Reid says states will have the prerogative of opting out of the program if they choose.
It was out, then it was in, then it was out, and now it is back in again. If the debate over the Public Option were a carnival ride we would all be bent over losing our corndogs right about now.
I have NO idea how the Opt Out option will be implemented, but having the Public Option as part of this health care bill is a HUGE success for the progressives in this country.
If you want to see just how good this will be for the country than tune into Fox News today and watch them lose their freaking minds! Remember if THEY don't want it, you KNOW it is good for our country. That is my new litmus test.
Now the real fun begins on the Senate floor. Let's see who has the courage to stand up to the Republican machine and support the desires of the American people and who does not.
Many states might opt out. I believe the bill includes additional Medicaid funding to go along with the health reform requirements. The funding sunsets after a few years, but the expansion of Medicaid benefits will go on & on. Many governors have been fussing about this for months.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for those states whose Gov. will want to play the big conservative hero and opt out.
ReplyDeleteCan their decision be overturned by their legislatures? Like every single one of stimulous pkg. was?
OMG, Glenn Beck will be frothing at the mouth, and Rushbag may finally spontaneous com bust!Now it's really going to get interesting.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy. But, I have a bad feeling about this. I worry that a bill won't get out of the senate at all. Maybe they should have tried to get a bill through the senate without the public option, and THEN put the public option back in the final senate bill in the conference committee?
ReplyDeleteRepublican "machine"? I don't think so. Our Democratic brethren are barely able to drag themselves to their next lobbiest meeting, their pockets are so weighed down. DC apologists can keep memeing about GOP interference, but the truth is, Dems own both houses and the WH -- so the only thing standing between me and my first physical in 35 years looks donkey-shaped and covered in greenbacks to me.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think they've held on to Snowe so long? She was the only Repub willing to openly act the strawman while the Dems watered down and de-balled their mandate for affordable health care.
One way or another, we'll be sold out to the last big industry that hasn't had its bite out of the bail-out pie.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't perfect, but if this gets done, it would be the biggest overhaul of the healthcare system in history. It would be a big leap in the right direction. I guess you would rather have co-ops, or trigger, or nothing at all, so that people could wait another 15 years?
Don't count yer chickens. Boss Rahm and his conscripted minions (including, but not limited to, the occupant of the Oval Office) will do whatever he can to kill this. Remember, not only did he make a secret deal with big pharma, but who knows how many of the other wonderful corporations who strive to keep America healthy did he promise no public option. Otherwise, say bye-bye to all those hundreds of millions in 2012 campaign funding that will now go to the Rethugs. Money is more important than happy voters. Just ask him.