Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Visibly distressed President reacts to Alabama and Mississippi results from last night.

I saw this over at the Obama Diary and I could not resist.

This from the Boston Herald:

A resurgent Rick Santorum swept primaries in Alabama and Mississippi Tuesday night, upending the race for the Republican presidential nomination as he sought to push Newt Gingrich toward the sidelines. 

Mitt Romney was running third in both states.

So here we are already in March and the GOP race for the nomination is STILL completely undecided, as Mitt Romney looks less and less like a sure thing.

This is how the delegate count broke down in Mississippi and Alabama:

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum picked up at least 29 delegates Tuesday after winning the Alabama and Mississippi Republican presidential primaries. 

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich added at least 24 delegates and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney got at least 22. Texas Rep. Ron Paul was being shut out.

No wonder the President is laughing.


  1. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Who ever expected any thing else in the returns from Al and Ms. The one thing Evan's dislike more then Dem"s is a Morman. Mitt didn't have a chance from these two States, that have the least amount of Grad's from High School.
    The next dislike is a Catholic. So I'd say Santorum's win is unexplainable.

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      "So I'd say Santorum's win is unexplainable."

      Google: "evangelical leaders back santorum"

      "A week before the South Carolina primary, a group of more than 100 influential Christian conservatives gathered at a ranch here (BRENHAM, Texas) and voted overwhelmingly to rally behind Mr. Santorum. An organizer described the vote as an “unexpected supermajority,” a decision that was intended to help winnow the Republican field and consolidate the opposition to Mr. Romney...."

    2. angela7:31 AM

      Santorum acts like a fundy. So the fundies are a bit confused by him.
      He has a lot of kids, doesn't think women should have control of their own bodies, home schools his kids because he doesn't want them near "others" and thinks we should be a theocracy.

      See their confusion? I've personally never met a catholic like him--but have met many evangelicals like him.

    3. Anonymous10:17 AM

      It kinda makes you wonder if he didn't decide to homeschool his kids from the get-go, solely on the thinking that he was running for president, and that this would be a deal-sealer with the fundies.

  2. Anonymous4:35 AM

    But Gingrich won’t go. His goal is now to keep Romney from winning the 1144 delegates he needs to win this race outright, and he wants to take every delegate he can from Romney. He’s convinced that in a brokered convention, Romney won’t get the nomination.

    Party conservatives will argue that the best way to stop Romney is for Gingrich to stop dividing the conservative vote and throw his support to Santorum. His continued presence in the race doesn’t reduce Romney’s chances of winning; it increases them. It's Santorum's brain he's eating, not Romney's. His conservative critics don’t see this from Newt’s perspective, though: If he were to leave the race, where would he go?

    Where indeed? He’s 68. He has no more races left to run. This race has put his legacy as Speaker of the House under hostile scrutiny, something he sees as an act of vandalism on Romney’s part. He doesn’t want to retire to a resort and the lecture circuit; he wants to end his career as a serious player on the national stage. Barring that, he wants to punish Romney personally, not through a surrogate. He has nothing to lose by staying in the race, and if Santorum does have something to lose from it, too bad for him.

    And so Romney remains locked in a nomination battle that keeps his negatives up and diverts attention from President Obama. Rick Santorum is strengthened, so Romney won’t be able to tack moderate on social issues. The GOP ends up looking more radical on these issues, and Romney, if he gets the nomination, will have a much harder time winning back the voters who are repulsed by Santorum’s views. This is all to Obama’s benefit. Romney wins in Mississippi and Alabama were exactly what Obama didn’t want, so he ends the night the biggest winner.

  3. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Apparently Santorum got the female Republican vote in both states. Obviously these women are not normal women and they forgot their religious fundamentalism at the polling site doors as they chose a papist for their candidate. I will never understand the southern states.

  4. Great picture of our Prez! I'm stealing it. :-)

  5. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Watch GCB - good Christian Bitches and you'll understand a bit.

  6. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead6:40 AM

    There will be plenty of time, Zeus willing, for laughter on Wednesday, November 7th. Until then, there's not a damn thing funny about the right wing's meltdown fueled by racism, bigotry, greed, ignorance and arrogance. Let's get our president re-elected first, THEN celebrate. I'm afraid, against all logic and reason, it's going to be an uphill battle.

    (ok.... I'll admit, it's pretty funny.....)

  7. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Calling all women, and men, who see Santorum as taking us back to the middle ages where we are barefoot, pregnant, and in front of the stove: WE HAVE TO STOP HIM. He is a whiny little prick who gets testy when put on the spot. If he should be the nomination, Pres Obama needs to press hard and make Frothy Mix lose his cool. I guess he forgets that birth control also includes men, not just women. I will move to Canada if Frothy wins the election. What is wrong with these women? It must be the sweater vest. Ugh

  8. Anonymous7:55 AM

    NO NO not the vest, is just doesn't rock me!
    Nor does his shiny face or his whiny voice, I think he was bullied as a kid and now its "revenge of the nerds" time for Ricky.
    Maybe Newt is doing us all a favor, how ever the big O will slaughter him or him or Mitts in a debate, because (the frothy one) will lose it on stage with cool-hand luke (MR. President!)
    I JUST ain't that into him............
    a older and wizened catholic gal

  9. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Hmm, not that I want him to win, yet lets say, Frothy does win this fall.

    I think it would be a matter of time before the Protestant side of the USA taliban goes even more crazy. I know eventually they're not going to be happy that a Catholic is POTUS again. Even if he is extremely conservative Catholic.

    Also, I'm glad I gave away all of my sweater vests in the past. They went to the homeless in my area. I'll never wear them again.

    I'm also glad that I left the Catholic church as a teen. I never regret having left it (nor Christianity). Even Protestants do too much harm in the world wanting to police people's bodies, lives and worrying about what other people are doing to be stalkers for people's souls.

    Heck, they should be happy not everyone is going to their heaven. It should be less crowded. More bland food and cold marble for everyone else. Plus it'll be easier to get into the choir.

    I'm glad I'm going to my version of hell. Just a warm place with good weather. Satan is actually a good guy and very gregarious. Hell has beer. Along with better company there compared to heaven. The wrongly righteous nagging for eternity, no wonder God and Jesus come down to drink, laugh and get away from the upstairs nagging.


  10. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Look Bitch,the President of the United States, you know that Black man, is LAUGHING at YOU.

  11. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Love you, Beldar!

  12. Anonymous2:02 PM

    President Obama's picture caption:

    "LOL WTF? That wonky eyed retarded bitch with the dysfunctional over sexed family and pimp of a husband wants to debate me?"

  13. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Notice how every time Man on Child Santorum gets a victory or a few extra percentage points how uppity and arrogant he gets.

    Seriously, can you imaging want a prick he would be if he won, even just the nomination.


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