Monday, June 30, 2014

In what is now becoming a trend yet another person shot after attending gun show. This one died.

Courtesy of KTBC:  

In what Cedar Park Police believe to be an unintentional shooting, a man shot and killed his father-in-law Saturday at a gun show in Cedar Park. When Cedar Park Police got to the scene Saturday around 5, they found 59-year-old John Glover Warden injured from a single gun shot wound. 

Police say the man from Jarrell, Texas later died at St. David's in Round Rock. The department tells us the shooting happened in a car in the parking lot. Warden's son-in-law, Jared Priddy from Eulless was quote 'manipulating' the firearm after reloading it. 

Of course this incident attracted the notice of some of those advocating for stricter gun control.

"If guns made you safer, no one would ever get shot accidentally. And that's exactly what happened here yesterday," said democratic consultant Jason Stanford. 

Stanford says he supports expanded background checks and even background checks to enter a gun show. 

"Some people say that guns don't kill people, the person pulling the trigger does. They can kill you a lot easier with a gun. And what we need is for gun owners to take it upon themselves to work with us to be safer on this. Because right now the status quo sure ain't working," he said.

However also included in this report were the views of gun store owner Michael Cargill who, as you might imagine, was of a different point of view:  

"I know all the nay-sayers are gonna come out and they're gonna say 'I told you so.' This is not 'I told you so' this is not 'I gotcha.' This is no different than this little incident we saw a day or so ago where two kids were ejected from a vehicle because they weren't wearing a seat belt. We don't blame the vehicle for that incident so we're not gonna blame the guns for this incident," he said.

I would like to respectfully point out that there is quite a lot of difference between deaths caused by  failure to use a seat belt in a motor vehicle and deaths caused by the mishandling of a firearm.

For one thing the car's sole purpose is to transport people from one place to another. While a gun's sole purpose is to take a life.

If a vehicle is used in the correct, and safe manner, it transports its occupants to where they are going in one piece.

However if a gun is used in the correct manner it either injures or takes the life of another human being. Ironically enough if it is used in an incorrect manner, the outcome is much the same. 


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I don't think many of the gun incidents or fatalities are reported. We only hear of a few.

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    O/T but Obama Delivers a Middle Finger To Boehner and His Lawsuit By Acting Alone on Immigration

    ...This was nothing less than a giant middle finger to John Boehner and his lawsuit. It is clear that Republicans think it is good politics to run against “Obama the dictator,” but what they don’t understand is that their lawsuit has opened the door for the president to highlight why he has to take so many executive actions. By pursuing a lawsuit, House Republicans have made themselves the issue in 2014 election.

    ...Obama isn’t intimidated by the lawsuit. He is seizing the opportunity that it presents. What better way to get Hispanic voters engaged in the midterm than to make immigration a central issue? President Obama is baiting the House Republicans into pursuing this lawsuit. The president made it clear that he isn’t acting alone because he loves executive action. If House and Senate Republicans stopped obstructing everything, the president wouldn’t need to take administrative action.

  3. Test... Most of my comments aren't posted anymore. I'm not being rude. Have I passed a certain age?

    1. We've all passed "a certain age", Darlene.

  4. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Guns kill.
    That is their sole purpose. You can cloak it in bs and say "protection, hunting" whatnot but a gun is for killing only.
    Sad the FIL had to die.
    Hope the wife shoots the husband for killing her father. JK.
    No I'm not.
    And Cars have mandatory car ins. Even tho THEIR sole purpose is to transport people/items.
    They can kill IF the person DRIVING has been drinking or drugging.
    But you don't drive a gun.

  5. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Since I tend to be a skeptic....did daddy-in-law have in money?

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      "Daddy-in-law" was a pastor of a very small church. No, he didn't have a lot of $

  6. Anonymous6:25 PM

    This must be an example of those "Second Amendment Remedies" Sharron Angle was peaking about (that or just another "unfortunate accident" as Joni Ernst would have us believe).

  7. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Whatever, most of us don't own guns and have never even considered purchasing one. There is no reason for anyone in modern society to have to own a weapon. We have things called grocery stores, where we purchase our food. We have security systems and fences and if needed alarmed gates on either our houses or our neighborhoods. I can't imagine why a modern human would need a gun.

  8. @Anon 4:56: I have been an avid target shooter for more than 45 years. Literally thousands of rounds have been fired during that period of time and not one has ever killed anything. I happen to believe that firearms owners should be tested regularly, that should have to purchase liability insurance for every weapon they own, and that there should be a surcharge, possibly rolled into insurance premiums, that go into a fund for mental health issues to address the woeful lack thereof that this country currently exhibits.

    That being said, I'll reiterate previous statements I have made here--that there are no accidental shootings, only negligent ones. Until we stop thinking of these incidents as accidents, and start prosecuting those who are unable or unwilling to take the required care of their firearms at all times, they will continue.

    1. Anonymous3:27 AM

      I agree that these so-called "accidents" should be treated as "negligent" acts and the perpetrators should be prosecuted. I also think that there should be quite expensive insurance policies required for gun owners.

  9. Anonymous7:33 PM

    All those good guns, there with their guns, didn't stop this shooting.

  10. Anonymous7:49 PM


  11. Why does it seem to me that we are going to make gun control advocates one devastated, bereaved family at a time? What a sad state of affairs.

  12. Anonymous8:57 PM

    The gun culture is an endless cycle of death and destruction, it will never end, I fear my neighbors thinking they are armed to teeth and myself caught between despair of arming myself and killing myself accidentally by gun fail. The second amendment will destroy this country. Pity.

  13. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I swear, we're living in a fucking insane asylum here in America.

  14. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Although painstakingly slow, this is a good way to weed out irresponsible gun owners.

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      This is a dumb statement. How do you know the person shot was an irresponsible gun owner?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.