Thursday, January 21, 2010

Supreme Court decision puts Democracy up for sale.

The Supreme Court on Thursday opened wide new avenues for big-moneyed interests to pour money into politics in a decision that could have a major influence on the 2010 midterm elections and President Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign.

The long-awaited 5-4 decision overruled all or parts of two prior rulings by the court that allowed governments to restrict corporations and unions from spending their general funds on ads expressly urging a candidate’s election or defeat. But the decision upheld disclosure requirements for groups like the one that brought the case.

The decision, handed down in a special session of the court, is generally expected to boost Republicans more than Democrats, because corporations and corporate-backed outside groups tend to align with conservatives and also often have access to more money than unions or liberal outside groups.

“No sufficient governmental interest justifies limits on the political speech of nonprofit or for-profit corporation,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority.

In a stinging dissent, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote that the ruling “threatens to undermine the integrity of elected institutions across the nation. The path it has taken to reach its outcome will, I fear, do damage to this institution.”

I hate to break this to you, but if you are reading this blog you are very un-American.

You see most "real" Americans do not spend much of their time thinking about politics, or researching the candidates, or trying to get a real understanding of the issues.

Most of these "real" Americans just wait a month or two before the election season starts and the commercials show up on their televisions. They try to ignore them as much as they can, but if a candidate's backers have enough money to saturate the media with their message, then they can bypass the average voters defenses and plant their message deep into their subconscious. And what is that message? VOTE FOR US! VOTE FOR US! VOTE FOR US!

Now that may seem annoying but when the weary voter arrives at the voting booth they may very well simply mark the candidate whose name they have been bombarded with incessantly for the last two months. Remember this commercial?

Now imagine a candidate having enough corporate money at their disposal to keep that same kind of tactic up, every fifteen minutes, on every station, for TWO FULL MONTHS! Is it annoying? You bet your ass! Could it be effective? Abso-goddamn-lutely!

How CAN a person who is not in the pocket of big business possibly hope to get THEIR message out to the American voter? What kind of grassroots political campaign could hope to compete against the candidate financed by big oil, or the pharmaceutical companies, or the insurance conglomerates? They can't!

Look the playing field was never really level, but at least anybody could get onto it. Now that may become impossible. It will be like NASCAR. If you do not have at least one corporate sponsor you cannot get into the race.

Of course what do I know. I come from Alaska. Our politicians have been bought and paid for almost since the day we became a state.

Don't believe me? Let me show you exhibit A.

Yep that is my senator, Lisa Murkowski, jumping through the hoops that her energy and gas corporate masters commanded her to jump through. Hell they even helped her to write her proposal. I would not be at all surprised if they bought her that power suit she is wearing and fed her breakfast before sending her onto the Senate floor to try and derail the EPA's attempts to save our environment.

Now just think, thanks to this new ruling by the Supreme Court you too can have all of you Congressmen and Senators picked by wealthy special interest groups. Won't that be fun?

Update: Are you feeling a little helpless and want to do something? Well then click here and sign Alan Grayson's Save Democracy petition.


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Free Speech for the People

    Spread this around everywhere!

  2. emrysa4:38 PM

    well of course the first thing that came to my mind was a little ditty by the doors.

    ...This is the end
    Beautiful friend
    This is the end
    My only friend, the end
    Of our elaborate plans, the end
    Of everything that stands, the end...

    this decision is definitely the straw the broke the camel's back. rip, america.

  3. Newt Gingrinch was on NPR this afternoon on my drive home from work saying the would "level the playing field" for the average American! WTF!! Mr. Gingrich apparently thinks we are ALL stupid. Honestly, I am about ready to leave the country. This is total insanity. Thanks for Grayson's link. I am now going to have several adult beverages.

  4. Government of the Corporation. Petition signed but I still feel helpless. The ditty by the doors quoted by Emrysa really sums up my feelings.

  5. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Well, I've signed every petition out there I could find, and I'm exhausted. Just got back from HuffPo, where there were over 14,000 comments.

    Whew. What a day.


  6. Anonymous5:50 PM

    SoCalWolfGal, Gingrich wrote a forward to a book published by the very outfit that was involved in the Supreme Court case that was decided today, giving carte blanche to corps who funded political advertising and propaganda. You know, the case that just gave corporations entire control of the voting process?


  7. Sharon in Florida6:07 PM

    “No sufficient governmental interest justifies limits on the political speech of nonprofit or for-profit corporation,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority.

    Justice Kennedy says "...nonprofit or for-profit corporations..." so wouldn't that mean that churches could contribute big $$$ too?

  8. Woo Hoo lookee Lisa she sportin quite the powersuit nix the corporate logos up an down the arms!! Come on Lisa they own you at least proudly display the endorsements on yer arms. I am at a loss for words that i could use in a respectable site as this. I went and worked away from everyone today so as not to subject them to the words eminating from my lips as i thought of this all day.

  9. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Worst news of my life.

    Perhaps this will be the spark to wake up people.

  10. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Congratulations to Daddy's little girl! You no longer have to prostitute yourself for mere penny's! Thanks to Daddy's friends george, Dick, Alito and Roberts, you can hold out for the big bucks! Just say no until the PRICE IS RIGHT!

  11. Does anyone know how strict Canada's immigration laws are?

    I'm serious. America is almost certainly finished, I want out!!

  12. honestyinGov8:44 PM

    Are these Repugs so drunk with this announcement that they can't see the possible implications..?

    Suppose a company like Exxon or some other energy company buys and has a certain Senator, we'll call Senator M.( who is a GOP Member )in their pocket for a Vote to go their way. BUT a much larger Oil Company owned by another country, say CHINA ( who already owns much of our debt )wants to move in and take over Exxons business. They can outspend Exxon 10 to 1 to make sure THEIR opposing Candidate in their pocket defeats Senator M. when up for re-election.

    I sure hope Senator M. doesn't mind or whine IF a foreign Country like China (who played by the Rules )just gave Her the boot.Same Rules for everybody... Right? The Courts said they could do it.

  13. Anonymous1:22 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. sunnyjane1:56 AM

    Well, the Supreme Court just added one percentage point to the country's unemployment rate because there will no longer be a need for all those lobbyists.

    The only effective protest I can suggest is to NOT buy products or services from corporations who participate in this outrage. But, unfortunately, we can't NOT purchase products from the utility thugs, etc.

    The SCOTUS has screwed the American people and further corrupted the political system.

  15. Anonymous2:18 AM

    This ruling doesn't upset me that much because it's all bought and paid for already. I don't care how the money is "funneled," it's there and they represent corporations and the church, not us. I think it's better to have it be plain for all to see than back-door. Also, I feel that if the corporations have that many disposable dollars then they're too big. Tax them, remove their tax shelters, break them up using anti-trust laws, etc. It's also obvious that the media is the problem. It's not the lies, lies have been around since the founding fathers. It's the reporting of the lies as gospel. Break up the media conglomerates. No, you can't own tv AND radio AND print AND internet for your own agenda. Break it up and you'll give opportunity to other voices. I can't really argue with the Supreme Court in theory. It's political expression. The real problem is a laundry list of other things, some of which I've already mentioned.

  16. Anonymous5:15 AM


    That Newt sure is a prankster, eh?
    Obliteration is a synonym for levelling.

  17. “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” – Benito Mussolini.

    I said that the Republican agenda (since Reagan) and more recently, strongly and swiftly Bush’s administration has been leading the U.S. down the path to Fascism, but I have been hooted down on every blog where I propose it.

    All I can say now is…..told you so.

    Cold consolation.

    article on Grayson and taking back America from the Corporations:

    Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) introduced five bills on Wednesday to choke off the expected flood of corporate cash.

    Grayson introduced a handful of bills on Wednesday — the Business Should Mind Its Own Business Act, the Corporate Propaganda Sunshine Act, the End Political Kickbacks Act, and two other measures.

    The Business Should Mind Its Own Business Act would impose a 500 percent excise tax on corporate contributions to political committees and on corporate expenditures on political advocacy campaigns. The Corporate Propaganda Sunshine Act would require public companies to report what they spend to influence public opinion on any matter other than the promotion of their goods and services. The End Political Kickbacks Act would restrict political contributions by government contractors.

    The other measures would apply antitrust regulations to political committees and bar corporations from securities exchanges unless the corporation is certified in compliance with election law.

    Alan Grayson’s petition:

  18. I'm not ready to declare that the sky is falling based on this SCOTUS decision.

    * One corporation's interests will balance others, in most cases.
    * Congress can still regulate corporate contributions any number of ways, as Alan Grayson points out with his proposals.
    * Most campaign cash is wasted, anyway.

    But the big difference to me is the "oops" factor in deregulating corporations' campaign contributions. Corporations are not people. I'm an American citizen and can prove it. A multi-national corporation is as much a foreign national as an American. Hence, every candidate that takes unregulated money from a multi-national corporation can be tagged with being under the influence of "foreign interests". That's hard to fight and not good.

    The Dems should immediately seize the political advantage by attacking the GOP as selling out to foreigners.


  19. In the 2008 election, Barack Obama and John McCain combined to spend about $1 billion, a number that Politico's Jeanne Cummings called "an unprecedented figure." And the combined expenditures of the entire 2008 cycle came to "a record-shattering $5.3 billion in spending by candidates, political parties and interest groups on the congressional and presidential races."





    Don't tell me this decision won't effect elections.

    As far as leveling the playing field....tell me what union or special interest group has the deep pockets of Exxon or Monsanto?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.