Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is Oprah hoping Sarah saves her show?

Oprah Winfrey, on a campaign to climb back from last season's ratings slump, will attempt to kiss and make up with conservative viewers on Nov. 16 when she has Sarah Palin on her syndicated talk show.

You may have noticed that the appearance by the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate is happening smack dab in the middle of the November ratings derby.

It's also the day before Palin's new book, "Going Rogue: An American Life" is scheduled to hit bookstores.

Oprah's Winfrey's production company, Harpo Productions, claims it will be Palin's first interview about the book. We'll see about that.

More importantly, Harpo also claims it will be the first time Oprah Winfrey will have met and Palin will have met, and Harpo should know.

It's not just another show booking for Oprah Winfrey. She's going whole hog this season to try to recover from the ratings tumble she took last season when her audience slid to under 7 million viewers. And, during one awful week in July, "The Oprah Winfrey Show" suffered its smallest ratings since its debut way back in 1985.

I don't know how much credibility to give this article. I mean if Oprah is looking to reach the bat-shit crazy Glenn Beck demographic, then perhaps having Palin on would help. But if she really wants those paint chip eaters she may want to look for advertisers that would benefit from their viewership. You know like Cialis, or the Deep Fat Turkey Fryer, or even Truck Nutz. I don't think these new viewers will be very interested in reading "Love in the Time of Cholera" of "Anna Karenina".

Besides why bother? I have little doubt that Oprah will still be going strong when Sarah Palin is nothing more than a $200 question on Jeopardy. "Who was the person at the center of the biggest political scandal in American history?"


  1. Basheert7:13 AM

    Oprah who? WHO watches Oprah? My 90 year old mother USED to watch her, but she is irrelevant to a lot of us. In fact, I tend to avoid the books she recommends. She always has a "reason" to recommend them and they generally suck (some of them).

    She's been sucking off the public airwaves tit for way too long.

  2. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Hopefully, it will be Oprah's "November surprise". I haven't watched Oprah in years & never wathched her much. All that maudlin, soul searching in the middle of the day doesn't seem productive. I've seen articles that say she & Michelle Obama don't get along that well. I did think she acted too flirty with Obama on her show during the election. Maybe it's a power struggle with Michelle, maybe it's money, whatever it is she better now give Sarah a platform for her come to jesus family shit.

  3. Anonymous7:25 AM

    This has to be a joke right? Sarah is setting herself up for a punk job right?

  4. CrabbyPatty7:26 AM

    Oprah is smart enough to know that Palin's base is NOT her base, and any attempts to win over that group of "paint chip eaters" is just going to alientate the already loyal viewers of her show and readers of her magazine.

    Oprah's base is well established and is not going anywhere - even though viewership may be down - BUT any pandering to the Rabid Right is going to erode that base very quickly.

  5. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Since Sarah's peeps (yeah, Kristen Cole uses the word "peeps") may be reading here, maybe they should think about some of the pro's and con's of Sarah appearing on Oprah:

    Pro: ratings, ratings, ratings
    Any book promoted on TV gets a boost in sales
    Sarah gets a chance to be made up by professional make up artist and look pretty
    Free night in beautiful down town Chicago

    Cons: Chicago is a city flled with Democrats.
    There just might be a large welcoming crowd outside the Harpo studios holding signs such as "Why did Sarah Quit?"
    Sarah does not do well if she is not reading a speech. One flub will be replayed over and over
    (Remember how many times we saw Tom Cruise make a fool of himself jumping on Oprah's couch).
    I don't know how quitting a job as governor with almost half a term left to serve fits Oprah's philosphy of sticking to things and realizing your best self. Sarah's self is clearly about making money. Hint, Oprah's self is more spiritual.
    Remember who Oprah campaigned for???? Here is a big hint, it was not John McCain.
    Sarah made some very devisive, racial comments during the course of the campaign. That is not a message that Oprah embraces.
    Did I mention that Chicago is a strongly Democratic city, home town to the Obama's, and home to plenty of people who are not Sarah's fans.

  6. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Maybe it's time for Oprah to go on to David Letterman's show again. I hear his ratings are way up.

  7. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Why is Palin avoiding Fox "news"? They don't have much about her and she never visits them or makes Greta chili anymore. What happened?

  8. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Oh Lord, is Greta's chili made with moose meat. My advise to Alaska's ex gov is to do what you have been doing. Stay in hiding, there is nothing out here for you now. Times are changing & the wingnuts are looking like a negative for the repubs. I repeat, stay home, supervise the building of the turret, say hello to you kids, read a book....just stay away.

  9. Anonymous 7:37,

    I think Faux knows the truth about all of Sarah's gates. They may want to distance themselves until after the book comes out.

    What if Sarah comes out on National TV (Oprah) and admits that she faked her pregnancy or some other secret that she thinks no one else knows about? I wonder how that would go over. I do find it strange that she is agreeing to first promote her book on Oprah. If we see Dr. Phil there and Oprah's other on-air psychiatrists then we know that Mrs. Sarah is about to open up and reveal a scandal.

  10. Fifitrixiebelle8:15 AM

    Perhaps The Oprah Show has a contract of sorts with Harper Collins and she is obliged to interview the "Authors" of books that require significant publicity in the media. Consider the well known fact that Harper Collins have invested a lot of money in Palin. This interview would be Harper Collins final marketing push before the release of "Going Rogue" and as such offers Palin and the book significant exposure at a crucial time.It is also likely that this is also the kick off point for further interviews. I also think that we will see a lot of Palin between the release of her book and Christmas, especially if the Oprah interview is a success.

    Having considered all of this, I think that the interview will be a whitewash and I doubt that Oprah will ask any probing questions other than whether or not Palin intends running in 2012 to which Palin will reply that she will see if God opens that door for her.

  11. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Question...if Sarah is on Oprah can people actually watch. I choose not to, but everything she has done recently has been surrounnded with secrecy so I just wondered if the average tv viewer would be allowed to watch. I am sure there are many questions that will not be allowed. Actually almost anything I would be interested in knowing probably can't be asked.

  12. Anonymous8:26 AM

    But what prizes will the audience get?

    Moose Filet Mignons
    Levi's nuts (pistachio)
    Hockey pucks
    a DS baby
    an empathy belly
    a free house

    so many possibilities

  13. I have changed my mind since yesterday. I too feel that for Oprah to give Sarah Palin any audience, any platform is disappointing and just not right. I now have to decide if I am going to even bother emailing Oprah or posting to her site how I feel about this. But for today, the blog And So It Goes is worth the read! FOX and Greta..Greta and Sarah...Greta's bad day!

  14. I just refreshed the page and saw Anonymous at 7:36's comment/question ... read my post Anonymous about the blog "And So It Goes"; addresses the Fox and Sarah story perhaps. I wonder if Murdoch is still handling Sarah or have they parted?

  15. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I wrote Oprah and told her I would be boycotting the show and to please let her advertisers know that I do not watch programming which features racists. I have actively protested Beck on Fox, and I cannot in good faith watch Palin on OPRAH. I love Oprah Winfrey, but ideological consistency when it comes to content on the airwaves matters more.

  16. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Palin will go on the show, but will crack from the stress. She will start jumping up and down on Oprah's couch while yelling "Not the mama!". Oprah will attempt to calm Sarah down, but in the confusion, she will accidentally knock Sarah out with a copy of Going Rouge. Suddenly, Levi will run out onto the stage and drop trou while yelling that he loves Bristol and their babies more than anything in the world. Todd will then drag unconscious Sarah offstage by one foot while yelling obscenities at Levi and Oprah. Bristol and Levi will leave with the babies while Oprah spends the rest of the hour interviewing Willow and Piper.

  17. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I don't believe for a minute that Oprah & Michelle Obama don't get along. I saw them together in person here in SC when they campaigned together & did the big stadium tour. There is much love there. They are believers in the same cause. End of story.

    I still contend that Princess Quitterpanties will have a no questions clause and a 10 minute time slot. Then Oprah will tell everyone to look under their seats for a free Bumpit and a vial of instant snow.

  18. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Who is Lisa de Moraes of WaPo?
    Is Oprah hoping Sarah saves her show? I don't watch Oprah. If that is true, it is pathetic. I always hear that she has a sharp head for business and that she is true to her convictions. Did she lose the latter? I would think she would tank if that is what is going on here.

    Why does she need a show if she has to sell her soul for ratings? Wouldn't that be time to move on and keep her integrity? she spent all these years building trust and she will throw it away on some cheap trollop? Her bad judgment would also reflect on her friends.

    I've heard of some debate about who dissed who before. Drudge promoted the Palin side. Oprah wanted to wait until after the election. It seems she has some obligation to carry out what she said before. Palin needs to sell books. Their people talk.

    Harpo is saying they will do a show on the 16th. Has anyone heard from Meghan Stapleton? Stapleton can make a clear statement, why is she holding out? If they are doing another Simi Valley type, game they won't be clear, they will do what they are doing now. The longer they play this the less likely Palin has any intention of showing. It is a game and no one but the main actors are in on the secrets.

    Both Oprah and Sarah lose. We're sick of media hype.

  19. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I am hoping the Oprah is setting a trap.

  20. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I live in the Chicago burbs. Who wants to organize a protest outside Harpo studios??


  21. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Oprah will have a copy of the book in advance so she can familiarize herself with it, won't she? If so, does anyone know how soon she will have it?

  22. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Perhaps Oprah will be hosting the Going Rouge author on the same show, also.

  23. Anonymous9:58 AM

    A protest outside Oprah's studio needs to be planned.

    Get large blowups made of the 5, 10, 20 day fake pregnancy pictures from this site, bree palin, palindeception and palingate sites.

    Need to have about 10-20 people outside carrying these posters asking everyone .. "where is the baby?"

    Anyone in Chicago up for this? Cost of posters should be less than $100.... maybe make page size fliers to hand out to audience as they enter.

    Have to believe the press will be there to cover Sarah's emerging from hibernation.

    May be the way to get this noticed.

  24. Anonymous10:10 AM

    It seems pretty obvious to me that this is all about sales (Sarah's book) and ratings (Oprah's). And just like when people slow down to look at a car wreck, some people will be drawn to see a human car wreck on Oprah's show.

    I would be interested in finding out if there has been a list of "forbidden questions/topics" that Oprah cannot bring up. I suspect it will all turn out to be little more than a "puff piece", but, with Sarah who knows? She could screw up an anvil with a rubber hammer.

  25. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Don't you mean $200 'Answer' on Jeopardy. "This 2008 GOP VP Candidate was at the center of the biggest political scandal in American history?"

    Just saying ;-)

  26. Aussie Blue Sky10:45 AM

    I could cope with occasional soul-searching shows on Oprah, but the constant "how to improve your life/style in very expensive ways" shows bored me rigid. Grown women squealing over toilet roll holders is NOT entertainment.

    I doubt it was Oprah's support of Obama that alienated her audience. Her show grew increasingly uninteresting.

    An interview with a notorious liar isn't going to attract the thinking people who left Oprah behind.

  27. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Re: demonstration

    I would go to in the forum. I believe there's a Chicago group of Mudpuppies and maybe there can be a demonstration set up with that group...


  28. mlaiuppa11:11 AM

    I don't think Oprah's show needs "saving".

    And if it did, Palin's appearance would hardly do that.

    We won't know what Oprah has in mind until after the show airs.

    But I doubt it will be a soft show to sell Palin's book.

    Oprah is not stupid. She'll be polite. But won't allow Sarah Palin to use her. Palin will NOT control this hour of television.

    Too bad Palin won't appear on Rachel Maddow or The Daily Show or the Colbert Report. I'm sure there's someone in her organization smart enough to steer her clear even if she herself is clueless.

  29. Anonymous11:29 AM


    A protest and posters is the way to go.

    You also need to call the media and tell them why you are serious. Don't just call one or once. Make some noise and someone be ready for an interview.
    Do your own videos, photos and citizen journalism as well.

    It is a real opportunity for anyone in the area that is on this.

  30. Anonymous12:17 PM


    Be the focal point.... Start the protest movement for outside the Oprah show.

    Collect the money to have posters made.

    Coordinate finding the group lead speaker and list of protesters. If you collect enough donations, Gryphen, you could go and be the lead speaker.

    What better way to get back at Sarah and Van Flea then to lead this effort.

    Van Flea wanted to come to your school... it is time for you to go protest her visit to Oprah

  31. What serious politician goes on Oprah to promote his/her book?
    NO ONE!!!!!!

    Is this the end of the political sarah? At least republicans go on fox to promote their books but palin, nope goes on a talk show where they give away the author's book for free.
    I hope Oprah addresses the racism and her sudden ability to write coherently on Face book
    I'd also like to hear what she is doing for Alaska, like she promised to do when she quit and what she is doing for special needs children.

  32. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Such a discussion was going on at MSNBC a few minutes. Someone said Oprah sells books, don't underestimate Oprah.

    I haven't watched Oprah in years, I was once a devoted fan. But, if it's like any of the rest of the interviews with the Palins or her clan, I suspect nothing new will be revealed.

    I would love to hear Oprah ask Palin if she faked that pregnancy. But, I would not be surprised if Palin said something like, 'yes, my daughter got pregnant and I covered up for that one. But when she did it again, I knew it was the work of witches!' LOL After all, it's easy for some to blame witches or others for failure rather than own or accept the consequences of their actions.

  33. Anonymous2:28 PM

    How much you want to bet that Sarah quits halfway and storms off the show???

  34. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I have to say I disagree with all of the posters suggesting a demonstration. While I'm sure there are very many like minded people in Chicago, it would look really awful to end up with more media than demonstrators (a la the Letterman protests)

  35. Anonymous2:46 PM

    If Oprah cares more about ratings than about, she should also interview Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh. The her disgrace would be complete.

  36. If I my weigh in here. I am not a proponent of the protest idea. We have no idea what Oprah may do on her show, and we just might love the outcome.

    I know that she has received your e-mails and knows the score, so if she wants to embarrass Sarah she can do so easily.

    To be honest the more I have thought about the possibilities, the more I am anxious to watch the show.

    We know that Sarah is not good in interviews, what makes us think she will do any better THIS time?

  37. Bayan2:56 PM

    I only see clips of topical Oprah shows on blogs, like when she interviewed Teg Haggard and his wife about his "I am not gay" even though I partied with male prostitutes while pastoring at my church craziness; but, Oprah is very capable of asking some probing and insightful questions. Look at the Elizabeth Edwards interview...Oprah went "there" and asked if the baby was John Edwards' and if Elizabeth believed he only cheated this one time with this one woman. Tough questions.
    I still think Palin will back out - Levi Johnston's people should call Oprah and say they are willing to fill in if Sarah backs out.

  38. ManxMamma2:57 PM

    Thanks Gryphen for checking in. Oprah could quit all of her endeavors tomorrow, continue with her very considerable donations to her charities, and never have to work again. Her accomplishments are impressive. She doesn't need the ex-gov for ratings or anything else. I do think if the ex-gov shows up it may be a very interesting show. Although I doubt I'll waste any of my hard earned time off to watch.

  39. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I live just outside Chicago. I'm willing to do whatever it takes.

  40. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Gryphen or anyone,

    Has Meg given the word that Sarah has confirmed?

    Remember the Nancy Reagan gals in Simi Valley? They thought it was confirmed and it wasn't.

    How do we know it is going to be different with Harpo? Because Sarah wants to sell books? What if Sarah is as stressed out as little Falcon and can't make it.

    Don't you think if they were confident about Sarah they would not play around? If Meg has confirmed, where is a link?

  41. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I just bet the deal is off. I'm sure Sarah or her people check the blogs & I don't think it will happen. Better not to protest, it makes her look significant & draws attention to her. I don't know if she knew all the other books would be coming out. I would think the Frank Bailey's is damaging.

  42. Anonymous5:01 PM the site, and not to be rude but Oprah doesn't need F'n someone else on O's level that can put her stamp on it and it sells out within minutes...ratings mean nothing, and O will still rule w./w. out ratings being the barometer of her success...

  43. Anonymous5:04 PM

    HuffPo has and articled posted in the MEDIA section of the Top 10 Questions that $P needs to answer....with and imbedded "Trigster" video. I am unable to post the link here ~ but now might be a good time to turn up the HEAT on the story...and post uplinks to the various sites containing extensive proof....before Xino perpetrates another fraud on Oprah.

  44. Anon 8:045 Oh Lord, is Greta's chili made with moose meat.

    OT, but moose meat is delicious! Wish I had some in MY freezer!

  45. Don't do the protest. When you're a publicity whore, any publicity is good publicity. Don't give Sarah the gift of more public attention.

  46. I posted this at palingates, but thought you all would enjoy it here as well.

    Some of those who say they are not groupies of Sarah, have been just a touch worried about what the interview on Oprah will be like.

    They are discussing what Sarah should wear..and my favorite comment was that she should not dress too sexy as she must appeal to "frumpy housewives" (bet that Oprah fans will be delighted that this is how they are being labeled by the Sarah fans), they are also wondering if she should wear her hair up or down.

    Now gets better.

    One of the Palin groupies had this comment:


    What if Sarah wants to go on Oprah because she can?

    How can someone be so hated and yet get the vary people who hate her to lick her boots to get her to talk to them? ***

    So in their minds Oprah licked Sarah's boots in order to get her onto the show! Gotta love it. I wonder if Oprah would agree?

  47. Did I say it gets better? Yes I did. If all of that isn't strange enough (and you know those fans can get pretty strange) they are not talking about how Oprah and perhaps Obama and his 'people' might sabotage the interview because of how much they hate Sarah and will do anything in an attempt to distroy her.

    So far this is the list of ideas they have come up with as to what might be done in an attempt to make Sarah look bad:
    1) Giving her a drink of water before the proceedings which contains poison or a soporific agent. Bottled water-sealed cap only.

    2) The make-up girl applies makeup that causes Sarah's skin to appear blotchy or her face or features unappealing to a TV audience

    3) a bogus Oprah rep who tells Sarah one of her children had a severe accident that makes her entrance awkward or her mind preoccupied

    4) An Andrew Sullivan type female runs across the stage during the live event shouting obscenities at Palin and accuses her of 'birtherism"

    5) Heating the stage area to an unbearable temperature that Sarah Palin becomes drowsy and her brain doesn't function properly; who cares if Oprah becomes drowsy as well?

    6) Oprah going the Couric route of consulting with Sam Nunn by asking Dems what questions she should ask Palin

    7) The audience stages a protest and storm the stage

    8) A constant interruption of Palin's answers by Oprah or Oprah going to break before Palin finishes her answer

    9) Have a famous Democrat in the audience. Oprah recognizes him/her presence in the audience and thus takes the spotlight off Sarah

    10) Phoning Palin's cell phone just before the proceedings and do a hoax on her like those Montreal comedians did during the 2008 campaign and having that on tape

    11) putting a secret camera where Palin is housed during her visit to Oprah's studio a la Erin Andrews to expose her to ridicule

    12) Deliberately spill a liquid or makeup substance on Palin's dress just before she goes on

    13) Unflattering lighting and camera angles.

    I noticed in the Gibson and Couric interviews they positioned Sarah in poor light that made her face look more angular and harsh. This was in stark contrast to how great they made Obama look in his interviews.

    14) Wardrobe sabotage

    Oprah could find out which outfit Sarah is wearing and bring in a couch upholstered in the exact same color or a clashing color. Sarah would either blend into the couch or look obnoxious against the couch.
    15) Foul stench

    We know our friends at Hillbuzz rode an elevator with Oprah and got an unforgettable whiff of her odorous gas leaks. It's possible Oprah could eat a bean burrito right before the taping and gas Sarah into a state of incapacity.

    16) The old slick floor trick

    I've had the unfortunate experience of slipping and injuring my knee in a department store thanks to a small puddle of perfume that had leaked from a broken bottle. I would have been fine had I been wearing flats, but I was in heels. Oprah could delegate a trusted staffer to put some odorless invisible glycerine on the floor right where Sarah comes out. She would literally fly into the air and come crashing down, spoiling her entry.

    These people have some serious issues!

  48. Eye On You that is the most laughable/scary/freaky read of the day! Thank you I think. ; )

    Where did that come from?

  49. It came from the Ocean of Urine~

    And you are welcome! :D

  50. Anonymous4:10 AM

    People should NOT protest AGAINST Sarah Palin appearing on Oprah's show--they should be urging Oprah to ask Palin REAL questions. HARD questions that she cannot squirm out of. And then FOLLOW-UP questions. You know, like real journalists should have done during the campaign.
    And now there's even more to talk about--her resignation as governor, the state of her marriage, the new house she is building, what's in her book, etc. Even if Oprah avoids the Babygate issue, there is no lack of serious questions Oprah could ask Palin. THAT'S what any one who wants to "protest" should do: Insist that Oprah ask the RIGHT QUESTIONS.
    However, I feel that if there is a threat that Oprah will do just that--Sarah will not appear.

  51. Yesterday I was taken by surprise at some of the reactions about Oprah/Sarah. I was puzzled but couldnt put my finger on what seemed "off". I re-read them today and the one challenging us to protest by turning our tv off during the show suddenly set my bs detector off. I get the impression they don't want everyone to watch because they know Oprah will see right through cutesy, insincere double-talk. If I'm wrong, I apologize.
    I agree with the suggestions that the publisher set this up. That said, I imagine Oprah is eager to let Sarah answer some questions! I dont worry that she'll softball either. She's too professional to let her personal opinions slant her questions but she isnt above a well-deserved jab or two. She did a show about adultry and when the (ex)mistress commented that the husband loved her Oprah said If he loved you he'd be with you. Oprah is quite aware of what Sarah represents. She undoubtedly has questions and will be prepared. Which is why I cant believe Sarah will go through with it.

    OMG please tell me you're joking EyeOnYou!! I wanna laugh but it's so disturbing it gives me the heebie-jeebies.

  52. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I don't think we have any idea what Oprah's approach is going to be. She may cut her off at the knees. The more Palin's appallingly incurious outlook on the world plus her belief that ignorance is something to be proud is exposed, the less likely it is that she will end up in a position to affect things that matter. She only has to open her mouth to prove that point. It's probably academic anyway, she's been hiding behind Facebook and Twitter for so long she may not even show up for the interview.

  53. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Who knows maybe Sarah and Meg will come out of the closet...stranger things have happened in youcan'tmakethisstuffup, Alaska.

  54. Anonymous9:21 AM

    If you go protest at Oprah's show, you will also too, be representing Sarah's Palinbots who will love nothing more than the drama and the negative right where they want it, in Oprah's lap...not Sarahs. I can't see how you can protest Oprah without supporting Sarah.

    I would support a thank you Oprah gathering - something proactive...or Funny Ha Ha!!(Everyone brings their dogs)


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