Monday, January 07, 2008

Jon and Stephen return to the airwaves tonight!

According to Comedy Central’s Thursday news release, the popular comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will be back on screen starting January 7, 2008. Despite the Writers Guild of America’s strike, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report will return “without their respective writing staffs.”

In a joint statement, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert said, "We would like to return to work with our writers. If we cannot, we would like to express our ambivalence, but without our writers we are unable to express something as nuanced as ambivalence."

Oh god I have missed them so much!

I will be sitting up in my bed and just waiting for he comedy to wash over me, healing me with it's sarcasm and puns.

And all I have to say is it better be fucking funny! I have been reduced to watching reruns of "According to Jim". Have you ever watched "According to Jim"? There is not a lot of comedy meat on those bones!
Thankfully Comedy Central had a Futurama marathon on yesterday. That helped a little.


  1. Thanks for the reminder -- I've got my DVR set! Never seen "according to jim" (and with your recommendation, I don't think I'll ever be tempted now). I've been contenting myself with old Geo Carlin re-runs & of course Keith during the strike. Oh & some good Science Channel & Natl Geo stuff, too. On NYE, we watched American Graffiti! such is life ... husband says I could've played the McKenzie Phillips role ... hmmm

  2. thank heavens....

    I too have missed them sooooo much...I know I have been watching ALOT of YouTube....and reading alot....

    hell, I even went and read Red Blogs because of it...( there were some laughs there..)

    ( omg..Hill whipped out the Tears today...I hope that they saw it...holy cow..)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.