Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Crap! I have to agree with Ann Coulter again! I hate that when that happens!

Clearly Coulter is quite right here about Palin's self serving attempts to promote the idea of a brokered convention, and of course she is dead on about the "con men and charlatans" in the Republican party. Of which Palin is one of the worst offenders by the way.

However I would be remiss if I did not point out that Coulter herself is certainly no innocent in this regard as evidenced by the large number of books, chock full of misinformation, that she has written to sell to the low hanging fruit that still supports the neo-cons, religions hypocrites, and grifters that overpopulate the Republican party.

Having said that I totally support her pledge for Republican nominees for president to sign, which states that if they lose the nomination they will NOT write a book nor take a gig with Fox News.

Hmm, now WHICH failed candidate was it that did BOTH of those things?

(H/T to the Daily Caller)


  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    That is the most sense that bitch has uttered out of her mouth in a lifetime. I wonder what has happened? Maybe she finally looked into the mirror and realized her time is fleeting and she wants to die on the plus side of things--doubt it.

  2. angela12:52 PM

    And Ann's false equivalencies about Dems being just as big con artists as repubs is crap. Repubs have FAUX to squat under. As you say, Ann is at the top of the ladder. But don't worry--Sarah won't pick a fight with Ann. She's a chicken shit when it comes to people in her own party who can crush her. She can play the victim if its a democrat going after her.

    What say you Sarah, you cringing sack of cowardly shit? Ann just called you out.

    Santorum and Gingrich will just go back to their FAUX gigs.
    Newt will continue to write his craptastic "history" books, Santorum will go back to his wingnut welfare think tank. And Mitt will continue to be a rich cardboard cut out with nothing to do but run for president.

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      So Sarah, will your facebook today say "I'm happy to be on Ann's enemy list. I'd love to debate her." No way. Ann, the elite Cornell grad, would take her on. Boy would that be fun!

    2. Anonymous4:30 PM

      She went after Chris Cristie and she has taken some swipes at others who have criticized her in her party. On the "enemies" list, there are quite a few Republicans. I hope she does go after Ann. How will she resist really?
      Please Sarah - my goodness, stand up for yourself! Ann Coulter says you are a con-artist and only out for yourself..... how can you let that go??

  3. Is it just me or did anyone else have a problem understanding the audio on this clip? Sounded like AnnieFannie was speaking underwater or at the bottom of a well. I am rarely interested in hearing anything he has to say but I'm guessing there is much fear in GOP/TP land about a brokered convention. Not because of Palin trying to jump in but the fact that it loudly telegraphs the extreme weakness of this slate of candidates and the 'R' party platforms in general.

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Nope - it is not just you -- It was hard understanding him/her for me also (too). Sounded like s/he was in an echo-chamber -- which really makes him/her sound worse than usual. LOL

    2. Anita Winecooler6:18 PM

      Me too, the crypt keeper's adam's apple garbles her voice.

  4. no one has respect for palin and thats not a secret.
    but this horror was the original trash mouth who built her rep on lies and hate.

    just more proof how the MSM pushes the extreme right wing view point and censors real progressive voices.

    there is not a SINGLE PROGRESSIVE voice represented in the media.

    1. sally in MI2:20 PM

      I'm hoping that Rachel gets tapped to moderate a Presidential debate. Can we make that happen?

  5. Anonymous12:57 PM

    The Crypt keepers hands are creepy

  6. Look at that hand? Can that really be a woman? It seems like the hand of a very lanky man.

    The hits to Palin from the established Republicans are coming hard and frequent. I’m guessing her base has shrunk to the point of being meaningless, or moved to Santorum, and they’re not going to put up with her BS anymore. They’ve got other trouble aplenty.

    1. I don't know if it's true, but I've heard that Coulter has Marfan Syndrome. People with this condition are usually tall and slender, with very long spidery hands (arachnodactyly.) Some sufferers also have heard problems.

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM

      It has been going around for a long time. Ann is a male.

    3. Anonymous9:31 PM

      heard problems
      what is that?

  7. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Does anyone really believe that "Palin the Parrot" has even a remote understanding of the idea of a "brokered convention" ? She obviously heard the term and ran with it .That is her MO folks .
    I seriously doubt that Palin is capable of Original thought . I believe Ann Coulter knows that, as do so many more as we continue to move forward, beyond Palin an her selfish, and ignorant ways.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      I suppose she's been told what it was, but all she heard is it's her way to wiggle into the nomination. She is very good at wiggling; it's basically how she got to be governor.

  8. Anonymous1:11 PM

    She knows better than to tangle with Coulter. For once, Coulter's right.

  9. I wonder if Palin will "demand" a debate will Coulter.....naw...Coulter would actually go fot it.... and wipe the floor with her.

    Sarah is just a mean a 12 year old...on the other hand, Coulter is a fully grown vicious, viper...a REAL barracuda...not a poly wog like Palin.

    And oh yeah...Coulter actually KNOWS

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Coulter is vile, but she is also smart. I'll give her that. She would crush Palin in a debate.

    2. Anonymous2:22 PM

      That's a great idea. Lawrence O'Donnell did have a debate with Ann and they event raised money to buy desks for LOD's charity in Africa.

    3. Anonymous2:24 PM

      I guess you really have to sell out your party and yourself in order to get Ann Coulter mad at you. She has been a pro at ranting against the Democrats, writing books based on her hatred and doing more ranting. I guess Ann can spot the phoney.

    4. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Don't give Coulter too much credit.She's a pretty dim bulb in her own right.She's smarter then palin but so is your average fence post.

    5. Palin wouldn't be so very afraid of Coulter if it weren't for the fact that Coulter is a genius by comparison.

      Coulter is afraid of no one, no matter what the media may say about her, Coulter has the guts to put out challenges AND follow through...not Palin though.

      Coulter has the guts to go on ANY talk show or news program, FEARLESS of what the media might say afterward.

      Coulter doesn't hide behind FB and twitter, issuing ridiculous challenges to POTUS's or other heads of state KNOWING that nothing would come of it.

      Coulter has just publicly HUMILIATED Palin with of THE nastiest put downs to date.

      Of course Sarah doesn't have Ann Coulters steel spine, Palin will NEVER have the guts to publicly challenge Ann Coulter.

      Palin will keep hiding, cowering, behind FB, Twitter and the occasional appearance on FOX, where they give here a prepared script and pretend it's an interview.

      Palin is not able to go head to head with Coulter and she's even MORE afraid that if she did ...folks would see an intellectual bloodbath and the blood would be hers.

      Palin just does't have the guts or the she hides and she cowers, shaking in her boots.

  10. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Hey Brisket everybody is laughing at your mama.

    Just like they laughed at your big ass gut on DWTS.

  11. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Slap fight!

  12. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Rush Limbaugh:"So it’s time now for them to have a new demon. In this case, they’ve got to go back to the graveyard, dig Sarah Palin back up."

    "Now they’ve got the movie based on the book, Game Change. And it makes Palin and all these Republicans look like idiots. The heroes in that movie are the people who are portrayed as knowing Palin was the wrong choice, and admitting that Palin’s stupid.”

  13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:00 PM

    I have to agree--shock--with Coulter as well. You KNOW she's making sense when the SarahPAC nickle-a-pop trolls are out in knuckle-draggin' force all over the Daily Caller, whining about how Ann is "just jealous" of the Queen!

  14. Yikes...Palin may think that she can take on Coulter but she had better think twice about that. Palin is a guppie compared to the real barracuda Coulter. Where Palin is frightened of Katie Couric, Coulter debated Bill Maher. Palin had a friendly with Oprah (after guaranteeing that their's would be a nice chat vs a real interview) while Coulter has been on The View, has challenged Joy Behar and most recently sparred with Lawrence O'Donnell. While Palin is afraid of the MSM, taking refuge at Fox and occassionally talking with the friendly CNN, Coulter has proven that she fears no one...not reporters, not pundits and not politicians. She is tough as nails and doesn't care what anyone says about her.

    I do not like Ann Coulter's politics or her vitriol a bit, but I sure would like to see her go against Mama Grizz in a debate!

  15. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Ann Coulter is a lot of things, and not very nice things, but she is NO DUMMY. She would annihilate Miss Quittypants in a NY minute.

    It would be all over but the yelping as Sarah scuttled away with her political tale between her legs, licking her wounds, gasping for air and desperately working her Blackberry for any, all of 'em support she can muster from her monkey crew.

    Oh, it would be a bloodfest of the lowest level of mudslinging, back stabbing, snarky, mean girl tactics, but Coulter would come out blowing on her fingernails and kicking Sarah's ass to the curb. No contest.

    And I ABHORE and find utterly DESPICABLE the man woman Coulter. But she'd cream Palin.

  16. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Even though I can't stand Coulter, she certainly has Palin's number. Glad to see someone telling it like it is about the quitter.

  17. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Glen Rice Jr. was kicked off his college basketball team as a result of a weapon's charge. He had already been serving a sspension for a prior offense. He was his team's leading scorer and rebounder.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Bagger bot asshat, you telling lies again?

      Rice didn't get a weapons charge. He was charged with permitting unlawful operation.

      First Pimp is the one who likes to pull guns.

      And while we're on the subject of hoops, did you see that the Knicks' coach got shitcanned? Ever since $arah endorsed Jeremy Lin the Knicks have fallen off a cliff.

  18. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Just looked in at C4P and got a good laugh, as usual. The picture that they are showing for their open thread today is of when Palin was on Leno's show. She really had the make-up caked on and it shows by the very obvious line underneath her neck. Once again, she looks the fool.

  19. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Off topic, but AWESOME news I HAD to share:

    Nearly 60% of Registered Voters Think President Obama Will Win Reelection

    By an almost two to one margin, 59%-32%, registered voters think President Obama will defeat Mitt Romney in the fall. If Rick Santorum is the Republican nominee, the belief that Obama will win in November is even stronger, 68%-24%.

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Yes, but we still have to fight for it and not make assumptions. I am afraid people won't vote. Also we can NEVER trust the Republicans. They will do anything, say anything and SPEND ANYTHING to win the election and to take over the house and senate. Don't forget BUSH!!

  20. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Huckabee, Palin...Newt will be next, along with McFrothy.

  21. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Sarah is not seeking the attention of Anne Coulter.
    She is hurt by the fact that President Obama ignores
    any and everything that she says. Why couldn't he be like Glen Rice? Sarah could not debate an 11 year old
    without questions and answers being written for her prior to the debate. Sarah Palin and Family are nothing more than MEDIA WHORES.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      I would pay money to watch her debate this 11-yr old:

  22. MissSunshine2:23 PM

    Accurate, but self-serving as Mann Coulter is a grifter herself who wishes she could get a tv gig with Faux News to spread her own brand of hateful snark.

    I believe Coulter is right on the money, as far as Palin dreaming of being voted on the ticket and living those golden moments over again of the 2008 campaign, but without those pesky mean people (Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt) who wanted her to learn things and be semi-truthful about her past.

    I think Palin has been emotionally stuck in 2008 and is wanting to stand on the same stage as Obama and be noticed by him as a rival. THIS TIME I WILL WIN she is probably thinking.

    Too bad for her that "Game Change" has reaffirmed what a toxic mess she is. They may let her do a little cheerleading, but no real political power will ever be put in her hands again. Yay America! - even the Republican party has this dum-dum's number.

  23. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I read Sarah Palin's facebook rant & I can't believe that idiot brought up death panel again. Death Panel was the biggest lie of the year & yet, the retard from Wasilla felt the need to mention it again.

    Although the President doesn't think about her, I would love to see him wipe the floor with her ass in a debate. Maybe the debate will get rid of the sorry excuse of human being for good.

  24. Like an old calendar, Coulter can be right every few years. She also famously said that "if you don't nominate Christie, then Romney will be the candidate and he will lose." (Frankly, it is a case of -insert name here- and he will lose.)

    My Obama-bashing GOP friend has not replied to my assertion that the choice for Republicans is between: a disgraced former House Speaker; a big loser in his re-election campaign; a businessman who is clueless and lacks the common touch; or a grumpy old man. Waiting in the wings is a psychopath.

    The National Enquirer is reporting that Rush's marriage is on the rocks over his latest kerfuffle.

  25. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Come on Palin! Jump on this.....Please. You are not gonna take being called a con and a charlatan are you?

  26. Anonymous2:36 PM

    This says it all regarding Sarah Palin's qualifications to be POTUS.

    It'll make you laugh.


  27. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Sarah Palin, the woman who wants to be president.

    Sharon Osbourne on Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      That was fantastic. Thanks for sharing and Sharon sure has her number!

  28. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Insane Republican clowns.

    They're just plain crazy, and quite proud of it.
    Our nation's experiment in democracy has failed.

  29. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Disturbingly, the idea of a "brokered convention" would mean the lunatic Republicans would put up the remaining Bush and he would appear "normal" and "sane" to enough people that his party could again steal an election...

  30. Anonymous2:53 PM


  31. I'm no fan of anne coulter, but it was refreshing to hear her say something that made some kind of sense finally. she's no idiot for sure, she's just had too much republican koolaid to drink. I wish she'd turn DEM...

  32. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Holy merde, that's the only time I've ever heard Ann Coulter say anything that I would remotely agree with. She sounded almost sane. Do you think she was drinking? Naahh. Maybe it was a lucid moment because she wasn't on television. I look forward to her saying the same thing on Real Time with Bill Maher. Yeah, I might be kidding myself.

  33. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Couldn't listen to more than the first minute - my dogs started barking!

    Loved it - first thing out of her mouth - Sarah's self-serving "brokered convention." HA!

  34. Anonymous3:16 PM

    ooooooooh, catfight - with all apologies to the kitties.

  35. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Karma, baby, THIS is very satisfying to hear/see, if, of course, it turns out to be true. It really would serve him right for his disgusting attacks on women. I have wondered how his wife is taking all this, and this is the first peep of discord that's come up:


    Women declare war on Rush Limbaugh for calling a young law student a “slut” and a prostitute,” and now his own wife Kathryn is jumping on the bash-Rush bandwagon!

    She’s furious at the 61-year-old con­servative firebrand and threatened to walk out of their marriage if he keeps up his trash talk, say insiders.

    The bombastic broadcaster lost at least 50 sponsors after he opened fire on Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke for telling a congressional com­mittee that health insurance should cover birth control.

    During his bizarre on-air ti­rade, Limbaugh even suggested that Fluke make sex tapes that could be watched online.

    Rush’s big mouth has caused a rift in his fourth mar­riage, and sources say he’s now running for cover from 35-year-old Kathryn, a Florida event plan­ner.

    After an outpouring of out­rage from both the left and right, he issued a limp apol­ogy, saying: “I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situ­ation.”

    But that didn’t stem the tide of criticism, and his beautiful wife of less than two years was swept up in the controversy, having to endure rebukes from some of her closest friends.

    “Kathryn is fit to be tied,” said a pal. “She feels as if she’s be­ing tarred and feathered with the same brush that people are using on her hus­band. She really let him have it.

    “She said she’s become a social pariah because of his hot-headed, heedless comments and warned him in no uncertain terms that he’d better keep his trap shut and stop using words like ‘slut’ for any woman!”

    Rush is said to be much more worried about alienating his wife, who says that they rarely fight over politics even though she has her “own opinions.”

    “Rush couldn’t face life without her,” the insider divulged.

    1. Rush's current wife is just another WINO in his marital olympics, wife in name only. Specifically on the day of the month that she receives her allowance for playing the role.

  36. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Ann Coulter for Pres! The woman knows what's up. Class, intelligence AND anti-shitty policies.

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      ROFL ...and batshit crazy and lie-tastic. That's all we need, is another hate-filled lie-bag stirring up the "Socialists gonna destroy America" craziness. You can keep her.

      I like her pledge though. But it needs to be expanded to also DURING the campaign, 'cause at least four of the contenders so far were promoting books WHILE campaigning.

    2. Anonymous4:54 PM

      What are "anti-shitty" policies? Try being literate and maybe we might know what you are talking about. Coulter doesn't have class by the way.

    3. Anonymous5:38 PM

      She's a sleek, soulless finely tuned attack machine.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:44 PM

      Lead Paint Chips - they're not just for breakfast anymore!!!!

  37. Sarah Palin I predict will soon meet her equivalent - Connecticut Senator William Benton!

  38. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Ann Coulter (buddy of Bill Maher, disturbingly) makes me sick. I could care less if she/he? is intelligent. She is like a black hole. She is like crazy, dark Charles Krauthammer. They make money off being the Democratic opposition, period.

    She will basically say anything, and she is a hypocrite. She claims to be Christian when she is anything but, in her behavior. She truly makes my skin crawl. Just read her wiki entry (not infallible of course).

    What has she ever said or done to truly contribute? They hire her for her venom. She is really no different than Sarah Palin, and she may even be more dangerous in many ways.

    She is probably doing someone's bidding in going after Sarah Palin.

  39. mAnn Coulter just made the PeePond's list of the Top 10 Most Hated Queen Dissers!

  40. Anonymous3:55 PM

    O/T- A company in Washington, Bastard Blaster, is making targets with Obama and Pelosi, and Palin on them and selling them. They maintain they are for the sole purpose of being destroyed in whatever way the buyer chooses, but are manufactured to be blasted into tiny bits.

    More horrible trash by idiots. Didn't we have enough tragedy with the Arizona deaths and serious injuries and disabling?

    What can be done to stop the sales? Nothing? Free expression?

  41. abbafan3:58 PM

    Even though I cannot stand Coulter,I would pay BIG MONEY to see her rip $arah a new asshole! That debate would not last more than 83 seconds; she will throw in the towel!

  42. johnie2xs4:24 PM

    Ain't it something!!!! I caught this article on HuffPo and had to immediately go to the comment section to see whether or not I had read it correctly. Where a false equivalency was proffered, she even had the balls to shoot that down and say that it was specifically a Rethuglikan malady.

    Will wonders never fucking cease.

    Does that mean that I must now believe in a god???

  43. johnie2xs4:35 PM

    God help me I have a thing for skinny women, so I would definitely "do her". But I'd have to enlist the help of a ball gag. Nice image, huh??

  44. Smirnonn4:41 PM

    I hate to admit it but I agree with Coulter's statements in this video. It's so much fun to see the right speaking out against Wa$chilla DeVile!!

  45. Anonymous4:47 PM

    And cannot write a book or take a job at fox news. Ouch, thats gotta sting!

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Palin just might be too stupid to realize how badly she was just smacked (and by whom).

      PS. Can we stop talking about Coulter's hands? I've known some women with very masculine-looking hands. Who cares.

  46. It's like Night of the Living Republicans

  47. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Ouch. Coulter is a true barracuda. Personally can't stand her but have always respected her intellect and wicked quick tongue.

  48. Anita Winecooler7:10 PM

    I'm stunned, for once in the crypt keeper's career, she said something I actually agree with.

    Where's Screech's rebuttal? Oh, right, she's waiting by the blackberries for a call from the POTUS.

  49. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Agree with her and finally someone is speaking out.

    Oh, Sarah is going to swipe at Ann in the next few weeks or so. I guarantee it. She'll be throwing her school-yard stones at Ann on Fox one of these days. This is the behavior that will re-inforce Sarah's grudging ways to conservatives, who love Ann Coulter.

  50. sharon28537:44 PM

    Ann Coulter and Palin are 2 snakes in the same pit.

    We all knew this was coming a long time ago.

    Coulter has more staying power only because her outrageous lies sound more intelligent then palin does on her best day.

    We all know palin is no match for coulter and it's damn funny to watch these 2 snakes duke it out. But one thing is for sure - Coulter didn't give palin the knock-out punch on her own. She was told to do it, I'm sure.

    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      I respectfully disagree with you. Ann Coulter is not driven with blind ambition to be president. Ann doesn't have political ambitions at all, from what I can tell. Sarah is a meglomaniac who doesn't know her own limits. Ann doesn't fall back on religion, she doesn't tend to pull the victim card, she doesn't hide behind children, and she writes her own books. Yes, she's a vile and reptilian creature, but I really can't compare the two as apples and apples. Not at all.

    2. Gasman11:34 PM

      Maybe more like comparing a festering, odious pile of putrescent turds to a kidney stone.

  51. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Sarah Palin: Stop Using My Words Against Me

  52. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Interesting to see how Coulter talks to a group of her own. She makes a lot more sense than the situation where I have previously seen her. Usually she is addressing a general audience, in confrontational situations, and with the intent of annoying the left.

  53. Gasman11:32 PM

    I find it utterly laughable that Coulter is lamenting about "conmen and charlatans" in the GOP. By any honest reckoning, Coulter must be numbered among those cons and charlatans. Coulter is a loud mouthed, rabid piss weasel. She is Bill O'Reilly in drag.

    However, she is spot on in her assessment of Palin. If this is what she says in public, imagine what she says about Palin in private.

    Can't wait to see the flying monkeys or Palin herself savaging Coulter.


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