Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Democrats tired of screwing around, decide to go it alone on health care reform. It is about damn time!

Given hardening Republican opposition to Congressional health care proposals, Democrats now say they see little chance of the minority’s cooperation in approving any overhaul, and are increasingly focused on drawing support for a final plan from within their own ranks.

Top Democrats said Tuesday that their go-it-alone view was being shaped by what they saw as Republicans’ purposely strident tone against health care legislation during this month’s Congressional recess, as well as remarks by leading Republicans that current proposals were flawed beyond repair.

Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, said the heated opposition was evidence that Republicans had made a political calculation to draw a line against any health care changes, the latest in a string of major administration proposals that Republicans have opposed.

“The Republican leadership,” Mr. Emanuel said, “has made a strategic decision that defeating President Obama’s health care proposal is more important for their political goals than solving the health insurance problems that Americans face every day.”

Now it is up to the Dems to craft a bill that will make the GOP look like idiots for opposing it.

Dare I say it? YES WE CAN.

P.S. Do you think they watched that Rachel Maddow segment?


  1. Yes, it is about time they do this.
    With a 60-40 Senate majority, they do not even need the Republicans on board for health care reform.
    The people spoke last November and if the Democratic party has a spine, they will show it this time around.
    Can you imagine what Bush and Cheney would have done with 60 Senate votes on their side?
    The Democrats need to do this health care reform and the GOP and big pharma and health insurance industry, etc. ALL BE DAMNED!
    They had their way for quite a long time, especially the past eight years or so and now it is our time... the American people.
    Now do it!

  2. I guess it's up to the Alaskans who voted for him to start working on their Blue Cur.

  3. Anonymous9:45 PM

    It's about time. YES WE CAN. We need a new song and video from Will.i.am.

    I still remember the thrill we all felt on November 4. It will feel just as good to pass this bill.

  4. Anonymous9:51 PM

    This is great news. The Gopers will be in a frenzy tomorrow. I hope everyone will come out and show support like we all did during the campaign.

    Yes We Can!

    Lol.....I bet they did watch Rachel's pizza segment.


  5. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Yes I do
    Yes we can

  6. Bones AK10:12 PM

    The Dems just need to turn their back on the Repubs. and come up with the best bill they can. They SHOULD NOT engage the Repubs,


    I'm sick and tired of this "bipartisan" stupidity. I hate to quote our last President, but you don't negotiate with people that want to destroy you.

    Or, destroy your bill and your presidency.

  8. Yes. Please yes. I've been saying this all along.

    Since there's no pleasing them, don't waste your time trying. Just do what needs to be done. Do what's right. Do what we need. And ignore the obstructionists.

    Soon then pass from bargaining to depression. When they reach acceptance, maybe we'll start to listen again. Or not.

  9. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Gryphen, I read this article about Jonathan Cohn's book and thought I would share the link.


    Capitalism cannot deliver decent health care, according to the article.

  10. Watergate Summer is all updated about the Public Option and the Healthcare battle- updated daily and from now until whenever I will be only blogging the Healthcare battle.

  11. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Loved Barney Frank's response to some one at a town hall in Mass. She had a picture of Obama defaced to look like Hitler. He asked her what planet she was from and continued with a few snarkty remarks. [Need more responses like his.] These folks are out of this world.
    His last comment was the best. "It is a tribute to the first amendment of this country that statements like yours can be freely made."

    He then told her he had no intention of addessing a statement like that. The women stood there flustered, not knowing what to say as everyone cheered.

    Way to go Barney.

    10cats in MD

  12. No more Yes We Can.

    Yes WE WILL!!

    Time to take back Our country from those who want religion to rule, but not to use religion to better the lives of millions.
    Yes I am talking about those who hate anybody different from themselves and those who want it all for themselves but be damned to anybody else.
    From those who religion is just a tool to manipulte others for their own political gain and wealth.
    And from those who think that SP is fantastic and can do no wrong.

  13. OT but MSNBC just says poll puts Palin at 73% favorable, right up there with Romney and if election held today she would win REP nom. Also said she is "home spending quiet time with family" HOW can she be so favorably rated---probably because people are so glad she isn't screeching at them. What sad info for so early in the morning!

  14. Anonymous5:42 AM

    The Republicans have been very clear: they will not support ANY Dem initiative on health care, so we should be done trying.

  15. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Sarah's ghostwriter is at it again on FB...

    She and McCain lost... why does she continue to show disrespect by never saying "President" Obama?

    I think it is in bad taste the way she only says "Mr" Obama.

    I bet nobody can find her ever saying "Mr. Bush"

    President Obama should ignore these folks and pass any bill he wants.

  16. SouthernMiss6:08 AM

    Pat at 4:10
    Ignore the poll. Her supporters flooded that poll to artificially skew it. There were comments about what they were doing on another blog I read last night.

  17. As soon as I heard the Dems were thinking of going it alone on health care, I emailed the White House in support. The republicans are not interested in promoting anything, and there is no point trying bipartisanship when only one side is ready to make concessions.

    If the republicans had functioning brains, they would see that health care reform is inevitable. If not now, soon. Too many people are too pissed off. They ought to be jumping on board and working hard to get it passed, then after they'd be able to claim it as their idea, and milk some credit for it. As it is, they will be the party that ignored a supermajority of citizens' wishes and will spend forever trying to explain why they didn't think health care for people is a good idea. Dumbasses.

    I'm kinda pleased they're opposing it. They'll make themselves even more irrelevant.

  18. I'm really happy IF it's actually going to happen. So far, the Dems have no balls and no spine. They have majorities but they also have individuals like Baucus and Conrad.

    They need to ram some type of Health Care reform through with the nuclear option - 50+1. The American people are torn with this because of all the disinformation.

    The Dems need to go for it. Pres Obama put his Presidency on the line for this. Pass it - in 3 years people will have moved on.

    IGNORE SP and trolls by the way.

    The people in this country need health care reform as long as it reigns in the Health Insurance lobby whose profit increased over 1000% in the last 5 years (BUSH?????) What I don't quite understand is why people don't do a little research and find out what all this is about instead of just tuning into FAUX and buying into what is said?

    Gotta LUV Barney Frank - with his "what planet do you spend most of your time on" to the idiot woman with the Nazi/Hitler Obama picture. Everyone cheered his remarks. This is what we've all been waiting for.

    Now let's see if the President and his crowd can keep up the heavy pressure. I am a total ObamaFan but it's difficult supporting him when he doesn't follow through with campaign promises and pledges (DADT, Health Care Reform). He certainly has revived our standing in the world and by the next election cycle, the Iraq Conflict will hopefully be at the point where we are totally GONE!

    People also have forgotten that one of his first acts was to PASS SCHIP.

  19. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Sounds good to me. But do you think we can get all 60 Senators in the Dem Caucus on the same page?

  20. Anonymous7:24 AM

    bout time.

  21. Anonymous8:00 AM

    President Obama gave it his best shot...he patiently tried to get those hateful GOP's to climb onboard for ALL the citizens of USA.

    Hopefully the citizens will now tune in and realize. The GOP'S do not care about the health of the people who elected them, or the health of the many other USA citizens that did not elect them.


    Canuck Eileen

  22. I sure hope the dems grow something in a hurry. The bluedogs should be pushed out the door. sad how greed trumps all ideology.

  23. not that sarah8:15 AM

    Ha ha- the more the Palin Cult make her the leader of their party, the more irrelevant they become and they KNOW it. she can NOT win a Presidential election. No way, no how. If they want to delude themselves, let them, because it's only hurting them.

    Of course, Michelle Bachmann announced yesterday that God is also speaking to her about her "higher calling", so I anticipate a fight between these two women soon. How can God be talking to them both about being POTUS?

    The Palin cult will rip Bachmann apart, thereby shredding the GOP even further apart.

    The Dems will pass healthcare. It might not be perfect, but that's OK. SS wasn't perfect when it was first passed, either. We can't make the perfect the enemy of the good, or whatever that saying is.

  24. There can be no bi-partisanship when one side just keeps saying NO.

    It is well past time to move on and just do it, without the Rs.

    Yes, we MUST!!

  25. If many of the 60 Dems weren't already bought off by the big corps or philosphically twisted with delusions of commie footsteps, then this would have a chance.

    Now, the only way it is going to have a chance is for people to get out the signs and gather in huge unheard of numbers in order to threaten the rotten Dems with the consequences of not doing what they were elected to do.

    However, knowing that many otherwise good people hear the phantom commie footsteps when they hear of Canada's good and workable healthcare system, I really have little confidence in anything meaningful coming about.

    Cheers from Canada!

  26. It's our turn! They lost ... they need to go home now.

  27. It's pretty clear from the lack of interest on this thread that there is no big push from the people to get this thing back on track. Americans simply don't care enough about their fellow citizens.

    So sorry, no fix this time around.

  28. Pat:

    The poll (I think we're talking the same one) has SP supported by 73% of REPUBLICANS. Nationally, only 33% would vote for her. She'd even lose the South.


    She is f*cked. The only way she'd become president now is if President Obama (or Bachmann, Romney, whoever) makes her Sec. of State, and then the Pres, VP, Speaker, and Pres. pro-tem of the Senate resigned.

    And even then, she'd legally be ACTING President and not real president.

    If she runs on her own, Obama will win every state, most likely.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.