Monday, January 07, 2008

If this is not Barack Obama's theme song, it should be!

If you are too young to remember the sixties or early seventies, well baby sit back because change is back in the air.

If you are wondering what that tantalizing aroma is, well my friends that is the seductive smell of hope. You simply breathe that in and allow it to lift your spirits and open your heart. A new day is coming, don't you dare miss it.

I was inspired to make this post while visiting with my good friend Enigma at Watergate Summer and I must give credit where credit is due.

Thanks for reminding me what it was like to dream kiddo.


  1. Let' Dream.
    Let's Hope.
    Let's Believe.

    There is Something Happening Here.....

    Obama/Edwards 08

    (((( ))))

    Thanks for the Hat Tip.....

  2. I really love this post...that Hope is the Air...the way you wrote it...perfect..

  3. So Maybe the Young People will show up tomorrow..6-6 says they will, he thinks they stayed during Christmas Break...ahhhhhh, hadn't thought of that....

    So he head me listening to this song- which he likes too....but this is what he said...

    "You had YOUR 60s, they shaped all of you, made you WHO you are...THIS IS OUR TIME....THIS is OUR way of Making a Difference...we want to SAVE OUR Country...."

    made me really the other video I have from the 60's...and he is right.....The Torch has been passed to A New Generation, we should be proud....we have to be.....The Fire is Lit......but WE- you and I and us midnight bloggers...we were the flame....

  4. Yeah that was the point I was trying to make during our conversation. I think that Obama's big strength is in appealing to he youth of our country.

    If he can fire them up like the youth of the sixties were fired up he can be President in a walk. And that may sound like much to large of an order to fill but I believe that is what we are all starting to feel. It is more then just a campaign, it is a movement!

    Ha! I just heard Anderson Cooper use the word "movement" right after I typed it. See? If Anderson believes it you know it must be true!

  5. well if Anderson said it , it must be real....

    thanks....just it just hit....

    and it is is more than "words" is a Movement....and that Hill doesn't get "it" ...shows the Train has left the Station....and she was never meant to be on it....

  6. Now, I thought I heard Anderson say "a wave" tonight? OK, I agree with all you've said here, just wanted to add:

    I love that video! Neil Young in his fringe jacket & hat grabbing the drumstick in his mouth just about killed me! Those were "cruising yrs" & when that song came on the car radio, the volume soared & EVERYBODY harmonized.

    And about cycles: I recall very well my grandmother getting all excited about the 60's (my teen yrs) telling me how much it was like the 20's (her teens, they broke all kinds of taboos). 40-yrs apart, yet she recognized the similarities. Now 40-yrs later, I'm seeing it again. And after the dark cloud of shit we've been living under, this is really just what the doctor ordered.


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