Monday, August 13, 2012

I don't know who their sources are but I have NO doubt that this is accurate.

I got new boobs, had my eyes done, and even had my ghostwriter write a speech and THIS is how you treat me?"
Courtesy of Capitol Hill Blue:  

Sarah Palin is trying to put a positive spin on the fact that she was not invited to speak at The Republican National Convention in Tampa later this month. 

She’s trying to act like the snub was her idea. 

It wasn’t and sources close to Palin tell Capitol Hill Blue that the GOP diva “went ballistic” when it became clear that the GOP’s big party didn’t want her in the show.

Yeah there was very little doubt that the  statement which Palin released yesterday was pure unadulterated moosepoop, and I have NO doubt that the reporting above is absolutely spot on.

I think that the Grizzled Mama had convinced herself that there was NO way that Romney would refuse her a spot at the convention, and to learn otherwise simply HAD to piss her off like nobody's business.

Stay tuned folks, you can bet that Romney is about to learn the lesson that others who have crossed Sarah Palin have learned the hard way.

Pay back is a bitch who looks just like this!


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I doubt that Sarah has enough flying monkeys aka prayer warriors left to make Mitt suffer much over leaving her out of the GOP convention. However, I wouldn't mind if he gets thrown under the bus.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Plus she outsourced them to cover mitt and Paul Ryand. Those low thinkers can't spread themselves too thin, they won't have enough common sense left over to remember to eat.

  2. Oh no! What if she changes her mind and endorses Obama??

    We are doomed!!


    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      She'll NEVER endorse him, but you can bet she's wanting him to win. An Obama re-election will keep her on Fox. A loss and the TV studio will be gone from the turret.

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      I don't believe Obama being reelected will mean Sarah will stay at Fox. In fact, I'm wondering with Palin's rejection as a speaker has also reduced her appeal to Fox viewers. My guess is that Sarah's contract with Fox will be cancelled sometime after the convention, but before the election. Fox will probably reduce Palin's appearances of Fox until they cancel her contract altogether.

  3. Everything that Scarah and Romneybot say is a lie. But seeing them deny the racist Ho from Wasilla a speaking slot at their hate-fest is pure gold! She must have the hideous troll RAM cranking up more FB posts fr convention time.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      'Wouldn't be the least surprised if she wasn't demanding an anchor position of some sort in a perch over looking the convention. This woman will not be ignored.
      M from MD

    2. an anchor position of some sort in a perch over looking the convention

      Ooooh now THAT would be insidious but oh so hilarious also too. Think of all the word salad she'd be able to spew as an official "punDINT" lol... That would make the RNC truly worth watching!

  4. WakeUpAmerica2:51 PM

    You can bet the farm on the bitch witch getting revenge. That's a fact.

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Uh oh, watch out! Ain't nuttin' like a bitter quitter!

  5. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Wow, they wrote that? That's nice to let us know she is pissed.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Kind of reminds me of her actions in the "Game Changer". She is a total bitch when things don't go her way!!!

  6. Anonymous2:55 PM

    " became clear that the GOP’s big party didn’t want her in the show..."

    Actually it was pretty clear about the time Palin replied with "...Putin rears his head up.... where does do they go? It's Alaska..." that Palin shouldn't be in any GOP event where there's a possibility she could be heard.

    Palin was destined to be a mere tea-bagger queen. But she'll grift along in that role for decades (given her medications can be well-regulated and the plastic surgeon is world-class and kind).

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Yes! That was her answer to Katie Couric's questioning of Palin's foreign policy experience. "When Putin rears his head...where does he go? It's Alaska." "You can actually see Russia from land in Alaska." The look on Couric's face is priceless. You can tell what she was thinking!

    2. lostinmn4:24 PM

      Katie thought - "Are you effing kidding me?"

    3. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Five years from now, she'll be in a pastel leisure suit, playing the slot machines at a casino, sipping her double vodkas through a straw, and winking at the guy next to her, the guy in white sneakers and beer breath.
      "Ever hear of the Tea Party? Well, I was their Queen!"
      "Really. How are the buffalo wings at the buffet today."

    4. Anonymous9:20 PM

      That is a funny vision you painted:)

      I was disappointed with Palin. I disliked her blatant lies and how when caught she told more then projected her diabolical aka pathalogical lying.

      Honestly, I gave her the benefit of doubt hoping she would be the best Guv she could be and study to be ready. She chose her 'rogue' way aka lying, winking, grandiose distortiins, making shit up to character

      assasinate people and even persuade people
      to Consider killing for her. She loved it!
      Sick people feel good turning people against others. How low to assignate someine as a pedophile to enjoy whipping up hatred and violence for sport or inflict suffering to destroy them to keep a false self? No God is on the side of that.

      It will not surprise me if she insidiously sabbotages Romney. Watch your back Mitt!

      I hope the GOP realizes people came to see the real Palin.

    5. Anonymous9:34 PM

      And who can forget the classic Tina Fey not having to change a single word of a Paylin spew on SNL and the audience roaring! Pure comedy is poor loser $arah!

  7. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Mitt doesn't want you around Sarah, as you've become a punch line, the albatross around the neck of anyone who is associated with you, a total loser. Just try and see what you can do about it.

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Finally! Mitt tells Sarah to shut the fuck up and sit down. So Sarah, go ahead, shut up and sit down! hahahaha We, who have been following Sarah since the beginning, have been saying the same thing. Must sting to have your own party say it though.

    2. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Sarah is a pariah who has nothing positive whatsoever to give. Of course nobody wants her ignorant, self-serving, just plain stupid, mean-spirited, and embarrassingly ill-spoken yahoo around. She's a really bad joke to be scorned and laughed at. Sarah deserves to be ignored...she just hates that!

  8. Anonymous2:58 PM

    While John McCain has been invited to speak, Sarah Palin has not. As if it was by Palin’s choice, she announced on Fox that she would not be speaking, and that “This year is a good opportunity for other voices to speak at the convention.” More likely is was not Palin’s choice but the decision of the leaders of the GOP. They were probably fearful that the media would play these clips that would be embarrassing to the GOP.

    Maybe they were fearful that Todd would take up too many rooms at the hotel, and there wouldn’t be enough for the delegates.

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      I guarantee that McCain will mention Palin in the first few sentences of his speech. Guaranteed. He'll give her a 'shout out.'

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Won't surprise me if McCain invites her as his 'guest'!!

  9. jcinco2:59 PM

    hahaha, smackdown harpy shrew!!!

  10. Anonymous3:01 PM

    'They Are Oligarchs And Racists Clad In The Skins Of Dead Elephants'

    I couldn't have said it better myself.


    George R.R. Martin, author of "A Game of Thrones", has slammed "Republicans and their Teabagger allies" in so-called swing states for what he calls "voter suppression."

    In a recent blogpost on Martin's website, he refers to recent voter purges in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Iowa, saying that "The people behind these efforts at disenfranchising large groups of voters (the young, the old, the black, the brown) are not Republicans, since clearly they have scant regard for our republic or its values. They are oligarchs and racists clad in the skins of dead elephants."

    Martin, an avowed Democrat from Bayonne, N.J. who has described President Obama as "the most intelligent president we've had since Jimmy Carter", doesn't often write about politics on his blog, but when he does, it is usually to speak about something he feels strongly about, be it TSA screenings or the Affordable Care Act.

    Even by his standards, his blogpost is extremely forthright, and so far has received 162 comments, overwhelmingly in agreement with Martin's words. In response to one of the comments, Martin wrote

  11. Who DIDN'T see this one a mile away?

    Her two thousand word ramble-on about the subject could have been summed up much more concisely-

    "You can't FIRE me, I QUIT!"

    When I was reading her babbleicious screed yesterday I immediately thought of the bratty kid in your class who would always be the one to shriek "well if YOU don't know then I'M not telling!" in regard to the big secret of the day- which Bratty Little Sarah knew nothing about in the first place.

    This will be JUST like her issue with Pres. Obama. She will be so unable to let this go, expect to hear her mention why she "chose" not to go at every possible chance.

    It really is astounding how someone THIS pathetic still holds power. Why is babygate still a carefully maintained secret, again?

    1. Balzafiar4:27 PM

      Maybe this will tip the scales enough that Sarah will spill the beans just to get even.

      We can only hope.

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Kinda reminds me of "Game Change" and her writing the speech to give along side of McCain - the loser speech! He wouldn't let her do it even though she pushed and pushed to do so. Her speech was already written too!

      She's a bitch - no doubt about it!!! If I ever see her that is going to be one of the words I yell at her and if bully/wimpy Toad comes after me, think I'll call him a 'limp dick" - same term that his oh so sweet wife uses!!!


      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    3. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Nyah, can you imagine how many others had to be in on this hoax (hospital staff, law enforcers, McCain camp, etc.), and therefore would also be impugned if the truth about Trig ever finds the light? This is precisely why Johnnie Mac always makes a point to say how proud he is of sarah and her family.

      I wonder if Megan knows the sordid details that were vehemently concealed by the McCain campaign in 2008?

    4. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Megan wrote that she cried her eyes out when she found out Sarah was the pick. Now, granted Pain was a virtual unknown, but still, why on earth would that make Megan cry? Wouldn't it make her curious, or perhaps even excited at such a bold move? I think Ms. McCain was telegraphing the fact that she knew some things... Knowing that her father was putting his entire legacy on the line participating in such an enormous hoax - now THAT would make a grown girl cry like a baby!

  12. Sarah lost an election and has attacked the one who defeated her every time she opens her mouth. She has now started attacking the GOP candidates and is having some success with the number of tea party fools winning primaries.

    I believe she wants to bring down the GOP because they also rejected her and doesn't care that the US suffers because of the absolute dumb idiots being elected to congress. She hates her country, she is dangerous and she will never "get over it"

    John McCain will forever be known as the man who inflicted this poison on his country.

    1. Olivia3:37 PM

      One thing you can count on with narcissistic nutjobs like Sarah is that it doesn't matter who you are, if you cross her, you are her enemy. She holds grudges forever and never misses an opportunity for a payback. I have no doubt the whole GOP will be on her shitlist sooner or later.

    2. Anonymous3:48 PM

      She hates her country, she is dangerous and she will never "get over it"

      Agree. FU McCain!

    3. Anonymous6:10 PM

      If she thinks Romney and the GOP ruined her, she could really get herself in some serious trouble by speaking out with something she thinks will hurt both Romney and the GOP. Palin doesn't have the temperament to just sit down and shut up. She's thinned skinned and her advisors are probably trying to calm her and telling her not to say anything. But she also likes to play the victim card and allows things to build inside of her. Fox no doubt is probably keeping her off the air until she settles down. Aile's remembers too well what happened after the Gifford shooting. I predict she screws herself before the convention starts.

  13. Anonymous3:06 PM

    It is really not to her advantage for Obama to lose. Even fix is not going to let her come on and spew hate toward their man. If mitt and Paul wins she is screwed.

  14. Anonymous3:09 PM


    Nine Nobel Peace Prize winners, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, are calling for NBC to end its reality show Stars Earn Stripes. Protesting the show in an open letter, they argue the show “sanitizes” and glorifies war and armed violence.
    The letter, according to the Associated Press, was sent on Monday to Clark, NBC’s Robert Greenblatt, producer Mark Burnett, as well as some others associated with the show. It argues, “This program pays homage to no one anywhere and continues and expands on an inglorious tradition of glorifying war and armed violence.”

    ".........and Sarah Palin’s husband...."

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      “I mean, let’s be honest — recruitment is a huge aspect and focus in the Special Operations Forces right now, as it is in the police force” Summer TV Press Tour 2012, Brent Gleeson

      Ratings for NBC and wrong promoting for recruits, poor kids who need a job. Hucksters can't sell their product with honesty? Palin curse at work?

      Nine Nobel Peace Laureates, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, have demanded NBC scrub its new reality series “Stars Earn Stripes”
      Jack Osbourne "NBC said they didn't fire me over my diagnosis? Bull-F***ing-S***"
      NBC Chairman Says He's Not Talking With Sharon Osbourne
      Jack Osbourne discrimination row heats up

      What would happen if MSM was able to write about and discuss Todd's seven years with AIP? It is bad enough to glorify war but add a phony to the mix and it is far more insidious.

    2. Anonymous4:40 PM

      The letter referred to 'minor' celebreties! Cracked me up!!! Toad assuredly fits that category!! I'll bet the show will be a failure - another Palin curse!

  15. Anonymous3:10 PM

    It's about time is all I can say!!!! She's gone down big time and there is no way she can spin it any other way!!! Sarah, you disgust the Republican party and the Teabagger slot you once thought you held has been taken over by Ryan.

    You are done girl - go sit in the sun forever (AZ) or climb to the top of an Alaskan mountain and stay there! (AK)

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  16. emrysa3:17 PM

    (best nelson voice)

    ha HA!

    she thought she was going to waltz in there and be adored by tens-of-thousands of people again, you know she's been jonesing for it since her recent audiences have been a few hundred relics. she got herself some new face surgery and has been stuffing her bras with those fake boobs trying to get used to them, all in preparation for her big day at the convention, rofl and it ain't gonna happen!! hahahaa later granny grifter! I shouldn't be laughing at the misery of others but dammit she deserves every bit of misery and ridicule she's got coming.

  17. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Mittie is too wimpy to take on the ankle biter. He'll just delegate and have Ann take care of it.

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      What will Ann do? Invite her horseback riding?

    2. Maybe he will have Tagg on the lookout for her.....

    3. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Why not? He had his son Tagg tell Tim Pawlenty he wasn't getting the VP nomination. "Tagg, you're not it," was the headline on Ed Schultz. OMFG! Mitt Romney is such a pussy. USA don't want no pussy for President!!

    4. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Hey Sarah! Shut up and sit down!

    5. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Ooooh! Good one!

    6. Anonymous11:22 PM

      I'd say Ann and Sarah are evenly matched in the mean girl department. She'd be happy to take care of 'it'.

  18. jcinco3:21 PM

    now I'm convinced hp is on sarah's payroll. they already pulled down the story regarding her not being invited to the RNC to speak but still have some insipid shit on the politics page about bristle praying for paul ryan...

    1. lostinmn4:28 PM

      HP has been pimping on Sara just like ESPN pimps on Tiger Woods - it's all about clicks. She's a cash cow so they'll protect her fall from the heavens at all cost.

    2. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Nope, it's still there...they may have just repositioned it on the page, they do that alot with articles.

    3. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Sarah's stock in being a cash cow has plummeted. She's more like a pariah with cooties that nobody wants around.

  19. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Did she trade in her Star of David for a pair of Alaska earrings in that picture? Must be pandering to the AIP folks again.

  20. angela3:28 PM

    It behooves Sarah to suck it up. And she shouldn't wish for a Romney victory too hard. Her dumb ass will be out of a job. There will be no need of an attack hamster as idiotic as she is---even on Faux.

  21. Yikes, look at that top photo.

    Obviously, the Olympics aged poor Rafalca a lot.

  22. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Love this "ironic" comment at the pee pond,

    They're setting the bar way too high for Ryan. Even Limbaugh. Hasn't anyone ever heard of managing expectations?
    From now on, I will refer to Paul Ryan as "The Baby Jesus."

    Holy Dumbshit! This coming from the people that call their VP candidate "The Great Snow Warrior Goddess of the North"!

  23. Anonymous3:39 PM

    you are so over sarah palin. we need a new word for how "over" you are!!!
    why do you think you are rarely mentioned on line and on cable news anymore? no one clicks on the articles and they all change the channels if you are even mentioned on cable news.

    the only people who care at all about you not being at the convention are those on your payroll, (it's great to pay peeps to act like they care but do they care if you don't pay them) and the 2-3 dozen cult members on c4p and p2america.
    we all know it is the same peeps commenting over and over with a few of your paid minions every once in a while thrown in to keep the cult members in line.

    you so don't get it. you are being laughed at in hollywood........hollywood is great at smiling to your face and laughing behind your back. and trust me, they are laughing behind your back because i am there with them laughing.

    todd is being punked by his "co stars" on stars earn stripes.......ask any military man about the comments made about him "walking on mud" etc., they are punking him. laughing at him.

    bristol and dwts and her reality show.........without
    mark burnett hawking your stupid family /shows you have NO ONE who cares at all about seeing your talentless and venomous self or family on any show ever. bristol better enjoy this season of dwts and the few episodes she is on......rumor has it that she is already slated to be bumped first.

    there is no place for a borderline retarded person such as yourself in politics. i am not using retarded in a disparaging way, you definitely appear to be so low on the iq scale that you are borderline incompetent if not retarded. your absolute inability to learn or speak or think is pathetically sad as we watch the WORLD laugh at your nonsensical blatherings.

    yep you betcha sarah. are toast.
    and in case you are waiting for ANYONE to insist you be at the convention or run to your rescue all you are going to get is crickets. notice all is quiet now that it has been made public you aren't attending because YOU ARE NOT WANTED SARAH.

    really try and get this through your plasticized, pac paid for skull.........NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOU OR SEE YOU SARAH. you are over that there aren't even punch lines about you anymore.

    you are now nothing more than a crazy bag lady.
    spewing mentally unbalanced venom and word salads.
    take your millions and go live a quiet life because
    WE HAVE MOVED ON. paul ryan is the new kid in town.

  24. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Hey, the NPD meltdown is finally coming... how about that. Should be a sight to see.

  25. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Sucks to be you, Screech. You thought that you did such a bang-up job last time at the RNC that you'd be a shoo-in this time. You thought they needed you to energize the base. You were so looking forward to finally having a large national audience again. You spent a fortune on "postage" to assemble your face, body, and hair into something more presentable. Then the GOP told you to fuck off. Here is a hint: if you are so proud of being known for "going rogue" that you use it as the title of your ghostwritten book, chances are the creepy GOP overlords are not going to trust you with a live mic.

  26. Anonymous3:51 PM

    What is so amazing is the Republicans are anti abortion, but when it came to Sarah Palin they didn't hesitate to use the coat hanger on her.

    1. I think it was just the morning after pill.

  27. Still trying to take the stage while they turn the lights out. That's what happens, Sarah, when you fail at everything under the Sun. Oh, and Gabby Giffords is still waiting for that apology for the cross-hairs. You're so toxic you wouldn't even make the cut at a toxic landfill. At least you succeeded with that. More toxic than even David Duke . . . Ding, ding, ding!!! We have a winner!

    Remember, remember, the sixth of November!
    Damocratic LANDSLIDE!!!

  28. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Right Wing Rhetoric Responsible For Attack On Mosque In Illinois (VIDEO)

    Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) is running for re-election on a platform of fear-mongering and Muslim bashing. As part of the right wing’s modern-day version of the Red Scare, Walsh has demagogued about the secret Muslim plan to take over the country. As a consequence of this continued recklessness, violence against Muslims has continued to increase throughout the country. A Mosque was burned to the ground in Missouri last week, a White Supremacist murdered 6 Sikhs in Wisconsin (almost certainly mistaking them for Muslims) and now a man has opened fire on a Mosque filled with worshippers.

    Fortunately, this time the shooter used what is being reported as a “high velocity air rifle” instead of an actual rifle. The Chicago Sun Times reports:

    David Conrad, 51, lives just east of the mosque and faces three counts of aggravated discharge of a firearm, a class X felony, and one count of criminal damage to property, a class 4 felony, Morton Grove police said in an early Sunday press release.

    Authorities began investigating after a 9 p.m. Friday night shooting, while worshippers were celebrating the holy month of Ramadan at the Muslim Education Center, 8601 N. Menard Avenue, according to police and mosque officials.

    Off-duty Chicago Police officers, who been hired to provide additional security at the mosque during Ramadan activities, called Morton Grove police after they saw an object whiz by and hit the building just above the head of one of the officers, according to Kamran Hussain, Vice President of the Muslim Community Center of Chicago, which owns the mosque.

    The fact that there needed to be security guards at all is a sad statement in, and of, itself.

    Conrad’s poorly thought out assault has resulted in his being charged with three counts of aggravated discharge of a firearm, a Class X felony and one count of criminal damage to property, a Class 4 felony. The Class 4 carries a sentence of only 1-3 years but each of the Class X charges carry a 6-30 year mandatory sentence. Class X felonies are not eligible for probation in Illinois.

    The attack came on the heels of yet another incendiary speech by Rep. Walsh in which he named specific communities in Illinois that were harboring Muslim ”radicals.” Video via CBS Chicago:

    1. Joe Walsh said he would only run and 'serve' 3 terms. As if he'll get to the second one. But we can understand his plan. House reps receive a pension after serving a measly 5 years. Bet he wouldn't finish out any sixth year. (Not that I think this crazy man would ever make it that far.)

    2. Anonymous9:41 PM

      Political discourse took the biggest dive when Paylin became a mouth piece for the Republican party. $he is the one credited for bringing violent language and analogies to the forefront. What a legacy, lo$er!

  29. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Mississippi Schools Sending Children To Prison As Punishment For Misbehavior

    According to ABC, a Department of Justice letter details the constitutional and moral violations committed by the school district, the police department, the youth court, and the juvenile detention center of the city of Meridian.

    “The system established by the City of Meridian, Lauderdale County, and DYS to incarcerate children for school suspensions ‘shocks the conscience,’ resulting in the incarceration of children for alleged ‘offenses’ such as dress code violations, flatulence, profanity, and disrespect. By policy and practice, [the Meridian Police Department] MPD automatically arrests all students referred to MPD by the District. The children arrested by MPD are then sent to the County juvenile justice system, where existing due process protections are illusory and inadequate. The Youth Court places children on probation, and the terms of the probation set by the Youth Court and DYS require children on probation to serve any suspensions from school incarcerated in the juvenile detention center.”

    So if a student is suspended by the school, students don’t get to serve their suspension by staying home and being further punished by their parents, or serving their suspension in school. The school is basically forcing students to serve their suspensions in prison with individuals who are there for real reasons such as assault, murder, theft and other crimes.

    And if that’s not bad enough, the schools are dealing out these punishments by what seem to be along racial lines.

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Track, Bristol, and Willow would have graduated from High School in Mississippi while in Prison. BWAHAHAHA.

  30. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Palin must have signed a lease for the mall space she rented via SarahPac. She will have to pay for the space fully, whether she uses it or not. Unless she can sublease it out. Hysterical.

  31. Pat in MA4:21 PM

    She's a legend in her own mind. Even Rick-"Mitt Romney is the WORST Republican to campaign against Obama"-Santorum is speaking. The roof of the Tampa Bay Times Forum has been replaced with a circus tent, right?

  32. Anonymous4:22 PM

    It being reported she rented space at a 'nearby mall', you can be guaranteed she'll show up there with fanfare that she's coming in that she wants to 'suck the air out of the convention' and 'put the focus on ME, ME, ME!!!'

    Palin would NEVER PASS on a chance for attention.

    The 'rental area' is close to the convention location, thereby making it easily accessible by the media and her radical baggers. Signs will be aplenty for donating to her PAC!! Remember, her PAC has been bleeding for a long time in paying for all the Palin lifestyle -- I mean postage!!!

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:18 PM

      I'm hoping it's just a kiosk where she'll sell sunglasses or smart phone accessories...

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Will the signs need spell check? :-)

  33. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Come on Sarah,
    Get revenge! You can do it.
    The best revenge EVAH!
    Tell how you faked the pregnancy with a special needs child so you could get the nomination. Tell how the GOP covered it up for you and told CBJ and MatSu and everyone who enabled you that they were "safe".
    You're a rogue. Your a maverick.
    PROOVE it in the most fantastic way possible.

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      I share your wish! Come on Sarah, be all you can be!

    2. Anonymous8:37 PM

      Oh the possibilities! But I'm afraid Ms. Maverick is now enslaved to the lies told and the frauds committed. She couldn't free herself from Satan's grip, even if she wanted to naw her way out of that a dark deception with those grizzly teeth of hers.

      Oh, but rest assured . . . there will be Hell to pay!

  34. Anonymous4:37 PM

    By Jonathan Capehart, WaPO: She was poised to be the leader of the Republican Party after her 2008 defeat, but she squandered her future potential on reality TV shows and point-scoring from her perch at Fox News.

    THANK YOU! Cable TV, NBC, Brunett and Fox News!

    Paul Ryan is no Sarah Palin

    Ryan actually has the policy heft that Palin pretended to have. Sure, like Palin, Ryan has no foreign policy experience. But I certainly don’t expect Ryan to be as disastrous in international relations. Not because Palin set the bar so low that I felt more qualified to run for vice president just by being able to answer the questions posed to her. But because Ryan is a hard worker who will study actual policy rather memorize lines to get through a debate or interview.

    Palin was a statewide elected official before she quit her office halfway through her first term as governor. Ryan is a seven-term congressman who has never run statewide, let alone nationally.

    Finally, here’s the biggest and most important difference between Ryan and Palin. With his selection, the 42-year-old Ryan is the bona fide leader with the necessary policy chops that conservatives hoped Palin would be. She was poised to be the leader of the Republican Party after her 2008 defeat, but she squandered her future potential on reality TV shows and point-scoring from her perch at Fox News. That Palin won’t be speaking at the convention in Tampa is proof that her Republican reign mercifully may be over.

    1. Ryan is a career politician, articulate and very intelligent, the exact opposite of a teapartier's dream. Thanks to him the choice in November will be quite clear. At the very least, he won't overtly call out Palin's idiot worshipers. He does not in any way resemble that great caterwauling disaster of a person. who lumbers across the land screeching out comments that are so poorly constructed there's an entire cadre of 'journalists' devoted to translating.

    2. Anonymous9:45 PM

      I wish I had said Palin "squandered" her chance.

      I think the Palin kids squandered their chances too.

  35. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Isn't this Toad's show?

    "Nine Nobel Peace prize winners said Monday that NBC must “immediately” drop a planned “reality” show called “Stars Earn Stripes,” where former four-star general and one-time Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark sends celebrities on military-style training “missions” to entertain viewers.

    Signers of an open letter to the network include Nobelists Desmond Tutu, Dr. Shirin Ebadi, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Jose Ramos-Horta, Jody Williams, Mairead Maguire, Oscar Arias Sanchez, Rigoberta Menchu and Betty Williams. "

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      It's not Todd's show.

  36. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I wonder how "valuable" her endorsement is now that the GOP has pretty much brushed her off?

    I can picture the new GOP candidates now "Please don't tweet about me, please don't tweet about me..."

    1. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Oh, but $arah sez $he's gonna be workin' hard for other Senate/House candidates who are rill Amuricans and love liberty! and freedom! and the troops!

      Like any candidate is gonna want her losing endor$ement! HA.

  37. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Dumbest thing she did in terms of self survival was quit the governorship because she effectively lost any entitlements granted to the office. But, she had to have the money and the fawning. I wonder how many people she has had killed to get this far? After you kill one, whats one more? She truly made a deal with the devil and then tried to out-devil the devil. But, Sarah, you should know better than anyone, the devil always gets paid.

  38. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Mitt has been spewing out his own money to win the presidency since the dawn of time. When Sarah was in the Newt camp and tried to draw attention away from Mitt's presidential announcement, in New Hampshire, that was probably not forgotten nor forgiven. She will never be trusted. One shouldnt fuck with someone who can buy you 1000 times over. Newt was always a deadbeat and ran just to get money. I dont think he has ever been solvent. I know Mitt isnt great but if he has the balls to kick Sarah to the curb, I am impressed. Nobody else in the republican party would do it.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Excellent observation!

    2. Anonymous11:31 PM

      The junior high mean girl met the high school senior bully who pins people down and cuts off their hair. Looks like he won.

    3. Anonymous12:13 AM

      I doubt Mitt and Ann need a "credit line" at Tiffany's.

  39. Anonymous6:24 PM

    The RNC or Mitt Romney finally stood up to Sarah!

  40. Anonymous6:48 PM

    That picture always slays me: The feral grimace of someone who doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about. "Faux tough" personified.

    Bye Sarah!

  41. Anonymous7:07 PM

    The Republican convention is going to be boring. The little excitement it would have had was finding out who the VP nomination is and that is already done 2 weeks before the convention. There is no reason for anyone to tune in now. FYI: Spoiler Alert: We just watched Stars Earn Strips here on the east coast and Todd was not eliminated tonight. Surprising is the women celebrities are doing GREAT!! A woman may actually win this competition. That would be nice.

  42. Anonymous7:21 PM

    So if sources close to Palin told Capital Hill Blue says she went ballistic, where does that leave Sarah? No one to trust anymore? Is she going over the deep end in front of staff?

    Whatever happened, the whole process of being invited as speaker to the convention had Sarah's signature of confusion. First, she is asked by (Fox) if she was invited? Then, C4P'ers, and a handful of Sarah supporters, teapartiers, including Newt Gingrich, were quoted as saying she should be invited. No responses.

    Then Sarah crashed the NBC showcase party, and told reporters she was invited, and waiting to make a decision and would let them know in a few days. Then, on Greta, she told viewers she was invited and had to wait for details, but wouldn't elaborate. Now on facebook, she's saying she won't be there.

    Other speakers? They stay mum until they are confirmed to speak, then wait for the list to be sent out. Not Sarah, she seems to have to go through this slow aggravated process that keeps her lapdogs waiting with bated breath.

    Her past scheduling mishaps show that she doesn't commit to anything. She commits, then backs out, then blames the other party. Another reason she might not want to be a speaker, is that she still has hopes that there would be a write-in candidate opportunity for her.

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Man, things sure can get confusing in Bizzaro World. Ex Cat

    2. Anonymous11:35 PM

      All the confusion could be easily explained: she was lying about everything.

      I doubt that she ever had any indication that she would be invited. She just tried to stir the pot to pressure whoever is making the decisions (I am sure it is not Romney alone) and it didn't work, so she tried to save face, which also didn't work. She was lying all along but that's no surprise to those of us who have seen her operate before.

    3. Anonymous12:33 AM

      That's exactly what she was planning and hoping would happen. That's why she was pushing for a "brokered" convention. She thought the teabagger base would rise up and demand that their heroine be anointed the Republican nominee, not Romney, and she, like Esther in the bible, would save the country by defeating the evil Obama. That's how delusional these idiots are. And, of course, Sarah Palin is a moron of the highest order.

      Because the RNC knows Sarah Palin is completely nuts and unpredictable, and the nitwit base are all mouth breathers with no class, I'm sure there was no way in hell they were going to risk having the convention devolve into a sleazy, low class, embarrassing "Sarah Palin reality show."

  43. Anonymous7:49 PM

    The silence from our resident troll is deafening. Has she finally realizes we were right about Sarah?

  44. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Sarah Palin since the Republican Party is through with your con job, I can't wait to see you working behind the counter at the Wasilla Taco Bell you crossed eyed bitch!!

  45. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Hey Sarah Palin.... KARMA IS A BITCH!

    Remember the fear you were spewing about the Obama Death Panel?

    Well Sarah how does it feel to be the victim of the Republican Party Death Panel?

  46. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Anybody get the number of the GOP bus that Sarah Palin was thrown under?

  47. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Where is Piper Diaper?

    I hope Sarah didn't have to send Piper to her auntie's house for the 9 month mono disease Bristol had? That stuff seems to be be contagious in the Palin Heath households.

    Sally Heath, Sarah Heath, Sarah's sister, Bristol Palin and even Track's girlfriend Britta all had that 9 mono disease (pregnancy) before marriage syndrome.

  48. Anonymous8:22 PM

    That Sarah Palin Curse is a bad son of a bitch. It even went after Sarah Palin herself!

  49. Sharon8:33 PM

    I am so sick of these pundits not calling these guys liars...Newt on Piers, jeezz. Newt is so disgusting still lying about the welfare, Piers says nothing...asshole. I truly hope our Dem Congress/Senate candidate guys shove Ryan down their states throat. Make them realize no federal money means even less to the states, which means raising all kinds of state taxes, let those GOP governors squirm with that. If you thought losing fireman, policeman and teachers are bad now...wait till his budget hits. I love the part they say no one over 55 will be effected, lol...too bad for the rest of your family. Sarah will do her to do something to get back during the convention.

  50. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I think you give Sarah Palin too much credit on "payback is a bitch" and how she will handle Mitt Romney. She has alot of shit hiding in her own closet.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      I agree. I think they must have threatened her with opening that closet. Why else would she concede the way she did? It's what makes sense to me.

  51. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Bristol Palin said Saturday that she is "praying for" Paul Ryan and his family following Mitt Romney's decision to tap the congressman as his running mate... "Just take a moment and realize that whomever is chosen, he is a person about to go through an ordeal that few people will ever experience."
    -Bristol Palin

    Somehow, somewhere at sometime Bristol and her professional victims family would make it about themselves.

    No Bristol not all families goes through what your scamming conning grifting family has gone through. I don't expect the Ryan family to be labeled locusts for ransacking a Red Cross gift shop or hill billies for stealing clothes from the RNC and running back to Wasilla with a belly plane full of black garbage bags of Nordstrom and Saks 5th Ave clothes.

  52. Anonymous8:40 PM

    "Pray for his family," Palin wrote. "Pray that he can meet the challenges of the campaign trail without being burned by the spotlight."
    - Bristol Palin

    Bristol how about you praying for your homophobic son Tripp? How about praying for your pimp father Todd and your dumbass mother?

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      "Pray for his family," Palin wrote. "Pray that he can meet the challenges of the campaign trail without being burned by the spotlight."
      - Bristol Palin

      hahahahahahahaha... that bitch is crazy. She acts like her mother invented the VP candidacy.

  53. And, POOF!!!

    It's GONE........ (fade to dull and trampled)....

  54. Anonymous10:18 PM

    First review of Stars Earn Stripes and it ain't good.

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Boring like Bristol.

  55. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Grab your popcorn, this will be fun.

  56. Not What You Want to Hear5:55 AM

    For the last three years, nothing could convince her fanatical supporters that Sarah Palin would never hold political office again. Not when she quit the governorship, not when she refused to run in this election, nothing.

    But this deliberate exclusion of her from the RNC convention seems to have finally opened their eyes. Oh, they still won't admit it...but you can tell by the mournful gnashing of teeth over at the online lunatic asylum where they all congregate that it's finally sinking in with them: if Palin really had a future again as a politician, as an elected official, there is no way the Republican Party would refuse to allow her to speak at the convention.

  57. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Hey, Sarah, 'QUITTERS NEVER WIN'. Don't you get it?

  58. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Sarah Palin is showing by her comments and hatred for President Obama that her next Fashion Statement should be a STRAIT JACKET. No cosmetic surgery will be needed.

  59. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Oh please, let the dumb ass Bitch speak !!!!

    1. Anonymous10:45 PM

      Which one? Bristol, Toad or Sarah?

  60. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, and Glen Beck lost another Fan in Texas. The College Station Shooter,
    Thomas Caffall had them on his Facebook Page with a photo of S.E. Cupp.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.