Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rachel Maddow explains the GOP's position on health care reform with a little skit about pizza.

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This is why Rachel is so brilliant. She knows exactly how to cut through the bullshit and get to the heart of the matter.

I just hope President Obama and the rest to the Democrats get the opportunity to watch this. It might help them to realize that they are wasting both their time, and that of the American people.


  1. Anonymous8:04 PM

    seattlefan here:

    I saw this and it WAS brilliant. The guest she had on right after that (can't remember his name) got a kick out of it.

    I want pizza with the works!

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Yes. brillant. Remember when some of us were deciding if we were for Obama or H Clinton? Clinton said health care had to be 100%; Obama said it was likely to be ALMOST 100% -- he was realistic and didn't lie to us (unlike Hillary -- remember sniper fire? which sure pales beside the Palin lies!). Sure, we'd all like 100%, until it gets down to the pepperoni, or pineapple.

    I have huge confidence that Obama will pull the best possible deal out of this huge mess. Go President Obama!

  3. Anonymous8:49 PM

    CNN is reporting the the dems are going to go ahead without the reps. Woo Hoo!

    Link is from Daily Kos but it won't let me post. Just broke. I sure hope this is true.


  4. YES! YES! She nailed it!

  5. Here is an opportunity for all of us:

    President Obama is holding a live strategy meeting on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time for all Organizing for America supporters. I hope you can join us, online or by phone.

    The President will update us on the fight to pass real health insurance reform -- what's happening in D.C. and what's happening around the country. He'll lay out our strategy and message going forward and answer questions from supporters like you. And we'll unveil the next actions we'll organize together.

    This is a critical time in this President's administration, and in the history of our country. I hope you can join us.

    Here are the details:

    What: Organizing for America National Health Care Forum

    When: Thursday, August 20th, 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time

    RSVP and submit a question for the President.

    Click here to RSVP and submit a question for President Obama:


  6. There's a great Mark Fiore cartoon video on health care reform and it even mentions $carah & Toad. I tried to copy the link for the animation but it didn't work here. So, go to www.markfiore.com & click on Reform Madness. It's verrrry funny.

  7. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Reform Madness

    Here is the link ...It is very


  8. Thanks to Rachel for this very clear illustration of how the GOP does not want to cooperate with Obama on ANYTHING. He should stop trying to work with them, as they have vowed not to work with him, no matter what the costs to PEOPLE, and try to combine forces with the Democrats in passing legislation that benefits the American people.

  9. My 17 year old daughter wandered through the room while this was on last night, and now she fully understands what mom's been griping about for weeks.

    Thank you RACHEL!!!

  10. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Perfect! I am forwarding this to everyone I know!

  11. Anonymous4:16 PM

    As always, Rachel is brilliant and spot on with her skit.

    Sadly, I think it may be too late to get any kind of health care reform bill passed anymore. President Obama clearly lacks the leadership skills necessary to get anything tough done. He may not have been the best person for the job. I worry about the fate of the Dems in 2012.


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