Tuesday, October 17, 2006

"Children I know it is recess but you may NOT, repeat NOT, run or play!"

Children at the Willett Elementary School in Attleboro are not allowed to play tag, touch football or any games involving contact during recess.

Prinicpal Gaylene Heppe cited the safety risks and the school's liability in case of injury as reasons for the recess ban. Heppe, who is in her second year as principal, told CBS4 the ban is not new and has been in effect for years.

Attention adults! You are screwing up the children! Please stop trying to protect them from having fun. Let them fall down, brush them off, kiss their boo boos, and send them back into the game.

This is why kids are built so close to the ground, so they can fall down without getting hurt!

You know if I had my way I would bring back the metal monkey bars, the teeter totter, and the wooden merry go rounds. Those were great toys and lets face it, if you can't survive recess you are not very good genetic material anyway. That is what recess was for, weeding out the week and genetically inferior.

"I am sorry Johnny, you are pathetic and ungraceful, you will never get a date or be allowed to procreate. Now please go sit on the bench so I can call your mother and convince her to homeschool you."


  1. "I am sorry Johnny, you are pathetic and ungraceful, you will never get a date or be allowed to procreate. Now please go sit on the bench so I can call your mother and convince her to homeschool you."

    That should read, "I am sorry Karl..."

  2. Ooooh good. You turned it into a Karl Rove insult. I like it!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.