Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jon Stewart also addresses the "open carry" morons that show up to the President Obama rallies.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Gun Show - Barrel Fever
Daily Show
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Political HumorHealthcare Protests


  1. Gryphen,
    It's 10:00 AM in Florida and I just turned off MSNBC where they were blathering on about P's gift list released yesterday. The conversation was along the lines of - well how do you put a value on homemade items. Apparently she has received a bunch of homemade goodies and the commentator used that fact to show how much people really like her. (Someone sent her a Bible covered in hand worked goat skin!)
    NOT A SINGLE WORD about the Arctic Cat gear and the campaign clothes.

    I don't know the name of the show, but it's what follows that idiot Joe Scarborough.

    Someone up there needs to get the real story out.

  2. I live in New Orleans, where gang members bring guns to Mardi Gras parades. Guns in crowds are scary. Innocent people die. And dare I say it--our gang members, even drugged up, are more sane than these wingnut teabaggers.

  3. Gasman8:21 AM

    How would the gun totin' conservatives feel about a well armed contingent of the Black Panthers or the Nation of Islam showing up at these rallies? Do you think that they would passionately defend their second amendment rights?

    If this trend continues, guaranteed someone is going to get shot at one of these gatherings. These are not the brightest or most even tempered people packing heat at these rallies. It probably won't take much to set one of them off. If that happens, watch how quickly Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly, Coulter, Boehner, et al., try and distance themselves from the gun nuts.

  4. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I'd love to see a gun toting contingent of Black Panthers show up pro-health care reform...the other side would s--t bricks......can't wait til we march in Washington to show our support for health care reform

    someone on another site mentioned we should bring
    chainsaws, axes, etc to the thmeetings just because we can...

    I think secret service has to stop allowing anyone with any weapons of any kind within a cwertain number of feet of any white house event...someone will get hurt...all i could envision was someone pushing someone into the guy with the assault rifle and all hell would brEak loose...STOP THE MADNESS

  5. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Learn more about the open carry movement at

  6. Gasman10:42 AM

    I like the chainsaw-at-the-rally idea. Imagine 2 or 3 dozen chainsaw toting liberals at one of these gatherings. If the conservative sheeple start shouting their nonsense, fire those chainsaws up and drown out their bleating! I guess leaf blowers would work, too, but the chainsaws seem a whole lot more menacing.

  7. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Thanks for sharing Jon's gun segment, Gryphen.

    Just a bunch of little men with big guns. I, too, believe in the right to keep and bear arms. Just not at protest rallies as a prop for the purpose of making some political statement.

  8. Gryphen, I was present at the march in Phoenix on Monday and saw the man in the video with his rifle. I don't deny that there were others there with "open Carry " weapons. I saw them too. However, it would seem that this guy was a set-up by a local radio station. He was hired to display his gun to gauge the reaction to a gun carrying black man. I find such cynical playing with people's emotion as obscene and dangerous.


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