Monday, January 07, 2008

Barack is taking New Hampshire by storm!

Is it the young people?

Is it the independents?

Is it the Americans who are tired of being frightened into submission?

Is it the people who are looking for a bright tomorrow?


It is all of that and so much more.

It is a chance to return to a time of hope and a promise of a better future for us and our families.

In the sixties the flower children took to the streets to protest a war that they saw as wrong and unnecessary. They were a generation whose parents feared the "Red Menace" and had bomb shelters in their back yards. They were the children of fear who dared to hope.

And we are seeing much the same thing happening today. We are seeing Americans who are saying "we are done being afraid, and we want to a change." These are the Obama supporters.

How many are there? Hundreds. Thousands. Millions. And they are going to make sure that the next President is a person of hope and promise, not of fear and divisiveness.

When I hear Obama talk about making a change in this country I never feel he is saying it just to garner support. I really believe he is saying what is in his heart.

And this is in stark contrast to Hillary who constantly sounds like she is trying to find the right combination of words to string together that will attract our support. She is, after all, part of the "Clinton machine".

Obama is the real thing and she is not.

And that is the real secret to his wave of support and her incredible shrinking poll numbers.

Hope vs Fear.

What do you choose?

Here is a fascinating YouTube video that shows how Hillary's attacks on Obama are affecting her popularity.

1 comment:

Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.