Sunday, February 06, 2005

Holy Fuck!

Okay I am going to try hard not to panic here but this shit scares me stupid.

I mean they cannot be fucking serious. Can they? How deep in the backwoods do you have to live to think that this is even a remote possibility.

To me this explains why the Bushies do not respond to the threat of Global warming, because they won't be here to get hurt by it. They really believe that God is going to take them to heaven and leave the rest of us to clean up the mess. Well all I have to say is it just cannot happen fast enough for me. Get these wingnuts off of my planet and maybe we can start making this world better for all the creatures who live here. And by the way if the Rapture is taking to long to get here then maybe you could just kill yourselves now and beat the rush. Morons!

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