Friday, May 28, 2010

Finally! The amount Sarah Palin will receive for her Cal State Stanislaus speech revealed!

From the LA Times:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will receive $75,000 to appear at a California State University campus fundraiser next month, two sources at the university have confirmed.

The sources, who have seen the contract for the appearance -- at Cal State Stanislaus, in Turlock -- said it calls for $75,000 plus expenses for Palin's hotel, air fare and travel. But the former governor's travel has not been booked yet and the exact cost of expenses is still to be determined, said the sources, who said they wished to remain anonymous because they did not have permission to speak about the contract.

Palin is receiving the fee in two payments of $37,500 each, one of which has already been paid, the sources said.

You know the thing that I find kind of ironic about all of the hoopla over this speech is that if Sarah Palin wasn't so damn secretive this would never have been such big news.

I mean she is receiving $75,000, which is actually less than many assumed she was probably making, yet because she had an iron clad privacy clause she managed to bring a great deal of damaging publicity to Cal State Stanislaus Foundation.  In fact there are still lawsuits being filed.

When is everybody going to learn that dealing Sarah Palin is like inviting the devil into your living room?  She is going to either end up damaging your soul, or leaving a scorched mark where she stood and the lingering smell of brimstone and wasted money.


  1. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Thanks for a great summation of the Sarah Palin effect. Everyone should be forewarned; if they have not understood the chaos she leaves in her wake, they should now.

    McCain and all his counselors will go down in infamy for bringing to national attention this destructive and dangerous woman.

  2. Anonymous5:59 AM

    How in the world can any educational institution pay this moron or invite this idiot to speak at the school, let alone pay her one cent?! Are the tax dollars of Calif. being used to pay her? It shows that being a lier, vindictive, total hypocrite pays.

  3. $93K total, I believe with the expenses. Bendy straws must cost a real lot.

  4. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Joe McGinniss can smell sulfur from his house.

    Joe, please ask home owner to tell you everything she knows about how and who built Palin's house.

    and give Levi tips on how to write a book

  5. Anonymous6:36 AM

    The privacy clause is standard. The ones that started the hoopla were the people that are obsessed with her private life and wanted to cause a problem.

  6. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Does Sarah still gets a free bendy straw?

  7. angela6:48 AM

    What is truly appalling is that any educational institution would let this monument to idiocy speak at their university. She will give her standard word salad, garbled anti-Obama, anti anything lucid or intelligent stump speech.

    Worst of all none of the money -- if the Foundation actually raises any, will go for scholarships; (enlighten me if I'm wrong about this). So basically they are having an almost illiterate, red meat, bible thumping, divisive, untalented waste of skin— whine at them. What has happened to institutes of higher learning?

  8. TNbluedot6:51 AM

    Paliban alert: Anon @6:36!!!

    Wish they'd be content in their C of P and just stay there sharing their narrow little minds.

  9. Anonymous6:51 AM

    The school has cut back on scholarships, so $93,000. would provide a lot of financial help to students. No need for Sarah to show up. Just put the money directly in the scholarship fund.

  10. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Fund raising for academia by Sarah - odd dichotomy considering her party's contempt for the edu-macated 'mercans

    The Univ would drum up much, much more money via a paying audience to slap her face.... by hiring this Kentucky born Marine Gunnery Sgt. Benjamin Lepping....currenltyin the Military Times news having tattooed Sarah's face on his butt to commemorate his visit to Alaska.

    For some odd reason, her fans are not amused.

  11. angela7:11 AM

    Anon 6:36
    Any person who drags a pregnant unmarried teen onto a stage in front of thousands of people--does not want privacy.

    Any person who drags her DS baby out scantily dressed and without glasses or hearing aids, almost always carrying him facing outwards so he can be photographed and used as her testament as a valiant mother--does not want privacy.

    Any person who fights publicly with the teen father of her grandchild--does not want privacy.

    Any person who uses her children, extended family and husband as a narrative (false, but nevertheless)--does not want privacy.

    Any person who continues to subtly suggest men are after her underaged daughters--and repeatedly does this--does not want privacy.

    Anyone who jaunts all over the country accusing the President of everything she herself has done and doesn't want anyone to mention it--does not want privacy.

    Palin invites scrutiny. Get over yourself. And its good for each of the groups to know how much she's grifting other groups. It builds their character after they've been fleeced.

  12. Okay folks I let the "Palin slap" comment through because it was kind of funny, and it was about slapping her tattoo and not her actual face, but please refrain from making any more violent comments concerning Sarah.

    I don't advocate violence toward this woman and I cannot allow any comments through that do.


  13. womanwithsardinecan7:50 AM

    The CSU system is in deep trouble with all the budget cuts, yet some of the foundations are fat and entrenched at the very core of various CSUs. Employees of CSU (the ones that survived the last 3 layoff cycles)have been forced to take furloughs since last August. That includes my husband. Not only is there a pay freeze, so that he can't get a raise for his valuable work, but he gets stuck with an 11% pay cut for 12 months. Meanwhile, the foundations that pretend to benefit these same universities are throwing their weight around and wasting taxpayer money on things like Sarah Palin. Yes, most of the foundation money is from private sources (we've seen some of them and they certainly have an agenda that has nothing to do with the university), but the support system is paid for by the university. The employees, the offices, the email, etc. That's MY California tax dollars going to support decisions like having miss bendy straw give divisive, know-nothing speeches at institutions of learning.

  14. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Thanks Gryphen for standing against violent rhetoric. If only the pro-Palin sites would do so, we might finally be able to have civil discourse.

    It means a lot to be able to read a blog without worrying about coming across comments advocating violence or hate.

    Many of us let off steam on the over-the-top reactions Palin herself has, but none of us advocate harm to her or her family or friends. We just wish she would grow up or shut up - hardly violent wishes.

    Thanks again for setting a clear threshold on this issue.

  15. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I'd say inviting her to speak is more like inviting a retarded, lying, vampire into your home.

  16. Anonymous8:09 AM

    @Angela - Very nice post!

  17. imnofred8:17 AM


    I admire you for having the decency of not wanting to post threats of violence on your site. Too bad Sarah can't take the same approach with her Facebook page.

  18. Anonymous8:18 AM

    So, to the little C or P'er...We understand that non-disclosures are pretty standard, but this is public funding, from a PUBLIC university. And, I think, if you had two brain cells to rub together, you'd understand what's really going on, that she was DESPERATE to keep this from people, because now...her speaking fees? Are going to plummet. And she is NEVER, EVER, EVER going to get $100,000+ -- ever again. HA HA HA...There go the dreams of the Wasilly Hilbilly living high on the hog...

  19. Anonymous8:47 AM


    is Sarah going to support her friend Eddie Burke?

  20. Anonymous9:24 AM

    This whole thing about Sarah Palin reminds me too much of how the nation was obsessed for the longest time with Britney Spears, and Paris Hilton.

    Mercifully, that weirdness has died off. At least neither of those media whores had a notion that they should run for public office, for cryin' out loud. (The frightening part being that the feebleminded majority would no doubt happily VOTE for such unqualified people, based on nothing but their LOOKS.)

    The 15 minutes this woman has been granted, has lasted way too long already. Let us hope that the end is in sight.

  21. emrysa9:31 AM

    angela at 7:11 - you nailed it.

    amazing that there are some who are still so blind as to not see the obvious.

  22. Thank you womanwithsardinecan. And I hope this morning's troll reads your comment. I too worked for a university for 20 years and know what it is like to have budget cuts resulting in faculty/staff not getting raises or cost-of-living increases (sometimes for 2-3 years running) and yet tutition rises. Where is the money going? Fortunately we did have a couple of Foundations that did support the University during some leaner times in certain ways, but certainly not by paying some uneducated nitwit to spill forth Republican talking points from her garbage filled mouth at a supposed celebratory event. Also, our Foundation was not staffed by persons also employed by the university and does not use university resources to conduct the business of the foundation. In CSU's case, they did the opposite. And to the troll, while her contracted amount may not be subject to disclosure from her side, since the boundaries of university vs. foundation were violated, the university is legally obligated to disclose these arrangements.

  23. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Can you imagine if they give her an honorary degree to boot. The crazy heifer will be demanding to be called doctor governor. LOL

  24. Anonymous9:43 AM

    You know, I don't think I've ever seen anyone swill beer through a straw.

  25. Anonymous9:44 AM

    This place - and I am assuming by the name that it is part of the California State college system - not only invited this illiterate lying excuss for a human to speak at their graduation ceremony they are PAYING her to speak? This sorry excuse for a human does not even speak in complete sentences. Is this supposed to be an inspiration to the graduates? What sort of an example is she supposed to be? You too can lie and cheat your way to being a millionaire?

  26. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Completely agree, Angela

  27. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Any California citizen and/or student of Stanislaus (or parent who is paying tuition) deserves to know where money is being spent. It doesn't matter if there is a privacy clause. Concern over finances for this public University trumps all.

  28. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Suely some student will record her talk. She talks,
    she isn't skilled enough to deliver a speech. Most of the venues she makes her $$$ from, the planners just want a famous face, but for such as the CSU
    event you'd think they'd require a learned, erudite
    speaker & a true advocate of higher education. Guess
    Sharon TN

  29. womanwithsardinecan12:42 PM

    It is not a graduation event. It is the 50th Anniversary fundraising dinner for the university. The foundation that is putting on the fundraiser and hiring Palin just happens to be headed by the president of the university. The foundation and the university are so intertwined that the "private" money funding the foundation is controlled by the same people who determine the mission and direction of the campus. And they have repeatedly lied about no university money being used for the event by ignoring direct questions about the university facilities and support staff. It is one thing for a political club on campus to invite Palin (no, of course they could not afford her). When I was involved with campus politics, we had Jerry Brown come to speak. But he spoke as a guest of the university democrats, not a foundation that is essentially the face of the university. For those of you who have watched Palin wiggle out of ethics charges, this is very similar. What the foundation is doing MAY be legal (that remains to be seen), but it stinks in the ethics department. The foundation provides a sense of tacit approval of Palin's divisive "message" (gibberish) and justifies it with "private" money and the promise that the funds raised will go toward student education. As a thinking student, I would be appalled to find out that a scholarship I was up for was paid for by the yapping lips of that witch.

  30. Gryph,

    Thanks for posting that you won't allow violent rhetoric in the comments. You just rose a couple notches in my book.

  31. AKRNC1:26 PM

    For all the fundraising speeches she has given, I've never seen anything in praise of the amount of money any group has made by having her speak. I know she has helped to raise money for political candidates but it's quite probable they would have raised money without her, too.

    I think that if her speeches were resulting in big bucks being raised for whatever groups she has spoken for, we'd be hearing it shouted from the rooftops. When you're starting off with $100k plus in debt, I'd be re-thinking the people in charge of fundraising who were spending that kind of money especially in this economy, in an attempt to raise money. Someone as divisive and partisan as Palin is going to turn many people off completely to the point that they may not donate to the organization ever again.

  32. honestyinGov2:49 PM

    About this ongoing controversy. This is labeled as the " Universities 50th Anniversary Event ". In a way it is mis-named just like th " Alaska Fund Trust "... that fund has nothing to do with Alaska. I called Sen. Yee's Office yesterday to give him more of my support and spoke to someone in his Office and ask some further questions about this upcoming event while pointing out that the University choice of speakers and their Role Model of a Speaker was now calling respected Authors ' pedophiles '. And THIS was their Choice.
    This Event has NOTHING to do with involving the Students. You would think a 50th Anniversary would be all about the Students. Not at all. The person on the phone pointed out that it's not likely to have ANY students there. Unless they want to pay $500 or so for a ticket. It's for a select few wealthy GOP Supporters/Fans who will pony up the Ca$h to see her. And yet remember that meme/statement from the CSU Office... " This is NOT Political ". Well of course it is... it's 100% Political. It's for the benefit of Sarah's Financial Supporters. And some were even going to get those custom made ' young-republican jackets ' for attending, until THAT was squashed because of bad publicity.
    A "50th Anniversary Celebration ". Definitely mis-named.
    Through a ' source ' I have obtained the phone numbers of both the CSU Chancellor and the CSU President if people wanted to call them. Will they answers any questions... don't know. Give it a try.

    President Shirvani- ( 209) 667 - 3201..===== Chancellor Reed (562 ) 951 - 4000


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It just goes directly to their thighs.