Saturday, July 21, 2012

Homophobic chicken sandwich maker Chick-fil-A may encounter a chilly reception in Boston.

Courtesy of the Advocate: 

If Mayor Thomas Menino has his way, Chick-fil-A may be banned in Boston. 

The fast-food chain, which has donated to antigay causes and whose executives this week admitted to antigay stances while saying the company doesn’t discriminate, is looking for locations in the city. One is near the famous Freedom Trail, a series of historic sites connected to the American Revolution. But Menino says that area, or any location in Boston, isn’t appropriate for a business with such policies. 

“Chick-fil-A doesn’t belong in Boston,” Menino told the Boston Herald yesterday. “You can’t have a business in the city of Boston that discriminates against a population. We’re an open city, we’re a city that’s at the forefront of inclusion. … That’s the Freedom Trail. That’s where it all started right here. And we’re not going to have a company, Chick-fil-A or whatever the hell the name is, on our Freedom Trail.” 

Menino said Chick-fil-A will find it “very difficult” to get licenses in Boston unless it changes its policies, and he plans to send a letter to the company’s headquarters in Atlanta “telling them my feelings on the matter.”

Bravo for mayor Menino!

I hope that MORE politicians start standing up to these opponents of equal rights and let them know that  if they want to promote prejudice and intolerance they can find somewhere ELSE to sell their crappy fast food.

I understand there are places further South that would not only embrace this kind of thinking, but possibly even hold a parade in Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy's honor.


  1. Bonsai-Jay1:22 PM

    Dan Cathy? His last name is Cathy? Well, there's his problem. Kinda like a boy named Sue.

    He's over compensating.

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      My thoughts exactly.

  2. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I would never eat at a place called Chick-fil-A. That's a stupid name. That being said, I won't eat at one of these joints because of their policies. If I ran a restaurant, could I discriminate against homophobes?

  3. BabyRaptor1:53 PM

    Yeah, they're getting cheered for down here in Arkansas. It makes one want to puke.

  4. Dis Gusted2:00 PM

    Getting a business license is a privilege not a right.

    While I agree with Mayor Menino's sentiments, I feel he is discriminating against the business.

    Let them come to Boston. Then as soon as they refuse to hire gays, put them out of business.

    We have laws to protect the gay community in the Northeast.

    BTW - Northeastern University already banned them for the same reason.

    1. Anonymous3:25 AM

      Agree completely - and Menino is a dumbass.


  5. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Wat kind of a stupid, dumb-fuck name is "Chick-fil-A" anyways?!?

  6. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Let's just ban them everywhere because their food sucks ass!

  7. Anonymous3:01 PM

    OMG, this food is so terrible for you! Even their single chicken sandwich has nearly 500 calories and 60mg of cholesterol. Their food is every bit as unhealthy or even more so than other fast food restaurants. Food like this is why people are fat, and unhealthy. If this guy hates gays so much he should just specifically market some of his "chicken food" to them and the entire group would be wiped out by heart disease and type two diabetes in a few decades; just like is currently happening to his "fat southern ignorant white people" customers!!

  8. Anonymous3:21 PM

    G - did you just use "politicians" and "standing up" in the same sentence? Just checking.

  9. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I will have no difficulty in boycotting his business. His chicken sandwiches are greasy and over priced. Anonymous at 3:01 has already mentioned his chicken sandwiches having nearly 500 calories and 60mg. of cholesterol, which probably accounts for all the greasiness of his sandwiches. It's with pleasure I say good bye to Chick-Fil-A.

  10. Anonymous5:25 PM

    hahaha! Does anybody else get Free Chick-Fil-A coupons at the bottom of this comments page? Don't think I'll be needing any free anything from Mr. Cathy.

  11. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Who the hell cares how many followers he has? Laugh at the SOB for being another Palin copy cat, writing favorable letters to the editor. Sheesh! Be sure to get 8-10 of your friends to vote for Obama so it's not even close because if it is close then the Diebolds just flip the votes. Don't think it can't happen. It happened in Ohio in '04. The SCOTUS is way too important for the Republicans to get in there and turn this country into a theocracy and Women's Rights taken back to the late 19th century.
    Obama/Biden '12

  12. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Alls I can say is : EAT MORE KALE

    Amy in Palmer, AK

  13. Anonymous8:17 PM

    NOM today announced it is joining Mike Huckabee’s “National Eat At Chick-Fil-A Day,” to support the Christian fast-food giant under scrutiny by the LGBT community.

    NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, today announced it is joining Mike Huckabee‘s “National Eat At Chick-Fil-A Day,” to support the $4.5 billion Christian fast-food giant under scrutiny by LGBT organizations and equality allies for its anti-gay policies. Recently, Chick-Fil-A president and COO Dan Cathy said he was “guilty as charged” for attacking same-sex marriage and suggesting gay people don’t have families. NOM has strenuously demanded corporations hold a “neutral” position about same-sex marriage, stating there is “a strong business case to be made for staying neutral on marriage. The fact is that a corporation should not take a position on a controversial social issue that has nothing to do with the business in which the corporation is engaged.” One could call this move hypocritical, publicly advocating for a corporation that has gone extremely far from “neural,” and effectively an end to NOM’s position demanding “neutrality — a false concept to begin with — in the national debate.

  14. Anonymous10:39 PM

    And guess where CAthy showed up? On good old Christian Huckabee's show last night. They showered him with praise for running his provate business on "biblical principles.' Never once was the Boston controversy addressed. Never once did Mike ask him where in the Bible he got his voews from, nor was he asked to defend them. No, the man is just a Biblical guy who'treats every customer according to the Golden Rule." Oh goody. And does he employ anyone not white who does not profess Christianity and one spouse of the opposite sex? I do wonder how many of his Golden Rulers abuse ther spouse or kids, or cheat on their spouses. I mean, does the guy have spies to make sure they are all following his Biblical pribciples 24-7? And do they have health care and unions? Or are they minimum wage workers? You opened the can of worms, Mr. Cathy.

  15. Anita Winecooler10:58 PM

    I love it, but I don't think it'll fly (excuse the pun). The mayor shouldn't discriminate against them because, well, they're "Christian", and that's just not nice!
    Let's do the right thing! Let them find appropriate sites, have building plans drawn up, and approved, apply for licenses, certificates of occupancy and all the fun stuff businesses have to do.
    On opening day, enforce the law and shut them down for discriminating against LGBT people. This way, they can't cry fowl (excuse the pun) and claim they're being "gasp" PERSECUTED!!!

  16. Yep - let them spend all that money all over Boston Tommy Boy,then when they discriminate, fine them and shut em down!


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