Thursday, January 21, 2010

One of my readers sent me this interesting tidbit about Sarah's pregnancy from the book "Game Change".

On page 366 and 367 it mentions the McCain camp's concern about the rumors that Trig was Bristol's, and not Palin's son.

"Before the announcement, most of the members of Team Palin couldn't have picked their new boss out of a lineup or properly pronounced her name. They had no answers to even the most routine questions about her."

By the time Palin arrived in St. Paul on Sunday night, August 31, there were plenty of queries. What foreign countries had she visited? Had she ever been to Iraq? Had she really killed the infamous Bridge to Nowhere in Alaska, as she claimed? Did she worship at a Pentecostal church where people spoke in tongues? Had Todd been arrested for driving drunk? Had her son, Track, been busted for drugs? And, most incendiary of all, was her infant son, Trig, who had Down syndrome, really her baby--or was he Bristol's?"

"On Monday, the embattlement of the McCain press shop reached code red. To stamp out the Trig rumors--whipped up by photos on the Internet showing a supposedly very pregnant Palin looking remarkably svelte--Sarah and Todd acknowledged that Bristol was expecting, and therefore couldn't be the five-month-old baby's mother."
(H/T to Angela.)

Interesting to see in black and white what all of us suspected MUST have be happening behind the scenes in the McCain campaign.

The question that I have always had trouble understand is WHY did the McCain campaign simply accept Bristol's "pregnancy" as an absolute assurance that Sarah had Trig? If it had been me I would have insisted that Palin produce the proper documentation to put the rumor to rest for good. I mean the President of the United States was forced to produce a birth certificate, why not Sarah?

That would have kept sites like mine, Palin's Deceptions, Bree Palin, and Palingates from continuing to ask these very embarrassing questions, and uncovering even more embarrassing evidence.

Of course I am pretty damn sure I know the answer, and hopefully I should be able to prove it in the not too distant future.


  1. Oh My. How much more can come out before the MSM quits shoving this joke down down our throats as a viable contender for the U.S. presidency? It makes me sick how the media is still acting like she is presidential material. Blech

  2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:12 AM

    No wonder SP suddenly started appearing as a regular on Faux as soon as this book came out. Oh what a tangled web!

    Thanks, Gryph, for my first smile today.

  3. emrysa11:16 AM

    what I am curious about gryphen, is if you still hold the belief that bristol is not trig's mother, or if you are once again considering the possibility that she is.

  4. Trig looks so much like Levi. Did Sarah make Bristol get preggo again to cover Trig's birth?

  5. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I believe in one of the reports from the campaign fallout that they DID ask her to prove to them that Trig was hers and she declined to produce a birth Cert.

    If I were plucked from nowhere and national campaign people wanted to see my daughter's BC, I would gladly show them, with hospital photos and security tags.

    Why wouldn't she prove it? there is only one Answer to that question.

  6. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I can't remember where I saw this, or who wrote it, in the comments section of an Alaska blog, but it really hit home to me. I wish I could credit the person who wrote it.

    There literally had to be hundreds, if not thousands, of people who saw Palin during the time that somebody had to be pregnant with Trig. Not one of them has spoken up and confirmed that she looked pregnant.

    As far as the McCain campaign goes, they wanted to believe her. It's a freaking crazy story, otherwise. Nobody WANTS to believe that Palin would fake a pregnancy. Most of us came to it reluctantly, because how stupid do you have to be to come up with an idea like that? It's just that the evidence is incredibly powerful.

    Plus, the McCain people weren't that bright. I doubt if any of them even thought that Whoa, the fact that Bristol's pregnant doesn't mean Sarah was.


  7. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Now that she is being trashed and putting herself on trashy magazine covers, I bet some in the Media might be open to those non-pregnant photos.

  8. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Oh, the McCain staff did vet Palin. The problem is that they cannot admit it because one of the first things that came up was that rumor about Bristol being Trig's mother. And, in the pictures of Sarah at "seven moths pregnant" she didn't look pregnant.

    They must have asked Sarah to produce a birth certificate for Trig. We're not talking about applying for a job at Wallmart. There were seventy some pages of questions to answer.

    There must have been a problem with the birth certificate, either Sarah refused to produce it, or she produced it, requesting confidentiality. Audrey at PD suggested some time ago that no matter who the adoptive parents are, there are a few things that cannot be changed on the birth certificate: date of birth and place of birth. She gave Trig's date of birth as April 18, 2008, and Audrey guessed that is not the true date. He may have been born someplace else as well.

    It didn't even have to be Sarah. She could have said to her lawyer, "You know know, there are complications, get them to drop the request." No matter what she told the lawyer, he could not disclose the information to the McCain staff, only warn them away from a potential problem. Given all of the other lies that they did catch Sarah in, they must have known the truth of this matter, too.

    Declaring Bristol's pregnancy at the time of the convention, and parading poor Levi around as the future bridegroom was a stupid way to "prove" that Sarah gave birth to Trig. It proved nothing, and it set up all of the problems they are having with Levi now.

    Any thinking parent who cared about her kid's feelings would have left Bristol out of it, and not embarrass her in public. And, humiliating Bristol did not prove anything about Sarah at all except that she had little regard for her daughter.

    As you said, if Sarah had produced a birth certificate for Trig proving that she gave birth, the story wouldn't have any staying power at all. Either Sarah loves the tabloid speculation because it keeps her name out there and she can play victim, or there must be some truth to the story.

    My better half is a professional skeptic, wondering why not one person in Alaska has been willing to talk to any of the tabloids or magazines that would pay generously for the truth of this story.

  9. SME13111:36 AM

    Producing a birth certificate wouldn't be difficult. Even if he was adopted it would list his real date of birth and Scarah and Todd as parents.

    What she should be required to produce and never did during the campaign, is her medical records. That is what will prove whether she gave birth to 5 kids.

    If you recall during the campaign she was asked about producing her medical records and she said she might, but in the end she never did.

  10. 10catsinMD11:38 AM

    There is something called the "halo effect". When interviewing or starting a job, if everything goes well, questions asked and answered positively and upbeat, the initial impression stands pat and it is almost impossible to break.

    From what I read in Game Change, Osarah put out a marvelous halo effect in the initial interviews that gave everyone a very positive view of her. So when the questions starting pouring in, everyone just believed what she said and did not look any deeper.

    Later in Sept with the interviews and not prepping more doubts came up. Bringing her family around her helped to stabilize her for the rest of the campaign.

    I do not have the book in front of me, but I wondered about that passage and thought that she really put out a great first impression that has been so hard to break. Then and even now.

    Hindsight can be very difficult to break through if the first image or images are so strong.

    Come on Gryphen pull the rug out from under her.

    Same to Levi and Rex. Let's go, go, go and do a heartpounding breakthrough on this one.

  11. L.A. in S.F.11:39 AM

    We know from Schmidt that when SP said "Oh Todd just checked the wrong (independent) box" they told her she was lying and that he had been a card-carrying member of AIP. So, when this arose, do we really believe they looked at BP's pooch and said, oh, okay, the math doesn't add up. What I would like to think is that they DID do more than a Google search on this and DO know that the whole thing was deceit of "such epic and historical proportions" and that this flummery is the best they could come up with. However, that doesn't excuse these writers for letting it rest at that. The AIP and other things, ech, they could fudge around these. The fake baby birthing thing would have taken them all down. And that's why even the campaign people won't divulge it. BTW, I am curious what your insiders from SP's camp said about the pregnancy. Did they think it was a fake-out?

  12. Gryphen you are such a tease....

    Hope whatever evidence you have is certifiable.

  13. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I'm on page 374. Just got the book two days! You have no idea how hard it was not to skip ahead because the first half of the book is all Clinton/Obama. I was hoping to come across anything new I could share. I must be jaded because I figured the part you quoted was already pretty well known. It never hurts to get it out there again, IMHO.

    There is a lot of detail about the vetting, or lack of it! McCain's Country First was a load of crap!

    The book is very enlightening (for me) in terms of the behind the scenes campaign mechanics, stresses and how the personalities reacted. I admit my opinions of Obama and both Clintons have changed slightly. I don't think I could like Palin and McCain any less than I already do. But hey, I'm open....

    Susan in MD

  14. Anonymous11:55 AM

    "Not too distant future"


  15. Anonymous12:00 PM

    A Friend if mine was down in Juneau a couple of days before Sarah announced her pregnancy and remembers she did not look pregnant at all.
    She even had her photo taken with her and I looked at it but it only showed shoulders down.

  16. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I remember when the McCain campaign aides first came out and said Palin thought Africa was a country not a continent, etc., it showed 2 aides each talking, and the trees were blowing in the background. At the end of the clip, one of them said 'and we wonder if she actually gave birth to Trig'. I have never seen that clip again, and I have looked for it; the only ones I find are with one aide talking, trees blowing in the background, but no mention of Trig. Does anyone else remember seeing this, it was probably on CNN?

  17. Anonymous12:11 PM

    If she does run for prez and wins the GOP nomination, she will HAVE to produce medical records. No question about that. If anything that alone should scare her enough not to even try and run.

  18. Lets see... choice 1, throw Bri$tol under the bus in front of BILLIONS of people or, choice 2...just show the birth cert, to the press and be done with it.

    crazee ladeee chooses #2.

    then invents the phrase, "all of them".

  19. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Oh! Another "tease" Gryphen!?!

    "All good things come to those that wait" or however it goes.
    I cant wait!

  20. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I know you "support" Levi in this whole fiasco. Is it the old "any enemy of my enemy must be my friend"? Would you feel the same if he was not estranged from Bristol?

    Levi needs to get all this crap into the open. He is really looking more and more the fool all the time.

  21. Notice that all those other rumors--her support for the Bridge to Nowhere, the Pentecostals, the DUI arrest, Track's drug bust--were true. It can't be an accident that Bristol birthing Trig is included in that list.

  22. Uncle Joe12:19 PM

    Wait -- didn't she claim on Oprah that the McCain campaign already knew about Bristol's pregnancy, using that as an example of how thorough her vetting was?

  23. Anonymous12:23 PM

    What has always seemed off to me is not one friend has ever come forward and said she/he at least suspected that SP was pregnant. Not one person. I've been lucky enough to be pregnant 2 times. Both of those times my mother knew I was pregnant before I told her. I had several girl friends ask me if I was pregnant before I announced it. I'm a thin woman. I didn't wear maternity clothing until my 6th month. People still guessed I was pregnant. Was SP so isolated that she didn't have ONE person in her life suspect she was pregnant?

  24. Anonymous12:30 PM

    "uncovering even more embarrassing..."

    WOW! Something worse than a faked pregnancy is a sure-fire train wreck.

  25. Anonymous12:34 PM


    If there were any truth to this ridiculous rumor, proof would have been leaked long ago.

    The Enquirer and Obama lawyers have been digging into this for over a year and found nothing. They were so persistent, Mat-Su Regional had to hire additional security to stop their employees from being pestered at work so the 'investigators' set up camp in vans in the parking lot. They offered huge sums for any proof and no one took them up on their offer. No one, no anonymous source, nobody with a leaked doc, nothing.

    Proof doesn't exist because the conspiracy theories are wrong.

  26. Looking forward to reading my copy of Game Change starting tonight - it just arrived in mail and I preorder the Lies of Sarah Palin (will be shipped April 13th)

    With all this craziness in politcs - Palin, and now Brown and the Supreme Court selling our elections out to the highest bidder - I need read blogs like this one and curl up with some good books and remind myself that there are a few sane folks left in the world

  27. Somewhere there was a video of A B Culvahouse describing the vetting process to a group of Republican attorneys. It seems as if they did a reasonable job of it and asked the "right" questions. What we have to keep in mind is that traditionally the candidates have been male, so the standard questionnaires might not be appropriate for female candidates. I'll bet there is no question about miscarriages or abortions on it. Also, asking about treatment for psychological problems would not help find the person who has resisted diagnosis and treatment.

  28. Gryphen, you don't need to PROVE it, it is already proved! How else to explain all these photos we have:

    All we need now is corroboration, plus someone to take it seriously and MSM it. But I think the drag on the system (after thinking obsessively about this over all these months) is that when this comes out, the McCain folks will have to explain (a) why they were so stupid as to not know, or (b) why they were so unethical as to keep it from the public view. Either way, it makes them look really bad, and they would rather it all just went away.

    And we would not. A hoax of this magnitude must be revealed, with all that it says about the participants in the hoax, both active participants (like SP) and passive ones (like the McCain folks, our news media, etc.).

  29. Anonymous1:03 PM

    This is fact:
    Sarah Palin was not pregnant in 2008 and is not the birth mother of Trig Palin. Period.

  30. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Maybe it's all about winning folks, at least as far as the Barracuda goes. The ends justify the means kind of mentality.

    I found the interview of one of her teammates in junior high who also was the steady of Todd's infamous BFF to be highly insightful: saying that Palin was always out to get what she wanted regardless of how she got it. She'd scratch and punch on the court, for example, hence the barracuda nickname. She was also known, from an early age, to be highly vindictive towards anyone who stood in her way. Boy, do those two traits stay with her forever or what?

    Not exactly a flattering moniker or image. Sarah has been emotionally dysfunctional for a long time it seems.

    BTW, why do employees for key positions at federal agencies, the military, et cetera have to be investigated by the FBI and not our key federal candidates?

    Just before we married, my husband was serving on a nuclear submarine. He was called into his CO's office where a file on me was thrown on the table for his review. He refused to look at it, surprised that anyone would think a 21-year old college junior was much of a national security threat. The CO told him that there was nothing bad in the file; it was just pro forma. I wish he had looked at it just to see what it said. However, that's not the salient point here.

    If the FBI did a search on me because I was marrying a mechanist mate third class, why wouldn't it do a background check on someone such as Palin whose background would obviously have more of a detrimental effect on our country and make that report clear to McCain? Perhaps they did, and if so, someone somewhere sctewed- up royally or ignored some pretty significant warning signs.

  31. Anonymous1:12 PM

    What's the difference between Sarah producing Trig's birth certificate and Obama producing his?

    Hmmmmm, that's a tough one. Let me think about it.....

    Oh, maybe it's because you don't have to prove that you're Trig's mother to be the President of the United States. Nothing in the Constitution about that.

    Nah, it can't be that simple. Must be a conspiracy afoot! LOL!

  32. With the Brown victory in MA firmly in mind, I see the great danger of SP being able to whip up the Stupid Minority (which seems to be a large number of people -- the 5+% that made the difference in the MA election).

  33. emrysa1:16 PM

    "Proof doesn't exist because the conspiracy theories are wrong."

    so why have all of the pictures of a "pregnant" governor been scrubbed from the state of alaska website? you think that means nothing?

    seems pretty obvious that the reason that no one at mat su hospital has come forward is because trig was not born there, so no one there knows anything. they don't do high risk births there.

  34. The National Enquirer is going to submit their John Edwards story for consideration for a Pulitzer.

  35. Jr. Sherlock Holmes..

    Perhaps Mat-Su medical center had NOTHING to do with Trigs birth, eh?

    And what evidence do you have of Obama investigators camping in the parking lot.

  36. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Sarah Palin told a lie about being pregnant. She didn't even bother to make it appear to be a real pregnancy. She knew she was frequently photographed and seen in public but she still didn't bother to try to make it look like a real pregnancy.

    That tells me that Sarah Palin believes she can lie about anything. A person that will lie about anything, even improbable things, does not belong in government. For example, the Bush administration lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Bush did not belong in government.

    McCain and his campaign KNEW they had selected a sociopathic liar for veep. And they wanted that liar a heartbeat from the presidency because they did NOT put country first.

    Of course, McCain didn't want Trig's birth certificate. It's called denial-ability.

  37. Anonymous1:45 PM

    The McCain camp was not stupid, just negligent. The rumors the campaign was hearing about Trig were from Republicans, not Democrats. The campaign chose to accept SP's version of events because they had no choice at that point. Steve Schmidt suspected the truth back them, and I believe he knows for sure now that the story of Trig's birth is a huge lie.

    If the birth certificate and medical records matched with the April birthday for Trig, there would have been no need for the McCain campaign to be panicked. There's no way they didn't ask to see that documentation, even if it was not released to the public. I think SP refused to provide her medical records or the birth certificate and the campaign didn't press the issue, basically it was "don't ask, don't tell". Please believe that Schmidt has those records now, though. Remember he's working for Romney for 2012.

    It will be Republicans who out her, not Democrats or the media. The only reason it hasn't happened yet is that they are using SP right now, but if she looks like she is going to run for president, or if she starts advocating for a third party for teabaggers, or if she keeps pushing for unelectable candidates in the primaries, like she did in NY-23, or if it looks like her popularity with the Rep. base is going to endanger Romney winning the nomination, they will take her down and discredit her.

    Why do you think Schmidt is talking now? He's a smart guy. He knows there will be a backlash from her defenders, but does he look worried? He knows he has the goods on her and it will only boost his and his candidate's credibility after she is exposed.

    When all is said and done, SP will be a joke and more hated by the right than she is by the left. The downside of SP's coming destruction, though, is that Romney, the Cheneys, etc. are just as vicious and evil as she is, but they are much, much smarter.

  38. Sharon in Florida1:49 PM

    If Palin were to run for President, she wouldn't necessarily have to produce her medical records. Remember McCain only produced certain pages of his records, not all reporters were permitted to look at them, the people who were permitted in only allowed a certain amount of time - no cell phones, cameras, ability to copy pages, etc. were allowed in the room. If I'm not mistaken, all the records were not seen by any one person. In other words, one guy would see pg. 1-10, another would see 11-20.

    I don't think the public can count on anything when the person being "vetted" is dishonest as Palin has certainly proven herself to be. I think it anything comes out, it will come from sources like this.

  39. Charlie AK1:51 PM

    Hey idiot 12:34- the fact that you honestly believe that " the Obama lawyers" were offering money or even care about this prove what a stupid nutcake you are. Talk about conspiracy theories. Palinbots assume President Obama expends energy on Sarah Palin and I assure you, he doesn't. She's not a threat.
    Also I know for a fact that your story about security is made up or greatly exaggerated. The McCain campaign knows that Sarah faked the pregnancy and they have always known. And everyone in Wasilla knows Palin did not give birth to Trig. I'd like to know where you get your info because it's wacked buddy.

  40. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Well, none of this might not matter after today's Supreme Court ruling--they'll be able to buy her.

    Welcome to the Corporatocracy:


  41. leu2500: And just today in the NYTimes was the story of Edwards actually admitting his paternity. Finally. He denied it all along.

  42. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:09 PM

    OT--This just in--AirAmerica radio is officially out of business as of this afternoon. True, it's had its problems and not been up to par for awhile, but it's a large percentage of the progressive venue silenced for now. Fortunately, some of its popular hosts have found other outlets (including Rachel Maddow).

    Keep blogging Gryph and all others out for the truth--we'll need you more than ever if this continues to happen.

  43. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I agree with Anon 1:29 PM. It is one thing to suspect things and it is another thing to know. All those people running the campaign have had years of education and personal experience vetting candidates and knowing what issues could be brought up in a campaign and how to spin it. Not asking her the one question they already knew the answer to protects them from ever saying they knew. When the sh*t hits the fan, they can distance themselves from her and claim they were victims of the Crazy Woman. Lets face it, no one is going to be willing to lose their jobs or their credibility for Scarah... Well, unless you are John McCain. What a sad legacy this man has created for himself and his many years of service.

  44. John Edwards Admits Paternity

    Just takes awhile for these politicians to 'fess up, even when it's obvious.

  45. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Anon 12:34. You mean that same natinal Enquire who broke the story taht Edwards had fathered a daughter with the woman he had an affair with?

    THAT National Enquire?

    Gryph has the goods. I'm a GOP woman who wants this vapid woman out of the party, so we can do real work. If you support her, it just proves there's a whole lot of really stupid people out there that will buy anything, as long as it's re-born.

  46. Anonymous2:38 PM

    From the Women of Joy website:
    Women of Joy presented by Phil Waldrep Ministries is a conference ministry thoughtfully designed to enhance and energize the spiritual lives of Christian woman. With the very best speakers in the country, the brightest stars in the contemporary Christian music universe, and sound, biblical teaching, the Women of Joy conferences offer an exciting, spiritually fulfilling experience for today's women.

    Boy, how did Sarah Palin get booked?

  47. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I think the political operatives/theocons who "vetted" Sarah Palin the previous summer -- Kristol, Barnes, Morris and assorted fundies -- helped arrange Trig's secret adoption and Sarah's fake pregnancy to cement Sarah's credentials with the base. That is why having the truth come out could be so incredibly damaging to the Republican party and why no one is talking...yet.

  48. CuteyPeach2:53 PM

    I live in Georgia and I'm one of those people who could hear the name "Alaska" and immediatly envision Igloos and polar bears so this is all very fascinating to me.

    I have been reading this blog for a while now and I'm on the fence about Mrs. Palin's pregnancy. Ive looked at all of the photos of her and she actually looks a little preggers to me. She looks like someone that is hiding her pregnancy but why?

    I just want someone to honestly explain why she hid her pregnancy. Was she ashamed? She is married. She has always promoted herself as a MOM. Most women I know are OVERJOYED to be pregnant....why deny your family and children the opportunity to be excited, and to think of names? and to look at baby clothes and sigh? Was it because of the miscarriages, was it a mental fear? Was Piper hidden too? I know two people that hid their of them had the baby in her Dorm room! The other hid it from her parents until she went into labor. They were both teenagers but Sarah Palin is not. How can she be against abortion and promote 'chosing life' when she was ashamed of her own child's existence in her womb? What if every woman did what she suppostly did in her pregnancy? Work work work, fly on planes, by pass the best healthcare, hide it, chug soda after soda...keep it from your family like its a disease. Who does that? That's what I'm interested in...I want to know (if she indeed was preggers), why she was so embarrassed to tell anyone.

  49. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Anon 12:34
    The fact hat CBj and Menards are on the Mat-Su hospital board makes it really easy to find alittle rooom at the end of the hallway to do the Trig hand-off on 4/18/10, quietly. Very few people need to know or even see Sarah. That way there is no hospital personnel who can talk about it.

  50. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Anonymous 12:23 PM said "Was SP so isolated that she didn't have ONE person in her life suspect she was pregnant?"

    Nope, nobody in her family, her mother, knew she was pregnant until she ANNOUNCED it.
    Her children didn't know Mommy was pregnant. Uh huh.

    Willow, so perceptive that she could tell at a glance that a newborn has Down Syndrome. But didn't notice a pregnant mother...

  51. HollyP3:05 PM

    I'm fearing Romney will not be around to take SP down. He may have been Huckabee'd. A convicted murderer paroled late in Romny's term as MA gov is under investigation for a nearly identical murder around New Years.

    Thankfully I'm sure there will be another candidate willing to pay Schmidt or Wallace for the goods on Palin.

  52. woot!!3:06 PM

    The National Enquirer will be a shoo-in for a Pulitzer and more when they blow open what happened campaign 2008 McCain/Palin and the pregnancy hoax.

  53. sunnyjane3:09 PM

    Ah, the arrogance of the morally corrupt.

  54. Anonymous3:09 PM

    So, what we want to know: Trig's actual date and place of birth. Trig's birth mother, and Trig's birth father. Anything less would be uncivilized.

  55. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Anon said I'm a GOP woman who wants this vapid woman out of the party, so we can do real work."

    Why are you a Republican may I ask. Oh let me answer that for you. You are Pro Life. Isn't that special. The Republican party surely is not a party for Women.

  56. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Gryphen- I have a question. Since Palin is no longer a Governor and no longer a VP contender, could a FOIA request to the federal government have any interesting information on Palin?

    I am sure her "bullying" does not extend to WDC. The information we may be searching for might be right under our noses. I am sure the FBI and other agencies have files on her.

  57. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Why do you think she is campaigning with McCain again? Is it because he's holding the truth about Trig over her head?

  58. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Sarah is going to be in Chicago tomorrow for Oprah. Anyone want to meet up for a Sarah protest? How do we find out what hotel she is staying at?


  59. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I found this blog about 2 months ago. I have been following Palin since the possibliy of her being VP. My opinion is Gryphen is not a liar, he is not going to put anything out until he has solid proof, and I do believe it has a lot to do with the custody case. Same with Levi. He is not going to talk now until the custody case is over. With all the lies that Saint Sarah has been caught in I have no doubt that it is a matter of time before this blog exposes her. All in due time.

  60. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Rep. Grayson
    opposing the Courts decision today.

    Spread it around

  61. to Anonymous at 12:34:

    No medical personnel have told any inside information they know, because it's AGAINST THE LAW. Have you heard of Hippa? Plus, I agree with the other posters who refuted your argument to say that Trig wasn't even born at Mat-Su anyway, so of course those staffers don't know anything.

  62. Also to anonymous at 12:34:

    Proof doesn't exist because the staffers who actually attended Trig's birth are sworn by law to secrecy, and the only other people who know are the real parents, and why in the world would they spill the beans? If they wanted the truth told, they wouldn't have let Palin have the child in the first place. You are clearly unaware and uninformed of the mountains of research that has already been done on why no one has talked.

  63. Anonymous4:32 PM

    anon @3:10 - Please do not paint all Republican women with the same brush (ALL being "pro-life").
    There WAS a time, before the Party was hijacked by the religious right zealots, before Bush and team de-regulated and before Bush spent spent spent, that the Republican Party was one for fiscal conservatives.
    Former Republican (never again)here who has always been pro-choice.

  64. Anonymous5:15 PM

    @Carrie 3:42, I don't believe that Oprah will be doing a live broadcast. She usually tapes in advance so there are no surprises. It allows her staff to edit, cut in all kinds of pictures, reaction shots, background pictures.

    I think this was taped last week, shortly before the Haiti earthquake. Sarah was supposed to be on Oprah last Friday, but because of the tragedy, programming changed to Haiti coverage and talk about relief. They announced that Sarah would appear a week later.

    I live near Chicago, and there hasn't been a Sarah sighting; nothing in the newspapers or TV. Then, this is a Democratic area, and Obama's home town, so Sarah does not make headlines here. When she appeared on Oprah the last time, a big black SUV whisked her away from the airport, delivered her without any fanfare to Harpo Studios, and there was one picture of a big black vehicle pulling into a private entrance.

    We really ought to bombard Oprah with emails telling her exactly what we think of Sarah as a guest. However, Oprah's ratings have been sinking like a rock, and Sarah's appearances boost Oprah's ratings. Oprah would book carnival freaks, Haitian orphans, or the latest tabloid movie star all in the interest of ratings.

    The only time she ever called out a guest for lying to her was James Fry, because she had believe in his book and cried about it. Oprah does not like to be made a fool of on national TV. So, the way to approach Oprah is by telling her how Sarah is lying to Oprah to advance her own interests, Bristol's custody case for example.
    The emphasis has to be "Sarah used Oprah and lied to her."

  65. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Out of curiosity, when did the "Gusty" photo showing a very pregnant Sarah show up? Did it suddenly appear after she was tapped to be McCain's running mate? Was this photo leaked by the McCain team to quell the rumors of Trig being Bristol's?

  66. Anonymous6:02 PM

    There has been some speculation that the reason no one has come forward to say that they witnessed Trig's birth is because of privacy laws. I wonder if it is because no one realized the baby they helped to deliver was the one who would eventually be known as Trig? Let's imagine that somewhere in Alaska or in another state, someone gave birth to a baby boy - nothing special, no reason for it to stand out among hundreds of other births. A transfer could have taken place in a quiet room in Mat Su with, perhaps only one witness, a doctor who specialized in teen pregnancies "delivering" the baby to his adoptive parents. Maybe it's more revealing that no one has come forward to say that they were in a doctor's office at the same time as Sarah, or saw her going into the testing lab. If I went to my doctor's office and saw my governor I'm sure I would mention it to my friends.

  67. Anonymous6:30 PM

    PROTESTS. . . .Wherever the Queen goes there should be protests planned...we have to take more sitting around ....action is needed....if you are near collegeS you can involve the colleges poss. the political science can search info about groups against Snarah esp on Facebook to garner support in your neck of the woods...Good Luck and God Speed

  68. Thanks sunnyjane:

    Palin is indeed morally corrupt. Morals are something that humans possess regardless of religious faith. In fact, those humans that have low moral standards often hide behind religion because they feel that a religious "suit of armor" provides them with the same benefit of an actual internal moral compass.

    Morals are the basic standard of human behavior regardless of outside forces and Palin and most of her family are sorely lacking this most basic ingredient of the human being.

  69. mommom11:20 PM


    I believe she was pregnant and tried her best to lose the baby,a fundie abortion,and hoped something would go wrong.Hiding the pregnancy allowed her the chance to never have to tell anyone about it.

  70. Formerly T in Canada7:21 AM

    Nobody has come forward to say SP looked pregnant in 2007/08 because SARAH PALIN WAS NOT PREGNANT WITH TRIG.

    Nobody saw SP at doctor's offices during that time period because there were no doctor's visits necessary, because SARAH PALIN WAS NOT PREGNANT WITH TRIG.

    We can sit here and *speculate* that Sarah WAS pregnant with Trig, and we can try to find evidence that she was. Let's try that.
    So far we've got
    1) one single photo taken at a closed legislature building showing a hugely pregnant SP... and no other photos showing her as hugely pregnant, no eyewitness accounts of her being this hugely pregnant, and even her admission that she "never showed", "tight abs" (???))
    2) her ridiculous story about her supposed labour
    3) her daughter's pregnancy overlapping with Trig's gestation (so, no proof he is Sarah's, only proof he isn't Bristol's)
    and finally
    4) because Sarah Palin said so.

    Sarah Palin was not pregnant with Trig. Here's what I am basing MY speculation on.
    1) one single photo taken at a closed legislature building showing a hugely pregnant SP... and no other photos showing her as hugely pregnant, no eyewitness accounts of her being this hugely pregnant, and even her admission that she "never showed", "tight abs" (???))
    2) her ridiculous story about her supposed labour
    3) her daughter's pregnancy overlapping with Trig's gestation (so, no proof he is Sarah's, only proof he isn't Bristol's)
    and finally
    4) because Sarah Palin said so.

    I guess it's a matter of reason, logic and history.

  71. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Mr. Murdoch, Rupert, do you have enough money for all the women in America to have their hair done in ringlets just like Say-ruh for just one day? C'mon. You know you can afford it. Stop being mean and only fixing Say-ruh's hair in ringlets. We want our hair in ringlets also too. C'mon Rupert. Please? May I have my hair done in ringlets too. I wanna be President too...

  72. Anonymous8:35 AM

    That's how pregnancy is. It's very shape changing. Some days it's like a big square pillow. Then sometimes pointy like an empathy belly. Sometimes it's flat. Then you need to wear a gaudy scarf to take a way from that detail. Also, too if you eat ice cream your face is pudgy for one day. If you're special the ankles don't swell either. You only gain one pound. It's only slightly inconvenient. It's great for speaking engagements. I toadaly buy it don't you? (why aren't you wearing a ringlet?)


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