. If she stays quiet for awhile, I think we'll definitely hear from her by Jan 21-22 (using 6pm birth time).

    If there's a real astrologer reading or a competent amateur, I hope they'll take a look and chime in. There's so much going on it's overwhelming.

  74. Gasman8:57 PM

    You can be damn sure that Sarah Palin will never go near the place. Where is the moat? Where are the machine gun turrets? The minefield? The concertina razor wire? Where is the 15 foot fence surrounding the house? How the hell is Sarah to be kept safe from the prying eyes of the LSM and kept safe from the teaming unwashed masses who worship and adore her?

    Palin slumming it by living amongst the commoners, even if just for a visit? PUHLEEZE!

    The Palins are white trash royalty and as such have come to expect a certain standard of grandiosity - in their tacky nouveau riche white trash kind of way.

    Now if you bulldozed all neighboring houses from a perimeter of about 200 feet in every direction AND installed all of the above features, then I'd believe this could be Chez Palin.

    A plain house? Hell no.

  75. Anonymous8:57 PM

    The Palins go on a mission to no man´s land and find Bristol a nice little hideaway to incubate her new virus.

    All the way down to Maricopa they go. Out of sight, out of sound, and out of mind.

    Finally, Bristol gets to give you the ¨proverbial¨ big middle finger.

    No need to worry about Alaskan bloggers there.

    But, oh no, you just had to pop their balloon and demonstrate that no place in safe in America, not even Maricopa, from the prying eyes of liberals.


  76. Anonymous9:00 PM

    "What Palin would have a kid outside of Alaska - they would run the risk of procusing a birth certificate to get the pfd. "

    What is "pfd"?

  77. Anonymous9:17 PM

    This house is an investment, and that’s it! Is it a financial investment? I doubt it! Will Bristol ever live there? I double doubt it! Hell, cell phone service may not be available, let alone other amenities. People who live in areas like this (and the west has plenty) expect to drive long distances for most services. Unlike the previous owners (who turned a tidy little profit in a short period of time), Bristol has terrible financial advisors- if any- who offered this for near future gains. This house is a decoy to establish residency for who knows what. College, public office, you name it.

    As for foreclosures, let’s give Maricopa County a break. Look at the foreclosures in Phoenix. See for Zip Code 8017 etc. The one thing that John McCain heaped upon us that is worst than Sarah is the housing foreclosure crisis. He was deeply involved in the Savings and Loan failure of the 80's that spearheaded this quagmire. I wish he had gone to jail for that. Cindy made a few dollars herself thanks to hubby. Congress never resolved the S&L crisis, which led to creative financing that has crushed the entire country. I was researching flood damage in a little hamlet in Oklahoma that included 10 houses. Four of the ten were in various stages of foreclosure.

    Saving grace for Bristol’s purchase is the Maricopa folks have taken one for the team. Forty nine other States have been spared, so far. John McCain has earned all the Palins and everything they bring.

    BTW, the house is a typical tract house that would ordinarily attract young buyers searching for the American Dream - when they have jobs.

  78. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Here is a chuckle or three at Wonkette.

    I missed this if its already been posted.
    Top 10 iPad Political Apps of 2010

    I can't decide which is the best- quite a number feature teh Palin.

    "Every year, the technology editors at Wonkette review their reviews of the top political iPad apps and then put them together for our popular New Year’s Treasure Chest/Promise Keepers Review Post, “Top 10 iPad Political Apps of 2010.” This year is certainly no different! Whether it’s a cloud-based xml database that tracks liberal disillusionment with Barack Obama’s Republican policies or a GPS-based marijuana/Taco Bell real-time inventory system that crowd-sources whether Bristol Palin is (at this moment) ovulating and in the back of a car with some guy on break from Jiffy Lube while a Kid Rock “rural rap” is sputtering through the one functioning speaker,< 2010 brought America some of the best political apps of the previous decade. But which one is Number One, and Who Will Win?"-

    Also too one of the apps is for Joe wannabees.

    "Joe Miller stubble growth indicator:"

  79. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I suspect this an investment purchase ONLY. Perhaps they have deluded themselves in thinking that due to their purchasing a place in this area, that the values will assuredly increase - more interest in the area - more purchases and then they could unload at a profit?!!

    Sarah Palin is not going to live in this area I can assure you. She'll gravitate toward more upscale places in AZ.

    As to the house's a cover something else that Palin is doing.

  80. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Click here to find out more!
    Arizona town buzzing over Palin's purchase

    Bristol Palin buys a five-bedroom house on the edge of Maricopa, Ariz. Locals wonder whether it's a sign of a housing market rebound in the sleepy Phoenix suburb.

    No one here really knows why she bought a five-bedroom house in a sprawling subdivision, or if she even intends to live in it. But, already, Bristol Palin's real estate acquisition has residents in one hard-hit desert neighborhood chatting about their hopes for a housing market rebound.

    To the surprise of many in this sleepy Phoenix suburb, the 20-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin who recently created her own celebrity as a "Dancing with the Stars" finalist purchased a two-story home in a development of earth-toned houses on the edge of town.

    And she got a good deal too.

    The 3,900-square-foot home in Maricopa's Cobblestone Farms neighborhood was priced well over $300,000 when it was built in 2005. Bristol Palin paid $172,000 cash for the house last week, according to Pinal County property records and information published on the region's multiple listing service.

    Palin's new home "overlooks beautiful landscaped backyard with brick border and covered patio for year round entertaining.... Your friends & family will enjoy the lg backyard, perfect for volleyball, BBQs and more!" the listing service report boasted. The kitchen features "gorgeous tile backsplash," and the refrigerator is included.,0,7953891.story

  81. Sorry. I didn't mean to imply that I wasn't interested in the AZ digs.

    Many thanks to the IM reader who made the trek out to Maricopa and took the great photos. The big house for cheap in this area makes sense for someone who needed the 5 bedrooms for a big family and couldn't afford the same in any other location. For Bristol to purchase it is another Palin mystery.

  82. Anonymous9:51 PM

    "Our geopolitically-challenged national pom-pom girl"

  83. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Palin's e-mails: Political delay or incompetence?

  84. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Maricopa isn't the nicest place in the world but really if you think this is "bad" you don't know greater Phoenix all that well (of which Maricopa is an exurb). Go to South Phoenix, Maryvale, or Sunnyslope. They are much, much worse. People here seem to be getting worked up over some visual detritus. I lived in sophx for five years and believe me I would much rather have lived around the desert scrubland pictured here (which, by the way is the norm in that climate/environment).

  85. Anonymous10:16 PM

    @ 5:59 PM

    Levi, possibly the Johnstons, may know Tripp will not be moving there. Levi knows or knows of Gino Paoletti and would have an idea what is really going on. If Levi is certain Tripp will remain living at the compound, where his mother has an apartment, he would not need to file papers to stop Bristol from moving Tripp out of state.

    Gryphen, did you hear from Mercede at all? Do the powers that be allow you to say anything? To see Tripp, Mercede is no doubt on a tight leash with Levi. Levi may play her even if he knows Tripp won't be moving so who can say. The Palins are the main puppeteers, what the Johnstons believe to be true may not be.

  86. I did a quick Paoletti search. The family is all over and while Geno and his parents have the tourist bear camp in Alaska others are spread through out the country. Geno is very young. He is being set up, he is not the brains or instigator behind anything. Check out the Paoletti family. They've been in business for years. They may say it is Geno, but that is like Sarah saying Bristol did everything for herself, on her own.

    If you want to speculate on what could be cooking, the Paoletti's will give you an indication by what they are about. Otherwise thinking that her boyfriend is doing this is silly. Look at the older Paoletti's with experience. Geno is not the one. He may just be the front, the one they are working with to do television.

  87. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Heh, heh, heh!!! I can't wait until she is there in July. It's so hot that it sucks the air out of your lungs and lights it on fire. I don't know about Maricopa, but Phoenix is hot and humid. It just doesn't get any better than that!! It is actually possible to fry eggs on the driveway. I know. I live in the Upper Mojave Desert and I have been to Phoenix when it was hotter than the depths of hell and humid!!

  88. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I doubt she will live there. Big smokescreen

  89. Anonymous10:52 PM

    She will not be living there.

  90. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Can we move on from snickering about how ugly the house/area is? It's a bit juvenile.

    As with everything Palin does, there is an agenda at work here. IMO, that's the only thing worth the speculation.

  91. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Simply Lovely!

    Could this be a punishment from Sarah for the curious weight gain? bt

  92. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Speaking from the shores of Lake Lucille............Yes, Lake Lucille has it's problems with overgrowth of weeds, fertilizer and road run-off, resulting in the inevitable mass fish die-offs.............but it's still a very lovely spot (if I don't look across at the Palin Compound).

    How a girl could leave living on an Alaskan lake for boggles the mind.

    My guess is that she had some cash from the Dancing Gig, she listened to her new 20 year old real estate guru boyfriend, and made a really poor investment!

    Or else she's going to run for congress and this is the launch of her own political career. Are the Palins popular in Arizona? Perhaps they believe that proximity to John McCain can only lead to good things for Palins?

  93. Anonymous12:02 AM

    "Cobblestone Farms" ?
    Faux stone wall, faux farms, faux Bristle.

  94. Anonymous12:55 AM

    At Least We've Got Procreation Down Pat

    Each Palin that lives in Alaska gets an equal share of oil money each year. They get free medical care through Indian Health. Medical expenses for babies and small children are astronomical. It is difficult to think of this grifting family walking away from thousands of dollars in free money and all that medical care to establish residency elsewhere.

    I keep forgetting what big socialists the Palins are. I can't see them giving any of that up.

    Bristol has yet to confirm or deny the report.

    They will have to return from holiday and twit and do more exclusive magazine layouts before too long. I am looking forward to the next spin. May they leak a few more rumors before the next wonderful glossy magazine interview.

  95. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Maybe they will buy all the foreclosed homes and turn the place into Palinville?? It certainly looks desolate. Maybe a good place to have wild drinking parties without being bothered by neighbors??

  96. Given that she is from a family of viciously racist white trash, could she have picked a better place to go?

  97. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Definitely some kind of tax dodge.

  98. Anonymous3:13 AM

    6:49 PM
    Bristol would just be another underage uneducated Alaskan sex tramp if Levi did not get her pregnant. Now Willow needs to find somebody to get her pregnant. I wonder if Levi believes in double dipping?


    Levi has had the mother and the oldest daughter; might as well bag the whole family. Willow next; then Piper in a few years. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if Levi and Todd had a little "Brokeback Mountain" scene too. Also.

  99. Anonymous3:53 AM

    I actually think buying foreclosures in this market is genius. Quite a profit can be made off that house when the market betters. Some of the wealthiest people in the country got that way through the housing market. Bristol should be returning to AZ soon. Send your spy back over there after the 6th when her friend is expected to arrive

  100. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Bristol has 2 reported speaking engagements, one in Jan (Cali) and one in Feb (Texas). She'll be going to disney soon with a friend

  101. Anonymous4:02 AM

    If we see a privacy/security fence go up, or security contractors milling about the property, we'll know she or someone in the family is moving in. I do not think anyone of the Palin's would live in that home right now, given that it is not really private or secure. And we know how much they value their privacy. The current level of privacy enjoyed by the Palin clan may not be available to them in Maricopa, at least at this property in particular. So, time to upgrade the perimeter! Bristol's own "border fence" if you will.

  102. Rick Hill4:20 AM

    A lot of homes vacant and for sale? I wonder if she may get a new neighbor who might be doing research for a book.....She better be careful, this community looks like it has standards on what type and the quality of any fences that might be erected.

  103. Facebook Lurker4:36 AM

    My opinion- Bristol probably needed to purchase something to avoid paying potential capital gains taxes on her Anchorage condo . She paid cash for this house so there are no tax benefits other than her property taxes , which are minimal. Bristols not enrolled @ASU , and has no other job in Arizona, so we can only conclude that this house is just a prop...either to stage a reality show, or draw attention away from the real Palin casa in Scottsdale, where Bristol is gestating her newest bastard . That's where the real money shots are for you Arizona readers.

    As far as the Johnstons go...I have yet to figure out where their money comes from because no one has a job, just sayin

  104. Anonymous4:57 AM


    They are starting a Christian Utopia.

  105. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Personally I don't think any of the Palin family is going to run for any election anywhere. They are lazy and could not do the job if elected. If Palin can get paid for speeches or tv shows then that is what they will do. If she can get a tv gig then she will make money faster and more than being a politician again.

    As far as selling that house and making a nice profit, who is going to buy the house when there are millions of homes not worth much anymore and millions of homes selling for way below market price.

    The Palin family is NOT going to live in that house now or ever. Those babies will be delivered in an Alaska hospital and some will just turn their head and ignore what is going on again. Their family will just continue to keep the whole family paid off in order to keep their silence.

  106. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Now what makes you think that Tripp will go to a school

  107. Anonymous5:27 AM

    This is a joke, right? I mean, the house is fine, but there's NOTHING around. Nothing for a young person or for a child. Bristol just came out of LA for christ's sake, she deliberately lived that lifestyle so it's really very unlikely she'd ever settle here.

    And the heat? The sweater and scarf girl is going to live in 120 degree heat year around? I'll sell you a bridge in brooklyn.

    It's obviously for money $$$ and/or publicity like everything the Palin clan does. They wanted people to know about this purchase. Either a reality show will be filmed there for a few months, or there are political and financial reasons. (You already reported Van Flea moved there). This isn't a Bristol "idea." Bristol hasn't have an original thought since she told Levi she doesn't need the condom.

    Besides, lately she's been a rolling stone, right? The Townhouse in AK, LA, now some other state. In-between she's been at friends or trips to Haiti and other places. And mind you, this is a girl with a young son who desperately needs stability and consistency. Whatever she does with this house I certainly don't expect her to "homestead" here. She hasn't had the desire to do it anywhere else, so what makes anyone think she'll do it here?

  108. Anonymous5:27 AM

    OT - Very weird that SPAK site at TLC has of yet no preview of tonight's episode showing. Something is not right....

    Do you know anything, Gryphen?

  109. Anonymous5:34 AM

    This doesn't make sense. The Palins, who are celebrities, and Sarah, who requires bodyguards sometimes, would be ok with their daughter choosing an isolated area like that to live in? Not a chance.

    Young girls like Bristol want the social scene, cafes, bars, clubs, restaurants, entertainment and most of all, shopping. A young woman with small child would want to be close to amenities, airport, and in Bristol's case, nannies, babysitters.

    I think the Palins are going to regret ever encouraging Bristol into the limelight. It's going to be a hard road for this young girl, trying to find herself, with her mom's political nightmare shadowing her every move.

  110. Anonymous5:39 AM

    If Bristol wanted to get lost or invisible, wouldn't it be easier in NY or LA? Isn't she supposed to be afraid of being so far away from "civilization" like she testified (lied) at the Kernell hearing? I don't think any of the Palins know what they are doing.

  111. Anonymous5:47 AM

    As fast as the Palins are making money, I think they are spending it just as quickly. Remember Palin left Wasilla in 20 million debt when she was mayor? (The city was in zero debt when she was elected by a margin of 100 votes.) And in her short VP run, she spent 250,000$$ on clothing. They (Palins) aren't very smart when it comes to handling finances.

  112. Anonymous5:49 AM

    LOL and so it starts...George Will and Major Garrett just said Snowdrift Snooki can't win....LOL!!!

  113. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Anon@353a, let's try this one more time: Bristol did not buy a foreclosure. Someone else bought the house when it was in foreclosure, did a little work, and flipped it for a quick $50K profit. According to Zillow it was about the most expensive house in the neighborhood, in other words, the last house anyone should ever buy as an investment.
    My bet is reality show. But mostly I agree, it's a house, who cares.

  114. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I can only think of a couple reasons why Bristol would move to this area. To establish residency or to use this particular house as a red herring - she's living somewhere else, and we are all speculating about THIS place. If that's the reason, they are probably laughing at their success. No way is Bristol going to live in that home.
    On another note, as a 4th generation desert dweller (NM), I am astonished at the judgmental remarks some are writing. People who are used to living in more green areas fail to see the beauty of the desert. Granted, this particular part of Arizona is not to MY liking and I would not live there, but many people call it home. The house it's self looks the same as numerous other homes anywhere in the U.S. Also, some of the comments are coming very very close to sounding bigoted/racist against the very "brown" people they like to think they are champions of. Who do you think lives in a majority of the dusty little communities in AZ you are disparaging? Poor "brown" people. In my particular town, I am the minority. I live in a beautiful, unique adobe (mud) house. I have rich farming acreage with pecan trees. It's a more fertile area than AZ is, but desert. My neighbors may live in a tumbled down adobe house, or a multi-million dollar home. They may be here undocumented or be able to trace there families back 100's of years to this area. The area is very unique in history and looks. Artists flock to this area because the colors and scenery get their creative juices flowing. I'm very proud to live in an area where the 3 main cultures coexist. I'm sure Alaska is beautiful, but so is the South West U.S. Namaste

  115. Anonymous6:20 AM

    As an aside, my son-in-law is an HVAC contractor in the area, and we got into a discussion about building techniques for these mushroom subdivisions. Coming from the East, I was floored when he told me how these are constructed and how they can go up so fast.

    Slab, frame, and OSB at the corners. Then chicken wire stretched across the frames and concrete sprayed to form both the outer wall and the stucco. In other words, no lumber other than the barest minimum.

    He's crawled thru many an attic with AC incorrectly vented, cracked roof timbers and more problems than you can imagine. Everything in these houses is "contractor grade" which means the cheapest available option.

    If you want to see quality construction in AZ, it won't be in Maricopa.

  116. abo gato said...
    It's a ruse. She's never gonna live in that house.
    agree 1000%

  117. Anonymous6:23 AM

    No ! Don't tell me the palins are moving/did move to Scottsdale - I planned on retiring to Scottsdale from NY when I retire in a couple of years. If they're there, I'm going to my 2nd choice, Orlando, Florida area.

  118. Anonymous6:36 AM

    We know Mrs. Palin has friends in the oil business with mutual business associates. Tips from these contacts are helping Palin start planning for the next phase of her life.

    I think her "advisors" told her the Palin brand is fading fast. She needs to take her money and invest in real estate and other venues. The celebutard gravy train is drying up.

    Now there is a piece of AZ real estate in the Palin name. A good start--cheap and in the middle of nowhere. There must be more Palin AZ holdings in other LLCs and pseudo investments.

    I cannot believe either Palin have the smarts to find sound potential investments on their own. Bristol also,too. Dumb as a box of rocks comes to mind for the latter.

    Nope, this is all about greed Palin style. (Although I like the idea posited earlier: buying up the other houses in the subdivision and turning it into North Star Estates.) :-)


  119. Anonymous6:44 AM

    The most significant thing about these pictures is that SP is not screeching and twittering that her privacy is being invaded, she is being stalked, that the picture of the playground proves her stalker to be a pedophile, and every other thing she can think up or make up to be a victim.

    Why the silence??

    My two best guesses:
    1. After being manically upbeat for the filming of SPA she is now in a depressive phase.

    2. Seeing her "Hawaiian" pictures in the tabloids, she is undergoing a marathon plastic surgery to correct that turkey neck, cottage-cheese thighs, and fix her nerve-damaged mouth.

  120. Didn't Bristol speak of how much she missed her family in the last weeks of DWTS? Tripp was sent or left in AK. I recall thinking she must be attatched to family for she saw the family in AK or LA almost ever week. It does not make sense Bristol would move to AZ.

    It irritates me how the Palins lie by ommission not mentioning Bristol's full time companion in LA and nanny/babysitter to create false impressions she endures hardship raising a child all alone.

    I speculate this AZ house purchase is to promote Bristol is hard working and independent.

    One thing is certain: the Palin's have demonstrated they have secret agendas and nothing they appear to do is what they'd have people think including SPA. They probably get off that people try to guess what they are up to.

  121. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I looked at the area on Google Street View
    and satellite--you can see the cows. Maybe
    Sayruh can become a cowpoke, since it worked
    for Bush.

  122. Anonymous7:24 AM

    The Palins-- like all simple-minded folk-- see life as a game they play as a smarter-than-anybody-else opponent. (see Dunning-Kruger Effect: "the unskilled therefore suffer from illusory superiority, rating their own ability as above average, much higher than it actually is, while the highly skilled underrate their abilities, suffering from illusory inferiority")

    Because that's the case, this house means nothing. It's a red herring while elsewhere something else is happening. A new grandchild, a new devious plot, a facelift or tummy tuck, whatever.

    Palin will not go down without a firefight. People like that take down everything around them when they go.

  123. Anonymous7:28 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    If Bristol wanted to get lost or invisible, wouldn't it be easier in NY or LA? Isn't she supposed to be afraid of being so far away from "civilization" like she testified (lied) at the Kernell hearing? I don't think any of the Palins know what they are doing.

    5:39 AM"

    In NY she'd be around dirty liburals, foreigners,
    Jews, blacks, etc, etc. Not to mention libraries,
    colleges, art & culture. She might get worldly!
    Yuck! She's cuntry, y'all! She might get
    all corrupted, and that would suck...

  124. womanwithsardinecan8:05 AM

    As another desert lover, I can attest to the fact that much of Arizona is lovely. That just doesn't happen to include the flat scrubland south of Phoenix. The reason all those feedlots and cotton are there is because that's really the only thing that hot dry flat area is good for. Yes, I can go wandering around in scrubby flat desert and find beautiful things, but not if it is scraped, pesticided (cotton is one of the worst), cow shitted, and severely depressed, the rivers sucked dry.
    I've been on Alaskan tundra and I think it is lovely. But if you plop down a mine or scrape away all the vegetation for a pipeline, it loses that beauty pretty quickly.

  125. womanwithsardinecan8:11 AM

    Some would say that buying foreclosed property is a good investment, but that only works if the house isn't designed to crumble apart in 15 years. And the property values in such a severely depressed area may never go up much, or take decades. There are plenty of good property investments that have the ability to improve and that are actually nicer places to live. Something else is going on, because buying that property to live on or as an investment is just kind of stupid.

  126. BanditBasheert8:39 AM

    Haven't had much time to read the comments - will take a drive down there one of these days to see if I can get more pics.
    Sarah is aware that this house is like right next to the Reservation right? Sarah will need to drive through the res to get to this tenement?
    It's a typical planned community area. Desert scraped - homes tossed up - nice sign with community name - community pool. Surrounded by all sort of lethal, toxic, dangerous wildlife.
    Sorry - she isn't going to live there. Will not happen ... she will end up at mommys house...the one in Scottsdale with the pool.
    She may very well have bought this place, but she isn't going to LIVE there.

  127. Anonymous10:17 AM

    PERFECT!!! The Swag-Klan will fir right into that neighborhood!! Backyard BBQ's - beer-fest daily in the backyard - and new year's fireworks from the semi-fenced grave yard every Dec. 29....

    Man...can't get much better than that... Oh, did I mention it probably gets to 120 degrees in the Summer out there... some DO melt at that temp.... (tee...hee...)..

  128. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I had a friend that was in public relations in the Tucson/Phoenix area. There is a market for movie locations, there may be studios now. There has been a push to create a little "Hollywood" industry. It has always been a good local for westerns. The no marriage teen pregnants are now popular. I hear there is an airport nearby.

    The 'positives' this locale might have is the foreclosure situation, desolation and access to the airport. They have always done a lot to make it seem that Bristol is independent and on her own, having her buy a house helps that myth. Developers or TV series could pretty much buy out the place and create what ever they want. It would not be the first time a town was purchased. Bristol would not be hiding out or birthing in Maricopa. No way. On her facebook wasn't she leading people to believe she was excited to have college cousins live there, she was excited to design the bedrooms? What is happening on her facebook now? If she is having the house redone it will be busy. Then there is the unconfirmed wanting a baby. It is all crazy and distraction material. Where is Track Palin?

    I can only imagine if Sarah is capable of another return they will have her do a fantastic spiritual revelation. Bristol, also, too. If they are living in the area, they wouldn't let Cindy McCain out do them when it comes to housing. In reality they would be in the lap of luxury. They may need an area to create something for the cult, this could be for the series or any number of developer ideas. The bazooka was humbled in Haiti. I'm not looking forward to more religious gobbledygook. If they are still standing that may be the next spin.

  129. gun toting liberal2:31 PM

    altho I'm most certainly not a palin fan, you guys don't see the obvious?!?...this idiot palin is planning on running for the Senate after ol' geezer McCain shuffles off this mortal coil...think of it...all the redneck teabaggers in Az. love her and thats where she thinks she'll have enuff vote to actually win an elective office...whether she finishes the whole term is a another question...

  130. Children of the Corn2:48 PM

    "These are the Children of God-fearing people who have twisted the scripture to suit the needs of a few sick souls who are power hungry those who stand against the clan generally have no chance."

  131. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Just a thought. Could this house be for Palin's nanny or for hired help while the Palins actually reside in Scottsdale? The nanny could take care of both of the toddlers without prying eyes at this location.

  132. Anonymous4:28 PM

    rattle snakes for Tripp to play with!

  133. Anonymous8:24 PM

    It looks like Tripps school is kind of a "Starter Penitentiary". At least medium security.

  134. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Does your friend in Az have pictures where Brisket is going to eat her fast food? I mean the girl can put away her food and some lucky bastard near Brisket just won the Brisket Palin Lottery.

  135. Anonymous10:38 PM

    But wait! How will "Todd and his buddies" ever be able to use that staplegun to attach the additional 8 foot cedar fence boards onto that concrete block ("cee-ment") wall in the back yard, for "security" from the likes of Joe McG. or other wayward spies?

  136. If you'd like some more honest pictures of Maricopa I'd be happy to send some to you. Those pictures were not an honest portryal of the city of Maricopa. That school picture is a joke. There are 2 elementary schools within a mile of Cobblestone and one is an Excelling school which is the highest mark a school can earn from the state. There are at least 3 new elementary schools that have been built within the last 5 years within 5 miles of Cobblestone. The drive out to Maricopa is barren because it is surrounded by indian reservation and nothing can be built on that land without tribe approval. The grave sites you saw were put there by tribe residents. We do have stores beleive it or not. 2 large chain grocery stores and a big box store. We EVEN have restaurants, doctors and banks... GASP! Cobblestone is not the only housing community. There are plenty of nice neighborhoods as you drive through town. As I said, let me know if you want pics! We are not the Richy Richs of AZ but we do work hard and drive 16 miles a day to get to the freeway to get to jobs so we can pay for the homes we love. Before you judge, come see for yourself.


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