Tuesday, September 17, 2013

This is how I view graduates of Christian Universities.

My ex-wife was the daughter of a minister who went to Christian school and used to get really angry at all of the things she did not understand about science and history.

"So wait, you're saying that Jesus did NOT write the Declaration of Independence?"


  1. Anonymous3:03 AM

    I actually studied to be a minister but the disappointing college level science at the school made me cringe......and drop out.....

    1. Anonymous4:33 AM

      BTW....that was 50 years ago....

    2. Leland5:18 AM

      Disappointing in that they were really science or because the science wasn't something you could study and learn because it contradicted your religious ideals and beliefs?

      What you wrote isn't very clear on that.

  2. I’m reading along those lines right now, and it’s shocking how much of the life of Jesus parallels the deliberately-created myths surrounding Augustus Caesar, which were taken from Roman, Greek, Egyptian myths, and others. Good values, for sure, but historically accurate? Probably not.

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Exactly!! Talk about history repeating itself!! At a time when the rich were rolling in gold, feasting on food and having orgies, a poor but radical carpenter spoke out. Speaking about caring for his fellow man who were sick, hungry and ostracized. Sounds like our society has come full circle.

      Where's Jesus when we need him??

      Jesus come and smash the computers at Wall Street, come and turn one months foodstamps into a lifetime of food for the hungry, come and help me heat my house this winter because damn it, I hate when winter comes and I have to spend $300 dollars a month to stay warm on top of paying $800 a month on health insurance that I hardly use!!

  3. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Michelle Crazy Eyes Pray Away The Gay Bachman graduated(PAID FOR) from a 'CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY'. That says it all.

  4. Anonymous7:23 AM

    They churn out heavy-weight intellectuals like Tony Perkins and Michele Bachmann.

    Surprised Bristol hasn't made her way to Liberty U, I'm sure they have special housing for born-again virgin mothers and excellent match-making programs. They'd give her a full ride, for America.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Because Brisket isn't white.

  5. Anonymous8:46 AM

    8:19 AM That has to hit a Nerve, when have any of the Palins professed to be anything other than White? Oh, that's right, Native Healthcare for free.

  6. DanHeynen9:10 AM

    There are Christian Colleges, and then there are Christian Colleges...


    I lean more toward Atheism in this stage of my life, but respect intelligent Christians who reconcile their faith with scientific discovery, and there are many of them. And yes, I did graduate from Calvin College many years ago...

  7. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Not to mention Notre Dame and some of the other sane Jesuit schools like Marquette and Loyola. hed a chance to walk through ND's science building with the kids last year - all kinds of straight up science research on evolution and "old earth" research. They seemed to keep the religion to the theology building and chapel. (OK, and the football field with Touchdown Jesus.)


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