Saturday, July 21, 2012

From a distance we are beautiful

To see larger image click here.
This is an image from space looking at our planet. Aren't we gorgeous?

I often lament the fact that once up close that the beauty tends to diminish and the ugliness is far more apparent.

We live in an amazing place, among amazing creatures, and at our best we are an amazing species.

We should remember that and fight for what is worth the battle, embrace that which needs comfort, and love with the faith that love can solve all of the world's ills.

We should also remember that we are temporary residents on planet earth, and to make our stay as memorable and productive as possible.



  1. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Up close, in person, we are more beautiful. Majesty of the mountains, versatility of the canyons, delicious sweat of a hardworking American who relies on his own two hands to make his way in the world. America IS the greatest country.

    1. Anonymous5:28 AM

      Are you so deluded that you believe America is the only country with mountains, canyons, and hard-working people? Wow, how pathetic.

  2. Anonymous6:32 PM

    And when Mitt dies, he'll get his own planet.

    1. Anonymous5:29 AM

      Why can't he get his own planet now.

    2. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Anon @5:29

      LOL! I think he should settle on one of those bits of rock orbiting in the asteroid belt. He should take his wife with him but leave the dog. I will be their "Kingdom of Two."

  3. Anonymous6:51 PM

    We're most definitely temporary and the more destruction of it and the extreme weather, it won't be inhabited by humans 'forever' as if it keeps up as it is -- we'll all fry. The next planet will probably be Mars for the 'cooling' factor. Hope the Man in the Moon and the Martians will share!!!

  4. Sometimes,the beauty is clouded and I need to be reminded that it exists. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. Anonymous6:58 PM


  6. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Thank you. I truly needed this.

  7. Anonymous7:02 PM

    FYI - Two things.

    1st - President Obama is travelling to Colorado on Sunday.

    2nd - The reality show that Toad appears, starts the Monday after the Olympics on NBC.

    1. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Those hurting people will be so happy to know their,our president cares, I mean really cares.

  8. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Despite the horrors we see around us(primarily of our own making), I believe our ability to be noble is what will survive and is what will perpetuate us and our stewardship of this planet. Maybe I'm just a dreamer. But it is the dream I would like to believe.

  9. WakeUpAmerica8:15 PM

    What does "namaste" mean?

    Aadil Palkhivala's reply:
    The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra.

    Divine is defined as of or pertaining to a deity. So isn't it a bit incongruous for an atheist to say namaste?

    1. Not on the least: "it recognizes the equality of all, and pays honor to the sacredness of all."

      Atheism recognizes that NO religion is above any other, nor any faith more true than another, yet recognizes and appreciates the journey toward truth.

      Well at least MY version of Atheism does.

      Everything is connected. What is divine in one is divine in all. And yet the journey continues.

    2. WakeUpAmerica9:32 PM

      I wouldn't disagree with that concept, but you tend to slam Christianity pretty hard and paint all of us with the same brush. You don't come across as recognizing Christianity as equal to atheism. Furthermore, Webster's defines atheism as "a disbelief in the existence of deity" which seems to contradict the concept of divinity in each of us.

    3. I DON'T recognize Christianity as equal to Atheism.

      Atheists contend that there is not any evidence to suggest the existence of a deity and believes the the answers to life's mysteries lie within the realm of science. Where by the way the real tangible answers to man's questions have always been revealed.

      Christianity demands the adherence to a religious dogma and sweetens the pot with a reward you will never achieve and threatens you with a punishment you will even suffer.

    4. WakeUpAmerica10:06 PM

      Then your first sentence seems to contradict what you said previously, namely "Atheism recognizes that NO religion is above any other, nor any faith more true than another..."

      As for the term "Christianity," you are defining it as any organized religion might. However, there are many of us who call ourselves "Christian" because we try to follow the teachings of Christ, specifically to love one another, without all the trappings, traditions, and ceremonies of the man-made religions. Ours is simple and direct.

      If you contend that there is no evidence of a deity, how can you then say "namaste" which implies and recognizes that there is a divine spark in each of us. The word "divine" implies the existence of some higher power (god).

    5. Anonymous5:30 AM

      Wakeup, there's no contradiction. Atheism is not a religion.

    6. Anonymous5:52 AM

      Gryphen, I stopped using the word Christian to describe myself, because so many people who call themselves Christian have such evil, vile, bigoted hearts, like Sarah and Bristol Palin, O-Reilly, Hannity, Bachmann, James Dobson, Glen Beck just to name a few.

      I call myself a follower of Jesus, HIS teaching is how to treat people on this planet.
      Treating people the Jesus way, is being good to people, leaving a mark of kindness and goodness on this planet.

    7. WakeUpAmerica9:23 AM


  10. dlbvet8:53 PM

    And that is why I faithfully read your blog everyday.
    Thank you.
    And namaste.

  11. We're beautiful up close, too.

    You bastardize Christianity, Gryphen. We keep trying to tell you and you don't want to hear it. Take the chip off your shoulder and open your mind. (Forgive the horribly mixed metaphor.)

    Didn't you learn anything from Mr. Rogers?

  12. Anonymous10:37 PM

    I use our 42 inch tv for a monitor.This is beautiful.

  13. Anita Winecooler11:41 PM

    What a beautiful post! And yes, we're beautiful and capable of doing great things. Whenever I see the Planet Earth, I remember Gabby's birthday gift from Mark Kelly in space, and it makes me smile.

    Namaste, Gryphen

  14. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Remember the hit song "From A Distance"? It described how everything looks great from a distance and moved to the finale which repeated "God is watching us...from a distance." When it was popular, it was sung by church choirs -- presumably because of the "God is watching us" line. No one ever seemed to figure out that anyone watching from a distance isn't going to see all the bad things that happen close up.

  15. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Whenever I see a space photo of planet earth I think how beautiful and small it is floating in that dark universe, one beautiful sphere among many. I also think how fragile it is and how we all need to recognize our duty to take care of it and all who dwell therein.

  16. Anonymous5:03 AM

    This picture and others like it always inspire.

    If there is a higher power, it is that of an unfathomable Universe forever birthing, living and dying.

    In spite of today's ever evolving amazingly complex technology, a number of Ancients had a better understanding of those cycles than many of us have today.

    From one speck of stardust, of matter come to form, to all who look at this picture in pure, unfettered amazement and gratitude, Namaste!


  17. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Earth is a beautiful planet, and the one that is most habitable, most like the only plant that is habitable, this is why God placed man on it. It is too bad so much evil inhabits it. BUT there is good too, and I am happy to believe the good is greater than the evil. Thank you Lord.


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