Wednesday, January 27, 2016

More news outlets jump on fact that Track Palin is NOT a combat veteran.

I have been keeping tabs on who is, and who is not buying the Palin BS, this time around, and it seems that virtually NO ONE is buying her excuse that Track punched his girlfriend in the face due to PTSD that he suffered while serving overseas.

And then, as I reported earlier, there a bunch of blogs and news outlets that are posting the above discharge papers and stating unequivocally that Track is NOT a combat veteran.

Here are a few more to add to the list:

Star Pulse.

Ring of Fire. (This site does not display the documents, but does allude to their existence.)

Blasting News. (This one uses the same tactic as Ring of Fire.)

That's all I can find so far but I keep hoping that a more prestigious website like Politico or the Huffington Post will post them and that it will convince Palin to say something publicly about the documents.

By the way here is that photo of Track with Trig and Tripp, that Bristol ripped down from her Instagram account after the news broke that Track is a woman beater.

Sorry Bris, the internet is forever.


  1. Anonymous6:21 AM

    And the Jon Lovitz of politics didn't think it would backfire on her?! Riiight.

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Sociopaths are good liars. Their downfall is that they eventually get caught and fall, taking down others when they do.

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      What I would like to see is a list of speeches, Shouty Book posts, on Fox News, etc., of every time Sarah mentioned her 'combat son,' or her 'warrior son,' etc. ever stinking time she referred to Track as a combat veteran. I'd like to see a compilation of how many times over the years she lied about his service status as a 'combat' veteran. I personally think the list would be long.

    3. Anonymous10:15 AM

      8:58 AM

      I would also like to see that. It is impossible to know all Sarah Palin and her family gained in 'credibility' status and money by using the fraud about her son.

      As I understand there are questions about where he actually was. May have been in Iraq and another time may have been in Afghanistan. Also he may have never made it that far. If he did what did her do? Was he in a stockade for bad behavior? Was he in Iraq or Afghanistan in a hospital for alcohol, drugs or PTSD? It seems very important to know those things. To just say he was in a safe zone does not cover or get out the truth.

      It is still a fraud if they are faking any part of what the Bush poster boy's service was about.

      If Track 'worked' (like Bristol on her blog in name only) as propaganda and he only sat around some safe zones, people need to know that. His promotion to sergeant was not due to say shuffling papers in a safe place. He would have been promoted for his propaganda (lies) work.

      The purpose for that would be to fake Sarah Palins military spiel.

      Would John McCain bothered with her for only sex? Didn't he want her and her family to have impressive military credentials.

      Read the early propaganda they wrote for Track and Sarah. It is interesting.

    4. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Well maybe it sounds frivolous but you know it really isn't. If love to see a compilation of all the times Sarah made a reference to Track being a warrior. A combat veteran. And then why doesn't Track himself step up and clarify exactly where it was and when he saw combat? Why doesn't he speak for himself and settle the matter? Is he too ashamed that his 'service' was hijacked by Sarah for political gain and sympathy??

    5. Anonymous10:50 AM

      10:40 AM

      I agree with you. IT IS NOT AT ALL FRIVOLOUS. What a shame if anyone think it is.

    6. fromthediagonal1:56 PM

      According to the DD214 retirement form, Track Palin did NOT make it to the rank of Sergeant. His paygrade is E-4. That denotes the rank of "Specialist". E-5 is where the Sergeant ranking begins. Don't believe me? Google is your friend. Type in US Army enlisted rankings and it is all there for your perusal.

    7. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Typical sociopathic defense to being caught lying: "The lies didn't really matter." (aka frivolous)

  2. Track's in long sleeves and long pants, and those little boys are so disturbingly under-dressed. Contrast that with the beguiling and charming way Rebecca Schoenkopf presents little wonkette baby, Donna Rose.

    As Trump proves as well as the Palins, there is no amount of money that buys good taste or common sense.

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Look how hard Track is holding their arms!

    2. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Nice for all the child predators out there, eh Mother Of The Year Bristol?

    3. Anonymous7:05 AM

      to 6:49 the grip is definitely hard, but the boys do look happy; esp. Trig. Happier than they'd look next to Sarah.

    4. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Really, is that how you take a pic with kids - by restraining their wrists? Who the hell does THAT unless those kids were fiercely fighting to get away from the psycho and were either promised ice cream or threatened with violence if they didn't take the pic?

    5. Anonymous7:10 AM

      7:05 I agree. They were probably using Uncle Track as a punching bag or wrestling. I think they are just mugging for the camera.

    6. Anonymous7:19 AM

      Trig always seems to look about the same size as Tripp, except here, where he appear to be very very small. These people are master manipulators. Why are the boys in swim trunks in Alaska? That certainly looks like Bris' blah furniture and wall colors.

    7. Anonymous7:31 AM

      My boys always ran around without shirts no matter the season, and would have been down to underwear if allowed, lol. But that death grip he has on their arms looks very strange, and scary!

    8. Anonymous7:48 AM


    9. Anonymous7:53 AM

      DS kids tend to be quite a bit smaller than their peers.

    10. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Sorry but that's not the facial characteristics of a ds kid. I know ya'll want to believe that and you can try to match him to ds kids but I'm not buying it. Look at pics of ds kids,compare them to trigger. Look at his facial characteristics.They're not the same as ds. Fas with some ds like characteristics and,or other issues as well. Are you ready trolls? Tick tock...

    11. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Sorry, but Trig has DS features. Kids with DS don't look exactly the same and the facial features vary in their prominence. I believe he probably has other issues as well, like FAS.

    12. Anonymous8:19 AM

      If you actually worked with developmentally disabled kids you would know that he has DS and not FAS.
      Why do you push this nonsense?There are so many more important things to criticize, like his neglect and lack of early intervention.

    13. Anonymous8:36 AM

      7:05 AM Bristol gives them laughing gas and who knows what else. We also know of lot's of white sugar and red dye spiked foods. They just aren't energetic enough on their own.

    14. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Yep they were mugging and having a great old time. Probably listening to Track and Bristol and laugh, laugh, laugh...

      Latest Obituaries, Helena Andree (1920 - 2016)

    15. Anonymous8:59 AM

      6:49 here
      I agree with &;31 inthat one of my two sons always ran around with as little clothing as possible when he was young. Trig and Tripp, especially, would put on more clothes if he wanted to.

      If you have not done a physical evaluation of trig as a qualified physician, saying he does not have DS is irresponsible. The fact that Trig is not getting the therapy (critical educational skills) he so desperately needs in order to live as independent life as his potential allows, is reason enough to rake the Payme's over the coals about their parenting skills.

      The beauty of IM is that the truth rises above the fray in our dialogue with each other.

      I agree with

    16. Anonymous9:38 AM

      I personally think that Trig has DS, I also think he has FAS. Having one does not preclude you from having the other.

    17. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Whether it is DS or FAS, PTSD or certifiable violent, paranoid dangerous psychopath drug and alcohol addictions... the Palins are not about to be forthright or truthful.

    18. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Exactly. I think TriG is probably a genetic mess given his prenatal exposure and morhers young age. Only a geneticist knows for sure what all this kids issues are.
      We know he was majorly abused and neglected prenatal, perinatally ( lol although wildcride mot true) and post natally.

    19. Anonymous11:05 AM

      I don't read too much into Track's grip: boys horse around with their uncles, and I see no sign of distress on either boy's face. Track looks good in that photo as well; no sign of the anger that shines through so many other pictures of him. It could be that the boys are one of the few bright lights in his life, and his relationship with them is generally good. But if there's any sort of continuing court battle with Levi, it would clearly be a YOOGE concern for Bristol, that Track is potentially around when Tripp is in her custody. Of course a parent might also be concerned for more than just appearances & court cases, if half of what cousin says is true re: guns in the house.

    20. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Track Palin is paranoid and he carries concealed weapons. The Palins clearly need weapons to be every where in case they need to shoot someone.

      May be this is Track's idea for gun safety around young kids.

      If Track holds the kids tight enough when they play they won't be able to get his concealed gun.

    21. Anonymous1:22 PM

      I'm going to assume that the pic was taken close to bedtime and the boys had been getting ready for bed. Could be that the pic was taken just before Track left to go home. But it is strange how so, so often we have seen pics of the adults really wearing warm clothes while the kids have been half-dressed. Kids will tear their clothes off, but if the house is so cold that the adults are always covered and even in layers, that just seems a bit odd.

    22. Anonymous2:19 PM

      SRR - DS and FAS are not mutually exclusive - could be both/and.

  3. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Trig looks so much like Levi, more and more as he grows up. Very cute little boy.

    1. Anonymous6:40 AM

      Dylan Kolvig

    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      6:40 AM Yes, Trig's Daddy.

    3. Anonymous9:32 AM

      He does look just like Levi.

    4. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Lori Kasten-Bender says "He (Trig) really looks like his Daddy, he is adorable."

      Whatever she means, Lori Kasten-Bender seems to know who Trig's Daddy is.

      Kasten, Bender, Palin cousins.

      Isn't today the day they are honoring Helena Andree (1920 - 2016)?

      Jan. 26, 2016, at the Anchorage Moravian Church, 2150 East Dowling Road, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., followed by a service from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., with Rev. William Nicholson officiating. Potluck following.

      Except for Sarah?

      And Bristol who went back to work for Dr. Michael L. Cusack, MD. At
      Alaska Dermatology Laser & Skin Cancer Center. AKA Dr. “Jack Me-off”

    5. Anonymous10:58 AM

      TriG is dark.his dad is not Levi
      Tripp is blonde as can be as are Breeze and Indy.
      TriGs dad is Dulan Kolvig.

    6. Anonymous12:18 PM

      The sooner that Lori Kasten-Bender is under oath we can learn what she knows about the subject.

  4. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Alsotoo it'd be a 'rill good dill if someone linked up all the times palin has said or wrote that he was a combat vet....there's a there, there here.

    1. Anonymous6:46 AM

      At Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally:

      She told the audience she was speaking not as a politician but as mother of a soldier. "Say what you want to say about me, but I raised a combat vet, and you can't take that away from me," Palin said.

    2. Anonymous7:34 AM

      How about the morning show where she went on and on about her son's "warrior body" That got some uncomfortable reactions from the other commentators.

    3. Anonymous7:45 AM

      I bet sarah heard Track was learning combat training and took that to mean he's automatically a combat vet. I mean, if having a little spot removed from your leg = "something like" melanoma, i guess combat training vs combat vet isn't too far a leap for her deranged mind.

    4. Anonymous8:13 AM

      7:34 NOW we are talking..That is as CREEPY as the photo with the boys in Uncle Track's restraining hands! Tripp appears in some very CREEPY pics. What is Tripp emulating with his right hand or is that just me? SICK FUCKs!

    5. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Thanks, 8:13, I hadn't noticed that before but now I can't unsee it.

    6. Anonymous9:01 AM

      $arah$aysPayme probably think Tracks experience playing video games makes him combat ready and experienced.

    7. Anonymous12:23 PM

      "Restoring Honor"?

      Was she speaking at a rally or was she lying at a rally?


      She needs to be honorable.

    8. Anonymous1:37 PM

      8:13: it may just be an innocent placement of his hand.
      OTOH....... You never know just HOW MUCH he has seen and experienced in his short life - being in hotel rooms with his mother and her paramours of the night. :/

  5. Boscoe6:35 AM

    That was one of the more nauseating scenes in Game Change; the one where Sarah is on the phone with Track when he suddenly tells her he has to go as explosions and gunfire can be heard and he heroically snatches up his M-16 as he bravely runs toward the gunfire. Bleh.

    I've always suspected the producers knew better, but thought they'd buy themselves some leverage against charges of "anti-Palin bias". As if.

    1. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Mark Halperin and Nicole Wallace, we are pointing fingers at YOU and others.

    2. Anonymous6:50 AM

      I told my husband when it was announced he was headed to Iraq that there was no way he would ever see combat. You bet, the producers knew better!

    3. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Don't forget Steve Schmidt along w/Nicole Wallace!

    4. Anonymous8:51 AM

      As opposed to the interview with Prince Harry where he actually DID have to run because his unit was called up for an alert.

    5. Anonymous11:21 AM

      It is much more than Sarah.

      There was article after article in 2008 and so forth about Track Palin.

      The whole thing about 9-11. Track Palin, at 19, was compared to McCain and Biden sons that were serving their country in the military. Some of what was written made Track to be more brave than McCain and Biden, who were not in such a dangerous situation, working so hard.

      Sarah did not write the massive amounts of bull crap written for Track Palin,
      9-11 patriot, bravest and on and on. The Pentagon and Department of Defense was behind the crap that Sarah could use to promote Track as the combat warrior that he was not.

      Sarah did not make up these lies by herself. She just ran with them and got herself in high postions and made a lot of money off of the lies.

      Some of the early propaganda about Track Palin would compare him to Prince Harry. But Track wasn't having the issues Prince Harry went through. They just had their names together as if Track was courageous and doing things like Prince Harry. He came from American royalty, you know?

      Remember Sarah promoted Track and his only hero was Chris Kyle. Like Track, who fought in war admired a fellow warrior. Later she went on to put Track with warrior Dakota Meyer. They were two warriors, brothers, 'one mother' lol. It is all propaganda.

      Lies made up to create a fake image for Sarah to have the family she tries to sell to the public. It generates her cash flow.

      Remember the early controversy when media was going on about Sarah revealing where Track was and everyone compared that to McCain and Biden who did not reveal things about their sons? That controversy was dropped like a hot potato.

      Track was just the bravest of the sons and skip the controversy.

      Track was also a good recruiting tool for the military.

    6. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Who even knows if Track's hero was Chris Kyle. That's what Sarah said. Sarah says a lot of things about her kids and puts words in their mouths all the time.

    7. Anonymous12:36 PM


      So true. Sarah also used all that to put down the President. She may have made that up about Track's hero being Kyle also.

      Track is quiet a warrior guy in the public's eye. All the worse for the president nor to acknowledge Track Palin's hero.

      Track Palin who can never speak for himself at anytime (when he is not caught brawling and drunk that is).

    8. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Need to explore the possibility of Palin ties to a Jeff Gannon/James Guckert type media operation.

  6. Anonymous6:38 AM

    From what I could find--the separation codes and authority pretty much state he was discharged from active service. I wish I could read the reenlistment code--if it was RE-4 it's a non waiverable disqualification from what I could find. provides some good information on what the army process to bar someone from reenlisting. Based on what's been said about his behavior it wouldn't surprise me if they said hell no you're not reenlisting.

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      I played around with the image and clearly there is no Reentry code typed in the box.

    2. Anonymous7:47 AM

      In the box marked REENTRY CODE you can definitely make out a pretty clear 1, and the 1 is possibly followed by a barely distinguishable (perhaps non-existent???) lower case j.

    3. Anonymous3:20 PM

      The reenlistment code should be in the format RE followed by a number and possibly a letter. For example my husband is retired navy and his code is RE-2 which by the navy codes he's ineligible for reenlistment. According to there is no J code

  7. 66gardeners6:41 AM

    Last night Scott Pelley on network news did a piece about how "The Wounded Warrior Project" is one of the worst charities out there for vets.

    Google wounded CBS news warrior project donation scandal.

    Here's to hoping Trump puts that out there. If somebody has twitter please do.

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Go to the Wounded Warrior Project Facebook page and see how people feel about them. It's not good.

    2. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Most of the donations goes to pay people and for "fundraising." Very little actually goes to wounded warriors.

    3. Anonymous7:16 AM

      So you surely don't expect Trump to lend his time to an actual charity. They might expect a donation; this one will take his pompous presence to raise more money from the rubes, and probably pay HIM.

    4. Anonymous7:28 AM

      "Google wounded CBS news warrior project donation scandal."

      Now there's a sentence that could only be written 1) on-line, 2) after Google became a verb, 3) "Google wounded [a] CBC new warrior" confusion understood after reading the sentence a few times by old me, 5) words must be put into order by reader, not writer...

      O brave new world of language. I do try to keep up, but this sentence stumped me, but only at first. :D

    5. Anonymous7:30 AM

      6:41 -- "Google wounded CBS news warrior project donation scandal."

      Now there's a sentence that could only be written 1) on-line, 2) after Google became a verb, 3) "Google wounded [a] CBC new warrior" confusion understood after reading the sentence a few times by old me, 5) words must be put into order by reader, not writer...

      O brave new world of language. I do try to keep up, but this sentence stumped me, but only at first. :D

    6. Anonymous7:33 AM

      I think I've read that they turn over 40% which is actually pretty good as semi-scummy charities go.

      But then they give the money to different aid groups who must take something for their admin and fundraising too.

    7. Anonymous8:27 AM

      I think that Wounded Warriors has been adopted and promoted by the Right Wing Republicans including Sarah Palin and Fox News. There are other groups that donate 90% to the veterans, such as Disabled American Veterans.

    8. Anonymous8:47 AM

      A current spokesman for the Wounded Warriors is Trace Atkins, country singer and former Celebrity Apprentice
      star. Also, CBS report stated
      60% of donations make it to the vets.

    9. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Chris Hayes on "All In" last night referenced the Daily Beast article about where the SarahPAC money goes. Only Chris included pie charts. Love me some pie charts--BEST visual demonstration of how much goes to support her lifestyle.

    10. 66gardeners9:06 AM


      6:41 here
      What I wrote at 6:41 is something a dyslexic person routinely writes and sees no problem with even after proof reading which obviously I did not do at the time I posted that. LOL

    11. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Always, always, always check out a charity at Charity Navigators before donating. For WWP, at the bottom of the page they list other similar charities that give MUCH more to programs (and not to fundraising or the CEO).

    12. Anonymous11:25 AM

      "The Wounded Warrior Project" is one of the worst charities out there for vets.

      Donald Trump would pick the worst.

      Trump also picks Sarah and Track's girlfriend terrorizing and military misuse and all that baggage.

      Trump has the worst judgment.

      Trump picks the worst characters to blow his horn with.

    13. Anonymous2:18 PM

      @6:41 and 7:28

      I think that sentence is like modern shorthand for

      Google (using as the search term these words) wounded CBS news warrior project donation scandal (to see what I referring to.)

      Not sure what's dyslexic or unusual about this, maybe I'm undiagnosed though.

    14. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Wait, wait, I thought his strong suit was that he would hire and appoint people who were experts at whatever was needed if (barf) he became prez?/snark/

  8. Anonymous6:43 AM

    If Track were a combat vet, the Palins would have filed suit by now.

  9. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Is SarahPac broke? How come Sarah didn't pay Nancy French or the speech writing lady who just left Sarah to write about Todd's mother on Sarah's facebook? I'm sure Nancy could come up with more words than celebrating life?

  10. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Sarah will continue calling Track a "Combat Vet". She has no problem lying to people.

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Sad. And the Donald will go on using both Sarah and Track and their lies for a few evangelical votes.

      He is a loser, I don't know who are making up the polls that say he is ahead.

  11. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Now I understand why $arah was upset about this picture and said, why don't he just put handcuffs on them? You can't make this stuff up folks.

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Sarah did you forget already? The police did handcuff your son after he beat that woman.

  12. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Why does everybody give Sarah Palin a hard time that Track is not a combat vet? Sarah is a Christian mother and she wouldn't lie or embarrass herself.

    Sarah Palin speaks at Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally in Washington DC, August 28, 2010. ...

    "Say what you want to say about me, but I raised a combat vet, and you can't take that away from me!"
    -Sarah Palin
    Aug 28, 2010
    Restoring Honor rally at the Steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      I recall that stupid rally. Didn't Stewart and Colbert draw even more people? And yes, Sarah, if it's a lie, we WILL take it away from matter how long it takes to uncover the truth...tick, tock....


    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      If that's the rally I remember, there was a picture of Tawd and her on the opposite side of the street at the end escaping hecklers. HAH!

    3. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Sally, the most hysterical part of all of that is Glenn Beck and $arah are now arch enemies.

  13. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I bet that monkey that Trig always is holding provides more comfort to him that Screech ever did

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM


  14. Anonymous7:05 AM

    One of the pics on Sarah's FB post about the grandmother's services is of Sarah holding babies Track and Bristol. It's very obvious that Track, even as a baby, looks just like his dad, Curtis Menard, Jr. Also, check out Sarah's manicure. Those are not the fingernails of and outdoor enthusiast, hard-hunting Alaskan woman. I'm an outdoor enthusiast, those fake nails wouldn't last an hour.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Is Sarah MIA at this funeral?

    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      I think she is MIA. She would've had her vapid moon face right in the middle of the photos of the girls if she had been there. The old photo is just to distract from her blowing off a family funeral.

      Still don't see any resemblance to Menard in Track, though -- at any age.

    3. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Curious if Track attended the funeral for his great grandmother. He would want to be with his father and family at a time like this.

      Willow? We know how close both Willow and Bristol are to that part of the family, because they tell us so often.

      Too much that Bristol advertised she picked this day to go back to work at the snake oil doc's office with all the co-working jack me off girls.

  15. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Is Track okay in that picture of Track holding Trig and Tripp?

    His eye area are sunken and dark?

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM


    2. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Anom 7:29 is that you Sarah covering your ass?

    3. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Most of the time Track looks loaded. He wears shades a lot.

    4. Anonymous12:47 PM

      I am looking for the picture of Track from 2010. He was with the girls and some of the babies.

      How loaded he looked was huge.

      Obviously the family is so use to it that they have no clue.

      When they have to respond they can blame things like lighting and shadows.

      Typical enablers. He will never have successful treatment because the family is diseased and they all need treatment. If not the targeted addict has to leave them all if they are to heal.

      Track is a clinger.
      They are all too, too, too symbiotic.

  16. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Sarah posted on her FB a picture of her three girls at the Celebrating Life of Todd's mother, where is Track? Did Sarah leave him alone at home with all those guns? I hope Track is not babysitting, Sailor, Trig and Tripp at Sarah's house?

  17. Anonymous7:22 AM

    The dark sunken eye picture of Track holding his nephews must have been taken before he beat his girlfriend and threatened to commit suicide. Did Sarah see Bristol's Facebook picture and say he doesn't look right, don't leave him alone and get him some help ASAP? I'll jump in my private jet and I'll be home in a couple of hours? That's what a Grizzly Mama would do.

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      It is said Tripp wasn't there the night Track, Jordan and Bristol were drunk and Piper had to care for Sailor and Trig.

      Does Piper have to change Trig's diapers when Bristol is drunk?

  18. Anonymous7:41 AM

    There's nothing wrong with how the boys are dressed in the photo or the fact that she took the picture. The problem is she chose to post the picture on her public Facebook page.

    I am so protective of my kids, I don't think I've ever posted more than one or two photos of them on the internet (and I keep my accounts private). And I would never post pictures of my kids mostly undressed for the world to see. It has nothing to do with modesty or prudishness and everything to do respecting their privacy.

    It's fine if Bristol longs to be some kind of (unwanted) public figure, but she should be more protective of her kids and their privacy.

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      And for their safety. It's instinctive for normal people to protect their kids. The Palins would rather expose them and use them as shields.

    2. Anonymous9:10 AM

      excellent point that thePaymes can not stop pimping their children for $$$$

  19. Anonymous8:00 AM

    The guy needs help--no shame in getting it if it helps him overcome his issues. The court should order it. Being part of that family/used for political props by mommy must suck so bad though. I'd be angry too. Screechie's lust for $ and attention takes priority over her children's mental health & well being, duh! No time for their trivial shit. Priorities right?!

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Thank you friend from across the way. Americans feel the same way.

  20. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Did Bristol remove her picture of Track and her boys because Bristol realized her boys are half naked and she wants to protect their innocence from the pervs on the internet or is it because of what Track did when he was arrested?

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Please, Bristol is a very private person and she asks for privacy at a time like this. Bristol will be posting her posed Kardashian-look-alike photos on her own schedule. And the boys, too, also. She still wants to get another TV reality show. Please call David Martin with your offers.

    2. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Bristol removed the picture of Track within hours of him leaving her house the night he assaulted Jordan

    3. Anon, 8:23, if Bristol is a private person why does she continue to make herself a public person? Bristol can’t have it both ways by claiming she wants her privacy and then go out making herself public figure when it best serves her.

      She claimed she wanted privacy when she announced her last pregnancy and then turned around the next day posting a public comment.

    4. Anonymous1:47 PM

      M baker: 8:23 was SNARK.

  21. Anonymous8:08 AM

    At least Trig is smiling with Track. I bet Sarah doesn't get a smile like that.

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      I really don't think there's any issue with this photo. My guess is that Track has a good relationship with his nephews. I assume the photo came down because either A) Bristol or whoever controls her page was pissed off at Track, or B) she doesn't want Track used as ammunition against her in court with Levi.

  22. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Anonymous 7:52 AM asked

    Is Sarah MIA at this funeral?

    Our guess is if Sarah was at the funeral she would have posted FB photo op pictures of herself as the grieving faithful daughter-in-law?

  23. Anonymous8:16 AM

    See what you did, Sarah? Now half the internet is talking about your son being a non-combat pussy and the other half is reading about it.

    You and your big dirty mouth...

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      This comment makes my day.

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Nancy French can ghost write all she wants, she can't control what comes out of $cratch's mouth.

  24. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Posted to imgur, getting shit on over there. Sent to huffpo, nothing will happen. Tried my best.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      And, again, why not, HuffPo? Politico? Do your damned JOB!

    2. Anonymous9:16 AM

      The mainstream media will treat this the same way they treated Trig's birth controversy. Unless Track becomes a public figure himself and initiates a reason for them to make further scrutiny, they leave it alone.

      Remember, Track is not the one putting out that he is a combat vet. When he does that, he should be fair game to them.

    3. Anonymous11:56 AM

      9:16 AM

      That is bull... Track is not the one putting out

      He is lazy and not someone you would have in public. He is used and they way they do it is to say he doesn't want to speak.

      Whoever you are, if someone is writing about you in public, albeit good or bad. It is your responsibility to correct the record.

      If you are an idiot drunk and others write about how you cure cancer and are brilliant and lies like that. You do not want to correct the record.

      You are complicit with those who write whatever if you remain silent.

      Track may not be the one putting out the lies, he is the same as those that do and he knows his silence keeps him getting all the goodies for being silent.

      Track Palin is fair game.

    4. Anonymous12:47 PM

      I doubt Track has much of a clue about what his mother is doing or saying.

    5. Anonymous2:45 PM

      One thing you can do id file a legal notice - or sue the person slandering you. Even if it is your own lying mother. And ask for a big fat payment for using your likeness and/or damaging your reputation.

  25. I often write comments to the NYT on a wide-range of articles. Normally my comments get published, but occasionally they don't, because they're just not politically correct.

    Anyway, the other day, I wrote and submitted a comment to the Nicolle Wallace Op-ed on Sarah Palin. I forthrightly referred to Wallace's machinations in promoting Palin in 2008 and actually mentioned the pregnancy deception. I submitted it knowing the NYT would not publish it. Except...they did! I was very, very shocked and sorta pleased. I do think the main (lame) stream media is getting less rigid.

    By the way, I used to be "phoebes in santa fe" but now I'm "gammyjill". I've been around since the beginning.

    1. Wow. Could the worm be turning...for bought-out last? I don't think rigidity is the thing here -- suspect so many of them know they can't really get printed (or on air) what they know of the truth.

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Thank you! Strike while the iron is hot.

    3. Anonymous9:08 AM


    4. Anonymous9:17 AM

      wake up and smell the coffee about Scarborough
      Lori Klausutis

    5. Anonymous9:47 AM

      I suspect some journalist remember Dan Rather getting blackballed over george w. Military (or lack of) records.

    6. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Yeay gammyjill! The more noise made,the more attention paid.

    7. Anonymous3:20 PM

      I remember you, phoebes. Do you remember when the New York Times censored Andrea Fay Friedman in order to protect Sarah's little fee-fees- and were exposed by bloggers?

    8. Anonymous4:16 PM

      I finally found your comment in the NYT. I never thought I'd read a comment like this in the NYT. 8 recommends also too!

      " phoebes-in-highlandpark Highland Park, Ill 1 day ago

      I wish Ms Wallace would also write about the machinations the McCain campaign engaged in, such as Ms Palin's dubious "pregnancy". Ms Wallace was one of the enablers of Sarah Palin. I don't now how she sleeps at night, knowing what she helped unleash on the American people.


      I want my hour back. Actually it was worth it. Tweet this comment out out to Nicole and Sarah.

    9. Anonymous4:21 PM

      @3:20 yours is easier to find!

      " In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life.


      My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes.

      (Emphasis mine.)

      How does one say in English... "Zing?" The Times, however, stops at "my parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life."

  26. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Does anyone know if Track is in another rehab program? (I guess that the prayer thing didn't work)

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      If they claim Track is in a rehab, it will be a repeat of past mistakes. Or maybe he will follow his heroes advice and go to a luxury shooting range for the rich with unqualified people who don't have a clue, but say they are helping victims of 'PTSD'.

      You know, like the dead sniper, when he was shot by a vet that did have problems.

      Track would go for shooting things.

      He named an innocent little girl after a sniper, Chris Kyle.

  27. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Crooks and Liars alluded to the fact that he has no combat experience and a history of not being a nice boy before Iraq. Also mentions the family outing where they were rowdy. And Todd before he married Sarah.

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      If you google Track Palin hockey, it brings up lots of news articles about how out of control he was..a real wild card of a player who played very dirty. Many of them quote Curtis Menard saying that he liked to attend Track's games (fatherly thing to do?) but if he got there after the first half of game, Track would have already been ejected for fighting. That was long before his military days, so PTSD is such a lie.

  28. Anonymous8:29 AM

    This question is for Todd's father and mother's side of the family. As a multi-millionaire, did Sarah Palin pay for all the expenses of the funeral and reception expenses? Did Sarah pay for new clothes and shoes for the entire grieving family? Transportation to get everyone there? If there was a casket, did Sarah pay for it? I'm a betting woman, I say she did.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Seriously doubt it. Todd's family couldn't stand his wife! (Alaska rumor has it!)

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      "Did Sarah pay for new clothes and shoes for the entire grieving family? Transportation to get everyone there? If there was a casket, did Sarah pay for it? I'm a betting woman, I say she did."

      Nobody else don't believes it

    3. Anonymous11:36 AM

      There is no mention of a Palin family funeral in any AK media. Anyone got links? Thanks.

    4. Anonymous3:23 PM

      I'm a betting woman, too. I say Sarah visited her children's great grandmother every year and never forgot her birthday.

      It's natural for such a loving close family to only have a picture of the dearly departed that's about 15 years old.

    5. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Todd's great grandmother. Interesting life story, a tough woman that led an extraordinary life. He doesn't deserve to even be related to her.

  29. Anonymous8:30 AM

    The authorities that cater to the Palins are of no help.

    Had they arrested Bristol and Track in September 2014 there may have been no drunk incident on Monday the 18th. No one would have been terrorized and crying under the bed at Sarah and Todd's house. Now Jordan Loewe is introduced to the nation and the world as a victim, instead of the bride of Sgt. Track Palin on the July 4th Independence Day. Isn't that ironic. If they marry now the last thing she would be is independent.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Wonder what is in the envelope? P A Y O L A
      The term has come to refer to any secret payment made to cast a product in a favorable light (such as obtaining positive reviews). PAYME PALIN$$$

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      I doubt Jordan would be interested in anything that Sarah Palin has to offer.

  30. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Sarah paid little attention to her kids when they were growing up. As they got older, they learned how to get her attention-- act out! Track: vandalism, Bristol: unwed and pregnant.

    When the Palin Family took a vacation in Hawaii, leaving Willow at home, she broke into an empty house and organized a drinking party. What a coincidence. When Sarah and Todd were away campaigning with Trump, Track and Jordan got into a drunken fight of their own.

    They don't need to have Sarah and Todd go out of town. The Big Brawl in Anchorage showed us that Sarah and Todd raised kids who are ready to get drunk and fight with anyone. The smallest comment is reason for a punch in the face. I wish that the person who stole Bristol's $300. sunglasses return them to her.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Sarah and Todd could not go on and on being neglectful and abusive parents if not for all the help the media has given them in all their crimes.

      The media and law authority are just as guilty of all the horrible things that happen to the Palin/Heath children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

      The state of Alaska has failed with any child services and child protection.

      People like the Palins are going to fail a child like Trig, he will never develop as he would have with proper care and treatment. The state of Alaska plays a big role in the fact Trig will never eat, like a Cheerio. The state is significant in the way they ignore the child due to the adults that are in charge of him who want to keep him in diapers.

      Piper may be the most mature of the Palin family and she is the one who is the head of child care in the family. Of course she is underage and doing all she knows from her raising. She not only is head of all the children, also the adult children that are stunted and as addicts at a maturity level under Piper's age.

      Piper has a huge burden to be the one in charge of Track, Bristol and Willow plus the younger ones.

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      uhhhhhh... okaaaay 9:54 lol.

    3. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Thinking about it, $300 isn't that expensive for a designer object when you're the daughter of a multi-millionaire, but I'm so pleased that Bristol made such a point of demonstrating what her personal values are.

      Oooh, Bristol, I'm soooo jellyyyyy LMAO

  31. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Tell us Sarah, you didn't make us white immigrants from the lower 48 like yourself look like white trash hillbillies. You didn't organize Eskimo Bingo at the funeral reception did you?

  32. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Looks like Trig is a permanent fixture at his mother, Bristol's house now.

  33. Anonymous8:49 AM

    It is time to send a reminder to law enforcement around the state of Alaska. To the prosecutor.

    Remind them when they give dummies and dangerous miscreants a pass they give them a pass to possibly kill others in the future.

    Even without the guns they can get in a car and drive away from a party at a drunken family or friend and kill a family on the way to the next drink or drug.

    Police photos, audio released from scene of party brawl involving Palins

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Track is only a domestic terrorist who chases women to weep and sob under beds at the home of a kingmaker who is busy making Donald Trump a king.

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      The Palins represent guns, NRA and all things freedoms for the nation.

      The law and media are responsible for helping keep her and her family image as clean as possible.

      She can't keep up her public image fantasy with out all the help she can get.

  34. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Are those happy pictures of Todd and his snowmobile in Sarah's facebook page taken before or after his mother passed on? If before then Sarah should have been more considerate and waited a month. If after she moved on then Sarah should waited a month. Either way Sarah should have waited a month. What is wrong with her?

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM


    2. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Todd's 95 year old grandmother fell and broke her bone on Thanksgiving.

      The family knew how serious that is for someone her age.

      They have known she may not make it for awhile.

      Todd traveled with Sarah and he can do his I. Dog thing. I guess grandmothers are not a Palin priority.

    3. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Sarah had no wish to go back to Alaska after what happened with Track beating up his girlfriend. She had no wish to leave her new spotlight with Trump's campaign so as to take care of matters with her son and all the other children who his behavior was affecting. And she knew what was going on with Todd's grandmother, his mother's mother. Nothing was enough to get her (or Todd) to turn back and go home. Disgusting.

    4. Anonymous4:01 PM

      I don't think Trump was immediately inviting her to join him in his schedule of events, so really, she had no choice but to come home and face the music.

  35. Anonymous8:55 AM

    After the Palin family's drunken brawl we need to ask the question .... WHY DIDN'T SARAH PALIN BLAME PTSD THEN TO EXCUSE TRACK'S BEHAVIOR?
    What she said then was “ kids’ defense of family makes my heart soar!” .. No mention of PTSD.
    After that brawl at the party Track went on to yet another violent incident that night .... But for Sarah IT WAS NOT BECAUSE OF PTSD THEN ...... Now it's PTSD and Obama's fault .... Go figure.

  36. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Our Sarah Palin is back from grieving for her mother-in-law and worrying about her PTSD combat vet son Track. Sarah is back to cheerleading for her future boss on facebook.


    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      The deceased is actually Sarah's grandmother-in-law, it was Todd's grandmother that passed away, not his mom.

    2. Tract never spent a day in combat according to his
      Military release papers. If Track has any mental problems and problem with his drinking and temper it’s because Sarah is a selfish and a very poor mother. Sarah also probably has mental problems as well which has been pointed out by many people in the past. The fact that she is narcissistic is a good indication of a mental problem by itself. Being that she is well known for constantly lying is another major indicator of a serious mental problem. And who knows, how can someone who claims they graduated in journalism speak as poorly as she does with run on sentences using poor grammar.

      Sarah is a total fraud and we should see within the next couple of days how poorly her PAC is doing since it has continually lost money since 2012.

    3. Tract never spent a day in combat according to his
      Military release papers. If Track has any mental problems with his drinking and temper it’s because Sarah is a selfish and a very poor mother. If Track does have PSTD why isn’t he being treated? Sarah also probably has mental problems as well which has been pointed out by many people in the past. The fact that she is narcissistic is a good indication of a mental problem by itself. Being that she is well known for constantly lying is another major indicator of a serious mental problem. And who knows, how can someone who claims they graduated in journalism speak as poorly as she does with run on sentences using poor grammar.

      Sarah is a total fraud and we should see within the next couple of days how poorly her PAC is doing since it has continually lost money since 2012.

    4. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Do we have actual proof Sarah Palin was in attendance at the funeral? I seriously doubt she attended! She was very much disliked by Todd's family members.

    5. Anonymous12:09 PM

      The last time Sarah was trumping for something presidential she used Trig and used Trig and used Trig.

      Now is the time to have Trig traveling and on the stage with her and her man of the moment.

      Track is lack. It is time for Sarah to bring Trig back.

    6. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Yep, I saw. Several posts already today, too. She's itching to get back to being in the spotlight.

    7. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Sarah stand tall beside Trump. He needs you with all your military cred.

      Sarah, you can do it. Get Track to put on his uniform and stump with you across America for your next President.

      Every time I see Track he is in another American tee-shirt about American. I don't know if her votes but I would think it is very important as an American that he does vote.

      It is time he stand with you and comes out of his shell to support Donald Trump.

      What a chicken to stay in the dark hiding.

    8. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Track is "American as Fuck", he said that himself.

  37. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I found a picture of Willow and Track on Willows instagram. Someone commented that she saw track at a wedding and he was pretty drunk. Willow replied that it was weird cause he doesn't drink. It is about 11 rows from the bottom. She is wearing a red shirt him a grey shirt.

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM


    2. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Maybe he wasn't supposed to be drinking

    3. Anonymous1:09 PM

      I hear Willow is a drunk, not that unlike her half brother.

      We all saw and know Track's girlfriend is a drunk, she loves it and is the queen of party girl fame. She is not an ideal mate for a sober dude.

      The dear grandmother of Todd worked in alcohol counseling and treatment. As often happens with people that know from personal experience how necessary and important treatment is.

      The Native and Alaskan Native genes are known to be a problem for those communities. That could be where Bristol and Willow have issues.

      Track, it is doubtful he is native.

    4. Anonymous1:56 PM

      They have been praying the booze away since late Sept 2014. No, he is not to drink or prayers are not working.

    5. Anonymous3:45 PM

      If by "genes" you mean having shitty parents who are terrible role models and never monitored the kids' behavior the I agree it might be "genetic."

    6. Anonymous3:45 PM Willow & Track picture.

    7. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Willow did post photos from she and Bristol and some of the Dillingham cousins attending an Alaska State Fair concert and Willow was with two other people on the "dry side" of the concert and Bristol and the other cousins were holding up beers over the fence separating the wet/dry sides of the concert and they are drinking but Willow tagged her photo #dryside

      Henceforth we've seen photos of her and Jordan drinking and living it up in Seattle so at one point Willow may have tried to become sober but then fell off the wagon. At least she tried.

    8. Anonymous4:13 PM

      The Native and Alaskan Native genes are known to be a problem for those communities.

      Really? And grinding poverty and lack of opportunity has nothing to do with it?

  38. Anonymous9:18 AM

    The irresponsible authorities are going to be sure there will be many repeats of drunken violence and cover ups. If anyone has 'PTSD' they can guarantee there will be no legitimate treatment or determination as to the actual cause of the madness and violence.

    It is always Groundhog Day in Alaska
    “Alright this is my old man,” Track tells the police investigator, introducing his father. “It’s his birthday, okay. So we’re at this party in Wasilla. Dude, surprise him with a new truck, new trailer, new wrap on the trailer. Everything was f*****g kosher.”
    But when unidentified attackers assaulted the “innocent” and “basically gay” Steve, Track stripped off his shirt and joined the fight, he said, only to find himself facing down four opponents.

    “If it was one-on-one, I’d beat the s*** out of them,” Track Palin boasted to police after the brawl. “One-on-one, like I’ll beat their ass. I’m not trying to be gay or nothing, but they’re four guys, man, like, come on. I’ve done jujitsu my whole life, wrestled forever. Like, let’s f*****g roll.”

    Police have also released audio of the Palin family giving a statement which features a very angry and frustrated Bristol, Willow and Sarah Palin.
    Police Tapes - Annotated Edition

    On the audio, Bristol can be heard saying that the host of the party, Korey Klingenmeyer, 'came out of nowhere and pushes me on the ground… takes me by my feet, in my dress… my thong dress in front of everybody. Come on you c**t, get the f**k outta here! Come on you s**t get the f**k outta here.'

    photos show blood on the pavement and, on the right, a guest wearing red, white and blue shoes, similar in style to the ones some claimed Sarah was wearing that evening

    The police report describes Track as appearing 'heavily intoxicated' and that he had blood on his hands and around his mouth.
    He also seemed to have been hit under his left eye and was 'belligerent' when officers first approached him.

    And as if to compound the confusion from the police report, another witness, Brian Horschel told police that during the brawl, Track tried to 'start a fight with his dad'.

    McKenna said that he felt 'the problem was that Bristol and Willow were drunk as were their boyfriends.'

    Partygoer Eric Thompson told Good Morning America, 'I heard Sarah Palin scream out, "You know who we are, don’t you?"

    But the source told the website Sarah was shouting: 'Don't you know who he is? He's a vet!'
    Her son Track served with the U.S. Army service in the Iraq War.

  39. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Trig looks really happy and comfortable with his uncle in that pic. Tripp, not so much. Why are they both being held in a vice like grip?

  40. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Bristol said on People yesterday that Dakota is the father. Have you found out anything on the DNA yet?

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Did she actually say it or are they assuming it from other things that have been said?

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      On Dec. 23, Palin welcomed daughter Sailor Grace, whose father is former fiancé Dakota Meyer.

      Keep up with your favorite celebs in the pages of PEOPLE Magazine by subscribing now.

      The article on People is about her going back to work. Search Bristol Palin on People...

  41. Anonymous10:03 AM

    LISTEN CAREFULLY and Read the comments regarding baby in the background in (heart) #1380 with Tri-Gger for 10 seconds. then scroll down to pic (heart) #1008. Where and WHAT the fuck is POINTING AT TRIPP's CHIN. A barrel? maybe a phone? Many CREEPY PHOTOS.

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      I don't know what picture you're talking about. Why not say which row which picture?

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM

      I found it: "(heart) #1008" refers to a photo with 1008 "likes" (instagram hearts), a photo posted 8 months ago. What is pointing at Tripp's chin? Good question!

    3. Anonymous10:57 AM

      ROW 6 OR 7 AND ROW 30 OR 31

    4. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Nah, sounds like birds.

    5. Anonymous12:11 PM

      How about a date? Link?

    6. Anonymous12:58 PM

      June 5, 2015 1:31pm
      8 mos ago

  42. Anonymous11:54 AM

    By the way here is that photo of Track with Trig and Tripp, that Bristol ripped down from her Instagram account after the news broke that Track is a woman beater.

    Which do you think is the bigger warning sign-- Track as a woman beater or Track threatening to commit suicide? In one case he is only a danger to himself and in the other case, he is a danger to anyone who crosses his path and looks at him the wrong way. The suicide attempt was a call for help! Unfortunately for Track, his family is deaf. They can only think in terms of the cover up and their image. Track has been calling out for help for a long time, but no one is listening.

    I think that in her way, Bristol is also calling out, either for help, attention or most likely, she is calling out for love. For someone writing (having ghost written posts) the unwed mother of a couple of kids is not a shining example of Christian values or even family values. After all of these years of having sex, it is hard to believe that Bristol still doesn't understand about contraception. A condom would have prevented an unwanted pregnancy, and it also prevents the transmission of STD's and AIDS. Both of the Palin kids still act like children who have been ignored, calling out of attention, any way they can.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Bristol knows about condoms and contraception, however some guys don't like using condoms and Bristol is so desperate for male attention that she will bang any dude who asks her, with or without a condom!

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Now seeing that photo again I just wonder what is wrong with Tripp's knees? They are both very swollen and the bones look large, and knobby and misshapen.

  43. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Track Palin, Sarah’s latest political opportunity

    Thanks Track. 'American as Fuck'

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Thanks for the link this was a well written article!!

  44. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Yesterday was the wake followed by a service. Sarah tweeted as things were underway and then very soon after they ended (and surely there were a lot of people still milling about). It sounded like any other day. She giddily posted about Trump and then her husband's IronDog season. No one would have thought for a second that there had been last respects paid to the deceased. Only after 9:30 at night did Sarah post some pics. I think it was because she became aware of the fact that we had noticed and criticized her.

    Today she's already posted several times. What's funny is her welcome aboard the "Trump Train" to Jerry Falwell Jr., as if she is really a part of Trump's organization. She just always has to believe she is so important. We've not heard anything more about Trump wanting her around. Maybe she'll show up at something, but Trump's SC trip involves SC politicians and she's not wanted.

  45. I really had not realized how much Trigg resembles Track until I saw the photo above. Trigg's mom is definitely related to Track.

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      I always thought that Trig was a Bristol/Track mistake.

  46. Anonymous1:52 PM


    Does SarahPAC earn ad sales? Sarah? Bristol?

    Facebook's quarterly earnings surpass $5bn for first time thanks to ad sales

  47. Anonymous2:02 PM

    @MyAuntLivesOnEnsure: what is going on right now? Any info on where Track is, any info on the DNA results?

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Don't think we're going to hear from that "cousin" again. There were too many falsehoods posted the other day and it has disappeared. Suckas!


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