Sunday, July 12, 2015

MTV star and sex education vlogger addresses Bristol Palin's most recent pregnancy.

Courtesy of MTV:  

Bristol Palin, the daughter of former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, travels around the country getting paid (a lot) to speak about abstinence, and it was recently revealed that she’s accidentally pregnant. For the second time. 

On this week’s episode of “Braless,” Laci Green discusses Bristol and the dangers of abstinence-only sex-ed. “The fact that Bristol is pregnant AGAIN is a massive face-palm of hypocrisy,” Laci says, “but it also stands as yet another testament to how well abstinence-only programs really work. …It nearly always fails people who need it the most — including Bristol herself.”

Laci Green is a rather well known video blogger, or "vlogger," who focuses on sex and sex education.

I thought what she had to say about abstinence, and Bristol Palin in particular, was very interesting because she is essentially speaking for, and to, the same demographic that the folks who paid Bristol were hoping SHE would reach.

As Green points out abstinence only sex education is really an anti-sex campaign masquerading as health campaign.


  1. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Part of what we like is that she has her own channel — she has her own channel!!!!

    MTV Launches First Original YouTube Channel, ‘Braless’ Hosted by Laci Green

    MTV has launched its first YouTube channel with original programming, MTV Braless, hosted by YouTube sex vlogger Laci Green.
    The Braless channel — the name is supposed to evoke the ’70s feminism movement — will focus on gender and sexuality issues in current pop culture with weekly episodes. Series host Laci Green has 1.1 million subscribers for her YouTube channel, “Sex+,” billed as a “frank video series about sexuality.”

  2. Anonymous6:59 AM

    This oughta be good:

    Green- Berkeley vs. Palin - Wasilla High - maybe? or 5 year plan.
    Green - multicultural/multi-ethnic vs Plain - insular, xeno and homophobic
    Green - willing to say she was worng rectify and apologize vs. Plain - nasty, doubles down
    Green - articulate vs. Palin - 10word vocabulalry - 20% of them vulgar
    Green - writes and films her own VLOG vs. Palin - ghostwritten blog, wooden in front of a camera, even when reading from a script

  3. Anonymous7:02 AM

    make that 1.1 million +1

  4. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Why is Bristol given a free pass on all her other pregnancies? It was SO obvious she was pregnant on DWTS, why is THAT never talked about? Time for the entire truth to be exposed regarding the PayMe clan.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM


    2. Anonymous8:56 AM

      I often wonder the same thing. It is similar to how people choose to ignore Sarah's ridiculous non-pregnancy with Trig.
      But - as time is going by more people are seeing the hypocracy and the entire Palin family has become a joke. The damage they have done is immense and many people have suffered because of their behavior.
      It is difficult knocking a god/goddess off of a pedestal. Look how long it has taken for the truth about Bill Cosby to come to light.
      As to the Palins - perhaps all of the tales will never be told - but there will be enough to bring them down.

      Pat Padrnos

    3. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Because the "leftist" are too nice, because journalists are too nice.

    4. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Because the cover up involves the republicans and all their fucking Koch money.

    5. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Because she acknowledged this one.

  5. Anonymous7:09 AM

    but, but Bristol planned it! Maybe she got tricked into claiming that so she comes across as a conniving woman trying to forced fatherhood onto some poor horny man. So abstinence didn't fail, it would have worked if Bristol wasn't intentionally trying to get pregnant without being married.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Bristol planned both pregnancies that have been made public. Who knows about any other pregnancies...planned or accidental? It could go either way.

      She is so emotionally stunted and needy and also likes passively sticking it to her mother whenever possible. It's just too bad there are new humans created that have to suffer from being in the Heath-Palin family.

    2. Anonymous8:38 AM

      If she planned it, it makes her all the more disgusting. Was she trying to trap Duhkota?

    3. Anonymous10:03 AM

      It was "planned" before Duhkota came along. I think it was supposed to trap Junker, but they had a fight, he dumped her and she had a one night stand qith one of Malia's Aftadark boy toys. Duhkota's relatives knew she was pregnant as soon as they saw her, that is why "We never mention Bristol Palin in this house". as his grandmother stated. Junker had better insist on a DNA test before getting stuck with child support and a tortured life like Levi. He was dating another woman, so I hope he gets free of this toxic sludge.

    4. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Why do you think the "greatest love story of our generation" was fast-tracked so much? Why did Mrs. Palin find it necessary to purchase an engagement ring for Dakota to put on Bristol's finger? Mrs. Palin knew Bristol we pregnant and no longer had the eye or heart of her baby daddy so she wrapped her bony claws around Dakota and played matchmaker, being oh so happy that she had scored a military hero for her daughter.

      Dakota didn't know Bristol was a few months pregnant but more importantly, and this is the kicker, Mrs. Palin and her daughter didn't know that Dakota was a poor choice of a foil because he's sterile.

      Boom, bang, gotcha Palins! I guess Dakota didn't want to be part of Bristol's "immaculate conception".

      Ha, ha, ha, couldn't happen to a nicer bunch :-)

      Conniving women rarely get their way....

    5. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Bristol would need to know the paternity of her baby since she is in such a convoluted poorly planned fake story about this pregnancy. It should be first on her list to find the DNA and know who the father is. That would help her with any comments or stories about her getting knocked up premature to a marriage.

      She would have had the tests about 8 weeks into her pregnancy.

      Bristol knows who the father is now. She is just playing her games.

      A father would have rights, what rights do men who might be a father have?

      Both Joey and Dakota are in business and they use social media for their public persona and for sales income.

      What kind of businesses are run like both of these dummies are running their business?

      An actual man would want this cleared up ASAP. The world knows they have sex before marriage, so they are not hiding an un-Christian sex life.

      One day the father will be revealed, why postpone that? It makes the father of the baby look real bad and Bristol an obvious sick whore addicted to having bastards.

      Whatever the situation, a public business person or someone selling themselves needs to behave socially acceptable.

      That includes acknowledging their mistakes. Behaving respectful to their old lovers no matter how much you hate them.

      There is no reason that either Junker or Meyer can't have their lawyers contact Palin's rep and get to finding out if they are the father.

      It serves no good for either Junker or Meyer business to have the men in charge acting like cowards and running away from the facts of their lives.

    6. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Many of us don't see Dakota as a coward running away from the situation, we see his complete and utter severing from the Palin family as him knowing full well that he CAN'T be the baby daddy and him deciding to not humiliate Bristol any further. What good would it do him to make a statement denying paternity and put the real dad on the hot seat before Bristol has even been confirmed this other guy as the sperm donor?

      Yes, Palins play lots of games, but sometimes they run across someone who plays a better game than they do and I think when they tried to get Dakota to take the fall they messed with the wrong guy.

    7. Anonymous12:27 PM


      I'm pretty sure that the Palins have done the DNA on the fetus, through maternal blood testing, and found that the baby can in no way be Dakota's. Think about it. If the baby was fathered by Dakota don't you think the Palin "spin machine" would be in full force through the French's and RAM and be posting non stop about how awful it is that poor pregnant Bristol got left at the alter by the terrible man who knocked her up?

      If there were any positive news regarding paternity, anything the Palins could put in their giant "spin machine" and make it come out as a net positive for their family don't you think they'd be all over that?

      "Pregnant Bristol dumped by terrible no good man"!

      "I loved him and wanted his baby and then he sent me packing"!

      "When I finally found the right man we moved at a fast pace because we wanted a family together"!

      NOPE, none of that is being said and

      "Hey I was pregnant before I even met this guy and my Mom helped me snare him to be my baby daddy and even bought me a cool ring because also too #truelove #loveofmylife #ilovethisman even though I've got another guy's womb fruit hangin' out in me but still #settling and now lets chop his gay looking bangs and maybe I can #learntolovehim."

    8. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Dakota is a schmuck, but he's not obligated to support Bristol if it's not his baby.

    9. Anonymous1:54 PM

      11:41 AM

      Many see Dakota Meyer as a fraud and a coward before he met Bristol.

      Marines promoted inflated story for Medal of Honor recipient

      Dakota Meyer treated his first wife like chit, he was a bad boy when he was in the brawl in Ky..

      Whatever mess he gets himself into, it does take guts to face facts and speak up in a truthful honest way. Dakota does not do that, and he is getting a long list of his messy life of mistakes (lies).

      His ex-girl friend announcing she is pregnant and implicating him is just one more time where he appears to be mixed up in lies and fraud and he does not know how to handle himself.

      I guess if you are a MOH and trying to make money in various businesses promoted on social media you can afford to look bad and add to your bad reputation.

    10. Anonymous2:18 PM

      @ 11:09 am

      Any man would be stupid to claim a baby of someone who doesn't know herself who the baby daddy is. I hope the whole potential baby daddy list is smart enough to demand DNA testing.

    11. Anonymous3:26 PM

      2:18 PM

      No one is saying to claim a baby.

      There is no way Bristol has not had tests.

      How can she not know the name of the DNA daddy? If it is between her 2 former boyfriends that would be easy.

      If she had planned sex with half of the bar clientele around Wasilla and Anchorage that is a different story.

      These people are adults. Of course, they can act like idiot fools.

      In an adult world a man is accused and he usually does all he can to clear himself of accusations when he is innocent. If I were one of two men in this situation I would have my peeps contacting Bristol's peeps and be sure I was told under sworn oath if I was the DNA daddy.

      It is really not right for a woman in Bristol's situation to jerk the men around. They have a right to know if they need to prepare for fatherhood role.

    12. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Dakota? Joey? Whoever? Look here:

    13. Anonymous6:57 PM


      As far as I'm concerned Dakota has cleared himself of any paternity thanks to his silence on the matter. Wipes hands and moves on; spent 3 months with a crazy, low IQ bitch who can't keep her legs together knocked up with another man's baby...why should he say a word?

    14. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Congratulations, 3:26, I was wondering how far down I'd have to read before I came to that oh so unoriginal, overused, and sexist "can't keep her legs together" phrase. Looks like you won.

    15. Anonymous12:19 AM

      Is it that Russian prostitute that got some semen from a"someone"? Hmm? Well that DNA test can be compared to the one going to international court? ;)

    16. Anonymous12:20 AM

      The Fascist Russian? Hmmm....

    17. Anonymous7:37 AM

      6:29 PM Thanks. Interesting.

      Putative Father Registries:

      A putative father, with some variations in specific language, generally means a man whose legal relationship to a child has not been established but who is alleged to be or claims that he may be the biological father of a child who is born to a woman to whom he is not married at the time of the child's birth.

    18. Anonymous9:22 AM

      10:35 pm. And she Cant keep her legs together....facts are facts and the truth hurts.

  6. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Bristol will name her newest daughter ... Abby Since Palin

  7. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Dave and Nancy French are too old for MTV, they can't write about 'Braless' or respond to Laci as if they are the habitually knocked up Bristol. It would be too blatantly obvious they are faking it.

    It looks like the French family is busy monitoring and commenting for Sarah's fantasy Bristol on the Instagram account using her bsmp2. The politically moronic attempt to have Bristol/bsmp2 take on social/political issues is pathetic.

    'The moral of this post is don't be in America if you don't like our country .. (Worked up over a meme!)'

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      I love their attempts at being young and "with it." They such at both, but the best part is that they just can't commit to being as dumb and inarticulate as Bristol actually is.

      Remember when Becky Mansour (I assume) pretended to be Bristol reacting to people attacking her homophobia by mentioning the Indigo Girls? In what universe would Bristol Palin (or pretty much any teenager) even know who the Indigo Girls are?

    2. Really! The French's idea of up to date slang is something like "Hey, hep cats! Come on down to the sock hop tonight! Gals, wear your best poodle skirts and fellas, let's see those duck tails! We'll spin some records and dance the Stroll. See you there!"

    3. Anonymous3:27 PM

      So Native and Alaskan Natives benefit from Obamacare. Interesting.

  8. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Dog I'm pissed! went to youtube to read the comments. Lots of young people talking about sex ed in school refuses to talk about birth control.

  9. Crystal Sage7:29 AM

    It makes me angry that someone like Bristol Palin can make money espousing an antiquated pregnancy prevention method while behaving at total cross-purposes to it.

    As an old fart, I can remember back in my early days, abstinence and condoms were the only methods of birth control available to unmarried people. Single women were not given birth control pills, even if they complained about painful periods; diaphragms were only prescribed for married women; and teens were given no real sex education at all. We were brought up to remain virgins until our wedding day and that was it. Wealthy women, of course, had better access to birth control and abortions.

    So, there were a lot of shotgun marriages back in those days; girls sent off to visit a distant aunt; botched back alley abortions and slut-shaming to the highest degree. Still, abstinence did not work, except for those who were so traumatized by the potential shame that they avoided relationships altogether.

    For Catholics, it was even worse. "Vatican Roulette" was the only church-accepted form of birth control and that didn't work either.

    So, thanks, Bristol, for taking a very real, important life event and crapping all over it while being paid to promote abstinence.
    Shame indeed.

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      When I got the pill I needed my parents permission. My Mom called the Dr and that was not good enough and my Dad also had to call. Once I went into the Army it was different, then I was one of the few single women who could get the pill.

    2. Anonymous6:32 PM

      You forgot the many, many, teen marraiges.

  10. Anonymous7:47 AM

    You BET it's a face palm of hypocrisy! Out of wedlock babies happen all the time. So she loves having sex, who doesn't? Yet she has her Brancy blog preaching to others about things she herself doesn't even follow; same thing with Mommie Projectionist Dearest. Hypocrites to the max!

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Its the Paymeeee way. Do as I say but not as I do. Look over there,but not over here as I head to the bank with everyones hard earned $$$$!

  11. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Sarah Palin advertises as if she is a fiscal conservative. Has she ever brought up (either when she is in the role of Sarah or Bristol) health care and medical expenses? Isn't that part of sex education?

    Aren't young people schooled in those facts of life?

    Someone must pay for prenatal, birthing the babes and the costs keeping them healthy. It should be included in sex education.

    Especially with a person like Bristol, if she depends on Obamacare.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Bristol doesn't depend on Obamacare because she has government-funded Native Health Care.

      Bristol should burn her Native health care card and pay for her pregnancy/delivery/infant-child care on her own.

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives & Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

    3. Anonymous11:16 AM

      If Bristol depends on government-funded Native Health Care, she is going to depend on the Obamacare options.

    4. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Did Bristol use her Government funded Native Healthcare for her 2010 DWTS pregnancy? Is Government Funded Native Healthcare available to Bristol all over the USA? Can Bristol make babies in any state, and give them away with Native Healthcare benefits even no Father is named? Bristol, Burn Your Native Healthcare Card. You don't believe in Welfare even though you and your Family have benefitted from it for all of your life.

    5. Anonymous5:18 PM

      4:53 PM

      DWTS was before she had the ACA options.

      This baby would be Obamacare if she is not paying all her own medical expenses.

      Or her co-planner is not paying Bristol's medical expenses. Do you think Bristol would share the bills with the co-planner?

  12. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Here are 5 American sex norms that are crazy

  13. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Right-wing Christian ‘expert’ on feminism insists that submitting to marital rape makes Jesus happy

    PLEASE NOTE: This article references a Christian fundamentalist blog post which is extremely offensive! Content warnings: descriptions of marital rape, sexual and emotional wife abuse, spiritual abuse, as well as hard core rape apology and victim blaming via “Biblical Gender Roles.”

  14. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Bristol is such a trooper, a veritable Christian soldier. There is a reason for exposing all that cleavage on Instagram. There is method in that indecent exposure. Bristol still believes it's not too late to trap a husband.

    All Bristol needs to do is find a dummy, fuck his eyes out, then tell him he got her pregnant. Implausible? It worked on the MOH "goober" did it not? The trick is to tie the knot before he gets to know her. Otherwise, he'll just dump her like every other man who has ever touched her skin.

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Um, it actually looks like the MOH didn't buy it and kicked her ass to the curb and hasn't mentioned her or her pregnancy. Good for him not falling for her trap.

    2. Anonymous10:24 AM

      9:07 AM That one MOH is a shame on this country.

      I am glad he is silent because it shows him as an ignorant and ill equipped MOH.

      Someone worthy would respect his supporters and the public and want to be more clear about the mistakes he makes and the awful judgments he makes when he pals with bad people.

      Dakota Meyer has learned nothing.

      Dirty snakes with something to hide will say nothing. That is how he is choosing to handle his situation because he is a fake like the Palins.

    3. Anonymous10:54 AM


      I have a sneaky suspicion that MOH is "firing blanks" but he didn't share that little tidbit with Bristol. He obviously knows he's not the baby daddy so why should he say a word? In classic Palin style Bristol tried trap a guy whilst pregnant with another man's baby. Echoes of Mrs. Palin using her pregnancy with Track Menard to trap Todd.

    4. Anonymous11:36 AM

      I don't think MOH is the father. He may want people to think he is able to be a father. Or he may be concealing his own sex secrets.

      Therefore he benefits from the rumors that he could father a child. He wants those rumors to go on as long as possible and become cemented in the public's mind.

    5. Anonymous12:13 PM

      10:24 well put. Thanks for saying it.

    6. Anonymous12:18 PM


      I think that MOH's silence speaks volumes, not about the possibility that he could be the dad or even father a child but more towards the fact that he's over that shit and Bristol and her pregnancy are far in his rear view mirror. He could be a jerk and confirm that there is no way that he is the baby daddy, or he could just let his lack of remarks say more than he ever could.

    7. Anonymous2:31 PM

      ___he could just let his lack of remarks say more than he ever could.___

      Yes, his silence is definiently saying he is a bad business man, he makes bad decisions and choices of his pals and he is too weak to say anything.

      He couldn't speak of his first wife at all, she must have been worse than Bristol. He was able to say he was engaged to Bristol. Now he is just so bad he can't speak about planning Bristol's baby or however it was So bad he prefers to look like an idiot. He really doesn't need to give details or say that much. Just make a statement like any business person that would address problems or accusations.

      His silence says he is very much entwined with the Palins to this day. He is doing the same as Sarah Palin, as if she is in charge of him more then he is of himself.

      Yes, Dakota and Sarah are acting like two people who are connected and handling this matter as they concur is best for them. Or they concur this will hurt Bristol the most. Sweet revenge.

      All Dakota needs is good PR and lawyers. They could write an appropriate statement that doesn't make Dakota's mini vaca look like he was running away from a mess he was part of.

      The only people that can think his behavior now is a good thing or distancing him from any Palin, are the same people that think he deserves the MOH.


    8. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Jeez, looks like a bunch of crazy feminists from Jezebel showed up here.

      Dakota has ZERO reason to remark on Barstool's pregnancy. For some reason he was in love one day and kicked her to the curb the next. Hmmmm, wonder what it was? Most likely the fact that she was knocked up and didn't tell him and IT"S NOT HIS.

      He has no obligations to this slut and he probably found out while living with her and researching her past what a freaking piece of crap she is and how she can't keep her legs together for 5 minutes and has 4 previous kids and not just one and then she's living with him knocked up with another dude's kid.

      Any of that would be enough to make a guy kick a bitch out of his house, ALL of that, geez, she's lucky he didn't burn all of her stuff and was nice enough to let her and her inbred cousins drive down to pick it up.

      Me, I'd have had a bonfire with all her tacky shit; shoes, clothes and tacky furniture, YAY bonfire baby, too bad so sad, try not to be a lying whore next time, m'kay.

    9. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Bristol is merely a Fuc_ up past mistake for Dakota.

      His obligations should be to his work and the people that support him. Or he can say
      Fuc_ off to his business persona and his customers.

      Leadslingers Whiskey...Thanks to the guys from @Art15Clothing.


      "Shit military people do."


    10. Anonymous8:34 PM


      I agree, encouraging more kids like him, undereducated, dead-end kids to sign up to be meat for the military IS his job. Promoting his gunslinging gear and his booze is his job. Bristol is just a thing that happened and Sarah and Bristol both lied and used him and he's over it, he can go back to encouraging kids who have zero future to enlist and either come home in a body bag, missing limbs or with PTSD, buy hey, what else are they gonna do, collect food stamps and welfare?

      Enlist and the government pays you but it's not a handout you are actually doing something and if you are intelligent enough and survive the middle east they will even help you with college. Granted not many enlistees go that route but it is on the table and it is there for the taking for those that are so inclined.

      Yes, Dakota is someone that most of us here at IM cannot relate to, we simply haven't been exposed to his ilk, but he does what he does and he's a redneck and a gun nut and none of us here can relate to that. That being said, yes he's different than us but that's no reason for any of us to wish the harm to him that would come from taking the fall for a knocked up slut carrying a baby that isn't his.

      I'm happy he's moved away from it and is done. There really is no longer any reason to talk about him because once again, 99% of us here don't know anyone like him nor can relate to his circumstance, upbringing or choice of career.

  15. Anonymous8:34 AM

    What we heathens don't understand is that abstinence is the ideal. But people are sinners. So, Christians ultimately understand that their teenagers will fuck like rabbits. But they better not use birth control and when they do get pregnant, they are forgiven and praised highly for not using birth control or having abortions.

    Everyone knows that a Christian teenager who breaks her abstinence pledge and thoughtlessly and dangerously doesn't use protection, gets pregnant, and doesn't have an abortion is miles better than a non-Christian teenager who doesn't have sex in the first place. I guess to them it's better to have a broken abstinence pledge and an STD and and a baby than to not have a pledge at all.

    I will never really understand it.

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Babies are punishment for sex, in their eyes.

    2. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Many of the Palins belief system comes from an old world harsh Bible. From a time when during a female's "unclean monthly period" she was untouchable.

      GOD'S WORD
      "Do not have sexual relations with a woman during her period of menstrual impurity."

      "Never have sexual intercourse with a woman while she is unclean during her monthly period."

    3. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Yep... Like Bethenny Hamilton lost her arm to a dhark because... Shudder... She disobeyed her mother and wentbto a midnight Halloween party on the Soul Surfer if you think I'm kidding.
      These RWCNJ are , well, nut jobs

  16. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Bristol knows all about birth control. She got pregnant on purpose.

    She's a hypocrite and completely irresponsible.

  17. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Hopefully Willow hasn't listened to a single word her big sister has said about abstinence. Bristol has some competition in the looks department based on this picture...

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Did Willow have some "work" done on her nose? Looks like Bristol's new nose.

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Willow thinks her sister is a moron.

    3. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Now Willow?

      Who knew?

      The nose knows.

  18. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Bristol all of a sudden had to announce she's pregnant. At the same time Todd has disappeared. Sarah did you tell Todd to get out of your house and why? Is there something you would like to tell America or are you waiting to see if Trapp comes out with some type of genetic disorder or retardation?

    John McCain how are you liking the Palins now? That family was an old man's heartbeat from the White House if America agreed with your vp selection.

  19. What does that say about a person who knowingly gets pregnant on purpose? Is she a good little conservative following the church's teachings?

    Guys, wise up and don't have sex without using protection.
    Times have changed and you will be made to pay one way or the other. And ladies, do you want to be reminded that someone had to marry you?

  20. Anonymous9:20 AM

    And she uses the real Bristol in the video backdrop. Not the fake, Kim Kardashian wannabe, chin tuck version. Nice way to compliment the exposure of the real Bristol Palin. Touché.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      I think they should use both pictures side-by-side.

  21. Has Sarah even mentioned Bristol since she announced her whoopsy!-just kidding, planned!- pregnancy?

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Sarah did recycle something about Bristol. I think she went back to when Bristol was attacking the host of the brawl party. She can't bring herself to face the here in now,
      Sarah has gone back to live in the past. Today reality is too much for her and she is at a total loss.

    2. Anonymous2:54 PM

      No, Sarah has not mentioned Bristol's disappointing blessing.

      Sarah and Dakota are symbiotic partners where this particular fetus is concerned,

      I can't imagine Sarah would be all that opposed to the other baby dad possibility, Joey Junker. She may not have liked Joey and Bristol's plan, she may have freaked out but she would get over that for a Junker. If it is Joey, Sarah and Todd would be able to find a way to deal with it and they could say something. Unless.....

    3. Anonymous3:24 PM

      2:54 PM The AFTADARK Trial Daddy lives in Anchorage.

    4. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Todd and Joey are close, like brothers or father and son. Very close. Both are in the highly close knit family of snow machine lovers in Alaska. It is also a business and this is one of the ways they earn a living.

      There is no way Todd does not talk to Joey and he would know what Joey knows. Joey, like a son, would be cool with Todd.

      Todd is hiding and Joey was silent until Sarah and Todd's people told him he could go back to keeping up his social media business.

      Sarah, Joey and Dakota are all staying firm in how they are handling Bristol.

      Marina has been supportive of Bristol. Levi has been supportive. I suppose Bristol knows where Todd stands with all this. His absence is louder than Dakota's silence.

    5. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Who really knows if Bristol has told her parents the truth about who the father might be? She learned to lie from the best of them, especially about paternity.

    6. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Dufus Dakota doesn't know a pimp when he mets one? bahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7. Anonymous12:26 AM

      With those rubber specimens it can be anyone...especially if there is ANY link to money...huh Sarah?

  22. Anonymous9:40 AM

    "As Green points out abstinence only sex education is really an anti-sex campaign masquerading as health campaign."

    And that is apparent once you look at what they are "teaching."

  23. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I went out on a fishing charter yesterday, but instead of fishing I kept scanning the seas and horizon for Bristle's new baby daddy....but alas, still no man in sight willing to claim her latest abstinence baby.

  24. Jesus, even vloggers are talking about Bristol's impending blessed event, which is more than the grandparents-to-be are...

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      I don't think Sarah and Todd can say a thing about this pregnancy because of Dakota breaking off the engagement. Funnily enough, Bristol has told us that the pregnancy was planned due to her impending nuptials which would legitimize the blessed event, but she hasn't said distinctly that Dakota is the baby-daddy.

      Planned pregnancy, yes. Who conception was planned with? Not so much. We just have her vague statement that she kind of put the cart before the horse, because hey I'm gettin' married soon y'all.

      I think that photo of Sarah wagging her bony claw in Dakota's face at the "Great Kentucky not a wedding but still a party" event was her telling him in no uncertain terms to stick to the story and him telling her "hell no I will not take responsibility for this, no how no way."

      He could probably embarrass the hell out of the entire family right now but he's chosen the high road knowing that once baby is born that DNA could prove what he already knows. He's content to let Bristol take the heat for being her mother's pawn and running a long game on him at her mother's urging. He's laughing, vacationing and deleting them all from his life. That had to be the longest 3 months of his life. War is indeed hell but I bet his combat PTSD can't hold a candle to being part of this hot mess family for even the brief time that they were using him.

    2. Anonymous11:35 AM

      And just one more thing, sorry, if Bristol had to announce to the world that she was pregnant because people and bloggers were beginning to notice, that makes her a lot more pregnant than she would be if she got knockers back in March when she hooked up with Dakota. Palin's are good at hiding pregnancy, they have lots of practice, no reason Bristol couldn't have kept this secret a few more months, UNLESS she's more like 6 months instead of the 4 that she should be if the baby was Dakota's.

    3. Anonymous11:41 AM

      11:22 AM

      In Christianity, is it cool to have sex before marriage if you plan to get married?

      I don't really get how this plan meme makes it any less dark and less of a sin.

    4. Anita Winecooler7:35 PM

      Premarital horizontal belly button wrestling is a big no no! That's what makes it so popular.

  25. Only slightly OT:

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Sarah already quit on the little fetus in her family. Poor thing has not even popped yet.

      Sarah where are you?

      Did Sally and Chuckie forsake Bristol's plan with whoever she chose to fornicate for fetus with?

      Uncle Chuckie would be more understanding since herknocked up an underling at work. They weren't married, he was married to the mother of his 2 sons.

      Kier, Dakota, and Teko.

      At the very proud Uncle Chuckies home.

      This con4Palin is so proud they shuddered the proud photos.

      Sorry, this page isn't available.

  26. O/T Did the sarahskank throw her dirty wig into the ring yet? I'm anxiously waiting to point at the pee ponders, and laugh at their ignorance, and gullibility. I know, it's not nice to laugh at retards but; in this case, they CHOSE to be stupid while special needs people don't.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Not yet. Hopefully never.

  27. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Bristol planned this pregancy? I.e. she did not use any birth control when having sex, intending on getting pregnant.

    Did she plan this pregancy with the sperm donor? Apparently not.

    So Bristol must have made a plan to have and raise the baby on her own without acknowleding who the father is. That's the plan I guess. She chose to be a single mom without the benefit of a father.

    Look, she isn't the first woman to try to trap a man by getting pregnant. Only in her case, which man is it?

    The only reason this matters is that Bristol wants the child support, not the man, just his money.

    Is it a crime to steal a man's semen for the purpose of extorting monthly payments for 18 years? Have the courts weighed in on such a case? I'd like to know.

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      All Bristol has to do is keep having babies and reeling in the child support. I think this is her "early retirement" plan. LOL

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Did she say she planned this with the father? Or she planned this without the father knowing.


      How stupid not to be clear about it if it is the first one. Plus that makes the man that turns out to be the father in on the plan a real creep.

    3. Anonymous3:22 PM

      @12:53 no woman can "steal" a man's semen. Ever heard of a device called a "condom"?

    4. Anonymous4:23 PM

      3:22 PM

      One of the top theories at our house is that Marina and Bristol planned to have a baby. Probably when B was to have been Junker's girlfriend. They may not have planned on Junker being the sperm donor, however.

      It could have been any number of candidates they chose for their own reasons. I am sure Marina would know everything about collecting semen and any thing to do with procedures. Men will also agree to be the donor for 2 women who want a baby.

      Bristol will only be able to hide her secrets for so long.

      It is not going to be like her mother and the Trig pregnancy mysteries.

      Someones are no doubt getting ready to have proof and sell a sure fire money maker made for TV story to tabloids and movie rights.

      Bristol and her loyalists are too stupid to get on top of things. I predict she will just go on with Sarah controlling her with her attorney, John Tiemessen, David and Nancy. No doubt Sarah has many who help her to control B even when they are on the outs and B is out of control.

    5. Anonymous4:42 PM

    6. Anonymous5:09 PM

      What are the odds in Vegas that Dakota is the baby daddy? Joey is the baby daddy?

    7. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Courts have weighed in.
      Child support is the right of the child and not the mother so a Mothers actions have no affect on child support.

    8. Anonymous5:34 PM

      5:09 PM AFTADARK is the baby daddy.

    9. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Why the hell would Bristol and Marina want to have a baby? I mean even if Bristol is a lesbian, seriously, why choose a fat, fucking ugly russian porn producer that works for minimum wage at a dermatologists office?

    10. Anonymous7:52 PM

      7:06 PM

      Dakota Meyer. Why chose him? Brislle didn't, Mommy Dearest and Taawd.

      She trusts Marina. They love to pose together. Fun and laughter.

    11. Anonymous9:05 PM

      8:23 PM Did you leave out Bristol's Native Heritage? Or are you exposing your Bigotry? Look in the mirror and remove the red from your neck.

  28. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I watched Green's vlog and she's really good! I can see how she could reach the younger crowd who need this message most.

    What got me was that Congress gave 25 MILLION $$$ for abstinence only education. Compare that to Colorado's successful sex ed program that reduced teen pregancy and abortion rates down by 40% by giving teens real information and products.

  29. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Proud to be Dakota's girl!

  30. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Dakota Meyer needs to give up drinking. I hear one of his sources of income is selling alcohol on social media.

    What kind of alcohol company would want a shady character representing their product? We know alcohol was part of the time he pulled the gun on his friend from school. Not sure if alcoholism or PTSD was directly involved with the cover up and lies about him having a wife.

    He has done a lot to make himself out as a man that can't handle himself well and someone that is pathetic around children. Perhaps he was drinking alcohol when he was holding the baby and had a in his mouth and a gun on the table. He sure did answer like an alcoholic.

    What's he drinking?

  31. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Sick Man, I hope that is one of your bastards because you don't put a child's pacifier in your mouth. It is not cute or cool.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      That pic probably attracted Sarah to him when she was trying to track down a baby daddy for Bristles latest "abstinence" spawn.

      Bristle and Sarah are still lamenting that he got away before being trapped into being the daddy for another man's leavings.

  32. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I'm a contented atheist. I've studied the Bible, cover to cover, and I subscribe to a "verse of the day" (cuz it makes me think). When I read this excerpt from the Book of Job today, I couldn't help but be reminded of the incredible hypocrisy of Bristol ("She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come") Palin. Sarah, also, too.

    Job 11:2-6 (NRSV)

    Should a multitude of words go unanswered, and should one full of talk be vindicated?

    Should your babble put others to silence, and when you mock, shall no one shame you?

    For you say, "My conduct is pure, and I am clean in God’s sight."

    But O that God would speak, and open his lips to you, and that he would tell you the secrets of wisdom! For wisdom is many-sided.

    Know then that God exacts of you less than your guilt deserves.

    Indeed. I very much doubt that either of those women has ever read (much less understood) ANY of the foundational texts of Christianity.

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      As a third generation Atheist I've never felt any need to study the bronze age shepherd tales from the "before time". Kudos to you for doing so but I can't even get interested in them from an historical aspect. Any bits and pieces that have been "put in front of me all these years" have done nothing but solidify my personal stance that religions are just whack and not even worth a moment of my time.

    2. Anonymous12:42 AM

      Atheists...the purpose of religion is to bring humanity together in more "suitable conditions"...flavors depends on tastes...shrug...I think humanity is becoming increasingly complex and universal in belief systems!

    3. Anonymous5:24 AM

      @anon 12:42 am
      The purpose of religions was to keep the hungry masses in control so the rich could reap the benefits of their labor and they could imagine after they were dead it would be better. Nothing more, nothing less.

    4. Anonymous6:25 AM

      Religion is the opiate for the masses.

  33. Anita Winecooler7:26 PM

    Laci is one shrewd young lady, and her vlog on "no sex for you" Sex Nazi Bristol (think of "Soup Nazi" from Seinfeld) shows that education trumps ignorance any day. But she was kind, she used "old chin Bristol", much more attractive than "Cow Catcher Chin Bristol". I'm waiting for the obligatory "christian persecution" blog post on Nantol's Palins faux blog. Lena Dunham verb noun why me blah blah blah.... kvetchfest add link to mom's facebook check, done.

    We all know what "pause before you play" does It drives the desire higher and sets in motion some damn good sex. And equating "Sex" with "Play" does teens no favors, Sex isn't a game nor a weapon, at least it's not supposed to be, and as sexual beings, knowledge is power. As Laci said, there's some nasty std's out there with worse consequences than an unplanned pregnancy.

  34. physicsmom8:37 PM

    I have several questions:
    1) What's the deal with Dakota being sterile. You came to know this, how? Is there a link to when he said this?
    2) All this talk about Bristol being a lesbian. Her best friend is a girl. I believe most women have other women as best friends. Why does this relationship have to be sexualized? Unless there's more specific evidence, in which case, please share.
    3) Who is this AFTADARK that people keep mentioning? The baby daddy will be revealed by Bristol once she knows for sure and has time to concoct a semi-credible story to explain this "planned" pregnancy.

    For my money, all this wild speculation is fruitless and gets the rest of us confused.

    1. Anonymous9:16 PM

      1) It had been discussed that Dakota had lost at least of his previous girlfriends because she wanted kids but he was unable to help her out with that due to his being sterile. Rumor? Maybe, however it seems that Dakota is pretty darn certain that Bristol's little surprise isn't his so makes sense to me.

      2) I think someone said up above that Marina and Bristol wanted a baby so wouldn't that make them lesbians? Generally girls who are besties don't choose to start families together.

      3) The Aftadark people are a bunch of black guys that film Marina's pornos. They all party and smoke weed and play with guns and film it all and also post to instgram. They call themselves "thugs" and carry weapons and drive really nice cars quite a bit above their pay grade. Long rap sheets for all these guys, mainly assault, petit and grand larceny, drugs and the usual "thug" stuff. Pretty rough crowd, kind of surprised that Todd hasn't stepped in and put a kibosh on his daughter hanging out with such a dangerous crew, much less maybe sexing one of them.

      Anyway this is what I've gathered from reading here and elsewhere. A tawdry bunch of characters no matter how you slice it!!

    2. Anonymous9:29 PM

      The confusion started when Willow Palin sent text messages and screenshots of Bristol's pregnant belly to a friend. Willow stated that Bristol Palin was 100% sure that the father of her fetus was either Joey Junker or 'some black guy in Anchorage'. So if you are confused, ask Willow Palin, her story has probably been nixed by Sarah Palin since then. It is all about Sarah's reputation now.

    3. Anonymous10:59 PM

      Nobody here knows a fucking thing. It's all speculation wrapped up in sexism, lewdness, and crudeness - too much porn watching.

    4. Anonymous6:42 AM

      I don't think 2 women wanting a baby means they are lesbians. Women can be very close and it is not sexual. Over the years I've known of several households where women were raising the children because the men were gone.

      I have no clue about Dakota Meyer's condition. I know he conducts a lot of his projects on the internet. He uses his public exhibits to sell, promote and for his personal, like his engagement, announcing he was living with Bristol and such. He can't be trusted once you look into some of the things he has manipulated and lied about.

      Unfortunately, Bristol and all the players have created mystery. Speculation is speculation. No one has to speculate or read other's speculations.
      People are going to speculate. That happens with mysteries.

      What confuses me are reading Sarah, Nancy, Dakota or who helps Bristol with her visual messages on Instagram.

    5. Anonymous7:32 AM

      @10:59 PM Watching the Palin saga is watching porn. The Palins and their trolls put their lewd lifestyles all over Facebook and Instagram. If they don't like speculation, then they should STFU about their personal lives. Willow fucked up when she confided about Bristol's pregnancy and a possible Baby's Daddy through text messages to her friends. The electronic media is forever, so the Palins have exposed their lies and deceptions on their own. If you don't want the public to know what you are hiding, then shut down your communications to so-called friends who enjoy telling others what you have sent to them.

  35. Anonymous9:04 PM

    It is ironic. I'm watching the Steve Harvey Celebrity Family Feud show and Sarah Palin’s good buddies the Duck people are on tonight and their winnings will be donated to the Hub in Shreveport, Louisiana. The Hub gets girls out of sex trafficking.






    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Sarah where is Todd? Does he still live with you?

    2. Anonymous9:39 PM

      What's wrong with Todd's involvement with sex trafficking? He's providing steady employment to the down and out Alaskans. Like Sarah Palin said

      "Get off your butt to make a buck."

      "The man can only ride you when your back is bent." (Is Sarah talking about doing it doggy style?)

  36. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Watch "Bristol Palin Talks Abstinence, Safe Sex, No More Pregnancies" on YouTube

    Single pregnant Bristol do you remember talking about not hooking up before marriage and saying for real for real for real? What a liar ROFLOL

    Also look at your chin. What do you see?

  37. Anonymous1:35 AM

    this story was bullshit from the day it was announced Chin and MOH were getting hitched. I commented here a few months ago that she was pregnant again. BUT..I believe MOH was aware of the condition chin was in - and agreed to take her on for reasons we'll probably never learn - no way he didn't know. I believe 100% the problem came later when Chin found out the bundle of joy may be darker than MOH agreed to claim. Think about it - do any of you recall ANY references to this romance - anything at all - before the skank mother announced the pending nuptials? The few pictures they presented - the one with Chin and MOH kissing? Did that really look "real" to any of you? Not to me. I believe this was full disclosure but the plan fell apart when Chin may have learned something she would've been forced to disclose and MOH most likely said - "no". She HAD to tell him because she knew - and her skank mother knew - if they married and that baby popped out black - both Chin and her moma would never, ever recover from it. People would hate both of them and MOH would look like a fake hero again. Now they had to figure out a way to make Chin save face after he told her to hit the road - that's where they came up with the previous wife story. Bet you a million bucks that Chin already knew about his ex - but this story was agreed upon so Chin would remain the victim and of course she had to leave him - he lied!! Bullshit. If a woman is pregnant with her man and finds out he has an ex - and not an ex that is bothering them or causing problems - ?? Maybe pissed or hurt that he didn't tell her but my gut tells me - Chin wouldn't have dumped him that quick. More to this story. The reason there's silence - it's not Joey's or MOH's baby. The fakery here is just as vile as it's always been with those pigs.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Friday the 13th Barstool and MOH announce an engagement and people were speculating she was pregnant. Speculations on a pregnancy may have started before, the 13th is the date I recall.

      It was speculation, no one knew shit.

      Early speculation was that the baby was from Joey Junker.

      Barstool and MOH announce an engagement and there was instant speculation she was pregnant. Those speculating were right.

      What the speculators did not know was who was the father. For weeks the speculation was Joey.

      Barstool is happy and fine with her relationship with Marina and her business. She has never addressed the internet business her bestie works and how she relates it to the Christian blog with her name. A great deal more speculation comes from the confusion she creates. Willow adds some more to the mystery, but it doesn't resolve anything. There is more speculation.

      I think Bristol has tested and knows who the father is. She knows about Dakota and Joey. Others may not be so easy to know.

      I agree with it is not a MOH, Dakota baby. The silence speaks to me saying it is not a Junker baby.

      This mystery makes for a great deal of more speculation.

  38. Anonymous1:46 AM

    I believe chin has delivered 3 previous babies. Tripp and Trig and the DWTS baby that was assigned to Track and his ex girlfriend - and this will be the 4th. Maybe another one in there - I don't know. What I find most disgusting is how the John McCain and others went this far to put her in the WH just because they wanted to win the election that bad. As far as I'm concerned, John McCain should've been forced out of office immediately. Our national security was compromised. After that election - and the vile things we learned - I would spit in McCain's face - and all the others that were willing to put that mental case in the WH. My comments above regarding what I think really happened with Chin and MOH - I'm pretty sure I'm right. Again - MOH's story is just as seedy and vile as the palins - when do we say enough!

  39. Anonymous1:59 AM

    One more post to add to my previous 2 - As I stated, I believe MOH was aware chin was preggars - I forgot to say - there's no doubt in my mind it's not Joey's either. If Chin thought Joey was the victim - we would've heard something by now. There's a reason for their silence. First, if Chin hasn't tried to blame Joey, he'd be a fool to start that conversation in public - nope, he knows he's not the father and so does she. MOH won't say a word because he knows when that kid is born, that question will be answered with no help from him. Based on this nasty mess Chin has created, it wouldn't surprise me if there was a sudden "problem" with the pregnancy and next big story will be that she "lost" the baby and boo hoo...poor Chin - but, in reality, she'll have delivered at some offsite hospital (sound familiar) and baby number 4 will have been put up for adoption. That way, her and her skank moma will avoid losing what few followers they have left. No way her "Christian" base (lol) will ever forgive THAT situation. And the other plus factor - she'll be able to keep people guessing for years to come. There ! fixed!

    Sharon H

  40. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Could Bristol's unplanned pregnancy coincide with one of her trips back to Wasilla when she was hanging out with Marina? Why am I asking? Could Bristol have gone partying with Marina on a girls night out and drunk Bristol had one more unprotected fuck as a single mother before marrying the Pillsbury dough boy?

  41. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Anonymous11:22 AM said

    I don't think Sarah and Todd can say a thing about this pregnancy because of Dakota breaking off the engagement.....

    He could probably embarrass the hell out of the entire family right now but he's chosen the high road knowing that once baby is born that DNA could prove what he already knows.


    Once the baby is born Duhkota won't need a DNA test if the baby is obviously an Aftadark baby. Hey Sarah you can't say President Obama is the baby's daddy, President Obama wasn't anywhere near Bristol.

  42. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Anonymous9:29 PM

    The confusion started when Willow Palin sent text messages and screenshots of Bristol's pregnant belly to a friend. Willow stated that Bristol Palin was 100% sure that the father of her fetus was either Joey Junker or 'some black guy in Anchorage'. So if you are confused, ask Willow Palin, her story has probably been nixed by Sarah Palin since then. It is all about Sarah's reputation now.

    Father may be a black guy in Anchorage? In that case Marina may know who the father is but is not talking because as they say in the hood, Snitches Gets Stitches!

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      LOL @ sarah's reputation!

    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Didn't Marina Lupas post that she will keep her mouth shut about what she knows?

  43. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Read the last line below. Will Sarah call Todd to come over for a photo op so she can squash these rumors? You read it here on Immoral Minority that Sarah WILL post a picture of Todd and Sarah together on her facebook.

    Let’s Take Bets On What Sarah Palin Will Quit Next! Your Weekly Top Ten

    Hey Wonkers, what is up and things! Are you quitting something today? Sarah Palin is! We don’t know what it is, but we’re sure she is. Of course, we are talking about that because this is your weekly Top Ten post, and your top story of the week, by far, is about Sarah Palin quitting a thing. This most recent time, it was her Pay-Per-Derp channel, but what will it be next? Does she secretly smoke moose-flavored ciggies and she’s going to quit that? Does she even HAVE another job to quit? OH NO SHE IS GOING TO QUIT TODD.
    Read more at site below

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Todd hold out for the big bucks if Sarah wants to call you for a photo op.

  44. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Since Sarah and Bristol loves being on reality shows, how about a new show taped in Wasilla and Anchorage? Sarah can be the executive director and producer.

    Who's The Baby's Daddy? or

    You Can Run But We'll Find You After The Baby Is Born!

  45. Anonymous7:56 AM

    The last 5 days, Bristol again went silent. After the flag burning welfare check misinformation.


    Bristol, it would behoove you to do a little research and reflection before you post anything. Single mothers, like you, are the biggest demographic for government assistance. You should be understanding of all people but you continue to be narrow minded, unreflective, and mean spirited.

  46. Anonymous7:59 AM

    If you are African-American and is Trapp's father, don't worry about Sarah or Bristol going after you to marry Bristol.

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      7:59 AM You are right about that, after Bristol's retort about the Baltimore riots and burning welfare checks. Bristol Palin thought that her lies would always be hidden by the Sarah Palin propaganda machine. But the Internet exposes their lies. Bristol ventured into the AFTADARK lifestyle and liked it. Her only regret is that she has been caught with her pants down. Will she teach her new spawn to throw gang signs like she taught Tripp and Trig?

  47. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Was this another 'planned unannounced' Bristol Palin pregnancy? 2010 DWTS and Samaritan's Purse Franklin Graham Haiti trip:

    If Bristol Palin was not pregnant in some of those 2010 pictures, then I am a blind 'giddy asshole'(Christian Bristol's words). The Palins think that everybody other than themselves is stupid. Covering up unplanned pregnancies is their specialty, but the Internet exposes them every time.

  48. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Wow Bristol, thinks so highly of you!
    $13.00 engagement ring.

  49. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Bristol Paymeee,welfare mom. No job,no personal income.lives off her son's child support and native welfare. Gees,and this woman stands on a soapbox to tell Others how to conduct their lives??! HA HA HA HA HA! !!!!

  50. Anonymous9:49 AM

    The Palins' ghostwriters, David and Nancy French, are suffering from an overdose of Evangelical Religion. They can't see the forest for the trees.

  51. Anonymous12:24 PM

    What da hell? How come Sarah Palin hasn't jumped into the presidential race yet? Can't use the excuse Bristol Palin is single and pregnant again and Sarah needs to watch over her and help her determine who's the baby's daddy. That girl is old enough to worry about herself. Time to let Bristol suffer the consequences of sleeping around. Maybe then and only then Bristol will learn to keep her panties up?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.