Thursday, August 02, 2012

Chaz The Intolerant Chicken Wishes You A Happy Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day.

Okay this is naughty, naughty, naughty.

But also funny, funny, funny.

(H/T to Mediaite)


  1. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Apparently to fundies, it's okay for them to be Big Brother and nosey into your private lives (they'll only hire you if you are like them) and they'll fire you if you get pregnant (even if it is a legitimate child, unlike Tripp) so you can be a productive stay-at-home mommy.

    But it's not okay for the Government to make you be fair, tolerant and provide BC so you can keep your job.

  2. If Chaz is the mascot name, the Co. must have gone mental when they heard Cher's daughter-to-son took that name.

    1. Anonymous5:54 AM


      Excellent Barbara!!

    2. Anonymous6:57 AM

      That was the immediate connection I made, too. No offense meant to the real Chaz.

  3. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Mitten's must have untied the horse from the roof of the plane.

    Grand Prix individual/team dressage is on Canadian TV now. I missed a number of riders/horses including 'you know who' and at this time, appears she did a 'half-assed job'!! 9th of 18 so far!!

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Appropriate Ad for today by
      staring Rafalca!! Hilarious and true!!

  4. Chick-Fi-A's fan Sarah Palin again proves her ability to say nothing, and badly, as the world laughs:

  5. Conan's send-up of Chick-fil-A is more satisfying than one of those Sick-fel-A sandwiches.

    Carry on, CoCo.

  6. Dis Gusted5:57 AM

    had to laugh at the ONLY Chick-fil-A in NH. It's located in the Pheasant Lane Mall in Nashua (on MA border). The crowd lined up to wait for 2.5 hours to show their support of the anti-gay message.

    The restaurant ran out of food at 7PM. The locally owned restaurant owner was rubbing his hands together all the way to the bank. He said, "Ironically, THIS Chick-fil-A is a sponsor of the Gay Pride Parade and we donate all the food. So a big THANK YOU for supporting the gay community."


    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      That is hilarious!

      Good for them and I hope some of those customers choked on their chicken sandwiches. Can't wait to see the big CFA banners at the next parade and watch all those customers have a cow (pun intended) when they realize where their homophobic money went.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:31 PM

      I was out of town and saw a Shit fil A store that was packed to the gills with bigots, the next day there were four cars in the lot, probably the owner and three workers, I doubt they'll get a long term boost in business.

      I love the franchisee in NH! Good for them!

  7. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Actually, Crystal, there are requests out to make some variant of Chick-fel-A(tio) go viral. To make it go the way Santorum went on Google.
    Oh, what Schadenfreude that would bring!


  8. Anonymous6:26 AM

    It's Tri-PP's hero!

  9. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Yes Godless Liberals by all means continue spitting in God's eye, while you are busy crucifying a True Righteous Christian, Satan readies a special spot in hell where one of the myriad torments your computers at eye level forever out of reach always displaying tantalizing IM headers and hundreds of comments that you can never read.
    Yes condone vile sexual aberrations..two men kissing, lips on each other's neck, slowly caressing each other's buttocks, their trembling hands exploring wicked throbbing turgid delicious.. I mean sinful flesh.
    The lesbians are bad too but as a God fearing male I will continue to fight man on man filthy passion with every fiber of my 367 lbs sodomite abhorring earthly vessel.

  10. Anonymous8:44 AM

    It's funny alright, but it's not spinning well for the Dems and Obama. Most Americans are proven to be against gay marriage and when we know that we should also know that they are homophobic too.

    As for CFA's part in this, they are being supported in large numbers and their sales have soared. Best let this one cool off for a while.

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Thanks for your "concern". *SNORT*

    2. Anonymous10:29 AM

      You mean "most Americans" as in the majority? Like the Far Right Fundies are the majority according to you c4p nutjobs? Yeah, ok. Snort.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:42 PM

      I like your logic!

      What does "most americans are proven" mean? Are you saying most Americans tried gay marriage and they ended in gay divorce?

      If they didn't like it, they did it wrong, just saying!

  11. Anonymous9:19 AM

    @8:44 Nah we ain't worried 'bout no chikin'sammich gobblin' Ril'Murikan's pretending to be the mostest muuujority.
    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012 baby!

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012 baby!

      Let's make it happen!

  12. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Say "Chick-Fil-A Show" three times fast, or as many times as it takes you to get the joke.

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM


    2. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Anon 10:01 crackle pop also too.

    3. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Hey Scarah better patent that word salad you don't want the likes of Anon@9:19 stilin' yer brand.

    4. Anita Winecooler8:44 PM

      Very clever, you're a cunning linguist!

  13. Anita Winecooler8:56 PM

    Yeah, we're shaking in our boots. A bunch of crazies scarfing down fried chicken sandwiches, clogging their arteries to show their ignorance makes about as much sense as Sarah Palin laughing at other people, have you seen her dotters? One got knocked up while not married, preaches abstinence, leaves her boyfriend on a curb in the middle of nowhere, and can't act her way out of a paper bag, the other's following in her footsteps, and they have an illegitimate son with a truck driver's vocabulary.

    Is that the best you got?

  14. Tips- to make your dear ones happy...

    how to be happy


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It just goes directly to their thighs.