Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Jon Stewart skewers the politicians in his home state of New York.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The New York Crimes - David Paterson & Charles Rangel
Daily Show
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And for those who think that Stewart only goes after GOP politicians, I would like to point out these are all Democrats.


  1. Laura7:21 AM

    I love the line 'Does botox paralyze your moral compass?'.

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Send in the clowns! Oh. Wait. They're already here. As a New Yawker, I apologize for our bumbling idiot politicians. Moral compass indeed. Sheesh.

  3. The excuse Charlie Rangel gave for not knowing about who paid for that particular trip was that his "aides never told him". Um, Charlie, didn't you ASK who was financing your vacation? Do you always just let anonymous people pay for your vacations?

    Pelosi should kick Rangel's sorry ass out of Congress. I'm a committed Democrat, but this guy does us NO good at all!

  4. as a fellow NYer I shall NOT apologize,as an above poster has for our dishonest pols...they should be exposed in the most humiliating manner possible! as the pic clearly shows, Rangel has engorged himself and cronies w/taxpayer dollars for an absurb amount of time (40yrs)...does the term "beached whale" fit here?

  5. A little off/topic, Gryphen, but you're the only Alaska blogger I know to ask.

    For all us NON-Alaskan readers, can you write something about Dan Sullivan - who he is, how he was elected mayor of Anchorage? The only thing I've seen on him is the sleazy picture of him with his hands all over three - um, "waitresses" - at his restaurant. Does he have a reputation as a typical Republican letcher? Just curious...

  6. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I am not really sure even John Stewart should put the first female Speaker of the House in a coconut bikini top.

  7. ginny9:19 AM

    Good grief Pelosi! Why don't you just give the Republicans actual REAL reasons to criticize you!
    I say, bring down the hammer on anyone violating ethics, show some damn integrity! Otherwise, you are proving everyone right who says "same shit, different party".

  8. Anonymous3:08 PM

    We now know that Patterson and Rangel both violated ethics rules, and are most probably corrupt in other ways we know nothing about, however, they have both been asked [or told] to step down. But we also know that Scarah Paylin was guilty of ethics violations, according to the Branchflower Report, and yet while she was governor of AK, it's funny that she was NEVER asked or told to step down. I'm wondering why the double standard? Anyone have an answer?

  9. Mac And Cheese Wiz5:44 PM

    Fornication and infidelity are the only things in politics that are truly bi partisan.


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